Mulberry syrup (mulberry doshab): medicinal properties, reviews, contraindications

The beneficial properties of mulberry doshab are known all over the world. It is a highly concentrated white mulberry juice. A distinctive feature of the drink is a unique production technology. Thanks to her, the maximum amount of substances useful for humans is preserved in the doshab.

What is mulberry doshab

Mulberry doshab is a medicinal syrup made from mulberry fruits. It is often used to activate immunity and treat diseases of the respiratory system. The berry has a high nutritional value and low calorie content. It contains substances that purify the blood and normalize the immune system. In addition, mulberry is considered to be a powerful antioxidant.

Mulberry fruits were widespread in ancient Greece. Black and red mulberry varieties were used as a natural dye. The syrup has often been used to treat inflammatory conditions in the throat. Mulberry has been credited with powerful antibiotic and narcotic properties. It is believed to be effective in stool disturbance and relieve a debilitating cough. Due to its pleasant taste, doshab has become widespread in cooking.

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Mulberry doshab must be free from dyes, preservatives and sugar
Comment! In Central Asia, mulberry syrup is called bekmes.

Chemical composition

Mulberry syrup contains a huge amount of health benefits. According to the principle of its effect on the body, it is often compared to raspberry jam. A distinctive feature of mulberry syrup is its rich iron content. 100 ml of doshab includes ной of the daily dosage of the substance. The antioxidant effect of mulberry syrup is achieved due to the presence of ascorbic acid in the composition. It is noteworthy that mulberry doshab contains only natural ingredients. The composition is represented by the following substances:

  • pectin;
  • fatty acid;
  • iron;
  • citric and malic acids;
  • vitamins of groups C and B;
  • fructose;
  • phytoalexin;
  • carotene;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • calcium.

Due to the content of phytoalexin, mulberry syrup has a powerful anticancer effect. This allows it to be used in the fight against serious diseases. Pectin and tannins have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Acids take part in energy processes. The iron in the mulberry tree provides the prevention of anemia in both adults and children.

Due to the content of carotene, mulberry helps to strengthen immunity and normalize visual function. This effect is enhanced by its rich vitamin content. Essential oils, in turn, have a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

Why is mulberry doshab useful?

Mulberry syrup is most commonly used to treat cough and regulate the gastrointestinal tract. It effectively liquefies phlegm and removes it from the lungs. With regular use of the remedy, you can get rid of chronic constipation. Sometimes mulberry doshab is used for heavy menstruation.

Due to its rich composition, doshab can be considered a truly universal remedy. It cleanses the body of harmful substances and saturates it with vitamins. The beneficial properties of mulberry doshab include:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • slowing down the aging process of the body;
  • protection of cartilage tissue from damage;
  • activation of mental activity;
  • improving the well-being of patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • neutralization of the harmful effects of free radicals;
  • relieving joint pain;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • prevention of cardiovascular disease;
  • lowering blood pressure levels;
  • preventing anemia;
  • elimination of flatulence.
Ready-made mulberry doshab fully retains the properties of white mulberry

Why mulberry syrup is good for adults

Before starting therapy, you should study the regimen and the medicinal properties of mulberry doshab. Adults need to take syrup at a dosage 2-3 times higher than for children. It is preliminarily diluted with milk, water or tea. The healing drink can be used as a powerful sedative. The substances in its composition help to endure stress and cope with insomnia.

For men, mulberry syrup helps replenish energy during heavy physical exertion. It is often used to combat potency. Indications for taking doshab for adults:

  • acute enterocolitis;
  • constipation;
  • ulcerative diseases;
  • hives;
  • anemia;
  • bleeding;
  • scarlet fever;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • impotence;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

Resveratrol, present in mulberry syrup, has an antioxidant effect on the body. It is because of this that women often use it to slow down the aging process. Saturating the body with useful substances, they manage to improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. Mulberry syrup is not only taken orally, but also used locally. It effectively treats the discomfort caused by insect and snake bites. In some cases, it is also used to eliminate cosmetic problems.

Advice! In cooking, doshab can be used as a sugar substitute.

Useful properties for children

Mulberry syrup is given to children for general health improvement. It significantly strengthens the immune system, allowing the body to independently cope with viruses and colds. The prophylactic course is recommended for at least 10 days. The medicinal properties of mulberry doshab for children are as follows:

  • treating and preventing anemia;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • elimination of cough;
  • strengthening immunity.

Since mulberry is considered a common allergen, mulberry syrup should be taken in limited quantities. Children often have individual intolerance. Experts do not recommend adding doshab to milk due to the high risk of indigestion.

How to take mulberry doshab

Mulberry syrup should be taken by children at 1 tbsp. l. Once a day, and for adults 2-3 times a day. To neutralize the rich sweet taste, you can dilute the doshab with any liquid. The duration of admission depends on the severity of the disease. On average, it is 10-14 days. For some diseases, treatment may be longer.

