Properties and instructions for use of tea tree essential oil


Tea tree oil is a product that is obtained by distilling the leaves of the plant of the same name with water. The shrub can be found in the tropics. It resembles eucalyptus in appearance. The healing properties and uses of tea tree oil were known to the Australian aborigines. Ether was used to treat food poisoning, scurvy, and skin rashes. The strong action of the solution helped even with tropical infections and snakebites.

Description and composition of tea tree essential oil

Product distribution and application were made possible by James Cook and his expedition to Australia. The name is due to the similarity of the taste of a decoction of tree leaves and strong tea.

In another way, the plant is called melaleuka

The health benefits and uses of tea tree oil have been studied since the advent of aromatherapy. As a result of scientific research, it has been proven that ether has tremendous healing potential. The tool has a positive effect on the human body. In some cases, the product can replace antibacterial drugs.

Tea tree oil can be used as an antiseptic. Its advantage is that it does not irritate when applied. The tool promotes rapid wound healing, elimination of diseases of the genitourinary system, nasopharynx and intestines.Tea tree oil helps against fungal infections.

To obtain the product, a steam treatment method is used. This process is carried out under great pressure. As a result, together with the steam, the essential oil is captured. After cooling, the agent is separated and filtered off. The quality of the product is influenced by the duration of the distillation. With long processing, it is possible to preserve a larger amount of nutrients:

  • cineole;
  • monoterpenes;
  • pinen;
  • limonene;
  • viridiflorene;
  • sabinen;
  • sesquiterpines.

The valuable properties of tea tree oil are due to the presence of unique compounds that are not found anywhere else.

Important! The solution is not intended for oral administration.

What heals and what is tea tree essential oil used for

The product has a tart aroma with spicy notes. Popularity in aromatherapy is due to its fruity scent.

The use of tea tree oil is associated with the following medicinal properties:

  • elimination of depressive conditions;
  • activation of thought processes;
  • strengthening of memory;
  • neutralization of poisons from insect bites;
  • treatment of fungal infections;
  • narrowing of pores and reduction of oily skin;
  • elimination of acne and acne;
  • improving hair condition;
  • therapy of erosions, cystitis, vaginitis and thrush;
  • removal of inflammation of the gums and joints;
  • prevention of respiratory diseases.

According to the instructions for use, tea tree essential oil can be used in the following cases:

  • scratches, shallow wounds;
  • skin rash and allergic reactions;
  • otitis;
  • ARVI, sinusitis, cough;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • chickenpox;
  • diathesis;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • warts;
  • increased skin oiliness.

Tea tree oil has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. It is considered as an alternative to medication. The use of the product as an aromatherapy means accelerates the recovery from ARVI. Ether reduces inflammation and promotes the activation of leukocytes. Adding the solution to the water when washing fruits and vegetables prolongs their shelf life.

Important! The advantage of the product lies in its hypoallergenicity. The product is safe even if the recommended dosage is exceeded multiple times.

Can you gargle with tea tree oil

Viral and bacterial infections are accompanied by hoarseness and pain when swallowing. The multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms causes a reddening of the throat. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties when applied. The solution can be used for rinsing.

Can you drink tea tree oil

The product has a rich chemical composition and high concentration. Ether is not recommended for ingestion. Otherwise, undesirable reactions may occur.

Is it good to breathe tea tree oil

Ether is actively used in aromatherapy. The product has a unique scent with woody, spicy and fruity notes. The solution is intended for use in aroma lamps, aroma medallions. Inhalation of the oil composition has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, prevents the development of respiratory diseases.

Benefits and uses of tea tree oil for children

The product can be used in the absence of contraindications. Inhalation of ether and use in the form of inhalation contribute to the prevention and treatment of ARVI. External treatment is advisable to accelerate the healing of shallow wounds. Spot moxibustion is indicated for oily skin in adolescents.

The benefits of tea tree oil baths

The solution is classified as a unique remedy. Tea tree oil is used not only externally. The product is popular in aromatherapy. For this purpose, it can be used for taking relaxing baths. The procedures have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background, skin condition.The sessions can be seen as treatment and prevention of colds.

