Why fat is useful for the body, medicinal properties and contraindications

People have different attitudes towards fatty foods, and the benefits and harms of fat are the topic of a huge amount of discussion. Many people like the taste and juiciness of this product, but are concerned that animal fat may be harmful.

Lard is usually made from pork carcasses, although it is very rare to find species from other animals. As a rule, it is processed in the form of salting in a solution of salt and sometimes sugar. In many cases, it is smoked afterwards.

Salting and smoking are common ways to preserve meat and fat. In addition, these processing methods also contribute to the habitual flavors of the lard. The addition of salt makes the product an unfavorable environment for bacterial growth. As a result, it has a much longer shelf life than fresh. What are the health benefits and harms of salted lard?

The fats in this product are 50% monounsaturated, and most of them are oleic acid. This is the compound that makes olive oil "good for the heart."

However, another 40% is saturated fat. They were previously thought to be harmful, but some modern scientists agree that they have only a small effect on blood cholesterol levels.

However, this opinion is very contradictory. Many healthcare professionals remain convinced that high intake of saturated fat is the leading cause of heart disease.

Modern researchers are inclined to believe that the health effects of these compounds may depend on the type of saturated fat, dietary conditions and general lifestyle of people. So there is no need to worry about the high fat content of lard, especially since the typical serving size is small.

It's worth noting that processed lard usually contains significant amounts of salt. According to one opinion, the consumption of such food is associated with an increased risk of developing stomach cancer. Excessive salt intake can also raise blood pressure in some people. Although high blood pressure is harmful to the body in the long term, studies have not found a consistent link between salt intake and death from heart disease.

However, people with a tendency to hypertension should consider limiting their intake of salty foods.

Attention! Eating a lot of lard and other salty foods increases blood pressure in some people. It can also increase your risk of stomach cancer.

Useful properties of lard

The main beneficial properties of fat are provided by fat, primarily monounsaturated fat. Fifty percent of the fat in the product is exactly that, and it is mainly represented by oleic acid.

Approximately three percent of the fat is palmitoleic acid, which has valuable antimicrobial properties.About 40 percent of fat is saturated, which is considered a potential source of harm. However, this provides the product with some properties that allow it to be stored for a long time.

Pork fat also contains a certain form of phosphatidylcholine, which has antioxidant activity that is superior to vitamin E. This may be one explanation for the fact that this fat is relatively stable and not prone to rancidity from free radicals.

Meat products are usually very nutritious and lard is no exception. A typical 100 gram serving contains:

  • 37 grams of high quality animal protein;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12;
  • 89% of the daily value for selenium;
  • 53% of the daily value of phosphorus;
  • significant amounts of minerals iron, magnesium, zinc and potassium.

However, all of the beneficial nutrients in lard are also found in other, less fatty pork products. Therefore, it is worthwhile to find out in more detail what are the benefits of lard for the human body.

For women

Oddly enough, the product can be beneficial for burning fat and losing weight. Scientists have found that it is an excellent source of the hormonal coenzyme Q1, which boosts metabolism when combined with brisk walking. This explains the benefits of lard for women with a diet. In fact, research has shown that if you eat a slice of bacon an hour before walking, your calorie burn is doubled.

What else can be the benefits and harms of fat for a woman's body? The product contains a lot of selenium. It is an essential trace mineral and a key component for thyroid health as well as maintaining the immune system.

The harm lies in the very high calorie content and high salt content. This means that bacon should never be overused.

Advice! If you mix 100 grams of lard with the same portion of lentils, you can provide your body with a daily requirement of selenium.

For men

The benefits of fat for a man's body are as follows. It is high in protein. Consuming this product on a daily basis allows you to successfully build muscle mass. According to experts, a man needs 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight every day. This means that two slices of lard at dinner already cover 28% of your daily total muscle fuel.

In addition, bacon and bacon are high in phosphorus, which can significantly ease hangovers. The explanation is simple: this trace element has certain beneficial properties that support renal function.

For pregnant and nursing

What are the benefits of lard during pregnancy? Its consumption helps in the development of the fetal brain.

