Nutella (Nutella): product composition, benefits and harms, is it possible during pregnancy

Nutella is a popular product. Pasta is added to ice cream, cocktails. Nutella is often present on the home menu as a dessert. A special feature is the presence of hazelnuts that affect the taste. The benefits and harms of Nutella are due to the ingredients included in the composition.

What is Nutella

The sweetened chocolate spread is made in Italy. Ferrero is the largest chocolate manufacturer in the world.

Important! The product was created by Pietro Ferrero during the Second World War. The baker added ground hazelnuts to chocolate for the first time.
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Nutella can be seen as a dessert, spread. The manufacturer positions it as a healthy breakfast option. However, you should take into account the significant amount of sugar contained in the product.

It is noteworthy that 25% of all nuts are used for the production of pasta. International Dessert Day is celebrated annually on 5 February. These facts point to the popularity of the treat.

Italy produces half a billion cans of Nutella every day

What is Nutella's composition

The taste of the paste depends on the constituent components and their proportions.

Dessert contains:

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  1. Sugar. The source can be either beets or reeds. Sugar is present in significant concentrations (57%), which reduces the beneficial properties of the product.
  2. Palm oil. It is this ingredient that provides the creamy texture and ease of distribution.
  3. Hazelnut. Each can contains approximately 50 nuts.
  4. Cocoa. The powder gives the paste a chocolate flavor.
  5. Powdered milk (skimmed). Adding the product in this form will extend the shelf life.
  6. Soy lecithin. The emulsifier helps to hold the ingredients together and maintain a uniform texture. The fatty substance is obtained from food additives and soy beans.
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Nutella also contains a synthetic version of vanillin.

What vitamins are in Nutella

Chocolate nut spread contains useful ingredients. Among the vitamins present in the dessert, the manufacturer names calcium and iron (4% of the RDI). However, their number is insignificant and cannot have a pronounced beneficial effect on the body.

The hazelnuts contained in the paste are known for the presence of the following valuable substances:

  • retinol, which improves visual acuity;
  • B vitamins, necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • ascorbic acid, which strengthens the immune system;
  • tocopherol, which is a powerful antioxidant;
  • fiber that lowers cholesterol.
Important! The manufacturer recommends eating Nutella for breakfast, as the product energizes the whole day.

Calorie content of Nutella paste per 100 grams

The nutritional value of the dessert is essential. The paste is recommended to be consumed in an amount that is no more than 2 tablespoons per day. The nutritional value of the product is 200 kcal (37 g).The content of BZHU in this portion reaches 2, 12 and 21 g, respectively.

Attention! Nutella is classified as a high-calorie desserts; it is undesirable to exceed the recommended amount of use. You should also take into account the abundance of sugar and fat, which negatively affect the body.

Is Nutella useful

The beneficial effects of chocolate and nut health have been a subject of debate for a long time. The usefulness of the product raises great doubts both on the part of specialists and consumers.

The composition of Nutella nut butter is natural. The synthetic component is represented only by vanilla. This fact distinguishes Nutella from similar pastes from other manufacturers. It also has the advantage of adding a small amount of ingredients.

The dessert does not contain the following harmful substances:

  • corn syrup;
  • artificial colors;
  • hydrogenated oils.

That is why Nutella is the most popular chocolate-nut spread. Despite the inclusion in the composition of hazelnuts, the product cannot replace nut butter. This is due to the amount of the specified component.

Important! Nut Butter is more nutritious and beneficial when compared to Nutella.

The benefits of Nutella for women

Dessert is distinguished by the presence of carbohydrates in high concentrations. Moderate consumption of Nutella maintains an adequate percentage of adipose tissue that synthesizes estrogen. Female sex hormones are responsible for the well-coordinated work of all organs and systems.

Since the recommended amount of Nutella contains almost the daily amount of sugar, other sources of the substance should be excluded

Can Nutella be pregnant and breastfeeding

Physiological conditions are accompanied by changes in hormonal levels. During pregnancy, specific taste preferences may occur. Many women prefer sweet foods and fruits to meat dishes.

Nutella during pregnancy is not a prohibited snacking option. However, it is highly discouraged to abuse the dessert. The increased intake of sugar and fats in the body can trigger the development of gestational diabetes mellitus.

During lactation, a woman needs to be extremely careful about leaving the daily diet. All foods that the mother eats go into breast milk.

Nuts often provoke the development of allergies. The use of Nutella paste in the first weeks of lactation can cause the development of unwanted reactions in the child.

