How to remove cat urine smell from clothes

The cat is a very popular household pet that lives in many families. Sometimes these cute animals, for one reason or another, begin to mark their territory in a living room, not bypassing their attention and clothing. Washing cat urine from clothes is not such an easy task, but it is possible to cope with it, knowing certain subtleties of this process.

Features of removing the smell of cat urine from clothes

Before displaying the "unpleasant surprise" left by the cat, several main factors should be considered:

  • The urine of cats contains such a component as uric acid, which tends to crystallize quickly and does not dissolve in ordinary water. That is why it will not be possible to remove the stench in the usual way without using additional funds;
  • It is necessary to start removing contamination as soon as possible after its detection. The less time has passed from the moment the pet marked the thing he liked, the less effort will need to be made in order to remove the pollution and return the thing to its original state;
  • Do not use any flavorings to combat cat urine pollution, such as; coffee, deodorants, or aromatic oils. These funds will only temporarily help mask the stench, but they will be useless in the fight against the source of the smell;
  • Before using any method to remove the smell of cat urine from the fabric, be sure to check how it works on a small area of ​​the product, so as not to spoil the internal structure of the fabric fibers and not damage the color of the product.

How to wash cat urine from clothes using folk methods

The use of folk methods to remove cat urine from clothes has a number of advantages over household chemicals:

  • folk methods can be used without fear of harming the health of the pet;
  • there is no need to run to the store to purchase specialized products: everything you need to remove the unpleasant amber is sure to be found in the household of every house;
  • these methods are very budgetary and do not require large financial costs.

Folk methods to help remove cat urine are time-tested and have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. The main thing in this case is to choose the right remedy to get rid of the stench and follow all the necessary recommendations for using the technique.

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How to remove the smell of cat urine from clothes with lemon juice

Lemon, thanks to its rich aroma, remove the unpleasant stench of urine of cats, and the acidic environment contained in its composition will easily cope with the source of the smell - uric acid. This method will quickly remove the fresh stain.In order to apply the method in practice, you need:

  • Squeeze citrus juice into a small container and pour water into it in a 1: 1 ratio. You can replace natural citrus juice by using citric acid;
  • Treat fetid contamination with a prepared solution;
  • Wash the item in any usual way using a cleaning powder.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from clothes with potassium permanganate

To remove cat urine from clothes will help such a home medicine kit as potassium permanganate - potassium permanganate.

Important! This method can only be applied to clothes made of fabric of dark shades, since potassium permanganate will leave bright traces on light-colored items, which will be impossible to wash off.

In order to remove the stench in this way, you need:

  • Dissolve potassium permanganate in water. In this case, one should be guided by the following proportions: for 5 g of potassium permanganate - 95 mg of water. The cleaning composition should turn out to be very weak, its color should be light pink;
  • Treat the contaminated surface of clothing with the prepared composition, while trying not to go beyond the area damaged by the stench;
  • Wash a thing in an automatic machine.
Advice! In the process of preparing this cleaning composition, you need to carefully monitor that all crystals of potassium permanganate dissolve in water. This will ensure that the treated area of ​​the fabric will not be affected by the dye.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from clothes with iodine

Iodine will also help in the fight against "cat surprises". It should be borne in mind that this technique to remove amber is applicable only to things that are dark in their color scheme. The sequence of steps in this case should be as follows:

  • iodine is diluted in cool water in the ratio: per 1 liter of liquid - 15 drops of medicine;
  • thoroughly treat the contaminated surface of clothing on both sides;
  • after the fabric is dry, initially rinse the garment and then hand wash or machine wash it.

How to clean cat urine from clothes with vinegar

Acetic acid is a versatile method for treating "cat surprises" because it can be used on all types of fabrics, even those that belong to the delicate category, regardless of their color scheme. For example, you can flush cat urine from your leather jacket this way. Cats cannot stand the smell of this substance, so they are unlikely to re-tag this wardrobe item. To apply the method, you should:

  • Dissolve acetic acid in clean water. In this case, the proportions should be such that the smell of the acid is very noticeable;
  • Clean the stain left by the cat with the prepared solution;
  • The product must dry completely. Repeat the entire procedure if necessary;
  • Wash the item using detergent powder.

An alternative way to get rid of the stench is to prepare a vinegar solution in a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water and treat the cat pollution with a spray bottle. In all other respects, the steps to get rid of the trouble are the same as the above method.

How to remove cat urine smell from clothes with baking soda

Baking soda is an excellent natural absorbent and can therefore be applied in multiple directions at once to remove cat urine stains.

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Firstly, it can be applied directly to fresh dirt, and the product will absorb all the remains of the animal's urine.

Secondly, it can be used directly to remove the stench. To this end, one should:

  • mix soda and water in such a ratio to get gruel;
  • Apply the prepared composition to the contaminated surface of the fabric and leave everything unchanged until the product is completely dry;
  • use a brush to clean off the remnants from the surface of the fabric;
  • wash clothes.

How to remove cat urine smell from clothes with laundry soap

Laundry soap is a universal agent in its properties, capable of helping to introduce pollution of various origins. It will also help to cope with the smell of cat urine on clothes. In addition, this technique is very simple in its work in practice:

  • part of clothing contaminated with a cat should be treated with soap;
  • do not touch the thing for 10 minutes;
  • wash off the soap with clean warm water;
  • wash clothes by hand or in a typewriter.

How to remove cat urine from clothes with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has been used successfully to remove dirt and urine stench from pets. There are several ways to use it.

First option:

  • The place that was marked with a cat must be treated with peroxide;
  • Leave the product to dry completely;
  • Repeat the entire procedure from the very beginning, if necessary.

Second option (used to remove fresh stains):

  • Pour soda;
  • Pour peroxide on top. A violent chemical reaction will begin between the components;
  • Leave clothes unchanged for 12 hours;
  • Clean the composition from the surface of the fabric and wash the clothes.

How to get rid of cat odor on clothes with bleach

Chlorine products will also help remove the smell of cat urine, but this method should be used very carefully with clothes, as there is a high probability that the product will be irreparably damaged.

To do this, you should:

  • dissolve a small amount of bleach in water;
  • soak a thing in it for a short period of time;
  • rinse clothes in clean water;
  • wash the product in any usual way.

How to remove cat urine smell from clothes with alcohol or vodka

Alcohol or vodka is not very effective in dealing with the source of urine odor. They have another advantage: the animals themselves do not like the smell, therefore, by treating already cleaned things with these liquids, you can provide an almost one hundred percent guarantee that the cat does not repeat his liberties twice with respect to the product. To remove the consequences of cat urine and achieve the desired result, a simple treatment with these compositions of things marked by a cat will be sufficient.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from things using specialized products

If the use of folk methods in the fight against a nuisance that has arisen is not possible or they turned out to be powerless, then you need to choose industrial chemicals. The most popular remedies for removing cat urine from clothing are:

  • «OdorGone»- odor neutralizer, which perfectly copes with its task. It is convenient to use because its spray bottle does not cause allergic reactions. A very effective and cost effective way to remove dirt and odor;
  • «Zoosan"- a product specially designed to combat the smell of urine in pets. It applies to all types of fabrics and surfaces;
  • «Dezosan"- contains in its composition surfactants that will help not only remove the" aroma "of cat urine, but also completely eliminate their source.

All these products must be used in strict accordance with the instructions on the packaging.


Anyone who has encountered such a nuisance can wash cat urine from clothes. It is possible to remove the consequences of pollution from a pet with both specialized chemicals and proven folk methods. Subject to all the necessary recommendations, clothing marked with an animal will delight its owner with an impeccable appearance for a long time.

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