Barley coffee: benefits and harms

If a ban is imposed on the intake of natural coffee, it is replaced with a barley drink. In the cooking process, carefully ground cooked barley grains are used. The benefits and harms of barley drink are due to its rich vitamin composition. Unlike coffee, it is able to remove toxic substances from the body.

What is barley coffee

Barley coffee is a healthy drink that enriches the human body with the necessary substances and stimulates the process of protein breakdown. It is brought to readiness by brewing with hot water. The cooking process is carried out immediately after roasting the grains. Only in this case will barley coffee reveal its beneficial properties.

Most often, barley drink is taken for medicinal purposes or for general strengthening of life support systems. The main benefit is the absence of caffeine. Therefore, the drink is considered the most useful alternative to coffee, which is important for hypertensive patients. To obtain a coffee aroma during brewing, chicory is added to the cereals.

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Barley coffee flavor

The taste of a barley drink only remotely resembles coffee. It has the same color and foam. Its smell is mild, with grassy tints. The bitterness characteristic of coffee is absent. The taste is soft but pleasant. If you add milk, the drink becomes like a cappuccino. Gourmets add a spoonful of granulated sugar or honey to a cup of barley elixir.

Why is barley drink useful?

With a weakened state of the body, a coffee drink from barley is prescribed. The benefits and harms are relative in each case. The drink not only helps to reduce dependence on caffeine, but also has a healing effect on the body. Its useful properties include:

  • alignment of hormonal levels;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • prevention of diabetes mellitus;
  • improved heart function;
  • relief of breathing;
  • reduction of painful sensations;
  • maintaining the beauty of hair and nails;
  • tonic effect;
  • bactericidal action.

One of the health benefits of cereal coffee is to lower blood sugar. Due to this, the drink is popular among patients with diabetes mellitus. Due to its bactericidal properties, it is considered a good helper during colds. It boosts immunity, making the body more resistant to viruses and infections.

Important! Useful properties remain regardless of the temperature at which coffee is prepared.

Barley coffee during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During breastfeeding and carrying a child, drinking coffee is prohibited. This is due to the property of caffeine to remove calcium and magnesium from the body, which negatively affects the development of the fetus. Problems with kidney function and heart rate may also be aggravated. That is why women are beginning to look for alternative options, which include barley drink. It helps to replenish energy resources without harm to health.

Is it possible to barley coffee with gastritis and pancreatitis

Drinking barley is not contraindicated for people suffering from pathologies of the digestive system. The beneficial properties of the drink include a choleretic effect and toning the epithelium of the digestive tube. When used regularly, barley coffee promotes the colonization of the digestive system with beneficial bacteria.

Should you drink barley coffee for diabetes?

The metabolic benefits of barley drink allow it to be used for diabetes. As a result of this treatment, the sugar level in the body decreases, which reduces the need for insulin. This is due to its high fiber content. Barley drink is drunk not only with existing diabetes, but also for prevention.

Barley drink recipes

Saturation of taste and preservation of useful properties depend on whether the cooking algorithm is followed. There are several recipes, each of which is beneficial and deserves special attention.

Classic barley coffee

Classic coffee is considered the most common variation of the barley drink. For cooking you will need:

  • 3 tsp barley grains;
  • 200 ml of water.


  1. The grains are washed and then dried with a towel.
  2. In a hot skillet, the grains are fried until they acquire a characteristic aroma and dark color.
  3. After cooling, the grains are ground in a coffee grinder.
  4. The resulting powder is poured with water and cooked in a Turk until it boils.
  5. After removing from heat, let the drink brew under the lid.

Barley coffee with rye

The benefits of a coffee drink made from barley and rye are systemic strengthening of the body. It is prescribed to be taken in the postoperative period or after suffering severe ailments. Useful properties include the possibility of long-term use. In this case, there is no harm to health. The following components are involved in the recipe:

  • 3 tbsp. l. rye;
  • 3 tbsp. l. barley grains;
  • water.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. The ingredients are washed and soaked in cool water for 24 hours.
  2. The water is changed and the container with grains is placed on the fire. When they start to burst, the drink is removed from the heat.
  3. After drying, the grains are sent to a hot frying pan.
  4. The toasted ingredients are ground in a coffee maker to a medium grind.
  5. 1 tbsp. l. powder is poured into 150 ml of water and boiled for 2 minutes. A spoonful of chicory can be added at this stage.
Comment! In the store you can buy a ready-made mixture of barley and rye. In this case, the duration of the cooking process is reduced.

Aromatic barley drink

The benefits and harms of coffee made from barley always raise many questions. Spices are added to enrich the flavor and enhance its benefits. The classic coffee variation is chosen as the basis. To diversify the taste will help:

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  • cinnamon;
  • ginger;
  • cardamom;
  • cloves;
  • nutmeg;
  • star anise.
Recommended reading:  Cinnamon: beneficial properties and contraindications

Delicate barley coffee with milk

Barley elixir can be enjoyed even by children. It does not harm the nervous system, but at the same time saturates the body with useful substances. It is distinguished by a bready flavor and a warming aroma. Before use, you must consult with a specialist.


  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 5 tsp barley grains;
  • 100 ml of water.

Cooking process:

  1. The grains are washed, dried and fried without oil.
  2. Roasted barley is pulverized with a coffee grinder.
  3. Water, barley powder and milk are mixed and put on fire.
  4. The cooking time is 2 minutes.
Attention! During the preparation of the drink, you can vary the degree of roasting. This has an impact on aroma, health, and taste.

Types of barley drinks

The health benefits and harms of ready-made barley drink depend on the manufacturer and variety. Both soluble and insoluble variations are commercially available.Some species are enriched with additional components. In this case, there will be more useful properties. The most common brands of cereal drink include:

  • "Golden Ear";
  • "Health";
  • "Old Mill";
  • "Barley Ear".

Harm of barley drink and contraindications

When used in moderation, barley coffee is not harmful to human health. But doctors recommend caution for people with kidney disease. If you are allergic to barley, the product should be completely discarded. Overweight people should take into account that the health elixir is considered very high in calories.


The benefits and harms of barley drink must be studied before taking. You should also follow the cooking algorithm. If it is difficult, it is better to use a finished product from the store.


Krasnova Inna Valerievna, 31 years old, Orenburg
The benefits and harms of soluble barley have been thoroughly studied by me for a long time. But only recently I started drinking it on a regular basis. As a result, it was possible to completely get rid of caffeine addiction, and even with health benefits.
Shvetsov Ilya Nikolaevich, 43 years old, Omsk
It took me a while to get used to barley coffee. Its taste is specific, but for the sake of useful properties I was ready to get used to it. Now I can't imagine my diet without this elixir. It has a mild enveloping taste and a pleasant aroma.
Pryamushko Natalia Sergeevna, 47 years old, Yekaterinburg
A friend advised me to soluble barley. He helped her lose weight and improve her health. I was not immediately imbued with this product, but the useful properties and the result pleased me. I began to feel much more vigorous and healthier than before.
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