Allergy to chocolate-nut dessert can show up as skin rashes in an infant

For men

Nutella is popular not only among children. Men also prefer a delicious dessert as a snack or addition to breakfast. The product quickly saturates the energy that is needed in the morning. However, the body primarily needs slow carbohydrates. They ensure the operability and normal functioning of the systems.

The product is harmful when abused, against the background of which female obesity often develops. Since adipose tissue synthesizes estrogens, men can develop erectile dysfunction.

The constant inclusion of Nutella in the diet increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in men

For children

The body needs sugar to develop the brain. Nutella contains a significant amount of the substance. For the product to be beneficial, it is strictly not recommended to consume it more than 2 tablespoons per day.

Calcium present in the Nutella ingredients strengthens children's teeth

Is Nutella harmful

The manufacturer presents the product as a healthy, tasty and light snack. The paste contains components:

  • hazelnut;
  • skimmed milk;
  • cocoa.

However, the main ingredients that make up most of Nutella are fat and sugar. They contribute to weight gain and the appearance of various diseases when using the spread in increased amounts:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • heart and liver diseases.

Eating sugary foods lowers cognitive function and increases the risk of developing cancer. Thus, the use of Nutella pasta should be minimized.

The recommended amount of spread per day does not exceed 2 tablespoons. This volume is 37 g. It contains 5 teaspoons of sugar.

Attention! The substance intake rate is 25 g for children and women, and 38 g for men.

Nutella contains 67% saturated fat. This artificial component can cause obesity, increased cholesterol levels, heart and vascular diseases:

  • thrombosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemia;
  • hypertension.

The famous pasta includes palm oil, the harmfulness of which has been proven by numerous studies. The powdered and skim milk contained in the composition do not bring any harm or benefit.

Experts say that monosodium glutamate is also present in Nutella. It is a food supplement E621, which causes neurotic disorders. The component is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women. The constant intake of monosodium glutamate into the body disrupts the work of taste buds and provokes:

  • renal failure;
  • Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hyperactivity;
  • violation of the structure of the retina;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.
Important! There is an opinion that the composition of Nutella chocolate paste in Russia and Italy is different. Nutritionists recommend eating a dessert that you can prepare yourself.

How to cook Nutella at home

Chocolate nut spread is a delicious treat. The composition of the Nutella product has not only benefits, but also harm. To make a dessert at home, you can use a simple recipe, including:

  • hazelnuts (1 cup);
  • vanilla extract (1 teaspoon);
  • maple syrup and cocoa (1/4 cup);
  • sea ​​salt (a quarter teaspoon);
  • milk (5 tablespoons).

I soak the hazelnuts overnight. After the specified time, the nuts are crushed using a blender (to a puree state). Then add the rest of the ingredients and beat.

The resulting mass looks like a gruel, the finished paste is placed in the refrigerator

How to store Nutella

The product has been produced since 1964. Nutella can provide health benefits and harms. It depends on the amount of pasta used and compliance with storage conditions.

Dessert is released in a glass jar, which should be hermetically closed. The ideal storage space is on the refrigerator shelf. The spread is not consumed after the expiration date.


The benefits and harms of Nutella have been disputed for a long time. Despite its naturalness, the product contains dangerous concentrations of sugar and fats. Dessert is undesirable to include in the diet on an ongoing basis and exceed the consumption rate, which is no more than 2 tablespoons per day.

Reviews of pasta Nutella

Ferrero's chocolate-nut dessert is the leader in this segment. Reviews reflect what customers think about a product.

Anastasia Krivetskaya, 31 years old, Dzerzhinsk
I consider Nutella to be an unreasonably expensive product. How it can compare favorably with other chocolate-nut spreads. That's right, nothing. And its cost is 3 times higher. The composition of the pasta is doubtful, in this case it is better to prepare the dessert yourself. To get a homemade treat, you need to beat 2 eggs and 600 g of sugar, add 4 tablespoons of flour, chopped nuts (1 glass). Then add 2 tablespoons of cocoa, some milk and butter. Dessert is simmered on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly. When the mass has cooled down, it must be laid out in jars. Delicious and healthy pasta can be enjoyed for several days.
Christina Nikolaychuk, 24 years old, Novosibirsk
I am a sweet tooth and occasionally allow myself a chocolate-nut spread from a famous Italian manufacturer. Of course, the palm oil in Nutella confuses me. I don't think this product is useful.If you don't use it daily, there won't be much harm. But I would not give this dessert to children. Better to buy a small chocolate bar or glazed curd.
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