Mushroom lacquered ganoderma (reishi): useful properties and contraindications

The medicinal properties of Reishi mushroom and contraindications need to be studied in order to evaluate the benefits of natural raw materials in the treatment of ailments. Traditional medicine speaks well of lacquered ganoderma and offers many recipes for its use.

What is Reishi mushroom

The reishi mushroom is also found under the name varnished tinder fungus, ganoderma or lingzhi. In fact, it is a parasite that settles on stumps and rotten wood. It has a bright ocher shiny oval cap, its surface is rough and whitish below. The stem of the fruiting body is lateral; if the reishi grows in tree roots, it may be practically invisible.

There are clearly visible rings on the lacquered tinder fungus head

The pulp of the varnished tinder fungus is dense, similar to wood, without a bright smell and taste. The mushroom is not used for food, but is actively used in traditional medicine, since it accumulates many useful substances during the growth process.

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Where lacquered tinder fungus grows in Russia

Reishi is a rather rare mushroom; you can rarely find it in wildlife. In Russia, it comes across mainly in the North Caucasus, Altai and Krasnodar Territory. At the same time, it is practically pointless to go to collect Ganoderma, you can see the varnished mushroom only with a lot of luck.

Reishi mushroom composition

The fruit bodies of the varnished tinder fungus contain a huge amount of substances important for the health of the body. In particular, the mushroom contains:

  • amino acids and polysaccharides;
  • vitamins B3 and B5;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • zinc, iron, magnesium and sodium;
  • calcium and potassium;
  • germanium;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin D;
  • phytoncides and coumarins;
  • alkaloids.

Due to its rich chemical composition, Reishi mushroom is essential for the body and is beneficial in the treatment of ailments and in their prevention.

What is useful and what does Reishi mushroom cure?

The beneficial properties of lacquered ganoderma are in demand for many diseases. Reishi mushroom is used:

  • with chronic fatigue syndrome and insomnia;
  • with diseases of the stomach, intestines and liver;
  • for the treatment of inflammation and infectious processes of any kind;
  • with asthma and food allergies;
  • with autoimmune diseases and diabetes mellitus;
  • with oncological ailments;
  • with flu, bronchitis, ARVI;
  • with hypertension and cardiovascular disorders.

Reishi mushroom normalizes the adrenal glands, evens out the hormonal background. Lacquered Ganoderma is a natural immunomodulator and regulates the metabolic system.

Reishi mushroom during pregnancy

Despite the numerous healing properties of the Reishi mushroom, it is not recommended to take it during pregnancy, the product can lead to the development of side effects. In particular, the vasodilator action is dangerous. With an acceleration of blood circulation and an increase in muscle tone, a woman may have a miscarriage.

Reishi mushroom treatment of oncology diseases

The valuable properties of lacquered ganoderma are used in the complex therapy of oncological diseases. Some studies show that tinder fungus not only reduces the risk of developing malignant processes, but also inhibits the growth of existing cancer cells.

Reishi mushroom is especially useful for breast cancer, rectal cancer, colon and prostate cancer. But the treatment should be carried out exclusively with the permission of the doctor and under his supervision, with the use of official drugs. The varnished tinder fungus is not a panacea for cancer and cannot serve as the only cure.

Reishi mushroom for children

When used correctly according to proven recipes, reishi mushroom can have a beneficial effect on the child's body. The natural remedy helps with colds and infectious diseases, normalizes the nervous system and improves sleep.

However, it is impossible to offer lacquered tinder fungus to babies up to seven years old. Only after this age is the product allowed to be given in small dosages, carefully observing whether allergies will arise.

Attention! Reishi mushroom has strict contraindications for consumption. It can be offered to a child only after consulting a pediatrician.

How to cook reishi mushroom

There are several recipes for the use of lacquered tinder fungus in traditional medicine. In each of the healing agents on its basis, the maximum amount of valuable substances is preserved.

How to make Reishi mushroom tincture

The useful substances in the lacquered tinder fungus are effectively dissolved in high-quality vodka or in a base of pure alcohol. Prepare the drug as follows:

  • dry tinder fungus is ground into powder;
  • 10 g of raw materials are poured into 500 ml of alcohol;
  • when closed, they are removed in a dark and warm place for a month.

Shake the product daily. At the end of the period, the tincture is poured into another vessel. The medicine from the lacquered mushroom is taken 30 drops three times a day on an empty stomach.

Mushroom tea

A popular way to use Reishi mushroom suggests making a tea that has immunomodulating and strengthening properties. They make a drink according to a very simple recipe:

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  • the usual amount of black or green tea leaves are placed in the teapot;
  • add 10 g of crushed varnished tinder fungus;
  • pour hot water about 80 ° C and leave for seven minutes.

After that, the remedy is consumed like regular tea.

