Meat and fish

Why is turkey liver useful and how to cook it
Turkey liver is a unique dietary product that is increasingly found in Russian stores. For buyers accustomed to traditional looks ...
How horse meat is useful, cooking
The benefits and harms of horse meat are well known to representatives of the South Asian nomadic peoples and residents of the northern regions of Russia. Meat of mares, geldings is included in ...
Liver sausage: benefits and harms, how to make at home
The benefits and harms of liver sausage is a topic of discussion among nutritionists. And it is connected, first of all, with the natural composition ...
Why pork liver is useful and how to cook it
Pork liver is one of the healthiest by-products. The usual color is brown. Contains a large number of nutrients that promote recovery after ...
How is chicken liver useful and how to cook it
Many countries around the world recognize chicken liver as a delicacy. Residents of China, Japan and Korea consider this product to be a medicinal product that can help cope with ...
Horse meat sausage: benefits and harms, recipe
Horse meat sausage is a traditional dish of the Turkic peoples. It is prepared by stuffing the natural shell (usually the horse intestine) with fatty meat from the ribs ...
Why is sprat useful and how to cook it in tomato sauce
Sprat can be considered versatile, since it can be used to prepare various dishes. For example, soups, appetizers, canned food and others. But before ...
Why pike is useful, properties and photos of fish
The benefits and harms of pike are a topic of interest to those who like to pamper themselves with river fish. To correctly determine when pike is useful, ...
Why is beef tongue useful?
The benefits and harms of beef tongue have been studied by scientists for a long time, therefore they are not questioned. This product is a meat delicacy appreciated by gourmets ...
Why beef heart is useful and how to cook it
Beef heart is a by-product saturated with vitamins and useful microelements. Helps maintain the balance of these substances in the human body. The balance of benefits and ...


the beauty
