Cottonseed oil: benefits and harms, application

Cottonseed oil is used much less frequently than sunflower, olive or corn oil. The product is popular in eastern countries. Used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. But unrefined oil is toxic, therefore it takes place only in cosmetology and traditional medicine without internal use. And the benefits and harms of cottonseed oil are due to its rich composition.

How is cottonseed oil made

The combination of "vegetable oil" is always on hearing. But such a familiar sunflower is associated with it. Cotton - more known outside the country, in faraway Asia and is there on every kitchen shelf. It is made from cotton. The plant provides not only tissue, but also a product that can be used in cooking, home medicine, and cosmetology.

Cotton seeds are used for manufacturing. In most cases, the product is extracted by cold pressing. From the total weight of the seeds, 15% of an oily substance is obtained. Because of this, the cost of the product in the markets is not so small. But there could have been more if the seeds were not just waste from cotton processing. Like all oils, cottonseed oil is produced in two types: refined and unrefined. They have different uses.

Important! It is forbidden to use unrefined oil in cooking.
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The composition and calorie content of cottonseed oil

Cottonseed oil is high in calories. There are 884 calories per 100 grams of the product. This property warns that it should be consumed in moderation. There are no proteins and carbohydrates in the composition. Only fats.

Useful properties are due to the presence of vitamins B, E, PP in its composition. And monounsaturated and unsaturated acids will enrich the body with beneficial Omega-3 and Omega-6. More than 70% is occupied by tocopherol A. The composition depends on the type of plant and the conditions of its germination.

Acids are found in large quantities: myristic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic.

In 100 grams, there are approximately 99.9 milligrams of tocopherol, 0.2 choline, 24.7 phylloquinone, 24.7 unsaturated fatty acids, 19.4 monounsaturated, 50.5 polyunsaturated.

Why is cottonseed oil useful?

If you carefully analyze the composition, you can understand that in terms of useful properties it is the record holder among other plant products.

What are the benefits of refined cottonseed oil for the body:

  1. It is useful for the elderly, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and heart tissues.
  2. Has a positive effect on immunity.
  3. Has anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.
  4. Strengthens the nervous system.
  5. Rejuvenates the body.
  6. Acids in the composition have a positive effect on skin healing, dermatological diseases, treatment of allergic reactions, burns, diabetes.
  7. Phytosterols lower cholesterol levels.
  8. Useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
  9. Several groups of vitamins help to treat inflammation and increase the ability of the immune system.

How to use cottonseed oil medicinally

The product is used not only in cooking. A large number of useful substances in the composition allows them to treat some diseases at home. Often, doctors prescribe the use of the product for problems with immunity.

Attention! Before starting treatment with folk remedies, you should consult a doctor.

In order to strengthen the general condition of the body, to help it resist infections and other diseases, cottonseed oil is consumed daily. The recommended dose is a teaspoon. It is advisable to use it on an empty stomach, then drink about a glass of water.

For those who are planning pregnancy, a teaspoon is prescribed on an empty stomach.

For problems with digestion, constipation, drink 30 grams three times a day. Useful as cancer prevention.

For insomnia and mental health problems, drink a teaspoon before bed.

When the veins are dilated, special baths are made: 2 tablespoons of oil, 5 drops of basil oil, 20 drops of cypress, 5 liters of water. The procedure is carried out daily.

If you need to cure a burn or a dermatological disease, then melt 30 grams of wax, put 200 grams of cotton product, egg yolk. The skin is smeared with the resulting product until healing.

The use of cottonseed oil in cosmetology

A large amount of fatty acids enrich the oil. Thanks to this, the product is used in cosmetology, not only in the preparation of home masks, but also in industrial conditions. Vegetable fats are actively used to moisturize the skin and hair. Cottonseed is one of the healthiest. But it helps not only to moisturize, but also to provide nutrition, beauty and youth. This plant product is found in many beauty recipes, and you can notice it in the formulations of professional organic cosmetics.

