Artichoke: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, recipes

The benefits and harms of artichoke have been studied for a long time, and its healing properties are actively used in many directions. This is due to the large amount of vital substances in its composition. They comprehensively strengthen and restore body functions, help to normalize the work of important systems.

What is an artichoke and what does it look like

The artichoke is a beautiful perennial plant with large, feathery purple leaves, with many trichomes on the back. During flowering, it can be confused with thistle, as both plants belong to the same family. Due to their similarity, summer residents often remove this herbaceous crop, which can be used for their own purposes.

Usually used are baskets of a useful plant, and in some countries - roots with stems. The leaves are used to make tea, decoctions and tinctures. The artichoke has a peculiar taste - it looks like green peas.

The chemical composition and calorie content of artichoke

The calorie content of this culture is low, which is why it can be consumed with a diet and not be afraid of the appearance of extra pounds and the occurrence of a feeling of severe hunger. It quickly saturates the body with biologically active substances and, due to its beneficial properties, eliminates the development of many diseases.

Calorie content (kcal)

Proteins (g)

Fat (g)

Carbon (g)





A product such as artichoke, the content of vitamins in which is varied and significant, also has a rich mineral complex.




trace elements


20 mcg


15 mg


0,4 mg

IN 1

0.04 mg


20 mg


815 μg

AT 2

0.05 mg


238 mg


2 μg

AT 6

0.2 mg


9 mg


1 μg

AT 9

18.5 mg


15 mg


0.21 mg

AT 12

0.194 μg


47 mg


135 mcg


0.76 mg


34 mg


10 mcg


0.7992 mg




100 mcg


0.6 mg




14 μg


0.02 mg




0.29 mg

Why artichoke is good for the body

Our ancestors tried to treat diseases with folk methods, and not with medicines, which often harm the body. Therefore, the healing properties of many plants have been carefully studied. The artichoke, the health benefits and harms of which are now being actively studied in the composition of many drugs. The feature of the product lies in its ability to:

  • protect against free radicals and the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • reduce the level of bad cholesterol;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • cleanse the liver of toxins;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • provoke the removal of toxins from the blood;
  • enrich bone tissue with essential minerals;
  • help in the absorption of calcium;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • assist in the synthesis of proteins in all processes;
  • positively affect the functioning of the brain.
Important! You need to know what are the benefits of an artichoke for the body, as well as the subtleties of its preparation, the nuances of selection and storage. This will help to avoid harm to health and get the most out of the taste and positive properties.

For adult women and men

The benefits of artichoke for a woman's body are irreplaceable because of the beneficial properties of increasing the likelihood of conception. Experts advise using it during pregnancy due to its positive effect on fetal development. Also, the delicacy improves the general condition - it helps to remove bruises under the eyes and smoothes the skin around the eyes. During the menstrual cycle, a healthy fetus will help normalize the nervous system and improve mood without harm to health.

Men often use this product to increase their sexual strength. Smokers and alcohol drinkers will feel significantly better after the inclusion of artichoke in the menu. Useful properties consist in the rapid cleaning of the blood and liver from all kinds of alkaloids and toxins without harm.

For pregnant

During pregnancy, a woman's body works in an enhanced mode, therefore it requires a double portion of vitamins. Gynecologists do not always prescribe pharmacy vitamin complexes, but advise including an artichoke in the menu, which will not harm the body. Regular use significantly reduces the risk of underdevelopment in the fetus.

For children

According to the recommendations of pediatricians, the medicinal plant can be taken not only by older children, but also by babies up to a year. However, this is possible only in the form of herbal remedies and under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to harm the small organism. Neonatologists use the benefits of artichoke extract even in the treatment of newborns suffering from various types of jaundice. The properties of the product are necessary for strengthening immunity, improving performance and eliminating many unwanted diseases. It can be of great benefit to a student, since the plant is able to activate brain activity.

For the elderly

Many age-related problems can be solved with the help of this useful plant. Older people often suffer from weakening of bone tissue due to a lack of calcium. This is due to the fact that, despite the sufficiency of this mineral in the foods used, it becomes difficult for the body to absorb it. The beneficial properties of the artichoke handle this problem well.

