Other products

Nutella (Nutella): product composition, benefits and harms, is it possible during pregnancy
Nutella is a popular product. Pasta is added to ice cream, cocktails. Nutella is often present on the home menu as a dessert. Feature ...
Why is coconut paste useful: composition, calorie content, application
The benefits and harms of coconut butter should be assessed prior to inclusion in the diet. Thanks to its pleasant taste, it is loved as adults, ...
Tyrosine content in food: table
Adequate functioning of the body is ensured by the intake of beneficial nutrients, among which are called amino acids. These organic compounds can be ingested ...
Leucine: what foods contain, table
To maintain adequate functioning of organs and systems, amino acids are required. The most valuable are irreplaceable substances that come exclusively with food. They...
Why are mushroom truffles useful?
Truffles are considered the most expensive mushrooms in the world. Dishes with their content are high value delicacies. The benefits of mushroom truffles ...
Are waves useful?
The benefits of waves have not yet been fully studied. In some countries, they are considered a delicacy, while in others they are considered inedible ...
Pig mushrooms: benefits and harms, than dangerous
The benefits and harms of pigs have been worrying experienced mushroom pickers for many years. Not so long ago, the mushroom was recognized as inedible. Despite this, some foodies ...
The benefits and harms of boletus for the body
The benefits and harms of aspen mushrooms are based on a rich composition. They are considered one of the most common types of mushrooms in cooking. Aspen mushrooms have ...
Porcini mushrooms: benefits and harms to the body, calorie content, composition, is it possible for pregnant women
The benefits of porcini mushrooms for the human body are quite tangible. They are a rich source of protein and other equally useful substances. Product...
Products containing nitrogen: table + list
Nitrogen is one of the chemical elements related to organogens. Various fabrics are composed of them. The human body contains about 2.5% nitrogen ....


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