Oatmeal broth: benefits and harms, recipes, how to take

The benefits and harms of oat broth are important for fans of healthy eating and home medicine. To determine when you can and cannot use a product, you need to carefully understand its properties.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of oats

To assess the benefits and harms of oat broth for the body, it is necessary, first of all, to study its composition. Oat grains contain:

  • vitamins - A, PP and E;
  • a number of essential amino acids;
  • cellulose;
  • phosphorus and calcium;
  • starch and useful acids - oxalic, erucic, malonic;
  • choline;
  • magnesium and potassium;
  • natural sugars;
  • enzymes;
  • saponins and coumarins;
  • vitamins B - from B1 to B6.

Nutrients in oats are distributed as follows - 55 g are carbohydrates, 10 g are proteins, and only 6.2 g are fats. As for the calorie content, 100 g of the product contains about 389 kcal. The nutritional value of the finished drink is slightly lower - only 316 kcal.

Why is oat broth useful?

Oats, rich in useful elements and vitamins, are considered very valuable for both adults and kids. If you use it in small amounts, but regularly, your health will quickly improve.

For adult men and women

The beneficial properties of oat broth for the human body affect many systems. If you drink the remedy regularly, then oats:

  • will help cleanse the blood, reduce stress on the liver and improve bowel function;
  • will strengthen the cardiovascular system and reduce harmful blood cholesterol;
  • has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, it is useful to use the product for insomnia and an increased level of anxiety;
  • will have a diuretic effect, help rid the body of toxins;
  • will help to eliminate high fever and bring relief from colds;
  • will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, using a decoction of oats is useful both for inflammatory diseases and for mechanical damage to the skin.

The beneficial properties of the product help to get rid of bad habits. Consuming oats develops a persistent aversion to alcohol and nicotine.

For children

Oat drink is a unique product that even babies can use. You can give it to babies from 2 months, the product will strengthen children's immunity, improve the functioning of the stomach, and will have a beneficial effect on colds. The drink has good nutritional properties, rarely causes allergic reactions and does not provoke indigestion.

Important! Since even a harmless drink in some cases can be harmful, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician before offering a product to a child.

How to cook and drink oat broth

To maximize the benefits of oatmeal broth for the body, it must be prepared according to proven recipes that have proven their effectiveness. Traditional medicine offers quite a few ways to prepare a product for various ailments.

For insomnia

The properties of oats have a calming and relaxing effect on the nervous system. In case of insomnia, it is recommended to rinse 500 g of grains, fill them with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and cook until the oats are slightly softened.

After that, the drink must be filtered and drunk on an empty stomach, 150 ml each with the addition of a spoonful of honey.

For flu and cough

The regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties of the beneficial broth help to reduce fever, eliminate lingering coughs and improve flu condition. Prepare a remedy like this - 500 g of oats are poured into 2 liters of water and put into the oven for 80 minutes.

The finished drink is cooled, then filtered and drunk before bedtime in the volume of a glass. Since the medicinal drink does not cause any harm to the body, it can be consumed until the condition improves.

With diarrhea

Oats have powerful cleansing and repairing properties and can be used to relieve diarrhea. The washed cereal in the volume of a glass must be poured with a liter of water and insisted for about 12 hours, and then boil for another half hour under the lid.

The finished drink is insisted in a warm place for another 12 hours, and then filtered. Before use, it must be diluted by adding clean water to its original volume. Drinking the remedy is necessary three times a day, 150 ml on an empty stomach.

With arthritis

The benefits of a decoction of oatmeal are manifested in joint ailments. With arthritis, such a recipe brings a good effect - the oat flakes are first crushed, and then diluted in a large spoon in a glass of boiling water.

You need to infuse the drink for half an hour, then filter and drink 100 ml three times a day.

To cleanse the liver

The benefits of a decoction of oats for the liver is that the drink cleans the digestive system and blood from toxins and reduces harm to the organ that acts as a filter in the body. To prepare a medicinal product, you must:

  • pour 3 liters of water on unpeeled oats in the amount of 2 glasses;
  • boil over low heat for 3 hours, stirring regularly;
  • cool and properly filter through cheesecloth.

