Quail meat: benefits and harms, composition

Quail meat is popular and considered a delicacy. It is used for weight loss and even for the prevention of certain diseases. To understand the benefits and harms of quail meat, consider the characteristics of the product, its composition and the effect it has.

The composition and calorie content of quail meat

The quail is a small bird from the Fazanov family. The peculiarity of the quail is that it is least susceptible to diseases, unlike other birds. No special hormones are used for the growth of quails. Meat contains amino acids required by the body.

Their list:

  • Lysine. Able to break down fats, protects against viruses, helps to increase muscle mass, libido and memory. Lysine himself is added to herpes remedies. It is also present in anabolic steroids for athletes.
  • Alanin. A source of strength and energy that takes part in the metabolic process.
  • Cystine. Helps the body form protein. Present in immunoglobulin and insulin.
  • Methionine. If this amino acid is absent in the body, various pathologies appear.
  • Glycine. Without it, there are failures in the functioning of neuropsychic activity.
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  • Arginine. Takes part in the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body, and also accelerates the synthesis of hormones.
  • Valine. Improves protein metabolism, hormones.
  • Aspartic acid. It has a positive effect on concentration, important for the creation of other amino acids.
  • Glutamic acid. Promotes tissue strengthening, has a positive effect on blood vessels. Acid is added to cancer medicines.
  • Tyrosine. It helps to improve the production of hormones, it is needed for the formation of melanin. It improves mood, helps the body overcome drowsiness and helps reduce stress.
Attention! Homemade quail meat is ideal for athletes, since with a low calorie content (100 g has 123-200 kcal) it has a large proportion of protein. The amount of protein in 100 g is 21.8, the amount of fat is 4.5, there are no carbohydrates.

In addition, the quail carcass is rich in the following vitamins:

  • B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12 - they help to strengthen the nervous system and improve metabolic processes;
  • vitamin D - useful for bone growth, promotes the absorption of macronutrients and helps the body fight colds;
  • vitamin A - has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, improves immunity, strengthens bones;
  • vitamin K - good for blood (improves blood clotting), promotes calcium absorption.

In addition to these basic elements, quail meat is rich in sodium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, calcium and phosphorus.

The benefits of quail meat

It has an optimal content of vitamins, proteins and other nutrients. Thanks to this, the poultry carcass is easy to digest and is suitable for:

  • Children. If you give quail meat to children, the bones will be healthy and strong, due to the large amount of vitamin D. It is useful for the prevention of rickets.
  • Women during pregnancy. Both eggs and meat can improve the condition, maintaining the balance of minerals and vitamins.The quail carcass reduces the effects of toxicosis.
  • Breastfeeding mothers. Eating quail meat improves the production of breast milk.
  • Older people. The product strengthens the tissues in the body, improves the condition of nails and hair. Age-related pathologies are more easily tolerated.
  • Athletes. The main task is to build muscle. Due to the fact that the poultry contains a lot of protein, muscles grow quickly, and the energy expended in training is quickly replenished.
  • Underwent surgery. Perepelyatin is a dietary product that allows you to quickly recover and recover from an illness.

Speaking about specific diseases, the quail carcass should be present in the diet of people suffering from:

  • anemia;
  • caries;
  • apathy and irritability;
  • arrhythmia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • radiation sickness;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • dystrophy.

Quail is rich in calcium. The product improves the condition of bones and teeth, and thanks to copper and phosphorus in the body, the exchange of things is normalized. Potassium acts on the brain, improving its functioning, and also helps to lower blood pressure (pressure).

The note! Quail is much more useful than chickens, pigs, rabbits and cattle. The same goes for vitamin-rich quail eggs. According to scientists, if you regularly eat quail meat, it will help fight respiratory problems. This includes diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and asthma.

Quail meat is especially useful for men. It restores potency. In addition, for those suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, doctors strongly recommend including quail meat in the diet.

For the digestive system

The key to success in combating gastrointestinal diseases is a complete and selected diet. Thanks to the diet, the work of the stomach and the general condition of the body are normalized. The protective properties are increased, helping to prevent the development of inflammatory processes, and ulcers heal faster. Usually, to ensure the optimal level of substances necessary for the body, the intake of various mineral and vitamin complexes is prescribed. All this can replace the simple addition of quail meat to the diet.

As nutritionists say, quail meat should be taken for ulcers, gastritis, colitis and other diseases of the digestive system. Quail contains a small amount of cholesterol, it is easily absorbed and does not strain the stomach. And thanks to sulfur and phosphorus in the quail, metabolic processes are normalized in the body. The work of the digestive tract is getting better and the person feels much better.

