How to wipe foam off your hands

During the repair work, a wide variety of unforeseen circumstances may arise, ranging from a shortage of purchased material and ending with the ingress of materials used in construction on various surfaces that are not intended for this. One of the most difficult cases is getting polyurethane foam on the skin of a person. In order to wipe the polyurethane foam from your hands, you must use special knowledge and tools that will help solve this problem.

Features of removing polyurethane foam from hands

To wipe the polyurethane foam from your hands, you need to know certain nuances of this process:

  • it is necessary to start wiping off the pollution as early as possible, from the moment of its formation, since it is much easier to wipe off the foam that has not yet hardened;
  • after the direct contact of the polyurethane foam on the skin using any available means (unnecessary rags, cotton pads, wet wipes), it is necessary to wipe off the maximum possible amount of building material that has fallen on it;
  • in order to qualitatively wipe off traces of polyurethane foam from the code, you need to choose a suitable cleaning component, depending on the degree of "freshness" of the stain and its size;
  • cleansing the polyurethane foam from hands is possible both with the help of improvised means and with special chemical cleaning compounds;
  • it is necessary to start processing the contaminated surface with milder methods and means, and only if they turned out to be powerless to wipe the stain, it is necessary to move on to more aggressive methods of struggle;
  • when processing traces of foam on the hands, cleansing should be carried out with gentle movements from the edges to the center of the spot in order to prevent the remnants of building material from getting on the unaffected areas of the skin;
  • after completing the process of removing residues of dirt from the skin, it is recommended to use a hand cream that has a moisturizing and regenerating effect.
Important! You should not use products such as acetic acid or chemical cleaners with a high chlorine content, for example, Domestos, Comet, etc., to combat traces of polyurethane foam on the skin. Such products are not able to cope with the problem that has arisen, but they can harm to the skin, up to the formation of burns.
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Mechanical ways to wipe your hands from polyurethane foam

You will have to resort to mechanical methods of removing pollution from polyurethane foam from your hands in the event that this process has not been completed, while this building material has not yet had time to harden.

In order to mechanically wipe your hands from polyurethane foam, you can use one of the following techniques.

With a stiff brush or pumice stone

The algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • prepare a hand bath with hot water;
  • steam your hands in a bath (procedure duration is from 10 to 15 minutes);
  • grease your hands thoroughly with petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or any cream with a greasy texture;
  • using a brush with stiff bristles or pumice stone, you need to carefully wipe off the skin and clean it of the remnants of building material;
  • wash your hands using regular cosmetic soap and moisturize with cream.

With coarse table salt

In order to wipe your hands from polyurethane foam using salt, you must perform the following steps:

  • prepare the required amount of salt (depending on the level of contamination);
  • treat the surface of the skin of the hands, on which the polyurethane foam has gotten, with salt (you should not press hard and rub the salt into the skin so as not to cause serious mechanical damage);
  • wash your hands under running water, using any usual detergent composition;
  • treat the skin with any moisturizer.
Advice! Using this method, you can wipe off the skin only with minor contamination.

Using any cosmetic scrub

This method is suitable only for dirt that is small in intensity and will not help wipe off already dried building materials. The sequence of actions in this case is completely similar to the process of removing polyurethane foam from the skin of the hands using coarse salt.

Using washing powder

Using this method, you can wipe off dirt from your hands quickly enough, which will save a lot of time. However, it should be borne in mind that this method is effective only for small and relatively fresh spots. To do this, follow these steps:

  • wash your hands using any washing powder;
  • rinse them under running water;
  • moisturize the skin.

In order to enhance the effect of the procedure performed, it is recommended to use a brush with hard bristles or a hard sponge during the washing process.

How can you wipe polyurethane foam from your hands using folk methods

To wipe the polyurethane foam off your hands, it is not necessary to resort to the use of specialized chemicals. There is always everything you need at hand to cope with this problem. Folk methods are time-tested and proven to be effective. In addition, they are very budgetary and do not require additional financial costs.


Any detergent (washing powder, dishwashing gel, etc.). In order to wipe your hands in this way, you must:

  • prepare a hand bath with hot water and a cleaning component added to it;
  • keep your hands in this composition for about a quarter of an hour;
  • wash the skin in any usual way;
  • carry out the moisturizing procedure.


Dissolving liquids (acetone, white spirit, gasoline / kerosene) are quite effective in dealing with traces of building materials, however, the aggressive mechanism of their action when interacting with human skin should be taken into account. The duration of stain removal by this method is, on average, about half an hour and depends on the area of ​​the affected surface.

Important! The cleaning procedure in this way should be carried out as carefully as possible, observing the required safety precautions when working with such kind of liquids.

In this case, it is necessary:

  • apply the selected cleaning component to the cotton pad;
  • wipe off the contaminated area of ​​the skin: the procedure must be repeated until the stain is completely removed;
  • wash and moisturize your hands.
Advice! Due to the aggressive mechanism of its action, this method of eliminating pollution should be resorted to only when there are no other available means.
  1. The medicine "Dimexidum". Reviews on the use of this drug to combat polyurethane foam on the skin of the hands are very positive.However, it should be borne in mind that this is a medical product that can cause an allergic reaction, which means that its use should be very limited. To wipe off this building material from your hands in this way, you need to treat the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in this medicine, and then wash your hands thoroughly using cosmetic soap.
  2. Vegetable oil... This method of dealing with traces of building materials is not as effective as, for example, "Dimexid", but it is completely safe. To implement this technique in practice, you must: apply vegetable oil to your hands; leave everything in this form for about half an hour; rinse your hands thoroughly under running water, while removing all residues of polyurethane foam.
Advice! To enhance the effect of the procedure, it is recommended to warm the oil to a warm state that is comfortable in temperature for the skin of the hands.

How to wipe polyurethane foam from your hands using specialized tools

In the event that improvised means could not cope with the resulting pollution, in order to wipe this building material from hands, it will be necessary to resort to the help of specialized means.

When purchasing them, you need to pay attention to the fact that they are divided into two large groups, depending on the purpose and mechanism of their action:

  • for foam that has not yet had time to harden;
  • for completely solidified building material.

The most popular means that are used to wipe foam from hands are:


a brief description of


It is produced in the form of an aerosol, which greatly facilitates the mechanism of its use. This substance is positioned as an environmentally friendly product. It is suitable for wiping only fresh stains from hands.


Available in gel form. The kit comes with a special spatula for removing gel residues after use. The preparation is effective enough to wipe away dirt.

"Kudo Foam Remover"

With it, you can wipe off even frozen marks from the skin.

Important! Any of the described products has a rather aggressive chemical composition, so the use of any of them for the skin should be as careful and gentle as possible. At the first signs of inconvenience from the cleaning procedure, you must immediately stop it.


To wipe the foam off your hands is a task that can be faced not only by an ordinary person in the process of carrying out repair work, but also by an experienced craftsman. In order to successfully get rid of traces of foam and at the same time not damage the skin, you must follow all the recommendations and rules for the application of a particular chosen method. If all the conditions are met, the process will not take much time and will help to qualitatively solve the problem that has arisen.

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