Foods Containing Melatonin: Sources Table

Products containing melatonin are essential for the normalization of human biorhythms. They help relieve insomnia and improve performance during the day. With a sufficient level of the hormone in the body, the likelihood of developing seasonal diseases decreases and the aging process slows down.

What foods contain melatonin

Melatonin is a pineal gland hormone that regulates human circadian rhythm. It is found in food, and also enters the body through exposure to sunlight. Melatonin is also called sleep hormone. It is activated mainly at night. During the day, its level is at its lowest level. The process of hormone formation takes place in the pineal gland. Then it enters the cerebrospinal fluid and blood. From there, the substance enters the hypothalamus.

Melatonin is involved in the production of phagocytes. They provide the body with complete protection against viruses and bacterial diseases. The substance can enter the body as part of medications. But in this case, the dream will be unnatural. In addition, the likelihood of encountering side effects is high. Most sleeping pills have a detrimental effect on the liver. They do not eliminate the cause of the problem, but deal with its consequences.

Melatonin is found in low cost foods

Lack of melatonin provokes impaired adaptation to time zones and chronic insomnia. It is often accompanied by a tryptophan deficiency. In the future, this leads to the development of serious diseases. To replenish the supply of melatonin, it is enough to diversify the diet. It is found in the following foods:

  • buckwheat;
  • ginger;
  • corn;
  • cherry;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • oatmeal;
  • turkey meat;
  • milk;
  • bananas.
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Comment! Products that contain melatonin have significant advantages over drugs that have hypnotic effects.

Melatonin-promoting foods

Eating melatonin, which is found in foods and herbs, can significantly improve sleep and improve performance. Adjusting the diet leads to the stabilization of the emotional state and prevents a number of unwanted complications. Experts have identified a list of foods that contain the highest amount of melatonin. They should be consumed on a regular basis if you have difficulty falling asleep.

baked potato

One of the most readily available sources of melatonin is baked potatoes. It perfectly satisfies hunger and provides quick absorption of acids. In addition, the substances contained in potatoes contribute to the production of melatonin. That is why experts advise using it for lunch or dinner. For a great side dish, you can knead the baked potatoes until smooth and dilute with cream or milk.

Recommended reading:  Potatoes: useful properties and contraindications

Cherries and cherries

Fresh red berries contain vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on metabolism and mood. They are also actively involved in the production of melatonin. As a result, biorhythms are restored, the problem with falling asleep disappears. It is advisable to eat fresh berries. In winter, it is permissible to use a frozen product. You can also use cherries and cherries as part of compote and jam.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is considered to be a unique drink with a calming effect. It is recommended to take it just before going to bed. The drink has a pleasant, slightly tart taste. It contains a number of useful substances that eliminate the symptoms of nervous disorders. The benefits of chamomile tea include the absence of caffeine. Despite its calming effect, the drink does not affect the speed of reactions and is not addictive. It can be a great substitute for black tea or coffee.


Chamomile for tea can be collected by yourself


Among foods high in melatonin, milk is distinguished. It helps to cope with insomnia in a short time. Doctors advise taking 1 tbsp. warm milk with the addition of honey. When consumed regularly, the drink helps to keep the substance at the required level. If, after taking the drink, there is a heaviness and upset stool, it should be discarded.

Advice! In order to get the most out of proper nutrition, you should adhere to its principles on a regular basis.


Bananas contain tryptophan, which is involved in the production of melatonin in the body. Its presence in the diet excludes the possibility of insomnia development against the background of nervous exhaustion. Banana is believed to contain high levels of the hormone of happiness. This effect is achieved due to the content of magnesium and potassium. In terms of the degree of effect on the body, the product is often compared to chocolate. Bananas can be used as a snack with pine nuts and dates.


Tryptophan, which affects melatonin production, is also found in whole grain breads. It is prepared from flour that has not undergone multi-stage purification. Such bread contains the most amount of minerals due to the presence of grain shells. A distinctive feature is that the bread does not crumble. Despite the benefits of the product, nutritionists advise them not to abuse it, as it contributes to weight gain.

