Cashews: useful properties and contraindications

Walnut is popular as a source of essential proteins and fatty acids. When familiarizing yourself with the product and deciding to add it to your diet, the benefits and harms of cashews occupy a special place.

Description of cashews

Cashew is an evergreen tree native to Brazil. The closest relatives of the plant are mango, pistachio tree and poison ivy.

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Its fruit has an unusual appearance, since it consists of two parts: a large juicy orange-colored stalk, referred to as an acaju apple, and a nut in a strong brown shell. Peeled cashews have the shape of a small pale yellow boxing glove.

Its inner skin contains phenolic resin, which is dangerous for the epithelium, which excludes the possibility of self-cleaning. The fruits are harvested in protective gloves to avoid burns and heated in a special solution to ensure the fragility and harmlessness of the shell.

The chemical composition and calorie content of cashews

Compared to other nuts, healthy cashews are low in calories, which varies with ripeness. The energy value of the product per 100 g is:

Calorie content (kcal)

Proteins (g)

Fat (g)

Carbohydrates (g)





The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

In addition to the increased taste, the product has a number of healing properties, which are caused by the content of vital vitamins and minerals, micro and macro elements.





trace elements


2.1 mg


553 mg


3.8 mg

IN 1

0.5 mg


270 mg



AT 2

0.22 mg


206 mg




5.7 mg


47 mg




6.9 mg


16 mg



Why cashews are good for you

The benefits of cashew nuts for the human body are based on a balanced chemical composition and increased nutritional value. Research work carried out by Indian and Chinese scientists has shown that the properties of nut kernels are capable of:

  • stabilize blood pressure, expand the inner lumen of blood vessels;
  • normalize blood sugar levels;
  • strengthen immunity, protect against seasonal colds;
  • support heart health and regulate cholesterol levels;
  • speed up metabolism, get rid of excess weight;
  • tidy up hair, nails, teeth, improve the condition of bone tissue;
  • stimulate regeneration at the tissue level;
  • increase concentration of attention, strengthen memory;
  • relax after heavy mental stress;
  • exclude the formation of cancer cells;
  • restore the body after surgery, severe inflammatory processes;
  • regulate the acidity and secretion of juice in the stomach.

Due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition of the nut, it is worth introducing it into the diet for good health, maintaining tone and adding vitality.

In detail about the benefits and harms of cashew nuts:

For women

The weaker sex needs more nutrients to maintain reproductive function. The nut is endowed with all the necessary components that can bring invaluable benefits to the female body, namely:

  • eliminate the increased greasiness of the epithelium and the formation of acne during puberty;
  • restore the hemoglobin index during menstruation;
  • increase the level of fertility;
  • relieve constipation and improve intestinal peristalsis.

A useful nut must be used with extreme caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the presence of a large number of allergic components in its composition.

For men

The healthy cashew nut should be introduced into the diet of men who have problems with potency to improve reproductive performance. The benefits of walnut for the stronger sex are irreplaceable, because it can:

  • increase the level of male libido, libido;
  • speed up the movement of sperm;
  • prevent hair loss;
  • get rid of nicotine addiction.

Recommended for men attending the gym to relieve muscle fatigue and excessive sweating.

For pregnant and nursing

In the absence of significant contraindications, the product can become an ideal source of nutrients for both the mother and the baby during pregnancy and lactation. Compared to other cashew nuts, it is not capable of harming humans, since it does not cause allergic reactions. Moderation and regularity in use will provide strong immunity and good mood.

At what age can a child be given

Before two years old, healthy nuts are categorically contraindicated for a child. Pediatricians are of the opinion that the ideal age to start using cashew nuts is 3 years. Including a food product in a child's menu, you need to take into account that the benefits of cashews for children far outweigh the harm. A healthy and nutritious nut is capable of:

  • shape and strengthen bones;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • accelerate the synthesis of hormones and enzymes;
  • normalize mental development;
  • activate rapid regeneration at the cellular level.

With a weak liver, the child may vomit due to the high fat content. In this case, nut consumption should be reduced, but not excluded.

Important! Intolerance to the product manifests itself in swelling of the respiratory tract, skin rash, sneezing.

Are cashew nuts good for weight loss?

Cashews are of great importance in the diet due to the high amount of nutrients that can saturate the body without harming the figure. Many nutritionists claim that cashews are the only healthy nut that can not only maintain normal weight, but also provoke weight loss. In the eighties, Italian experts proposed to completely replace meat and meat products with cashews. This diet is used today without harm to health.

In the course of long studies, it turned out that the product has the ability to quickly and for a long time suppress the feeling of hunger, since it is quickly absorbed by the body. This helps to further reduce the portion, and with it the calorie content. It is recommended to eat nuts with dairy products, vegetables and fish to speed up metabolism.

The use of cashews in traditional medicine

Cashews are actively used in folk medicine to eliminate many skin diseases, as well as to maintain beauty and restore skin and hair. The most commonly used essential oil is cashew, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Non-traditional methods of using walnut are effective in the case of:

  1. Eczema, psoriasis. To do this, rub the problem areas of the skin with a healing composition.
  2. Burns. A healing composition of 1 tablespoon of oil and 2 drops of rose and geranium should be applied to the damaged area.
  3. Constipation. For bowel problems, take 1 teaspoon of the oil on an empty stomach.