For cleansing the biliary tract and liver

Mulberry syrup can be used to cleanse the liver. For this purpose, 1 Art. l. the funds are dissolved in 1 tbsp. warm water. Drink the drink at a time. Reception is carried out on an empty stomach. After that, you need to lie on your right side, placing a heating pad under it. The procedure is carried out for 1.5 hours.Such activities contribute to the rapid cleansing of the ducts from bile.

With gum disease

For sore throats and gum disease, syrup is used to prepare an antibacterial solution. 1 tbsp. l. doshaba is diluted with 150 ml of warm water. The resulting composition is used for rinsing. It eliminates pathogens, thereby improving well-being.

Doshab is not recommended to be taken with meals.

For diseases of the stomach

For the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, an aqueous solution is taken 3 times a day, 100 ml. Reception is carried out separately from food. The total duration of the treatment course is 1 month.

For general wellness

For general improvement of the body 1 tbsp. the syrup dissolved in water is taken 2-3 times a day. Reception is carried out 20-30 minutes before meals. The duration of the treatment-and-prophylactic course is 20 days. Its implementation is especially important in spring and autumn, during the period of exacerbation of viral and colds. Such therapy helps to protect the body from the penetration of pathogens.

How to take a cough

For the treatment of cough, mulberry doshab is taken with milk. At 1 st. l. syrup will need 100 ml of milk. After it has completely dissolved, another 100 ml of milk is added to the drink. The received amount of the remedy is taken 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the degree of neglect of the disease.

Attention! Mulberry syrup is especially beneficial for the elderly.

How to make syrup at home

The beneficial properties of mulberry syrup largely depend on the production technology. The remedy can also be prepared at home. Only ripe and fresh mulberries should be used. There is no need to wash the berries before cooking. They are poured into a deep container and crushed to a mushy state with your hands. Then the resulting mixture is transferred to a saucepan and put on fire. The cooking time is 30 minutes.

The next step is to grind mulberry gruel through a sieve. Thus, it is separated from the liquid. Mulberry juice is again put on fire and boiled for 15 minutes. The consistency of the syrup should eventually get thicker. The finished product is cooled to room temperature and poured into a glass container suitable for storage.

Cooking applications

Mulberry doshab is actively used in cooking. It is often added to baked goods and desserts. Sometimes syrup is used for cooking meat dishes. It perfectly sets off their taste, giving specific notes. In some cases, doshab is an alternative to jam. It can be used as a spread on bread and toast. Gourmets make a dressing from syrup for vegetable and meat salads. In addition, doshab is often used as an essential component of vitamin cocktails.

Doshab can be used to make compote, jelly or vitamin cocktail

Contraindications and possible harm

Mulberry doshab has not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications. Due to the natural origin of the product, there are few of them. The most significant of them include the following:

  • age up to 1 year;
  • allergic reaction;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy.

Experts do not recommend consuming doshab with other berry syrups. This can provoke a negative reaction from the digestive system. Most often, this is manifested in the development of diarrhea. During lactation, women should discuss the possibility of using a remedy with their doctor. Overweight people are advised to monitor the amount of syrup consumed. Therapeutic dosages will not harm the figure.

How to choose and store correctly

Mulberry doshab can be prepared by yourself or bought ready-made. When choosing, you need to pay attention to its color and consistency. A quality product resembles young honey in its structure. If you put a few drops in a bowl, it won't spread.Too liquid consistency indicates that the manufacturer has diluted it with water. Natural syrup has a dark color with reddishness. Its taste is sweet enough, but not at all cloying.

When making your own syrup, you should pay special attention to the choice of berries. They have the ability to absorb harmful emissions from the air. Therefore, the collection of berries must be carried out away from industrial facilities and potentially hazardous areas. Otherwise, mulberry will have a toxic effect on the body and provoke the corresponding symptoms.

Store mulberry doshab in the refrigerator door. A glass container with a sealed lid is used as a container. Subject to the storage rules, the syrup will retain its beneficial properties for 2 years. After the expiration date, it must be disposed of.

Important! It is advisable to buy ready-made mulberry syrup in pharmacies or from official manufacturers.


The beneficial properties of mulberry doshab allow it to be used as an effective homeopathic remedy. It saturates the body with useful substances, thereby providing a strengthening effect. To avoid adverse reactions, the syrup should be taken in accordance with the recommended dosages.

Reviews of the medicinal properties of mulberry doshab

Queen Valentina Igorevna, 33 years old, Tomsk
I gave mulberry syrup to a child to eliminate residual cough after bronchitis. Its main advantage is that the child does not refuse admission. After all, doshab has a pleasant sweet taste. The treatment took us no more than a week, the cough completely disappeared.
Annenkov Gennady Vladimirovich, 29 years old, Kostroma
Once caught a virus at the wrong time. I had to immediately take action, since there was no way to go on sick leave. Of the antivirals at home, there was only doshab. Already in the first days of admission, he increased efficiency and decreased temperature. I managed to endure the disease without any complications.
Koneva Lyudmila Ivanovna, 23 years old, Krasnoyarsk
I have often added mulberry syrup to baked goods. It is not only healthy, but also delicious. Doshab allows you to give desserts an unusual flavor. Once I tried to use it as a sauce for meat, but I didn't like it. In baking, it is most appropriate.
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