Reishi tea can be drunk up to three times a day.
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Water infusion on lacquered ganoderma has many beneficial properties. First of all, you need to grind the dry mushroom to a powder state. Then the drink is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • heat up to 45 ° C pure water;
  • add 50 g of reishi to it;
  • pour the mixture into a thermos and insist throughout the day.
It is recommended to cook Reishi infusion in melted water obtained by defrosting.

After infusion, the product is added three large spoons to ordinary drinking water and consumed on an empty stomach three times a day.


Most traditional medicine recipes suggest the use of lacquered polypores in powder form.It is very simple to prepare such raw materials, a completely dried mushroom must be loaded into a coffee grinder.

Reishi powder can be added pinch in food dishes right before serving.

Powder from lacquered tinder fungus is used for the preparation of teas and infusions, decoctions, ointments and rubbing.

Oil extract

In addition to infusions and teas, the oil extract of lacquered ganoderma has medicinal value. You can do it like this:

  • 500 ml of corn or flaxseed oil is heated to 45 ° C;
  • add 50 reishi powder;
  • pour the product into a glass vessel and close the lid;
  • leave for a week in a dark place, shaking occasionally.
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The finished extract will need to be passed through cheesecloth from the sediment. Oil is taken in a large spoonful three times a day on an empty stomach; in total, the treatment can be continued for 1.5 months.

Reishi oil extract can be used in joint compresses
Advice! Oil extract of lacquered ganoderma is useful for treating the skin with inflammation.

How to drink and take reishi mushroom

Traditional medicine offers many options for the use of a medicinal mushroom. Lacquered Ganoderma is able to alleviate the condition in acute and chronic diseases.

How to take reishi powder

Lacquered tinder fungus powder is the main drug based on ganoderma for most ailments. Raw materials can be prepared independently or bought at a pharmacy, and the instructions for using the Reishi mushroom look like this:

  • two small spoons of powder pour 200 ml of water;
  • bring to a boil over medium heat;
  • boil the product for 5 minutes, stirring continuously;
  • the finished drink is insisted for another 12 hours under the lid.

A decoction of lacquered tinder fungus powder is consumed three times a day, shortly before meals. Store the product in the refrigerator, as it will quickly deteriorate at room temperature. But even in the cold, the drink retains its valuable properties for no longer than two days.

How many days to drink Ganoderma

The duration of treatment with a varnished tinder fungus depends on the specific disease. But usually it is advised to use any form of Reishi mushroom no longer than a month. Then you should take a break for 14 days.

How to take reishi mushroom for oncology

In cancerous tumors, lacquered ganoderma activates the body's immune system to fight the disease. Valuable substances in the composition of the fungus stimulate the production of cells that prevent the further development of malignant processes. With chemotherapy, tinder fungus can mitigate the side effects of treatment and improve overall well-being.

Reishi mushroom for cancer is usually consumed in the form of a tincture. You need to take it three times a day, 20 drops, in total, the course of therapy takes three months or more, as prescribed by the doctor.

Reishi mushroom for gout

In the treatment of gout, the usual decoction of reishi powder is used. To prepare it you need:

  • boil 10 g of raw materials in 200 ml of water for five minutes;
  • insist the product warm for another 12 hours.

If you take the drink three times a day, lacquered ganoderma will help relieve inflammation in the joints and improve well-being, and promote the elimination of uric acid from the body. You can also do rubbing and compresses with tinder fungus oil.

Reishi in the treatment of diabetes

Among the indications for the use of the Ganoderma mushroom is diabetes, reishi evens out blood sugar levels. If the drug is used for 12 weeks with short interruptions, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and increase the tissue's sensitivity to insulin.

In the treatment of diabetes, a classic decoction of chopped mushroom is used
Important! Cancellation of medications for the treatment of diabetes while using reishi cannot. Healing mushroom therapy is carried out only in combination with medications.

Lacquered Ganoderma Slimming

Mushroom drinks can help you lose weight faster. On a diet, it is useful to use such an infusion:

  • two large tablespoons of powder pour 500 ml of cold water;
  • leave to infuse overnight;
  • in the morning the agent is boiled for ten minutes;
  • after cooling, filter the infusion and drink 100 ml three times a day on an empty stomach.

Lacquered tinder fungus accelerates metabolic processes in the body and promotes the removal of toxins. Reviews of real people about ganoderma confirm that the mushroom helps to achieve weight loss.

Reishi for herpes

The varnished reishi mushroom has pronounced immunomodulatory properties and helps to get rid of the manifestations of the herpes virus. With the frequent occurrence of bubbles on the lips, you can prepare the following remedy:

  • 10 g of dry powder is poured into a glass of water;
  • boil for five minutes after boiling with constant stirring;
  • cool and filter through cheesecloth.

You need to drink the remedy on an empty stomach three times a day. Cope with herpes by using ganoderma will be faster, and the virus will return less often.

Lacquered Ganoderma for pancreatitis

With chronic inflammation of the pancreas, the recipe for cooking reishi mushroom looks like this:

  • 10 g of ganoderma powder is poured with 500 ml of water;
  • bring to a boil;
  • boil for 5 minutes.