For the nervous system

Organ diseases, age-related changes in the brain, as well as increased stress disrupt the work of the central nervous system (central nervous system). If memory deteriorates, then this indicates a developing thyroid disease. Treatment comes down to the use of medications. However, diet and regulation of the amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body are equally important.

Quail meat contains nutrients that strengthen nerve cells and restore brain activity. Eating meat will help improve memory, mental development, information will be absorbed more easily. The central nervous system is stabilized, irritability and chronic fatigue disappear.

For the cardiovascular system

A therapeutic diet, aimed at restoring the work of the system, helps to cope with diseases. Certain other foods, such as quail meat, increase the effects of the pills. Quail has no cholesterol and is the main source of protein.

The composition contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the functioning of organs and resist cancer. And phosphorus and copper help build blood cells. Taking quail meat increases the level of hemoglobin in the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves blood microcirculation. But the risk of blood clots is reduced.

Quail meat for weight loss

The basic principle when losing weight is to eat foods with a high protein content, along with a low fat content. In this case, the metabolic processes in the body are improved.

As practice shows, and also judging by the reviews, thanks to the introduction of quail meat into the diet, weight loss is 3 times faster. It is known that rabbit and chicken are diet foods, but quail is even better in this regard.

Harmful properties of quail meat and contraindications

Along with positive qualities, quail meat has its drawbacks. However, this is not associated with side effects or contraindications. They are missing. It's all about individual intolerance to a specific component, this can lead to an allergic reaction. The phenomenon is rare due to the content of ulge-water-containing protein in quail meat, which reduces the risk of allergies. Protein is part of anti-allergenic medicines.

The disadvantage of quail meat is its low calorie content. This means that it cannot be called a full-fledged source of energy. After sports training, quail meat is not able to replenish the calories burned. Any useful product can harm if taken uncontrollably. If you consume a lot of quail meat, then discomfort arises in the abdomen, and the body has a laxative effect.

The note! Nutritionists do not recommend eating quail before going out in cold weather.

How to choose and store correctly

It is important to eat fresh and high quality meat, taking into account the conditions of poultry growing. In order not to fall on the parasite carrier, birds are bought from trusted suppliers. Tips for choosing quail meat:

  • Smell. No need to buy a product if the scent is sour or rotten. The peculiar smell should also alert, since the meat can be treated with dangerous drugs.
  • Colour. Ideally, a pale pink color, the carcass is free of spots and other defects.
  • Elasticity. It is enough to press on the breast or thigh. If the quail is fresh, there will be a slight dent.
  • Packaging. The products are indicated with the date, manufacturer, expiration date and conditions under which the quail meat should be stored.
  • If you have a choice to buy fresh meat or frozen, then the first option is preferable.

Having bought quality quail meat, you need to store it properly. The carcass can last no more than 2 days in its original packaging. Ideally, place it in a glass bowl and cover with cling film. In this state, the quail is stored for up to 14 days. And if you want to keep freshness longer, the quail carcass is stored in the freezer. Thanks to the lysozyme in the composition, the meat stays fresh longer.

How to cook quail meat

Usually quail is replaced by chicken. Carcasses are suitable for stuffing, pilaf is prepared from meat, it is added to salad, broth and roast are made. You need to build on your culinary skills and desire. Quail is suitable for stewing, frying and roasting, it turns out juicy and fragrant.

The carcass is combined with cereals, any vegetables. To emphasize the taste of quail meat, sauces are used. For these purposes, mushroom, cherry, tomato and garlic sauce is most suitable. Experienced chefs recommend steaming the carcass to make the dish healthy and dietary. All properties will be preserved in this case.

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Cooking secrets:

  • feathers are cut from the quail, the neck and tips of the wings are removed. The skin is not scorched. The carcass is thoroughly cleaned and washed, dried and placed in the refrigerator for an hour;
  • to make the quail dish spicy and aromatic, a set of herbs and spices are used;
  • since quail meat is tender, many dry it out. To prevent this from happening, the carcass is coated with sauce or butter, marinated and cooked with an average duration;
  • quail must be cooked whole. The legs are placed in the carcass, the wings are bent behind the back. The meat is placed in boiling water, in which salt has been added in advance, and then covered with a lid. Cook quail for 20-40 minutes.

Quail is popular in French, Italian and Greek cuisine.


We learned what the benefits and harms of quail meat are. This is a unique product with a rich composition. Quail is useful for the body and is even used to prevent certain diseases. And for athletes and those who are losing weight, a diet with quails is a must. It remains only to choose a carcass and cook it in one of the ways.

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