
Useful properties of fenugreek tea (helba): composition, contraindications
The beneficial properties of helba tea are explained by the rich content of components necessary for the body. The drink is widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking ....
How to eat tamarind fruit: description, health benefits and harms, application, how to store, photo
Knowing how to eat tamarind correctly is necessary to appreciate the taste and get the most out of the fruit. It belongs to the legume family and ...
The benefits and harms of sumach for human health: composition, photo and description
The beneficial properties of sumac are appreciated in cooking, pharmaceuticals and alternative medicine. Due to the sour taste of the fruit, it is also called the vinegar tree. More...
Tibikos (tibi, sea rice): medicinal properties and uses, composition
The beneficial properties of Indian sea rice primarily affect the functioning of the immune system. It is a unique bacterial culture, in ...
Products that restore muscles: which ones relax, for pain
The result of training depends on a balanced diet. After active physical activity, microtraumas of muscle fibers appear, which are restored within 2 ...
Sencha tea (sencha): medicinal properties and contraindications
The benefits and harms of green sencha tea have been controversial lately. It takes its origins from the land of the Rising Sun. On...
The benefits and harms of paprika: what the spice consists of, reviews
The beneficial properties of paprika are not the only benefit of the spice. It is also appreciated for its unique taste. It contains a lot ...
Sulfur-rich foods: table, list
Sulfur-rich foods are essential for the body for the proper functioning of the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems. The substance also takes part in the formation process ...
What foods contain starch: table, Top 10
Starch is a white and tasteless powder. When compressed, a characteristic squeak is noted. The substance varies in shape and size depending ...
Products against hair loss: top 10 most useful
A significant number of women experience hair loss. Thinning curls can be due to various reasons. Usually trichologists call hormonal imbalance, ...


the beauty
