Vitamins for diabetes Oligim: instructions for use, reviews

One of the concomitant diseases of diabetes is metabolic disorders, which, in turn, provoke a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. In addition, there is another reason why the level of tissue nutrition decreases: a patient with diabetes, due to dietary requirements, is forced to significantly limit himself and deprive himself of many vitamins. Therefore, it is very important to replenish nutrient resources in time to avoid serious complications. For this purpose, vitamins for diabetes were created Oligim - a full-fledged complex aimed at restoring the body of a person with diabetes.

Description and composition of the drug

Oligim vitamins represent a biologically active supplement (BAA) to food with the aim of maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

The form of release of the drug is round tablets weighing 0.51 g. In one blister there are 20 pieces, each cardboard pack contains 5 identical blisters and instructions for taking Oligim vitamins.

One Oligim tablet contains:

  1. Active substances: inulin - 300 mg, food fiber - 250 mg, gimnema (extract) - 40 mg.
  2. Excipients: Aerosil, calcium stearate (anti-caking agents), starch, maltodextrin (fillers), microcrystalline cellulose.

Pharmacodynamics of vitamins Oligim: a dietary supplement that maintains normal blood sugar due to the main plant substances. Insulin enters the stomach and, when mixed with acid, turns into fructose, a naturally occurring sweetener that allows muscles and soft tissues to take energy without affecting the increase in sugar levels in the body. Gimnema extract contains an acid that slows down the absorption of increased amounts of sugar, which, in turn, prevents the penetration of glucose into the blood and supports its safe elimination from the body. In addition, Gymnemic Acid optimizes healthy insulin production and provides significant support to the pancreas.

Maintaining optimal sugar levels in the body is responsible for maintaining vital functions, normal health and well-being. The drug Oligim stops the development of diabetes mellitus and reduces the risks of its occurrence in healthy people.

4 tablets of Oligim vitamins contain up to 40% of the optimal daily intake of soluble dietary fiber.

Comment! Information on the pharmacokinetics of Oligim vitamins is not provided by the manufacturer.

Indications for use

Vitamin-complex preparation Oligim is a dietary supplement that should be taken by people in the presence of such indications:

  • patients with diabetes mellitus, regardless of the duration of the disease;
  • with an identified high blood sugar level against the background of general normal health;
  • with a risk of developing diabetes: people who are overweight, who have smoked for 5 years or more, over the age of 40, who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have diseases of the stomach, pancreas, heart, kidneys, who have had a stroke or heart attack.
Comment! People with eating disorders and frequent stress are also at risk.

Vitamin complex Oligim is characterized by a persistent long-term effect, due to which a pronounced positive effect is achieved:

  • the appearance of a healthy appetite;
  • the disappearance of cravings for sweets and uncontrollable hunger;
  • normalization of the metabolism of carbohydrate compounds;
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • improving the work of the pancreas.
Comment! According to 2018 data provided by the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, the risk of developing diabetes in the case of taking the drug Oligim decreased by 28%.

Method of administration and dosage

Oligim vitamins are taken orally, with food. Adults drink 2 tablets a day for 25 days. A five-day rest is made between courses of treatment, then a new package of vitamins is started.

Overdose and side effects

Information about cases of overdose of the drug Oligim and its side effects is not presented in the instructions. However, one should remember about the dangers of uncontrolled intake of the drug Oligim and the possibility of individual intolerance to the components of the medication. The latter can manifest itself in the form of allergies and cause rash, redness, runny nose, itching, tearing, and swelling. In all such cases, immediate medical attention is required to prevent subsequent complications.

Contraindications for use

Vitamin preparation Olidim has practically no contraindications for use, since it does not contain toxic compounds and hazardous elements. However, taking it before the age of 14 is contraindicated. An exception may be cases of treating a child with a narrow-profile specialist, when a specific treatment regimen and an individual selection of medicines are prescribed for therapy.

Oligim is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, since in the absence of confirmed data on the dangers of the drug, the risk of allergy to herbal ingredients is still possible. It is impossible to assume how the body of a pregnant woman and a baby will react to milk containing herbal components of the Oligim preparation.

Interaction with other drugs

Information on the interaction of Oligim vitamins with other drugs is not indicated by the manufacturer, there are no detailed recommendations on the possibility of combinations with drugs and cases of reaction to them by the human body. Therefore, you need to be careful about the joint intake of drugs and be sure to consult with your doctor about this.

Comment! When taking dietary supplements, both in general and in diseases of the pancreas, alcohol is strictly prohibited.


Oligim's analogs are also included in the group of dietary supplements that help lower blood sugar and have a similar effect on the body. These include Gastiton capsules, Estrella spray, Yogi-ti Get Regular tea, and Direct vitamins.

All of these drugs should be prescribed only by a specialist, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism and the specifics of the case. So, when treating a child, Gastiton capsules are more often prescribed as a hypoglycemic agent that has the most sparing effect on the body. The same drug is advised to be taken by pregnant and lactating women, subject to the normal course of gestation and the absence of allergies to the components. Gastiton is produced in capsules of 70 pieces per package. It contains natural medicinal herbs: wild chicory, blue cyanosis, centaury, marshmallow root, lungwort. Hypersensitivity to drugs and early preschool age are indicated as contraindications.

Recommended reading:  Chicory: useful properties and contraindications

The most convenient spray is Estrella, because it is easy to use in any conditions, it is neutral in taste. Produced in cans weighing 50 g. Spray is sprayed under the tongue. Contains vitamins D3, E and transresveratrol.Possible contraindications include individual intolerance to the substance, the period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as age up to 18 years.

Directions are released in tablet form in 20 pieces. Each contains a whole vitamin complex, which includes the following substances: extracts of dandelion, burdock and beans, chromium, zinc, folic acid and other trace elements. The drug is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for children under 14 years of age.

Yogi-ti Get Regular tea is produced in regular filter bags, the product contains senna leaves. Not recommended for pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance to senna leaves, diarrhea and flatulence.

Comment! Economy class drugs will be vitamins Gastiton and Directed, whose prices are an order of magnitude lower than those of other drugs.


Vitamins for diabetes Oligim are a really effective dietary supplement that helps to normalize sugar levels without side effects. Regular intake of Oligim vitamins can significantly improve the condition of patients, and reduce the risk of further progression of the disease.

Reviews of diabetics about vitamins Oligim

Kolikova Elena, 46 years old, Tula.
I have been suffering from diabetes for a long time. Last year, the attending physician prescribed Oligim vitamins. At first I was a little surprised and skeptical. I could not understand how ordinary vitamins will help alleviate such a serious illness even a little. However, after a couple of weeks of regular intake of Oligim vitamins, I felt much better.
Permyak Love, 58 years old, Magnitogorsk.
At the next appointment, the doctor prescribed me to use Oligim vitamins. I really liked them, and I felt the effect even during the incomplete course. Sugar decreased by several units, the obsessive desire to chew something between meals disappeared, most importantly, there was a pleasant lightness in the body and a desire to live!
Gorodetsky Mikhail, 73 years old, Oryol.
Recently I was prescribed Oligim vitamins. Before that, I already took supportive medicines for diabetics, but I liked these more. Sugar does not jump, even the pressure is normal - and what else is needed at my age!
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