You need to take the broth twice a day on an empty stomach, half a glass, and the whole course of therapy is recommended to continue for 3 weeks. During this time, the medicinal properties of oat broth for the liver will have time to manifest themselves in full force.

For kidney health

The diuretic properties of oat drink prevent the formation of kidney stones, as well as help improve kidney function and prevent swelling. For treatment and prevention, it is recommended to prepare such a remedy:

  • oat grains in the amount of 500 g are poured with 2 liters of water;
  • boil over low heat, stirring constantly, for about 40 minutes;
  • then filter the broth through folded gauze;
  • the remaining grain is ground with a meat grinder or blender and added back to the liquid broth.

After that, for another 2 hours, the agent is insisted, filtered again and drunk 100 ml on an empty stomach. You can continue therapy for up to 3 months in a row, but the daily rate of the decoction should not exceed 1.5 liters.

With gastritis

Drinking a decoction of oats is useful for gastritis, the drink quickly and effectively restores damaged mucous membranes, relieves irritation, and eliminates pain symptoms. It is not difficult to prepare a healing broth, for this you need:

  • grind 100 g of washed oats into flour;
  • pour flour with a liter of hot water, stir well and put on the lowest heat;
  • as soon as the broth boils, remove it from the stove, pour it into a thermos and leave for another 5 hours.

You need to take the broth in half a glass shortly before eating. In order not to injure an irritated stomach, you need to drink the product warm.

The special benefit of oats brewed in a thermos is that the broth inside the vessel retains a high temperature for a long time and, due to this, acquires the maximum of useful properties.

With pancreatitis

A useful broth can be used for inflammation of the pancreas. Already a couple of days after the most acute phase of the disease has passed, it is allowed to prepare such a remedy:

  • 200 g of germinated grains are washed, dried and ground to flour;
  • pour water over and bring to a boil over moderate heat;
  • removed from the stove after 5 minutes and kept under the lid for about an hour.

You need to drink the drink three times a day warm for several sips. The properties of oats help the pancreas to produce digestive enzymes, reduce inflammation and quickly improve well-being.

With oncology

The benefits of oat infusion are manifested even in cancer. Since the broth cleanses the blood and promotes cell renewal in the body, the growth of cancerous tumors slows down when consumed.

Prepare and apply a medicinal drink for oncology as follows:

  • a glass of grains is poured with a liter of water;
  • after boiling the broth over low heat, it is tormented for another 20 minutes;
  • the finished drink is kept under the lid for at least an hour, and then filtered.

The broth should be divided into 3 equal portions and taken on an empty stomach three times a day.

To quit smoking

The powerful cleansing properties of oats are helpful in killing bad habits. Those trying to quit smoking will benefit from the following drink:

  • oats must be mixed with several cereals - rye, millet and barley 50 g each;
  • pour water in a volume of 500 ml;
  • boil over low heat for 10 minutes, and then pour the drink into a thermos.

Oats steamed in a thermos will benefit when infused for about 12 hours. A completely finished product will need to be taken three times a day, half a glass. At the same time, the broth will help not only reduce the craving for smoking, but also eliminate the chronic cough that appeared against the background of a bad habit.

Broth of oats with milk

The benefits of oatmeal broth for the liver and kidneys will be even higher if you add natural milk to the drink. Prepare the tool like this:

  • 200 g of washed grains are poured with a liter of milk;
  • boil over low heat, stirring constantly, no longer than 10 minutes;
  • drink the broth on an empty stomach three times a day, half a glass.

Like oats, milk has strong cleansing and soothing properties, so when combined, these ingredients provide enhanced benefits.

Recommended reading:  Why is milk tea useful?

Oatmeal with honey

A good combination is oats and honey, a decoction based on them has a strengthening effect on the body and has anti-cold properties.

To prepare the product, you must first boil 200 g of oats in a liter of water for a quarter of an hour, and then insist for another hour under the lid. Honey is added to a slightly warm broth, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties from high temperatures.

You need to drink a medicinal drink three times a day, you need to do this before eating.