How to use and apply tea tree oil

The product is mainly intended for external use and aromatherapy. The tool has an impressive list of indications for use.

Aromatherapy with tea tree oil

The use of ether allows you to disinfect the air and spread a pleasant smell. The use of the product as aromatherapy is the prevention of viral infections.

Bathing requires four drops of ether. It is often combined with versatile lavender oil in a 1: 1 ratio.

The use of an oil solution of melaleuka in the form of aromatherapy helps to normalize the emotional state, prevent ARVI

The use of tea tree essential oil for skin fungus, nails

The product can be used instead of drugs for certain pathologies. The use of tea tree oil in medicine is due to its unique composition. For example, fungal infections of nails and skin can be eliminated with a solution containing 30 ml of water, ten drops of ether.

Nails are recommended to be treated with an undiluted product twice a day.

Using tea tree oil for papillomas

The product is applied pointwise to eliminate benign lesions on the skin. Tea tree oil has antiviral properties that can help treat warts and papillomas. The solution is applied with a cotton swab twice a day.

Melaleuca ether is an effective remedy for removing benign skin lesions

Gargling with tea tree oil

Protection of the pharynx and oral cavity is carried out thanks to the tonsils. The tonsils are actively involved in the development of immunity. With the accumulation of harmful microorganisms on the mucous membranes of the mouth, they increase, redden and become covered with plaque. The pathological process is accompanied by the onset of pain syndrome.

It is important to start therapy on time. A weakened immune system often leads to complications such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. To prevent the development of dangerous consequences, rinsing with an essential oil solution of melaleuca helps. It is known that the agent produces antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial effects when applied.

The healing properties of tea tree oil are manifested in immunostimulating effects. The product is added to herbal teas and rinse tinctures.

Irrigation of the mouth with formulations with the addition of melaleuca ether helps to eliminate pain and redness

Tea tree oil for cough

Ether is a storehouse of nutrients. It is known that usually the aromatic composition is of value for cosmetology. However, it can also be used to treat various pathologies such as cough.

Inhalation with ether helps to thin phlegm. Warm vapors also help kill dangerous microorganisms. You should breathe the healing solution every three hours for five minutes.

Attention! Inhalations are supplemented with gargles.
In the absence of temperature, baths are prescribed with the addition of melaleuca solution

Using tea tree oil for sore throats

The disease is manifested by pain when swallowing and high fever. Angina can lead to complications from the work of the kidneys and heart. The inflammatory process negatively affects the joints. To reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, you can use rinsing the throat with a solution of salt, soda with the addition of a few drops of ether.

Irrigation with a composition including a solution of melaleuca and propolis helps to relieve pain when swallowing

Tea tree oil to prevent colds

Ester is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended for the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections. The product can be applied under the nose or dripped onto clothing.During the flu and cold season, irrigate the throat with a solution containing salt and oil ether daily.

Inhalation of Melaleuca scent has antibacterial and antiviral properties

How to use tea tree essential oil for colds

To eliminate the signs of SARS, inhalation can be used. In this case, tea tree essential oil will be helpful. In a glass of boiling water, you need to take four drops of the product. The vapor should be inhaled for five minutes.

In the absence of temperature, you can take aromatic baths. Add ten drops of ether to a glass of milk. The solution is poured into warm bath water. The duration of the procedure is ten minutes.

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The use of melaleuca ether promotes recovery from colds
Important! It is undesirable to use a nebulizer for inhalation.

Tea tree oil for colds on the lips

Herpesvirus infection is a disease in which bubbles with liquid contents appear on the skin and mucous membranes. The most common localization of herpes is the lip area. The rash is accompanied by itching, swelling. In some cases, the temperature may rise.

Lip bubble is not only an aesthetic problem. Rashes are extremely contagious. To eliminate the signs of the disease, heal the skin and mucous membranes, you can use ether. The product dries up the bubbles, having the effect of moxibustion with alcohol. The product also acts as an antiseptic. It inhibits the development of pathogenic flora when applied.