Artichoke for the liver

The benefits of artichoke for the liver were used by our ancestors. There are many recipes for medicinal decoctions and infusions from this useful plant. Their properties are aimed at cleaning the body from toxins and toxins. Often the product is used after alcohol poisoning, so the benefits for the artichoke liver are significant. Regularly, for normal health, it is necessary to apply the plant to those who live in ecologically polluted areas.

Is artichoke good for weight loss?

Artichoke for weight loss is used quite often due to its small amount of calories and many useful and nutrients. With exhausting diets, immunity is very often lowered due to a lack of vitamin C and the skin of the face begins to dry out, hair weaken. The benefit lies in the fact that it helps to tighten the skin where there were previously folds, as well as protect the body from the effects of many viruses and bacteria.

Important! It is recommended to use such a product in the evening, replacing it with a high-calorie dinner.

The use of artichoke in traditional medicine

The artichoke herb, whose medicinal properties are actively used in folk medicine, is quite rare, and only in garden plots.This is due to the fact that many do not know about the significant benefits that this product can bring to the human body. There are several recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation that have properties to positively affect health and well-being.

Freshly squeezed artichoke juice

The most digestible remedy is artichoke juice, which can enrich the body with useful substances. Usually used:

  1. For the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency.
  2. For diseases of the oral cavity. To do this, mix it with honey and rinse it 4 times a day.
  3. With the development of impotence. Apply 50 ml twice a day for two weeks.
  4. Constipation. Together with egg yolk before bedtime.

Artichoke leaf tea

Artichoke tea, the beneficial properties of which are significant for every person, strengthens the immune system, enriching the body with vitamins and minerals. To prepare a drink from the leaves of a plant according to the classic recipe, pour 2 tsp with boiling water in an amount of 250 ml. dried leaves. Insist 5 minutes. It is better to use it 3 times a day, since a single tea-drinking will not show a positive effect.

Artichoke leaves, the beneficial properties of which are recommended for the prevention of many pathologies without harm, can be purchased at the store, but it is best to dry it yourself at home.

Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make

Infusion of artichoke inflorescences

Inflorescence infusion can be prepared very quickly. It is necessary to pour 20 g of pre-chopped fruit inflorescences with boiling water and leave for 1 hour in a closed container. Filter and drink 100 ml three times a day half an hour before meals.

Infusion of artichoke roots for cholesterol

It is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tsp. dry roots of a useful plant. Cover and wait half an hour. Filter the finished drink and exchange the entire prepared dose during the day, 1 tbsp. l. After a few days, the cholesterol level returns to normal.

Alcoholic tincture of artichoke

To prepare an alcoholic tincture, which is necessary for those suffering from atherosclerosis, you need to insist for 14 days in a cool place 50 grams of dried leaves in 100 ml of 70% alcohol. Then filter and apply 10 drops, diluted in 10 ml of water, three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Artichoke decoction for toxicosis

To brew an artichoke correctly and use it for toxicosis, you need to chop 50 grams of leaves and pour boiling water over it. After that, keep it on a water bath for 10 minutes. As a result of systematic use of 125 ml three times a day, you can reduce the load on the liver and get rid of toxicosis.

Artichoke with fennel oil for alcoholism

The benefits of artichoke and fennel oil for alcoholism cannot be replaced by any medication. To prepare the product, you need to place 200 g of a useful product in a juicer and combine the resulting mixture with oil. If you regularly use 50 ml of the product before meals, the desire to drink will significantly decrease after a few weeks.

Artichoke preparations

Artichokes in tablets, the benefits and harms of which have been carefully studied by specialists, are recommended for use by people living in large polluted cities. Such drugs should be used only in consultation with the attending physician in order to finally make sure that there are no allergies and contraindications.

Useful properties of the extract (extract) from artichoke

The artichoke extract is quite popular in the modern world. Thus, it is convenient to control the dose. Its beneficial properties are manifested in a positive effect on many organ systems, since the remedy is capable of:

  • improve the production and outflow of bile;
  • normalize liver function;
  • restore digestion after illness and poisoning;
  • regulate cholesterol levels.
Important! Available in both dry and liquid form.The conditions for using the artichoke extract are indicated on the product packaging.

