Useful properties of nightshade

Nightshade is an edible plant that grows almost throughout Russia. Most often it is found in a "wild" form in unkempt fields, orchards and vegetable gardens. The benefits and harms of black nightshade are often misunderstood - so it is interesting to figure out what properties the plant actually has.

Description of the plant

It's easy to find out a medicinal plant. The nightshade looks like a plant with a branchy and upward stem no more than a meter in height. The leaves of the nightshade are oblong in shape, their edges are slightly serrated, and the white flowers bloom in umbrella inflorescences.

As the name implies, black nightshade fruits are black berries. Small and round in shape, they are covered with a smooth skin.

Attention! Nightshade is a dangerous plant. You can eat only fully ripe berries. Unripe fruits and tops of nightshade are poisonous.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The nightshade fruit has one unique characteristic. Berries have zero calories - they do not contain any proteins or fats, there are practically no even carbohydrates. But at the same time, the vitamin and mineral benefits are very high. The pulp contains elements such as:

  • ascorbic acid in large quantities;
  • calcium and manganese;
  • magnesium and rutin;
  • sugar and carotene;
  • mass of tannins and organic acids;
  • glycosides and alkaloids.

Why is black nightshade useful?

What exactly are the benefits for the body contained in the fruits and other parts of black nightshade, saturated with valuable components? Plant berries:

  • effectively reduce the temperature and fight any inflammation in the body;
  • act as a good mucolytic cough;
  • have a light analgesic effect;
  • calm the nervous system.

Nightshade berries

The main benefit is stored in the berries of the plant. They have the following effect on the body:

  • soothe inflammation and relieve fevers;
  • work as an expectorant for coughing;
  • relieve pain - therefore, their benefits are very great for joint diseases;
  • lower blood pressure and help with atherosclerosis;
  • have a mild sedative effect.


Nightshade flowers are also actively used for health purposes. Basically, decoctions and infusions based on them are used for diseases of the kidneys and respiratory organs. The flowers help thin phlegm and serve as a good diuretic. They can also act as a sedative and anesthetic.

Leaves and shoots

Infusions made from the leaves and shoots of the plant are a good anti-inflammatory agent. They are drunk with coughs and abscesses, decoctions from the leaves can be of great service for asthma.

In addition, the benefits of fresh leaves are preserved in nightshade ointment, which is good for disinfecting ulcers and wounds.

Nightshade seeds

The seeds of the plant are not used for cooking or medicinal purposes.

The use of nightshade in folk medicine: recipes

Since the benefits of the plant extend to almost the entire body, traditional medicine uses it very actively. Products based on nightshade fruits, leaves and flowers relieve conditions with:

  • headaches and vascular spasms;
  • colds with high fever;
  • rheumatism and arthritis;
  • painful periods.

There are several basic recipes for using fruits, leaves and flowers.

Nightshade juice

A small amount of nightshade fruits are carefully squeezed out and mixed with water (1: 3). Juice can be used to rinse your mouth and throat for sore throat and inflammatory gum disease.

Also, juice is instilled into the nose for a cold from a cold - no more than 3 drops in each nostril.

Nightshade alcohol tincture

Ripe berries are used to make alcohol tincture.

  • A small amount of fruits is poured with 60% alcohol - while the volume of alcohol should be 6 times more than berries.
  • The tincture is placed for a week in a shaded and cool place, shaking it daily.
  • Then it is filtered and taken as needed no more than 15 drops per day.

Alcohol tincture is especially good for colds or as a diuretic and choleretic agent.


The broth is prepared from dry crushed leaves of a plant - they are poured with a glass of boiling water, and then kept for 15 minutes in a water bath. When the broth cools down completely, filter it and take a teaspoon twice a day. The main benefit of the broth is in analgesic, antispasmodic and antiallergic properties.

Important! It is not customary to prepare a decoction from the leaves of the plant "for future use" - it is recommended to make a fresh mixture every 2 days.

Nightshade ointment

Black nightshade leaf is suitable for the preparation of medicinal ointment. To do this, it needs to be ground into a fine powder, and then mixed with vegetable oil (1: 4). The ointment is suitable for the treatment of boils and ulcers, inflamed wounds, lichens.

Nightshade herb infusion

Ripe plant tops can be infused without boiling. To do this, pour boiling water over a few teaspoons of dry grass and leave for about three hours, and then filter.

For headaches, stomach disorders, stress and rheumatism, the infusion can be drunk 2 - 4 times a day, a tablespoon. It is also suitable for treating abscesses and wounds.

Berries (fruits) nightshade

The fruits can be used fresh for medicinal purposes. The main thing is to thoroughly wash the berries and not exceed the daily dosage, equal to 5-10 g of fruits. Fruits help from tonsillitis and hypertension, dysentery and diphtheria, they treat tuberculosis and liver ailments.

What can be cooked from nightshade

Traditional medicine is not the only area of ​​application for black nightshade. It is sometimes used in cooking. In particular, jams and preserves are made from the fruits of the plant, compotes and homemade wines are made. The berries can be used as a filling or seasoning for baked goods.

Recommended reading:  Why white wine is useful and how to make it at home

Harvesting and storage of black nightshade

Due to the ubiquity of nightshade, you can collect it yourself.

  • Flowers and leaves of the plant are usually picked from July to September.
  • After collection, the raw materials are carefully sieved, discarding the spoiled parts.
  • After that, the leaves and flowers are dried in the shade, but with good ventilation.

The berries of the plant are harvested in September-October, choosing exclusively ripe black fruits. After collection, they must be rinsed in cold water and dried in the fresh air.

If desired, after drying, the berries can be frozen - their benefits will last for a year. Dried fruits, flowers and leaves are stored for up to 8 years.

The harm of nightshade and contraindications for use

The benefits of nightshade are great - however, despite this, it can be very poisonous and cause great harm. The plant contains dangerous substances - the glycoside dulcamarin, solanine. They are concentrated in unripe berries, which is why it is so important to ensure that the fruits are ripe.

Even ripe nightshade has contraindications. It cannot be used:

  • with chronic heart disease;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with individual allergies;
  • with hypotension;
  • with ailments of the liver and pancreas.
Advice! If the berries nevertheless turned out to be unripe, and poisoning occurred, you need to immediately rinse the stomach, take a large dose of activated carbon and call a doctor. It is impossible to wait out the symptoms of poisoning - it can be deadly.


The benefits and harms of nightshade depend mainly on the ripeness of its fruits. With the correct collection of berries, their careful processing and reasonable use, the benefits of the plant will be enormous - it will help both with ailments of internal organs and with physical injuries.

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