Melaleuca oil solution can be used to treat herpes for both children and adults

It is advisable to start treating the bubbles at the initial stages of the disease, when the first signs of discomfort are felt. A cotton swab dipped in an ether solution is applied to the affected area. You can add two drops of liquid vitamin E to the product. The rashes are treated every hour.

How to use tea tree oil for viruses

Ether is used for both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Tea tree oil can improve the condition of viral infections. Doctors advise putting a few drops of the product on your pillow before bed.

Melaleuca solution does not leave marks on fabric

Inhalation with tea tree oil for a cold

ARVI is often accompanied by nasal congestion and rhinitis. To alleviate the condition, a kind of inhalation allows you to lubricate the wings with ether.

Treatment of the skin of the nose with melaleuca solution makes breathing easier

The use of tea tree oil for sinusitis

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is manifested by an increase in temperature, heaviness and pain along the trigeminal nerve, purulent discharge from the nose. In addition to traditional treatment, you can use auxiliary agents, for example, melaleuca oil solution. The product significantly facilitates nasal breathing, reduces the severity of the manifestations of the disease, and helps to restore the nasal mucosa.

To improve the condition, it is recommended to do inhalation. For 400 ml of hot water, take six drops of ether. Steam inhalation is carried out three times a day. Rinsing the nose with an oil solution is also effective. For 100 ml of water, take 0.5 teaspoon of salt and six drops of ether.

Melaleuca oil solution is used to treat and prevent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses

Tea tree oil for bronchitis

The inflammatory process of the bronchial surface is both acute and chronic. A disease of the respiratory system requires the mandatory prescription of medication. To alleviate the condition, you can use ether in the form of rubbing. Add ten drops of the product to a tablespoon of olive oil. The product is applied to the chest and back.

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The composition, including the melaleuca solution, is rubbed into the skin before going to bed

Tea tree oil for hemorrhoids

With the disease, there is a violation of the blood circulation of the venous network in the lower part of the rectum. The pathological process leads to the appearance of hemorrhoids, swelling of the anus. The disease is often accompanied by severe pain and bleeding.

Hemorrhoids occur due to a sedentary lifestyle, constant heavy lifting, varicose veins, trauma to the anus. Often, pathology appears after pregnancy and childbirth. Stool disturbances, in particular constipation, also contribute to poor circulation.

The use of the product in proctology is indicated in the following cases:

  • cracks in the anus;
  • prolapse and inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • burning and itching of the anus;
  • blood after defecation, pain syndrome;
  • feeling of heaviness when moving.

The essential solution is used in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids. The tool is used both in pure and diluted form. Dosage forms are presented:

  • candles;
  • ointments;
  • compresses and applications;
  • sitz baths.
Important! The product can only be dissolved in base oil formulations. A sensitivity and allergy test should be performed before use.
Melaleuca ether is useful for hemorrhoids due to its disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect

Sitting baths help relieve pain in the anus. Ten drops of the product are added to 50 g of cream of any fat content. The mixture is dissolved in 15 L of water. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

Suppositories are prescribed for bleeding and internal hemorrhoids. Before the introduction of sea buckthorn candles, ether is applied to their surface (one drop).

Applications are advisable for cracks. Elixir (five drops) is added to 30 ml of warmed vegetable oil. The bandage is soaked in the product before use. The method is used three times a day.

To prepare an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic ointment, mix petroleum jelly (30 g) and ether (ten drops). The tool lubricates the anus area.

Important! The product can be used during pregnancy. The most effective form of treatment for hemorrhoids is application.

Tea tree oil for psoriasis

The disease is chronic. Correct therapy can eliminate exacerbations of the disease, which is manifested by skin rashes. Ester eliminates the characteristic itching, swelling and redness. Its use can soften plaque and exfoliate scales. The solution reduces the intensity of cell division, which leads to the appearance of pathological foci. The product accelerates the regeneration process of the skin, as well as disinfects and heals cracks.

Psoriasis spots disappear due to the ability of the tea tree oil solution to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin

The product can be applied to the lesions with a cotton swab. For a greater effect, you can add coconut oil (two tablespoons), which helps to restore the level of moisture in the cellular elements, enhance the antimicrobial effect. Ether is taken in the amount of ten drops. The composition is applied overnight.

