Can blueberries be breastfed?

When breastfed, blueberries can have an effect not only on the mother's body, but also on the child. It is known that the berry is quite edible, very useful because it contains many vitamins and minerals. But it is important for young mothers to consider how eating blueberries while breastfeeding will affect the baby, his digestive system, and whether it will cause an allergic reaction.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to blueberries

Bush fruit helps women overcome postpartum depression by stimulating serotonin production
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Blueberry is a small deciduous shrub no more than a meter tall. The plant is found in all areas of the Northern Hemisphere with cold and temperate climates. The most favorable places for growth and development are peat bogs, swamps, tundra, forest zone, mountainous terrain. It prefers to grow in thickets along streams, rivers, sometimes forming huge territories. It is the closest relative of blueberries, cranberries and lingonberries.

The berry is delicious. It can be consumed fresh and processed. However, blueberry lovers do not recommend making juice from it - it is not stored for a long time. The berry is suitable for making jam, jam, compote. It is also enjoyed in dried and frozen form.

A young mother on HBV can eat blueberries by carefully introducing them into the diet. This berry contains many beneficial substances that will help you recover from pregnancy and childbirth. There are no dangerous toxic components, allergens in it, so blueberries can be consumed, but after consulting a doctor.

Composition and value of blueberries

The beneficial properties of blueberries are due to their rich chemical composition. Valuable components make it possible to use it not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine, in cosmetology. Blueberries contain:

  • riboflavin;
  • thiamine;
  • niacin;
  • nicotinic and ascorbic acid;
  • tocopherol.

In addition to vitamins, the fruits of the shrub are rich in macro and microelements. They include sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and copper. The berry is rich in organic acids - citric, malic, oxalic, benzoic. Therefore, it is very beneficial for women who are breastfeeding.

The calorie content is quite low - 39 kcal per 100 g of product. It is noteworthy that many useful components of blueberries retain their full qualities even after heat treatment.

Benefits of blueberries for HS

Fruits will help a woman recover after childbirth, and the baby will get a lot of nutrients.

Regular consumption of the fruits of the bush is very useful for the weakened body of a woman giving birth, who is breastfed:

  • thanks to B vitamins, the risk of depression and stress is reduced, irritability disappears, the nervous system is strengthened;
  • resistance to infectious and viral diseases increases;
  • berry helps to cope with anemia and a lack of certain vitamins and minerals;
  • positively affects the work of the digestive tract;
  • improves cardiac activity and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, clearing them of cholesterol plaques;
  • protects the body from the development of cancer cells;
  • improves the quality of breast milk and significantly increases lactation.

Thus, blueberries have a positive effect on almost all major organs. Daily use will allow a woman to recover from childbirth in a short time. One glass a day is enough to get the necessary amount of nutrients that are needed for breastfeeding.

Attention! The maximum permissible daily intake should be checked with the doctor. You cannot neglect the dosage, otherwise blueberries can cause undesirable consequences for a nursing mother and child.

From what month can you have blueberries with HB

Berries have practically no contraindications for a healthy body of a woman and a child during breastfeeding. However, many experts are inclined to believe that it should be consumed starting from 3 months after the birth of the baby. When breastfeeding blueberries in the first or second month after birth, it is dangerous because the not fully strengthened body of the child and his digestive system can react negatively. In addition, sometimes there is an allergy to some of the components that make up the berry.

Terms of use

Fruits contain antioxidants that prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body

A nursing mother can introduce blueberries into her diet gradually - after the baby is 3 months old and his digestive system does not cause concern. First, you need to limit yourself to a few fruits 2-3 hours before the baby's feeding procedure. Then, during the day, you should carefully observe the reaction of a small organism to a new product. Mom should pay attention to the skin, mucous membranes of the baby, digestion and stool. If no signs of allergy were noticed within 2-3 days, then you can continue to use the product while breastfeeding, gradually increasing the number of berries to 100 g per day.

Limitations and contraindications

Abuse of berries while breastfeeding is fraught with some negative reactions from the child's body:

  • severe stool disorder;
  • gas formation, bloating;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • violation of the digestive process.

The fruit does not contain allergens, however, with individual intolerance, it can cause negative reactions of the body of the mother and child when breastfeeding. It is important to remember that the daily rate should be divided into several doses so as not to overload the baby's gastrointestinal tract.


When breastfeeding, blueberries are very useful because they contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a nursing mother and baby. However, the berry should be introduced, like any new product, gradually, so as not to disrupt the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

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