The properties of hydrogen water, how to make it at home

People are constantly looking for new ways to stay young and healthy for long. Not so long ago, in medicine and the beauty industry, they started talking about another innovation to prolong life - hydrogen water. A large number of advertisements from popular celebrities only fuel interest in this product. To understand the benefits and harms of hydrogen water, you need to understand what it is.

What is hydrogen water

Hydrogen water is, in fact, colorless and odorless drinking water, which is enriched with additional molecular hydrogen under the influence of current.

This development was patented in Japan back in 2007, but it has begun to gain distribution in other countries only now. This popularity is due to the many beneficial properties of hydrogen water.

Why is hydrogen water useful?

Not so long ago it became known that hydrogen is a natural antioxidant, that is, a substance that suppresses oxidative processes in an organic environment. Thanks to antioxidants in the cells of the human body, oxidation reactions slow down, which lead to premature aging, reduce immunity and provoke disease.

In nature, antioxidants are abundant in many berries and fruits, nuts, some vegetables, and green tea. However, the molecules of these chemical compounds are quite large, it is more difficult for them to penetrate into the cell, and therefore they are less well absorbed.

The hydrogen molecule, in comparison with other antioxidants, is small in size, and therefore quickly penetrates the blood and saturates all tissues of the human body. The easiest and most affordable way to deliver hydrogen to the body is through the consumption of water.

In ordinary water, hydrogen is closely associated with oxygen molecules. Molecular bonds are partially preserved when they enter the body, so this hydrogen acts on cells less efficiently. In turn, in hydrogen water, it is present in a free state, and therefore it is much easier to enter the cell.

The main benefit of hydrogen water for the human body is that the free hydrogen dissolved in it reacts with active radicals that disrupt the normal process of cellular development. During the reaction, hydrogen binds them and safely removes them from the body. Thus, hydrogen water:

  • increases the body's resistance to viruses and pathogenic bacteria;
  • slows down cell aging;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • saturates the blood with oxygen.

As a result, there is a general improvement in the condition, the person feels more energetic and cheerful.

To date, the benefits and harms of hydrogen water are still being researched, but some doctors talk about the possible use of the drink in the treatment of a number of diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, bladder dysfunction and various kinds of allergies.There are also suggestions that hydrogen-rich water could be a panacea for diabetics and even suppress the development of cancerous tumors.

At the moment, it is reliably known about the positive effect that this drink has on people with a tendency to cardiovascular diseases. It is also considered beneficial for the liver, as it neutralizes poisons and toxins that are formed during the breakdown of nutrients.

The benefits of hydrogen-rich water have also been noted by athletes and health enthusiasts.

When playing sports

Intense physical activity makes the blood circulate in the body faster. As a result, lactic acid is formed in the tissues, the excess of which leads to painful sensations during exercise. Hydrogen water removes lactic acid from the body much faster due to the antioxidant glutathione peroxidase.

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And also its use can reduce muscle pain that appears after exercise. This type of pain occurs due to microtraumas, and hydrogen water accelerates the healing process.

When losing weight

Drinking plenty of fluids is important to stay in good physical shape. Weight watchers should pay attention not only to their menu, but also to their drinking regime. Along with water, excess salts and toxins leave the body, and toxins are cleansed.

Taking hydrogen water while losing weight can help to achieve results faster, since the acceleration of metabolism due to free hydrogen leads to the fact that fats are broken down more efficiently.

With metabolic disorders

There is also a positive effect of drinking hydrogen water in people with metabolic syndrome. With this syndrome, the uptake of glucose by cells is impaired, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. According to research by Japanese scientists from Hyogo College of Medicine, hydrogen water normalizes blood glucose levels and significantly lowers cholesterol.

How to make hydrogen water at home

Taking into account all the benefits that hydrogen-rich water brings to the body, it would be logical to make such a drink at home. Unfortunately, there is no way to saturate water with hydrogen using improvised means. It is difficult and rather dangerous to reproduce the process of splitting a water molecule without professional knowledge and equipment, since in addition to hydrogen, impurities of various metals enter the liquid, which can cause significant harm. Therefore, the only alternative at present is to purchase a dedicated generator.

Hydrogen enrichment generator

Such generators are compact devices made of electrically conductive plastic and have a built-in battery. Their principle of operation is that they act on water with an electric charge, thereby destroying the molecular bonds in the water and releasing hydrogen. This procedure is called electrolysis. No harmful by-products are released during the electrochemical reaction and the liquid remains pure. Such water does not need to be subjected to additional filtration and can be drunk immediately.