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A few drops of the product can be added to the nourishing cream. It is applied to the hearths after taking a shower. Olive oil has a good effect. It is mixed with ether in a 1: 1 ratio and heated in a water bath before use.

Attention! Elixir can be added to shampoo and bath water.

The affected areas should be treated with a mixture of ether (ten drops), aloe juice (100 ml), vitamin E in liquid form (10 ml). The duration of the action of the agent is 30 minutes. Then the remaining solution must be washed off with warm water.

Tea tree oil for burns

The processing procedure depends on the type of heat exposure. The solution can be applied to the burn and the skin around it. The site is pre-washed with cold water. When treating sunburn, vitamin E is added to vegetable oil.

Melaleuca solution is applied to burnt skin twice a day

Applying tea tree essential oil for scars

The remedy is effective for keloid and hypertrophic scars. You can treat scars in their pure form with ether. The product is also suitable for enriching special creams.

Tea tree oil during pregnancy

The product can be used for cosmetic purposes. It is undesirable to exceed the recommended dosage. The use of ether-based solutions for douching should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Tea tree oil for stretch marks

A defect in the skin often appears during pregnancy, weight gain or weight loss. Sometimes teenagers develop stretch marks. Stretch marks are the result of stretching of the skin and look like stripes of red-purple or white. Stretch marks are the consequences of microtraumas of the subcutaneous tissue and superficial layers of the dermis.

Important! Striae have a genetic predisposition and are found in people with connective tissue dysplasia.

The product helps to accelerate metabolic processes in the area of ​​application, which leads to smoothing of tissues. Before treating stretch marks, it is recommended to dilute tea tree ether with olive oil. The tool can be added to creams for stretch marks.

The composition for stretch marks with the addition of melaleuca solution is applied with light massage movements, rubbing it into the skin

Tea tree oil for HS

The product has many beneficial properties due to its unique composition. Tea tree essential oil has various indications for use and in some cases can replace the use of medications. The tool is allowed to be used during breastfeeding in the absence of individual intolerance. Ether is recommended for the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections and fungal diseases.

How to use tea tree oil in gynecology

The tool has anti-inflammatory properties. The use of tea tree essential oil is advisable for diseases of the female reproductive system. With urethritis, you need to do hot baths. Hot water is poured into the basin and 20 drops of the product are added. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

After a bath with melaleuca solution for the treatment of gynecological diseases, you need to wrap yourself in a blanket

How to use tea tree oil for thrush

The development of a fungal infection often occurs against the background of a decrease in immunity, concomitant gynecological diseases. Active reproduction of the Candida fungus is observed during pregnancy due to hormonal changes.

To eliminate thrush, douching is done. Take 15 drops of ether per liter of warm boiled water. You can add chamomile infusion to the composition.

Douching with a solution of melaleuca for thrush is performed daily before bedtime for two weeks

The use of tea tree oil in dentistry

In folk medicine, ether is used to eliminate pathologies of the oral mucosa and gums. These include:

  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • stomatitis;
  • thrush.
Rinsing the mouth with Melaleuca solution and brushing teeth with the addition of ether is a good prevention of caries

The use of tea tree oil in cosmetology

The product is used not only for medical purposes. Tea tree oil has beneficial properties in cosmetics. Ester is prescribed to eliminate excess skin oiliness and inflammatory elements. They are cauterized with warts and papillomas. The tool has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and curls when applied.

Tea tree oil for hair, body skin, face

Ester is recommended for oily skin prone to acne and pimples. A few drops can be added to face creams and serums. The tool is allowed to be applied pointwise to inflammatory elements and post-acne. Rinsing curls with solutions containing ether helps to eliminate dandruff.

Melaleuca oil ester is beneficial for both skin and hair
Attention! It is undesirable to use the product for dry skin.

Tea tree oil for eyebrow growth

The ether nourishes the hair follicles thanks to its unique composition. The properties of cosmetic tea tree oil are manifested in the restoration and strengthening of eyebrows. The tool is recommended for use in the formation of bald patches due to hair loss or the constant use of tweezers.