Then the drink needs to be insisted for another half hour, strain and drink according to the traditional scheme - 100 ml three times a day.

For pancreatitis, it is recommended to use a decoction of Reishi mushroom warm
Important! It is possible to take a decoction of lacquered ganoderma with inflammation of the pancreas only in the phase of remission.

Reishi for tuberculosis

The beneficial properties and contraindications of the Reishi mushroom are considered in the folk treatment of tuberculosis. Lacquered tinder fungus promotes productive coughing, increases the body's resistance, stops bacterial processes and improves the flow of oxygen to the tissues.

For therapy, you can prepare the following drink:

  • 15 g of dry mushroom in powder form is poured into 700 ml of water;
  • boil for an hour;
  • after cooling, filter through cheesecloth.

Warm means drink a glass before each meal. If desired, you can add some natural honey to the drink.

Does Reishi Mushroom Help Vitiligo

Lacquered Ganoderma extract is included in many dietary supplements aimed at treating vitiligo. The benefits of reishi are that the mushroom increases the antioxidant protection of the skin, activates the immune system and cleanses the body of toxic substances and toxins. In addition, taking lacquered ganoderma in accordance with proven recipes has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Exacerbations of vitiligo often develop precisely against the background of severe stress.

Feedback from those who used the Reishi mushroom confirm its positive effect on skin condition. When using a decoction of tinder fungus according to the classical scheme, it is possible to cope not only with vitiligo, but also with dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and papillomas.

Effect of Reishi mushroom on the human liver

Drinks and dietary supplements based on lacquered ganoderma help to remove toxins and toxins from body tissues. This has a beneficial effect on the state of the liver, since it no longer has to pass a large amount of harmful substances through itself. Reishi mushroom helps reduce the stress on the organ and thus protects it from infectious and inflammatory processes.

How does reishi mushroom affect blood pressure?

When consumed regularly, lacquered tinder fungus can lower the concentration of harmful cholesterol. Due to this, the strength of the vessels increases, and their throughput improves. Blood pressure becomes lower, the risk of atherosclerotic plaque formation decreases.

Lacquered Reishi mushroom protects not only from hypertension, but also from the risk of heart attack

Contraindications to the use of reishi mushroom

The benefits and harms of Reishi mushroom for the body are ambiguous.Like any natural product, lacquered tinder fungus has certain contraindications. These include:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • individual allergy to a mushroom;
  • chronic hypotension;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children up to age seven.

If you experience nausea, diarrhea and dizziness while taking Reishi, you should immediately abandon the folk remedy and consult a doctor.

Collection and procurement

You can collect and harvest medicinal mushrooms from July to November. Look for lacquered polypores in deciduous forests on dead trees in areas of natural growth. But it should be borne in mind that the real chances of meeting Reishi in the wild tend to zero.

It is much easier to buy fruiting bodies from private sellers or to grow lacquered ganoderma from spores on your own site on your own. The mushroom can be planted both in sawdust and on old deciduous stumps. Keeping the temperature around 26 ° C and high humidity, the mycelium will begin to germinate after just 20 days.

Regardless of the origin of the fruit bodies, after cutting, they must be prepared for long-term storage. For this purpose, the varnished tinder fungus is first wiped from dirt and debris with paper napkins, and then cut into large pieces.

Before drying in the oven, pieces of varnished mushroom can be air-dried

On a baking sheet covered with parchment, pieces of the mushroom are sent to the oven at a temperature of 45 ° C. When the reishi stops sticking to the paper, the heating can be raised to 70 ° C and wait until the raw materials are completely dry. The workpieces are laid out in glass jars and put away in a dark place with a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. When stored properly, Reishi retains its valuable properties for two years.

Important! It is impossible to wash the varnished ganoderma before drying, the mushroom should not gain excess moisture.


The medicinal properties of the Reishi mushroom and contraindications are of great interest to traditional medicine. Due to its rich chemical composition, tinder fungus is used for the treatment of serious diseases, including cancer. It has a strengthening effect and increases the body's resistance to any ailments.

Reviews of the medicinal properties of reishi mushroom and contraindications

Vasilyeva Elena Vladimirovna, 52 years old, Krasnodar
Although reishi grows in our area, I have seen it only once in my entire life. For the past few years, I have been growing varnished Ganoderma from the purchased mycelium on the site. I grind mushrooms into powder and use them as a tonic. Against the background of use, my joints began to hurt less, my pressure decreased, and my headaches disappeared.
Ryazantseva Anna Grigorievna, 34 years old, Moscow
For the first time, Reishi learned about the properties of the mushroom from the Internet when I was looking for natural means for losing weight. I tried a decoction of powder, and it turned out easier than usual to lose a few pounds in a couple of weeks. Since then, lacquered Ganoderma has given me great confidence, I drink infusions and teas, including when I cough, the symptoms of a cold pass quickly and without complications.

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