Diet meat

Eating turkey meat can also contribute to the production of melatonin. It contains an abundance of minerals and protein. In this case, the product is considered dietary. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which helps to cope with insomnia. In addition, turkey meat perfectly satisfies hunger and has a high taste. It contains a lot of phosphorus, which has a beneficial effect on the strength of teeth, bones and nails.

An alternative to turkey is rabbit meat. It is considered a hypoallergenic product. It can be used to replenish melatonin even in children. Due to its cobalamin content, meat has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. This eliminates the likelihood of sleep problems.


Soy meat is a dietary product made from soybeans. It has a low calorie content and contains vitamins of groups H, E and B. The substances that make up the product contribute to the production of melatonin. If it is present in the body in the right amount, problems with falling asleep are excluded.

Important! A decrease in the level of melatonin in the body can be caused by diseases of the digestive system, in which the absorption of nutrients is impaired.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should be in the diet of any health conscious person.They contain a huge amount of minerals and vitamins. Another important factor is the presence of fiber in the composition. It facilitates the assimilation of protein foods. This contributes to the speedy falling asleep. Experts recommend eating fruits in the morning and vegetables for dinner. It is advisable to avoid heat treatment, since it reduces the amount of nutrients in the composition. Vegetable-based salads are prepared with oil. Fruit is eaten as a snack in the morning. Potatoes, tomatoes and bananas are considered the most suitable options for replenishing melatonin.

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Tomatoes contain many antioxidants in addition to melatonin

Rice, corn or oatmeal

Porridge based on corn, rice and oatmeal not only perfectly cope with hunger, but also saturate the body with the necessary substances. The minerals they contain improve memory and reduce the likelihood of developing nervous disorders. The latter are often the cause of sleep problems. At the same time, cereals stimulate the production of melatonin, which is necessary for quality rest at night.

The most suitable meal for eating porridge is breakfast. It is advisable to cook them in milk with the addition of 1 tsp. honey. Milk increases the effectiveness of the product against insomnia.


Onions contain a huge amount of quercetin. It is a biologically active substance that restores the work of the cardiovascular system and normalizes the emotional state of a person. Quercetin stimulates the production of melatonin, which has a positive effect on sleep. It also acts as an immunomodulator and an effective antioxidant. Onions are recommended to be added to soups and salads. It can be consumed at any time of the day.

Melatonin Rich Table

Melatonin is found in foods in varying amounts. In the scientific community, its amount is designated by the abbreviation ng.


Melatonin amount ng / 100 g













corn porridge




Food guidelines for melatonin production

When replenishing the supply of melatonin with food, you need to take into account a number of significant nuances. First of all, it must be taken into account that the introduction of the necessary products is not always enough. If the problem is caused by a serious illness, efforts should be made to eliminate it. Unlike sleeping pills, diet therapy has a cumulative effect. It manifests itself 2-3 weeks after changing the diet. In order for the result to meet expectations, the following rules must be followed:

  • in the first half of the day, eat a sufficient amount of foods that contain slow carbohydrates;
  • increase the number of foods containing calcium;
  • add sources of vitamin B to the diet;
  • do not use fatty foods as dinner;
  • focus on foods containing quercetin and tryptophan;
  • ensure compliance with the water regime;
  • eat protein food for dinner.

To create the right mood before going to bed, walks in the fresh air are shown. It is advisable to protect yourself from stress and irritating factors. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before going to bed. If the body directs its forces to digest food at night, the risk of encountering sleep disturbances increases.

Attention! Before adding a new product to the diet, it is advisable to consult with your doctor, especially in the presence of serious chronic diseases.


Products containing melatonin are available at any nearby supermarket. Therefore, it will not be difficult to replenish the supply of a substance in the body. The main thing is to take into account the recommendations of specialists and exclude harmful food products from the diet.

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