
The benefits and harms of chickpea flour, calorie content
Chickpea flour is made from Turkish (lamb) peas - chickpea. This is a legume crop, predominantly widespread in the states of the Middle East. Chickpea dishes ...
Why garlic oil is good for you and how to take it
Garlic oil is in great demand in cooking, it can also be successfully used for medicinal purposes, since the product has healing ...
Celery: useful properties and contraindications
Celery is a plant from the Umbrella family. Few people know that its taste properties were discovered not so long ago. But the magical ...
Why canned peas are useful, calorie content
Canned green peas are delicious and very healthy, and you can make many different dishes from them. The proteins that make up the vegetable are very ...
Why radishes are useful for the body
The benefits of radishes are beyond doubt, although many people do not know what exactly this vegetable gives to the body. The benefits and harms of radishes ...
Why pumpkin juice is useful
Pumpkin is a delicious and healthy vegetable that can be eaten in many different forms. One of the most interesting pumpkin products ...
Mangold: useful properties and contraindications
All residents of our country, without exception, know beets, and not many people know the benefits and harms of chard. This plant with success ...
Why tomatoes are useful for the body
Tomatoes have always been famous for their beneficial properties and pleasant taste. Summer salads and winter homemade preparations from this vegetable do not lose ...
How are eggplants useful?
Eggplant is a special product that is used not only for culinary but also for medicinal purposes. Hypertension, gastrointestinal pathologies, gout, diseases ...
Parsley: beneficial properties for men and women
Parsley is a common spice. The benefits and harms of parsley are explained by its rich composition. It is used not only in the preparation of delicious dishes, ...


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