Generators for enriching water with hydrogen do not require long preparation and are able to prepare water in a few minutes. However, such devices are quite expensive. Depending on the model, such a purchase will cost $ 150 - $ 1200.

Hydrogen water container

Another problem associated with the manufacture of hydrogen water is its storage. Due to the disintegrated bonds between the molecules, free hydrogen evaporates very quickly. To prevent hydrogen water from losing its beneficial properties, it needs a special container.Often, containers are used for this, covered with some kind of metal, mainly aluminum. Water in such containers can be stored for several days. Glass containers made of thick glass are also used. Companies producing hydrogen water use additional techniques to extend its shelf life, for example, vacuum sealing of containers.

Important! Plastic containers are not suitable for storing hydrogen water.

How to drink hydrogen water

As mentioned earlier, hydrogen water loses its beneficial properties very quickly. Free hydrogen evaporates within 15-20 minutes, so water should be consumed immediately after preparation or after opening the container. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from hydrogen enrichment.

Doctors recommend, if possible, to drink hydrogen water in the same amount as ordinary drinking water, that is, an average of 1.5 liters daily. However, hydrogen water is not cheap compared to regular water, so 1 to 2 glasses of water a day will be enough to ensure the benefits of hydrogen saturation.

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The use of hydrogen water in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of hydrogen-saturated water are very actively used in the production of decorative cosmetics. Hydrogen water is mainly used in face masks and creams. In this form, hydrogen through the pores penetrates deep into the structure of the skin and neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals that age cells. As a result, the skin becomes firmer and healthier.

Hydrogen water is also widely used in the procedures provided by various beauty salons. The list of such useful procedures, for example, washing, or baths with hydrogen-rich salt.

The entire range of hydrogen cosmetics today is made in Japan, therefore, when purchasing such products, you should pay attention to the country of origin. Counterfeit cosmetics can not only be useless, but also cause a lot of harm.

Important! All products based on useful hydrogen water are suitable for single use only, so they should be in individual sealed containers with the addition of metal. Plastic containers cannot preserve the beneficial properties of such cosmetics.

The harm of hydrogen water and contraindications

Despite the fact that the effect of hydrogen water on humans has not yet been sufficiently studied, researchers agree that its use does not cause any harm to the body. It can be taken by people of any age, regardless of health status, since this drink has no contraindications.

The only negative aspect of hydrogen water is that it is often promoted for advertising purposes as a cure for all known diseases, from depression to cancer. Drinking regimen is certainly important, but it is not a substitute for professional medical attention.

Advice! There is no need to give up medication for serious health problems.

What doctors say about hydrogen water

Although there is no documented evidence of harm from hydrogen water, doctors' opinions on it remain mixed. Part of the global medical community expresses doubts about the benefits of this drink and considers it to be just another fashionable innovation in the beauty industry, which allows you to cash in on gullible citizens. At the same time, other doctors are more optimistic and believe that further study of the beneficial properties of hydrogen water can help prevent many diseases.

Most of the research today is conducted in China, South Korea, and Japan.The latter is especially interested in studying the mechanisms of the effect of hydrogen on the human body, and many leading educational institutions in Japan, for example, the Tokyo University of Medicine and Dentistry and the University of Tsukuba, have already carried out a number of scientific studies on this topic.


Currently, the harm and benefits of hydrogen water are being actively studied by scientists and doctors around the world. Despite the barrage of criticism towards this product, it has great potential from a medical point of view and is used extensively in cosmetology. You can find clear and concise information about the properties of hydrogen water in the following video:


Zabavskaya Irina Olegovna, 38 years old, Rostov
I have a generator at home for saturating water with hydrogen - I bought it over the Internet in the summer. It has been working without interruption for four months now, I drink hydrogen water every day. I feel great, my complexion has improved, and I'm less tired. For me, a great addition to a healthy diet. The device is expensive, of course, but it is still cheaper than buying hydrogen water regularly in stores.
Tkachuk Alina Evgenievna, 43 years old, St. Petersburg
For a long time already I heard about this fashionable novelty, I thought: again some kind of divorce. But it looks like it's not all bad. There are never too many remedies for rejuvenation! Now I will look at the store shelves - suddenly where I will see this hydrogen cosmetics.
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