Why mussels are useful for men and women

Bivalve clams mussels are a delicacy that rarely appears on the regular table. What are the benefits and harms of mussels, how to choose and use this product correctly?

What are mussels

Mussels are called bivalve marine molluscs that live in salt waters almost all over the planet. They are caught in both warm and cold waters.

The shells are oval in shape, slightly flattened laterally, smooth and shiny. The edible part of the product is represented by the body of the mussel, or muscle, and the mantle, a dense shell that covers the muscle. The mass of an average clam is about 15 g.

The chemical composition of mussels

Mussels are an incredibly healthy product. First of all, they contain an increased amount of natural protein - much more than meat or fish. In addition, the composition contains:

  • valuable vitamins of the B-group - B2 and B1;
  • vitamins A, E, C, D;
  • niacinic acid PP;
  • minerals - phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium;
  • magnesium and sulfur;
  • iron;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • selenium and manganese;
  • iodine;
  • cobalt;
  • ash;
  • a large amount of water.

Nutritional value and calorie content of mussels

The main share in the composition of the product in any form is taken by proteins. It contains extremely little carbohydrates, fats are represented in small volumes. In general, shellfish are very low in calories, which increases the beneficial properties.

However, the exact calorie content of shellfish depends on the processing method. A small table will help you figure it out:


Calorie content per 100 g


77 calories


50 calories


67 calories


59 calories

The nutritional value of the product is determined in the same way - it varies depending on the type of processing of the seafood. Namely:


Proteins, g

Carbohydrates, g

Fat, g

















Fresh molluscs that have not been subjected to any processing are of the greatest benefit to the body. Pickled mussels can be considered the least valuable - the amount of protein in them is reduced, but there is a large proportion of carbohydrates.

Useful properties of mussels

The benefits of mussels for the human body are very great. Marine molluscs:

  • improve metabolism and help remove harmful substances;
  • strengthen resistance to infections and viruses;
  • serve as the prevention of joint diseases;
  • accelerate blood circulation, thereby strengthening the heart and improving brain activity;
  • have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • have a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • improve the condition of hair and skin;
  • good for digestion.

The product contains quite little cholesterol, so it also helps to strengthen the vascular walls.

The benefits of mussels for a woman's body

For the fair sex, mussels are valuable primarily for their high iron content.In particular, they help keep you feeling well and energized during your period. In addition, the properties of the product work very well on the skin, promoting its renewal and increasing elasticity. And saturated fats in shellfish strengthen hair and nail plates.

Why mussels are useful for men

High protein content is the main benefit of shellfish for men. The product helps to gain muscle mass, and the fatty acids in the composition strengthen the heart system, protecting men from heart attacks and strokes.

Thanks to iodine and zinc in their composition, shellfish are very useful for the male reproductive system. Their properties improve reproductive functions and have a mild aphrodisiac effect.

The benefits of mussels for weight loss

The calorie content of mussels per 100 grams is very low, therefore, with almost any diet, you can and should eat them. The product will speed up metabolism and help you quickly say goodbye to body fat. At the same time, you will not have to part with muscle mass while losing weight - the protein in shellfish will keep it at a healthy level.

Mussels for athletes

The high protein content of shellfish is an undeniable benefit for everyone involved in sports. To build muscle, it is not enough to train hard - you also need building material for muscle fibers. Mussels by their properties for gaining muscle mass are just perfect - together with them, the body receives a maximum of protein and essential amino acids, and excess fat is not stored.

Is it possible to eat mussels for pregnant and lactating

In the absence of allergies for pregnant women, the product is not only allowed, but also recommended for use. Mussel seafood is good for both the mother and the fetus, since they contain a lot of useful minerals and vitamins.

But during lactation, the product should be removed from the diet. The fact is that mussels can cause severe allergies in babies, so you shouldn't take risks and try them even in small quantities.

Is it possible to give mussels to children

Due to the high allergenicity of mussels, offering them to babies is strictly prohibited. For the first time, a product can be introduced into a child's diet only after he turns 3 years old - and in very small quantities.

Until the baby turns 5 years old, the daily norm of shellfish should be no more than 50 g - and it is better to offer them to the child no more often than once a week. Molluscs must be fresh, they must be boiled before use - a canned and fresh product cannot be given to a child.

Attention! Before introducing the product into the children's diet, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician and find out if the baby has an individual intolerance - otherwise shellfish will harm.

Are mussels in oil good for you?

Canned mussels are most commonly found in oil, which adds flavor and nutritional value. But how useful are the properties of such a dish?

Shellfish in oil is the least healthy variety. The fact is that the content of carbohydrates and fats rises sharply, and the protein becomes less, which reduces the value of mussels for the body. It is possible to eat the product canned in oil, but it is preferable to choose fresh shellfish.

Features of the use of shrimp for diseases

Some acute and chronic ailments force people to seriously revise their diet, excluding even very healthy foods from it. Before using shellfish for certain diseases, it is worth finding out if they are allowed in principle - and in what form they are best served on the table.

With diabetes mellitus

The greatest harm for diabetics is represented by foods high in carbohydrates and sugar. But since in mussels, both are present in minimal quantities, in diabetes mellitus, the properties of the product are very valuable - it should be included in a regular diet.The glycemic index of shellfish is 0 - their sugar level does not rise at all.

