Pig mushrooms: benefits and harms, than dangerous

The benefits and harms of pigs have been worrying experienced mushroom pickers for many years. Not so long ago, the mushroom was recognized as inedible. Despite this, some gourmets continue to eat it. To understand what this threatens, it is enough to study the composition and properties of pigs.

Composition and calorie content of pigs

A pig is a mushroom that belongs to the Svinushkov family. Previously, it was considered conditionally edible, but today it is classified as a deadly mushroom. The diameter of the cap can reach 15 cm. It has a rounded shape and a light brown color. As the fruiting body grows, it will stop wavy at the edges, and a small depression appears in the middle. The mushroom leg is short, its height does not exceed 5 cm.

Pig mushrooms give in to rotting within 3-4 hours after harvest

Despite the controversial benefits, pigs contain a number of substances necessary for the body. It is believed that when used correctly, they can have a positive effect on health, but it is better to stop eating the poisonous mushroom. The calorie content of pig mushrooms is only 30 kcal. They include the following components:

  • cellulose;
  • zinc;
  • lecithin;
  • vitamins of groups PP, B, C and A;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;
  • amino acids.

Pigs are a rich source of protein. It is necessary for the human body to build a muscle corset. However, vegetable protein is absorbed by the digestive system worse than animal protein. The fiber content makes it easier for the digestive tract.

In addition to the components that are beneficial, hazardous substances are also present in the composition. These include muscarine. It is a poison that can cause serious diseases of the circulatory system and toxic poisoning of the body. In addition, heavy metals accumulate in the composition of the mushroom. They can act as storage for radioactive isotopes of copper and cesium.

Attention! Science knows about 35 varieties of pigs, but the most dangerous of them is the thin one.

The benefits of pigs

Even after pigs have ceased to be classified as conditionally edible mushrooms, amateurs continue to eat them. It is believed that small portions are not harmful to health. Hazardous components are neutralized by thoroughly thermal treatment of the mushrooms. The benefits of properly cooked mushrooms are as follows:

  • lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • increasing the strength of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cleansing the digestive system;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • elimination of insomnia;
  • antiviral action;
  • restoration of lipid metabolism;
  • preventing the growth of fat cells;
  • strengthening the body's defenses;
  • increased efficiency.
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It should be remembered that the benefits of pigs directly depend on whether they are properly cooked and how much they are eaten. Abuse of this type of mushroom completely neutralizes their positive qualities. In addition, the risk of encountering food poisoning and related problems increases.

The peak fruiting of pig mushrooms begins in July and ends in September

Are pigs harmful and can they be poisoned

Pigs have been found to be poisonous mushrooms after extensive research. It is inappropriate to question their result. Eating mushrooms in food threatens not only health, but also life. If you overdo it with the number of fruit bodies consumed or not process them enough, you can face food poisoning.

The toxins that enter the body in pigs have a detrimental effect on vital organs. Accumulating in the body, they destroy red blood cells and suppress the immune system. Along with this, the digestive system, kidneys and liver suffer. On this basis, a person's well-being significantly worsens. Characteristic symptoms appear, and serious diseases develop. In addition, the composition of fungi contains a number of not fully understood components.

Pig Poisoning Symptoms

Diagnosing pig poisoning is not at all difficult. The pathological process begins 1-3 hours after their use with mild dizziness and nausea. Then gagging becomes more frequent. In some cases, atypical symptoms also develop. The most common signs of mushroom poisoning include:

  • hallucinations;
  • breathing disorder;
  • flatulence and diarrhea;
  • increased salivation;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • increased heart rate;
  • sharp abdominal pain;
  • excessive sweating;
  • vomiting and nausea.

Clinical studies will show an increase in enzymes and bilirubin in the body. Sometimes against this background, hepatic and renal failure of the 2nd degree develops. It is manifested by a reduction in the urge to urinate.

With a severe form of toxic poisoning, dehydration occurs. The hemoglobin level drops sharply. Destruction of the cell membranes of the liver, kidneys and intestines is also observed. Thrombohemorrhagic syndrome may develop, accompanied by brain damage. The danger of this phenomenon is loss of consciousness with a high risk of death.

First aid for poisoning

If signs of acute poisoning in the body are detected, it should not be delayed with seeking medical attention. It is almost impossible to stop the symptoms that have arisen on your own. Before the arrival of the ambulance team, someone needs to be near the patient. It is important to keep him calm and give him as much clean fluid as possible. If an allergic reaction occurs, you must immediately take antihistamines.

Among the people, pigs were called cowsheds

Inpatient treatment involves cleansing the body with plasmapheresis. No less important in this case is hemodialysis. In case of mild poisoning, gastric lavage is indicated. It is required to provoke vomiting and provide an abundant drink. This will allow you to remove toxic substances from the body, preventing the destruction of organs. Additionally, medications are prescribed to stabilize the water-salt balance. The victim can spend some time in the hospital.

Important! Ignoring the symptoms of acute intoxication can be fatal.

Is it possible for pregnant pig mushrooms

The benefits of pigs for pregnant women are questionable. In theory, the vitamins in mushrooms have a positive effect on fetal development. But in practice, the risk of facing complications is too great. Eating mushrooms can trigger an abortion. Toxic substances penetrate the placenta, slowing down the development of the baby. In this case, the likelihood of developing dangerous diseases and death increases.

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Taking pigs for food is also contraindicated during breastfeeding. Firstly, in the first 3 months after childbirth, any types of mushrooms are prohibited. Secondly, pigs can cause irreparable harm to the baby's health, since the substances in their composition penetrate into milk.

How to choose and store

Most often, pigs live in coniferous or deciduous forests, under shrubs or trees. Mushrooms are collected with a sharp knife. After cutting, the pulp immediately darkens, and the fruit body begins to deteriorate. You need to prepare it as quickly as possible.

Freeze the pigs after thorough processing. They are pre-soaked in water for 12-14 hours. To reduce the amount of harmful substances, it is advisable to carry out a double boil. Then the fruiting bodies are removed from excess liquid, laid out on a board, covered with foil and put into the freezer. After 3-4 hours, the mushrooms can be carefully transferred to a plastic bag. In this form, they can be stored for 3-5 months.

The shelf life of canned mushrooms is 9 months. Opened jars can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a week. Fresh mushrooms can be stored for no more than a day.

Advice! Fruiting bodies should be thawed at room temperature, naturally.


The benefits and harms of pigs cause a lot of controversy due to conflicting information. Experts recommend refraining from eating these mushrooms so as not to put your health at risk. There are a huge number of healthier and tastier types.

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