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Why cornbread is useful, composition and calorie content
The benefits and harms of corn bread are of particular interest to those who follow their figure. It is often used as an alternative to wheat ...
What foods improve a person's mood
It is advisable to include foods that increase mood in the diet on a daily basis. They trigger the production of hormones that improve well-being, give strength, confidence, stimulate the emergence ...
What foods increase insulin in the human body: a list
Insulin is a protein hormone that is produced by cells in the human pancreas. It is responsible for regulating serum sugar concentration ....
Hiltit (asafoetida): useful properties and contraindications, use in cooking
The beneficial properties of asafoetida and contraindications are of particular interest to herbalists and doctors from all over the world. It is a resin of amazing ...
The benefits and harms of sumach for human health: composition, photo and description
The beneficial properties of sumac are appreciated in cooking, pharmaceuticals and alternative medicine. Due to the sour taste of the fruit, it is also called the vinegar tree. More...
Tibikos (tibi, sea rice): medicinal properties and uses, composition
The beneficial properties of Indian sea rice primarily affect the functioning of the immune system. It is a unique bacterial culture, in ...
Products that restore muscles: which ones relax, for pain
The result of training depends on a balanced diet. After active physical activity, the appearance of microtraumas of muscle fibers is noted, which are restored within 2 ...
The benefits and harms of paprika: what the spice consists of, reviews
The beneficial properties of paprika are not the only benefit of the spice. It is also appreciated for its unique taste. It contains a lot ...
Sulfur-rich foods: table, list
Sulfur-rich foods are necessary for the body for the proper functioning of the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems. The substance also takes part in the formation process ...
What foods contain starch: table, Top-10
Starch is a white and tasteless powder. A characteristic squeak is noted during compression. The substance varies in shape and size depending ...


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