
Lettuce: benefits and harms, how to keep for the winter
Culinary experts consider leafy salad to be just a godsend. Besides the fact that it perfectly decorates dishes, makes them very original and appetizing, widely ...
Why is bell pepper useful, properties
Bell peppers have been cultivated for hundreds of years. Many people love this bright and juicy vegetable for its unusual taste and the possibility of eating ...
Parsnip: useful properties and contraindications, application
Parsnip is a root vegetable with an unusual sweetish taste and pleasant smell. The peculiarity of the taste characteristics of this vegetable is also indicated by its other ...
Green onions: benefits and harms, how to store
The benefits and harms of green onions became known before people began to dig up and eat underground bulbs of this plant. Green feathers ...
Why boiled beets are useful for the body
The health benefits and harms of boiled beets have long been known and well studied. The laxative properties of beetroot (this is how beets are called on ...
Beet decoction: benefits and harms
The benefits and harms of beet broth have been known to traditional medicine for a relatively long time. Modern dietetics also recognizes the beneficial properties of this drink and ...
Potato juice: useful properties and contraindications
Peter the Great introduced the fashion for potatoes in Russia. In Europe, they already knew about its nutritional and medicinal properties in ...
The benefits and harms of corn for human health
Among grain products in terms of value, corn is in third place after rice and wheat. The benefits and harms of corn have been known since ancient times ...
Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications
The benefits and harms of beets have been appreciated in ancient times by both chefs and culinary specialists, and healers. The medicinal properties of beets were ...
Sweet potato yam: beneficial properties and contraindications
The benefits and harms of sweet potatoes are due to its chemical composition, which will help not only diversify the menu, but also help in treatment, prevention ...


the beauty