Cottonseed oil for face and body skin

The easiest way to moisturize dry skin is with a blend of oils. You should mix cottonseed, olive, any essential oil in equal proportions. All this is infused for about 5 minutes in a warm place. This way the beneficial properties are better manifested. The product is applied to cleansed, steamed skin. After 15 minutes, the residues are washed off.

Citrus oils work well to fight cellulite. But cotton is added to grapefruit and lemon products. The mixture of oils is warmed up before application. They also warm up the skin, rub it with a washcloth, and do a light massage. Effectively used to moisturize during vacuum massage.

If the skin is dry and requires nutrition, then the following mask is suitable: 1 yolk, a spoonful of oil, a spoonful of honey. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin for 15 minutes. After rinsing, apply a moisturizer.

To avoid irritation after shaving, apply equal amounts of cotton oil and grape seed.

Cotton hair oil

For dandruff, sectioning, dullness and shedding, a large amount of vegetable oils are used. They forget about cotton, but in vain. The product is able to help with almost any hair problem.

If the hair is dry, then it is enough to apply the right amount of the product to the entire length before washing. Wrap your head with polyethylene, a towel. Rinse off thoroughly.

A cotton product is also added to shampoos. The required amount of cosmetic product is squeezed onto the hand, 15 drops are added and applied to the hair. It is enough to do the procedure 4 times a month.

To accelerate growth, a mixture of 1 tablespoon of oil, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and 2 tablespoons of mustard powder is applied to the hair roots for 15 minutes.

The product can be added to almost any hair mask, oil combination. It is undesirable to use on oily hair, as well as to smear the roots with it.

How to use cottonseed oil in cooking

Cottonseed oil is also used in cooking, for dressing and frying. However, not everyone dares to do this. Compared to sunflower, cotton product has more positive properties, which, in combination with other products, enhances.The taste of the dishes does not spoil, but, on the contrary, gives a light pleasant aroma. Does not emit toxic substances during frying. Its rich composition will make any dish useful. In moderation, it is allowed to use even those people who are on a diet. It is best to season any vegetable salads. With a lack of substances and low immunity, they are added to cereals along with flaxseeds, fiber.

It gives a light nutty aroma and flavor to hot dishes. This is especially felt when cooking potatoes, pastries, fried pies. In this case, there will be more benefits from the products.

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The harm of cottonseed oil and contraindications

Cottonseed oil has not only benefits, but also harm to the human body. This is especially true for unrefined products. Gossypol gives a specific color, impairs spermatogenesis, reproductive function, metabolism. Allergies are extremely rare, but such cases cannot be completely denied. If after use there were reactions, then you should not repeat this in the future. Care should be taken with the product by those who are overweight or prone to it. During pregnancy, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

How to choose and store cottonseed oil

It is not always possible to check the smell or taste. First of all, you need to pay attention to the color and consistency. It should be transparent, light, without impurities. If there is a brown color, then it is unsuitable for cooking and for internal use. Smell and bitter taste are bad signs. Be sure to pay attention to the production date and storage times. If sediment and density appear, then it should not be consumed. Storage temperature - no higher than 25 degrees, no more than 1 year.


The benefits and harms of cottonseed oil are not well known. But its properties and composition rich in fatty acids can improve the condition of the skin, hair, immunity and the general tone of the body. In cooking, only a refined product is used; it is healthier than other vegetable oils. Gives food more benefits and a light, pleasant aroma. Unrefined oil can lead to problems with the reproductive system. It is not recommended to use if you are overweight.


Alina, Abakan
I used a mask with honey for my face. The skin became soft and hydrated. Satisfied with the product. Then I began to buy for cooking, but I use only refined.
Julia, Omsk
I bought cottonseed oil from a pharmacy on the advice of a pharmacist. I asked for a remedy for my hands, as in winter they became dry and even sore. I just lubricated the brushes, it helped. Could add to moisturizer.
I used cottonseed oil only in cosmetology. I was advised by the hairdresser to simply apply it to the hair before washing. I didn't think that such a simple remedy would help to cope with dryness. Before that, even professional cosmetics could not please.
Vera, St. Petersburg
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