
The benefits and harms of miso soup: composition, calorie content
Miso soup is a Japanese dish made with tofu cheese and dashi fish broth. It received its distribution another 750 ...
Onion tea: benefits and harms, doctors' reviews, recipes
The benefits and harms of tea with onion peels cause a lot of controversy among people who are far from traditional medicine. The unique drink is considered natural ...
Kidney tea (orthosiphon): useful properties and contraindications
The medicinal properties of staminate orthosiphon and contraindications are of particular interest to supporters of traditional medicine. The plant is widely used in the treatment of urological ...
Is it useful or harmful to drink coffee with cognac
The benefits of coffee with cognac are of paramount importance for the functioning of the nervous system. It is considered the most powerful stimulant. When used correctly, the drink helps ...
Why date syrup is useful and how to make it at home
Date syrup is in great demand among supporters of proper nutrition. Due to its high content of natural sugars, it is often used as a beneficial sweetener ....
Why is coffee with lemon useful and harmful?
The benefits and harms of coffee with lemon are a fairly common subject of controversy. Not everyone will like such an unusual combination ...
Why cornbread is useful, composition and calorie content
The benefits and harms of corn bread are of particular interest to those who follow their figure. It is often used as an alternative to wheat ...
What foods improve a person's mood
It is advisable to include foods that increase mood in the diet on a daily basis. They trigger the production of hormones that improve well-being, give strength, confidence, stimulate the emergence ...
What foods increase insulin in the human body: a list
Insulin is a protein hormone produced by the cells of the human pancreas. It is responsible for regulating serum sugar concentration ....
Hiltit (asafoetida): useful properties and contraindications, use in cooking
The beneficial properties of asafoetida and contraindications are of particular interest to herbalists and doctors from all over the world. It is a resin of an amazing ...


the beauty