Broth of oats with rose hips

Oats and rose hips in combination with each other will not do harm for gallbladder ailments. To prepare a drink you need:

  • boil a glass of washed grains in a liter of water for a quarter of an hour;
  • while the finished broth cools down, boil the rose hips in another container for 10 minutes;
  • insist rose hips until morning, and then mix both drinks.
Recommended reading:  Rosehip infusion: benefits and harms, how to cook

They drink a healing agent twice a day, half a glass, it is better to take the drink on an empty stomach.

Oat broth in a thermos

The benefits and harms of infusion of oats in a thermos are that oats are in hot water for a long time and give maximum useful properties. For maximum benefit, 100 g of grains are poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted under the lid for about 12 hours.

Advice! Since the drink brewed in a thermos is very concentrated, it can be supplemented with honey before drinking to improve the taste. But you need to put honey only in a cooled broth - otherwise the benefits will be lower.

Slimming oat broth

Oats are an excellent dietary supplement because they gently cleanse the body without causing any harm to the stomach and intestines. The product promotes the breakdown of fats and the full assimilation of nutrients - this also has a positive effect on the figure.

During the diet, you can use a classic decoction:

  • a glass of washed grains is poured with 500 ml of hot water;
  • insist overnight, and in the morning pour another 500 ml of water and boil under a lid for about 1.5 hours.

The cooled drink is filtered, the swollen grains are crushed and the gruel is again transferred to the liquid part. The broth is brought to a boil again, then finally removed and cooled.

You can drink a dietary remedy for a month in a row three times a day, a single dosage is 1 glass.

Oat broth for children

You can offer a healing drink to children from 2 months of age with colds, digestive disorders and allergies, this will be beneficial. However, it is necessary to calculate the dosage of the decoction in accordance with the age of the child.

Up to 1 year of life, daily volumes should not exceed 2 small spoons per day. Then the dosage can be gradually increased so that by the age of 5 the daily rate is a glass of broth per day.

Attention! The advisability of taking oat broth, like the dosage, must be discussed with a pediatrician, otherwise even a safe drink can be harmful.

Is it possible to broth oats during pregnancy and breastfeeding

A decoction of oat grains is a useful remedy that does not harm women in position and nursing mothers. During pregnancy, the drink strengthens the body's defenses and eliminates fatigue, you can drink it up to 3 times a day, half a glass.

During the feeding period, the benefit of oat broth with milk will be that it can improve lactation. However, a woman needs to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby, if the child develops an allergy, in order to avoid harm, the drink will have to be removed from the diet.

Oatmeal wash for washing

The beneficial properties of oatmeal broth are manifested not only in home treatment, but also in skin care. The product copes well with irritations, helps to normalize oily skin and improves complexion.

A decoction for external use is prepared as follows:

  • 2 large spoons of flakes or crushed grains pour 100 ml of boiling water;
  • leave to infuse overnight;
  • filter the product in the morning and wash your face.

After 5 minutes after washing, it is recommended to rinse the skin again with clean water.

The harm of oat broth and contraindications

The benefits and contraindications of oat broth accompany each other. The remedy is rarely harmful, but even its use must be approached with caution. First of all, you cannot consume a healthy drink in excessive quantities or in too high a concentration, the harm will be that nausea and headache appear.

It is necessary to refuse to use the broth:

  • with chronic renal failure;
  • with heart failure;
  • with stones in the gallbladder.

Also, an allergy to oats is included in the list of contraindications - in this case, the drink will only cause harm.


The benefits and harms of oat broth are determined by the dosage of the drink. With reasonable use, the broth is practically not capable of causing harm, on the contrary, its properties will be very beneficial to health.


Ilyina Marina Viktorovna, 27 years old, Orenburg
I have been using oat broth for weight loss for several years now and I am happy with the results, diets always pass easily and without harm to health. A decoction of oats is also useful for the liver - every time after a course application, one feels an improvement in well-being and a special lightness in the body.
Doronina Alexandra Vladimirovna, 35 years old, Moscow
I regularly use a decoction of oats for pancreatitis, of all home remedies, this particular drink helps to relieve exacerbation the fastest. In case of a cold, I give a decoction of oats to the child, slightly sweetened with honey - the remedy turns out to be both tasty and healthy, the son never refuses to drink it.

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