There are many recipes and ways at home to improve the condition of the facial skin and saturate it with all the necessary components:

  • Rejuvenation mask: Mix 1 tbsp. l. avocado pulp with 3-4 drops of cashew oil, sandalwood and 1 tsp. rosewood oil. Apply to face and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.
  • Acne mask and blackheads on the skin of the face: combine 4-5 drops of cashew oil with avocado oil. Massage onto face and rinse off after 10 minutes.

The product is able to make the skin soft, provide a healthy look, eliminate the formation of age spots and acne.

Is it possible to treat cashews with diabetes, gastritis and pancreatitis

Cashews for diabetes exclude sharp changes in the sugar index in the body. Systematic use of the product reduces the risk of developing diseases such as muscle dystrophy and visual impairment, which are possible with diabetes.

A person with diseases associated with digestion tries to pay special attention to the preparation of his menu, turning to nutritionists for help. With pancreatitis and gastritis, there are lists of healthy foods, and those that it is advisable not to eat. Walnut is absent from both lists, since its intake should be agreed with your doctor.

Which cashews are healthier: fried or raw

During heat treatment, cashew nuts lose many substances useful for the vital activity of the body, therefore, for medicinal purposes, it is better to use the nuts fresh. But the flavor properties of roasted cashews are much higher, which is why they are popular in the culinary industry.

The healthy roasted nuts are used in snacks and salads, as well as in desserts and baked goods. The calorie content of cashews after roasting is practically no different from the raw product. It has a variety of beneficial properties and helps in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

How many cashews can you eat per day

The daily consumption rate has different indicators depending on the individual characteristics of a person. Regular use of the product has a positive effect on the functionality of the body, since the benefits of cashews are much more diverse and more predominant than other nuts. Abuse can cause you to feel unwell and heavy in your stomach, as well as the likelihood of gaining extra pounds.

Important! The recommended maximum daily dose is 30 grams, namely 10 nuts.

After use, you should drink it with mineral water to enhance the beneficial properties and activate the recovery processes in the body.

Cashew oil: benefits and uses

Peeled nut oil is used in many fields, namely medicine, cosmetology and cooking, due to its many beneficial properties. Natural cashew oil is capable of:

  • reduce pressure and improve the functioning of the entire circulatory system;
  • normalize cholesterol levels;
  • eliminate toothache and headache;
  • prevent overeating, saturate the body for a long period;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • eliminate the possibility of respiratory system disease;
  • maintain healthy skin, nails and hair.

Cashews have natural sweetness and softness, making the butter tastier and sweeter than other types of nuts.

Cashews in cooking

The walnut goes well with meat, vegetable and fish products. It is actively used in Asian cuisine for the preparation of main dishes and desserts. In European countries, cashews are used as a snack for beer, as well as topping for ice cream.

Cashew milk

Vegetable milk has a unique composition and low calorie content. The main argument in favor of the drink is to cleanse the intestines, accelerate metabolism and significantly reduce inflammation. Its presence in the diet will ensure the health of the nervous system and improve overall well-being.

To make cashew milk yourself, you need:

  • soak 25 g of raw nuts in water overnight;
  • grind them in a blender with 100 ml of water;
  • strain through cheesecloth to remove small particles.

The process is very simple, and the result, in addition to its pleasant taste, will be endowed with natural health potential.

Cashew urbech

Pasta made from raw walnut kernels is endowed with useful fiber, a variety of vitamins, and many macro- and microelements. Fights diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, improves memory, vision, attention, eliminates depression and aggressiveness. Urbech is prepared by long grinding of cashews on stone millstones until a thick homogeneous mass is formed. The procedure takes more than three hours.

The result is a delicious and healthy paste that can be consumed with added sugar, honey, or melted butter.

Benefits of cashew honey

In combination with honey, the nut is able to expand the range of its effects on the body. Honey enhances both taste and benefits of the product for the body, because:

  • strengthens blood vessels, prevents heart attack;
  • eliminates migraines and activates brain activity;
  • normalizes intestinal peristalsis, accelerates the process of food digestion;
  • improves the state of the nervous system, relieving insomnia and fatigue;
  • increases the functionality of the reproductive system.

Dessert contains the maximum amount of useful components that affect the health and life of the body, without any harm to the figure.

Important! Healthy cashews with honey should be consumed by people with increased physical and mental stress to restore strength and energy.

Cashew hazards and contraindications

The nut is safe for the human body, but in some cases it can be harmful. They should not be abused, and also minimize intake in case of an allergic reaction. The main contraindications for the use of cashews:

  • sand, kidney stones;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas.

If you are not careful to control the amount of nuts eaten, problems can worsen.

Important! In the event of a rash with accompanied itching and diarrhea after taking cashews, you should consult a doctor.

How to choose and store cashews

When buying a nut, you should pay attention to its appearance, smell and level of hardness. It should be solid, strong and not wrinkled. Cashews need to be refrigerated as they quickly deteriorate when heated. At a temperature of +5 0With the product it is able to stand for 3 months, and at subzero temperatures - about a year.


You need to know what are the benefits and harms of cashews in order to remove the maximum medicinal properties from the product and avoid unpleasant situations. Careful familiarization with the characteristics of the nut will help maintain health and improve the general condition of the body.


Varvara Klimova 41 years old, Tula
I like absolutely all the nuts that I have ever tried, but cashews surprised me most of all with their extraordinary taste and irreplaceable benefits for the body. With cashews, you can cook many different dishes and please the whole family with delicious pastries with nuts.
Ekaterina Brulkina, 27 years old, Vladimir
Of the nuts, I often buy cashews. They are very tasty and healthy, do not cause serious harm to the body and have a positive effect on the figure.
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