Instructions for using artichoke extract

Before using artichoke as a medicine to confirm the benefits, you should consult a doctor for advice. To prepare the hood you need tsp. medicinal composition to dissolve in 1 tbsp. heated water. Drink three times a day before meals.

You can also mix 100 g of the drug with 1 liter of vodka or alcohol. For taste, add about 1 tbsp. l. honey to taste. Use such a composition in 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

The use of artichoke in cosmetology

For cosmetic purposes, this plant is used to make moisturizing masks and nourishing mixtures for wrapping. Formulations are suitable for application to all areas of the body. After the procedures, the skin is saturated with useful substances and becomes smooth and elastic. The main feature of such funds is that the effect after application is visible almost immediately, while without harm to health.

Artichoke in cooking

Many famous culinary experts use this healthy plant to prepare their favorite dishes. It has a peculiar taste that not every person likes. But when combined with other products, it is not so noticeable.

Artichoke salad

To prepare such a salad, you need a minimum amount of ingredients, but the dish turns out to be delicious. Ingredient List:

  • 1 can of canned artichoke
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • 150 g feta cheese;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. wine vinegar;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 lettuce
  • 3 umbrellas of parsley and basil.
Recommended reading:  Why tomatoes are useful for the body

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. Cut the artichoke into small cubes.
  2. Blanch the tomatoes and, after removing the peel, divide into wedges, salt and combine with chopped garlic.
  3. Cut the cheese into small pieces.
  4. Put all the ingredients in a container, season with oil, vinegar, lemon juice and stir.
  5. Garnish with herbs when serving.

Artichoke cocktail

One of the most popular and useful is the artichoke cocktail, which is used for medicinal purposes. It should be drunk exclusively in the morning on an empty stomach, adding sugar and honey. To prepare it, mix 50 ml of the finished product with 15 ml of ginger tea and 50 ml of birch sap. Infuse the resulting mass for 20 minutes.

Harm of artichoke and contraindications

There are not so many negative qualities of a useful plant as there are positive ones, but you still need to familiarize yourself with them before using the product. The plant is contraindicated:

  • children under 12 years old;
  • with liver failure;
  • with blockage of the biliary tract;
  • during lactation;
  • with allergies and individual intolerance;
  • with poor absorption of plant fibers.
Important! With its many nutrients, the artichoke can be consumed in moderation by every adult to reduce environmental damage.

When to harvest an artichoke

Before harvesting, you need to make sure that it is ripe and ready for use. This is difficult to do, since they do not bloom and bear fruit at the same time. If blue petals begin to appear on the top of the plant, then you can safely cut it off. When the heads become very coarse, it is no longer worth eating them, since they will not be useful.

How to choose and store an artichoke

In order for a medicinal culture to bring only benefits and not harm, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the product when buying. After cleaning, the product will shrink, so the artichoke should be large and fluffy, without signs of lethargy, dryness and brown spots. When choosing a plant, you should press a little on it - if you hear a faint crunch, then it is fresh.

Important! For storage, you need to pick up a dry and cold place. It is better to keep it raw in the refrigerator for a week, in boiled one - it is necessary to freeze, otherwise the artichoke will acquire a pronounced bitterness in taste.


The benefits and harms of artichoke require study. The product has many positive properties, but also many contraindications. Knowing how to properly prepare an artichoke for medicinal purposes, you can get rid of many diseases without harm to health.


Krylova Vasilisa Petrovna, 51 years old, Kursk
Artichoke is a plant that helps improve liver function without harming the body. Took only 2 weeks. But I already noticed a positive result from the useful extract from the artichoke: pains in the right hypochondrium, discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen disappeared. It also lowered cholesterol, and improved skin condition and complexion. A friend also said that artichoke is effective for weight loss. I will definitely try. This plant has very useful properties.
Nesterenko Pavel Leonidovich, 58 years old, Samara
A multifunctional product, the benefits and indications for the use of which surprised even me. I am a heavy smoker and have been trying to combat this problem for many years to no avail. A friend of mine suggested a natural preparation based on the healthy artichoke. Taking the medicine, I noticed that the nervous system calms down and stress resistance increases. There is no longer any need to relax and enjoy smoking. So, with the help of this tool, I defeated a bad habit.
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