With pancreatitis

During the period of acute inflammation of the pancreas, mussels should be removed from the diet - their meat is too dense. Even in a crushed form, mollusks will be digested for a long time, once again harming the pancreas.

But during the period of remission, mollusks are allowed for consumption - in a boiled form. The protein present in them will accelerate the restoration of pancreatic functions. In this case, you should start with small portions - no more than 1 shellfish per day.

Important! Boiled, stewed and baked mussels with pancreatitis should not be seasoned with hot and spicy spices, it is better not to use them fried or pickled.

With gastritis

The dense meat of sea molluscs is easily digestible, but can injure the inflamed mucous membranes of the stomach with gastritis. Therefore, during the period of exacerbation of the disease, seafood should be removed from the diet.

When the acute phase of the disease has passed, the mussels can be added back to the list of allowed foods. You need to start with small portions - no more than 3 shellfish a day, without hot spices and herbs. The benefits of mussel meat will be maximum if boiled or stewed. A fried product or canned shellfish in oil for gastritis is strongly discouraged.

Recommended reading:  What is useful and how to take olive oil

Is it possible to eat mussels every day

Healthy seafood should not be consumed excessively, in too large quantities. An excess of protein harms the human body, since in this case the digestive processes slow down. The weekly dose should not exceed 500 g - otherwise the shellfish will be harmful.

Accordingly, if desired, seafood can be consumed daily, but in small quantities - about 70 g. And the best option is to indulge yourself with these mollusks twice or three times a week, eating 150-200 g of meat.

Which is healthier: mussels or shrimp

Useful properties are found in both products - shrimp and mussels are similar in elemental composition. Both contain magnesium and calcium, cobalt, sodium, phosphorus, and many vitamins. However, there are some differences.

  • Shrimp contain even less fat than mussels and are therefore less nutritious.
  • The cholesterol content in shrimp is much higher - more than half the daily value in 100 g.

Which one to choose depends on personal preference and health. But for the purpose of losing weight, shrimps are better suited, but in case of problems with blood vessels and liver, the valuable properties of mussels are useful.

How to cook mussels

It must be said right away that raw mollusks are of great benefit to the body, but only if they are completely fresh, just caught from the water area. Store-bought shellfish cannot be consumed unprocessed.

The best way to handle mussels is by boiling. The product is very easy to cook.

  • If we are talking about frozen shellfish, then you just need to put them in slightly salted water, bring to a boil, and then wait until a foam appears on the surface of the water. After that, the product must be removed from the stove so as not to overcook, otherwise the meat will be too tough.
  • If the mollusks are bought directly in the shells, then first you need to hold them in boiling water for 2 minutes until the flaps open. After that, the product is rinsed, boiled again, then removed from heat. As a separate dish, mollusks are served directly in the shutters, and if they are needed, as an ingredient for a recipe, then they are first freed from shells.

The stewing and frying process depends on the specific recipe. However, it should be noted that delicate seafood, in principle, does not like long heat treatment - it loses its properties and delicate texture. Therefore, shellfish are usually stewed and fried for no more than 5 minutes.

Most often, shellfish are consumed as an independent dish, flavored with spices and lemon juice. Often a product is found as a component of a recipe.Shellfish are added to salads, pasta, rice and pilaf. They go well with vegetables and cereals, herbs and many fruits, potatoes and legumes - for example, the use of pickled mussels will well complement the valuable qualities of all the listed dishes.

Harm of mussels and contraindications

A fresh, high-quality product rarely harms the body. The main danger is that molluscs caught from sea or ocean waters and not properly processed may contain saxitoxins and other harmful substances. If there is any doubt about the quality, before cooking and eating the shellfish, they should be thoroughly rinsed or soaked in salt water.

Advice! When choosing a canned product, it is reasonable to buy mussels in brine - the benefit is that the likelihood of the presence of harmful substances in them is reduced to zero.

As for contraindications, seafood is prohibited when:

  • individual allergies;
  • gout;
  • poor blood clotting.

How to choose and store mussels

The health benefits and harms of mussels depend mainly on the quality of the product. When buying, you must follow a few rules.

  • When buying any shellfish, it is better to give preference to well-known, reliable manufacturers - this way the risk of stumbling upon a low-quality product is much less.
  • Fresh shellfish should not give off an unpleasant odor. In addition, their flaps must be tightly closed and airtight.
  • Frozen shellfish should be inspected for pieces of ice in the bag. If ice is present, then, most likely, the mussels have already been defrosted once, and then you cannot buy them. The same goes for packages of shellfish frozen into one lump - you shouldn't buy them.
  • When buying a canned product, you need to look at the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date.

As for storing seafood, only frozen mussels can be kept in the refrigerator for a long time - until the expiration date. They cannot be thawed or re-frozen. Fresh shellfish should be cooked and eaten right away. On the same day, it is advisable to use canned open mussels. They deteriorate very quickly - this is not a product that can be put off for later.


The benefits and harms of mussels depend mainly on their quality and freshness. In the absence of allergies, the properties of mussels will not harm, but will saturate the body with protein and valuable minerals.

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