Mangold: useful properties and contraindications

All residents of our country, without exception, know beets, and not many people know the benefits and harms of chard. This plant has been successfully used in folk medicine for more than 3 thousand years. Previously, chard leaves were simply decorated with dishes, and now they are used not only for food, but also for hair and skin care.

What is Swiss chard

Chard is a special kind of classic beetroot. Leaves that resemble a salad are eaten. It is a biennial herb that is successfully grown in most European countries.

There are two types of plants:

  1. Stem chard - differs in the presence of veins on the leaves and is eaten with stems.
  2. Schnitt chard or roman cabbage - grows from the root, and when the leaves are cut off, new ones grow, which allows you to constantly have fresh herbs on the table.
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The plant is gaining popularity in our country, especially among those who follow a healthy diet.

Composition and calorie content of chard

The calorie content of the leaves of this salad is 19 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

The curly leaves of this salad include:

  1. Vitamin K.
  2. Sodium.
  3. Magnesium.
  4. Iron.
  5. Vitamins A and E.
  6. Alpha and Beta Carotene.
  7. Riboflavin.
  8. Vitamin PP.
  9. Manganese.
  10. Zinc.
  11. Phosphorus.

And also the leaves contain sugar. Previously, it was extracted from the stems of plants using boiling, until they began to use sugar beets for this.

Why is Swiss chard useful?

The benefits of beetroot can hardly be overestimated. Regular consumption of the leaves will have an anti-cancer effect, as well as effectively cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Other beneficial properties:

  1. Strengthens tooth enamel and bone tissue.
  2. Fights anemia.
  3. Increases blood clotting properties.
  4. It activates the brain and optimizes blood circulation.
  5. Promotes the reproduction of blood cells.
  6. It normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  7. Strengthens the immune system.
  8. Restores cells of the pancreas.

In addition, the leaves heal hair, restore a healthy look to the skin and activate the body's defenses. Choline prevents liver obesity, and dietary fiber normalizes the digestive tract.

The use of chard in traditional medicine

Beetroot has been used in folk medicine for centuries. Its properties will help with a variety of diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system.

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List of diseases for which it is recommended to use beetroot:

  1. Toothache.
  2. Headache.
  3. Inflammatory processes of the eyes.
  4. Runny nose.
  5. Hair problems (baldness, dandruff, brittleness).
  6. Angina and problems in the respiratory tract.
  7. Iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency.
  8. Burns, cuts, abscesses.

The leaves have a wound-healing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Prescriptions for treatment

As a remedy, a decoction of the leaves of roman cabbage is used. To do this, you need to take 50 g of chard leaves and 0.5 l of water. Cook on a steam bath for 12 minutes.The broth is used as a diuretic and wound healing agent.

To soothe a toothache, it is recommended to apply a vegetable petiole to a sore tooth. To counteract the headache - apply a leaflet on the forehead.

Important! The leaves should be freshly picked, if you buy in the store - as fresh as possible.

Mangold in cosmetology

Beetroot is used as face masks, strengthens the skin, hair, and resists baldness. The health benefits of chard not only internal, but also external makes it popular among lovers of caring for their appearance.

Face masks

Moisturizing facial treatment: pour boiling water over the leaves of the plant, then let it cool slightly and put on the skin. Fasten gauze on top. Remove after 20 minutes, and after another half hour you can wash with warm water, if you wish.

Vitamin mask: chop the leaves, pour boiling water and create a gruel. Add honey in the amount of 1 teaspoon. Create a compress with gauze and put it on your face for 20 minutes.

Masks made from this plant strengthen and cleanse the skin, smooth out wrinkles and rejuvenate.

Chard for hair

For hair, the juice of chard leaves is most often used. It is necessary to rub it into the scalp. This is especially useful when there is a threat of baldness. Compresses are also used to improve hair growth. The juice is rubbed into the scalp in the evenings for a month.

How to eat Swiss chard

Beets should be eaten in fairly limited quantities, as excessive consumption of them can be harmful to health. For the leaves to be of maximum benefit, they must be chosen correctly. The best option: fresh, crispy, uniform color, no dots or spots. He should look as soon as from the garden.

Store in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days in a tight container to exclude air access.

For long-term storage, freeze is used, after finely chopping the leaves. But after defrosting, it is better to eat it exclusively boiled. Only fresh product from the garden or directly from the counter is suitable for use in a salad.

What can be made from chard

The benefits of Swiss chard beets are even more enjoyable when cooked properly. The best option is to use fresh Swiss chard in various salads. Cold borscht is another option not to heat the product.

There are many recipes that involve cooking green leaves. This is an omelet, stuffed cabbage, various pies with the addition of herbs. Beetroot goes well with both meat and other vegetables. For lovers of vegetable casseroles, add chalk of chopped leaves to your favorite dish. The salad combines the leaves of this greenery with grated cheese perfectly.

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Harm of chard and contraindications to use

In addition to its benefits, Swiss chard also has a number of contraindications. First of all, do not get carried away with chard for gastritis, especially with its chronic form. Oxalic acid can cause an exacerbation.

A large amount of oxalates makes the use of chard for cholelithiasis prohibited.

There are pathologies in which it is optimal to eat a simple beet, and not a leaf one:

  1. Kidney stones.
  2. Individual intolerance.
  3. Increased blood clotting.

With regard to blood clotting, this applies to everyone. If the leaves are eaten in large quantities, it contributes to the occurrence of migraines.

Important! For good, it is enough to eat a couple of beet leaves a day.

Benefits of beetroot from a famous doctor:


The benefits and harms of chard, like any vegetable, depend on the amount eaten during the day. In any case, the beneficial properties largely exceed the harm and the presence of contraindications. Beetroot can be eaten for diabetes, anemia, sleep problems, and to improve stress tolerance.To always have greens at hand, you can plant a few seeds in a pot on the windowsill and have a vitamin reserve all winter.

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