Important! It is noteworthy that eyebrows do not differ in structure from scalp hair. The only difference is in length and thickness.
Before using melaleuca solution, it should be warmed up

Ether can be used neat or mixed with other base oils such as olive oil. First, wash your eyebrows with a cotton pad soaked in shampoo. Then the hairs are wiped dry and the product is applied.

If fluid drains into the eyes, swelling may occur. To improve performance, eyebrows are insulated with strips of cotton pads. The procedures are performed 2-3 times a week in a course of 15 days.

Tea tree oil for eyelashes

A good effect can be expected from a mixture of oils. The following solution options are taken as a base agent:

  • almond;
  • coconut;
  • burdock;
  • apricot.

They act as conductors, accelerating the penetration of nutrients. Minerals and vitamins improve growth and strengthen hair.

Melaleuca ester-based blend has a positive effect on eyelashes and eyelid skin

Tea tree oil for beard

The product improves hair structure when applied. Its use gives the beard a rich color, well-groomed and healthy shine. Tea tree oil solution nourishes the bulbs and prevents breakage and hair loss.

For a thick beard, you must apply a composition that includes a mixture of ether and base oil (almond, olive, apricot). The amount of concentrated product used is 1-3 drops.

The use of Melaleuca ether makes the growth of the beard more even.

Using tea tree oil as a hand sanitizer

To prepare a disinfectant, you need to take glycerin and camphor alcohol (50 ml each). The composition is enriched with 15 ml of ether and poured into a bottle with a dispenser.

Hand treatment with an antiseptic from an oil solution of melaleuca is carried out after contact with surfaces
Important! Any cosmetic gel can be used instead of alcohol.

How to use tea tree oil for mites

The solution exhibits anti-repellent properties. Before going outside, you can apply a few drops to your clothes. When dry, the composition leaves no residue due to its volatility.

Melaleuca ether is also used to treat insect bites.

Anti-mildew tea tree oil

Ester has antifungal effect when applied. The solution contains chemical compounds that remove mold on vegetables and fruits. To prolong the preservation of products, it is recommended to add a few drops of the product to the water before rinsing them.

Melaleuca oil ester is used when washing fruits and vegetables to eliminate mold
Attention! The solution should not be concentrated.

Contraindications to the use of tea tree oil

Ether is considered one of the strongest in chemical composition. This is why it is essential to use tea tree oil properly. Before external use, a sensitivity test should be performed, in which a small amount of ether is applied to the skin of the bend of the elbow or wrist.

Mild burning and tingling sensations are normal. The product is not used in the presence of swelling and redness, severe discomfort.


The medicinal properties and uses of tea tree oil are known in folk medicine. Ether is an excellent aromatherapy remedy for ARVI. The product disinfects the room and gives it a pleasant aroma, which improves memory, increases concentration, and relieves anxiety. The oil solution is actively used in cosmetology to whiten teeth, eliminate increased skin oiliness and normalize hair condition.

Reviews on the use of tea tree essential oil for rhinitis, hemorrhoids

Melaleuca leaf products are widely used for their medicinal properties. The benefits of tea tree oil for humans have been proven by scientific research. Reviews include information on the effectiveness of the use of ether.

Irina Ageenko, 29 years old, Gus-Khrustalny
I got hemorrhoids after childbirth. Pain, bleeding and all other signs of the disease occurred at the most inopportune moment. Since I was still breastfeeding, medication was not the best way to fix the delicate problem. The proctologist recommended making applications. Melaleuca ether (three drops) was added to 20 ml of aloe juice. Means moistened a gauze swab and introduced into the rectum. The duration of the action of tea tree oil was one hour. After application, I felt significant relief.
Elena Tishkovets, 33 years old, Tver
Tea tree oil has both benefits and harms. Its use can provoke allergic reactions. Fortunately, they are rare. Ether is always at hand. I add it to creams, shampoos and masks. The remedy is indispensable in the cold season for treatment and prevention. A few drops can be applied to clothing, pillow. Breathing in the scent has a beneficial effect on mood and sleep quality. In case of a runny nose, the wings of the nose are rubbed with a solution, since the product produces anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects. The only drawback: Tea tree oil can hardly be taken internally.
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