Because lard is high in saturated fat, it makes you feel full immediately after consumption. Since it is low in carbohydrates, it helps to regulate the weight of women who are rapidly gaining pounds in the second half of pregnancy.

It also has antioxidant benefits that help fight disease and even promote better development of the fetal thyroid gland. The phosphorus and vitamin A contained in the product are essential for the proper growth and maturity of the fetus and its nervous system. All these beneficial properties of the product are also relevant for nursing mothers.

Lard is a tasty addition to the diet of pregnant women, but it must be prepared properly. It is usually available smoked and salted, with some spices, additives, and even sugar to enhance the flavor. Thus, having these ingredients in abundance can be harmful to health. To increase the benefits and minimize harm, you can purchase a raw product and salt it yourself, adjusting the amount of added components.

It is worth noting that newborns' immune systems are not as well adapted to fight bacteria as adults, so you need to be careful. It should be remembered that lard without preservatives with a small amount of salt has a short shelf life.

Advice! According to medical experts, for pregnant women, the ideal lard intake per day is 13 grams with a daily diet of 2,000 calories.

Is it possible to give lard to children

Getting enough healthy fats is essential for your child's growth and development. Young children, in particular, need it for the brain and nervous system to develop normally. In addition to providing energy for the body, fats have the following properties:

  • help the body absorb certain vitamins (A, D, E and K, which are fat-soluble);
  • are the building blocks of hormones;
  • surround all tissues of the nervous system in the body;
  • promote a feeling of fullness and prevent overeating.

Fat is an excellent source of energy, but contains twice as many calories as carbohydrates or protein. For example, 1 gram of fat provides 9 calories, and 1 gram of carbohydrates or protein provides 4 calories.

Therefore, lard may well be part of the children's diet, but only in moderation. It is also necessary to pay attention to the composition of the product so as not to harm from the abuse of salt and other additives. The benefits of homemade lard, which do not contain preservatives, are better expressed in this case.

Is it possible to eat lard with diabetes

It is generally accepted that lard is only harmful and that it is a real risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In fact, this product can be beneficial for the heart.

Monounsaturated fats (the main variety in lard) are widely used to reduce markers of inflammation and lower blood pressure, while their antimicrobial palmitolein content can help prevent plaque. Triglycerides are beneficial too, because pork fat is especially good at keeping you satiated and stable in blood sugar. Thus, the product can be beneficial for diabetics and pre-diabetics, as well as for anyone struggling with sugar and carbohydrate addiction.

Important! For the liver, fat is not dangerous or harmful if consumed in small quantities.

The benefits and harms of fat when losing weight

The key to losing weight is consuming fewer calories than the body burns, so the specific servings and types of food recommended will depend on the person's activity level, height, weight, and general health.

Typically, a healthy weight loss plan focuses on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. Protein choices should include lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, and beans, not fatty cuts of meat. However, as stated above, lard can be beneficial for weight loss as it increases energy burning. The benefit of consuming lard may also lie in the fact that it quickly gives a feeling of fullness.

However, it's high in calories and fat, so it should be consumed in moderation with any diet. One slice contains about 42 calories and over 3 grams of fat, one gram of which is an unhealthy saturated type of fatty acids. The second harmful property is high salt content. It contains up to 192 mg of salt per slice, so it can be harmful if eaten in large quantities.

Interesting! Some low-carb diets may not restrict fat or calories, or differentiate between types of fat. In such food systems, lard is not prohibited or even limited.

The use of lard in traditional medicine

Salted lard can be helpful in cases of joint injuries. It is applied to the site of injury and sealed with an airtight foil to relieve pain and speed recovery.

The product has the ability to protect the skin. To protect it from cold and wind, it is necessary to lubricate the exposed parts of the body with fat. It can also be useful for sun lovers as it helps to get the perfect tan and avoid sunburn.


Lard is widely used as a medicine, especially for toothache. To do this, you need to put a small piece on a sore tooth for half an hour.

For colds

Consuming lard in reasonable portions is highly effective in preventing viruses, especially in winter. The properties of the product are doubled if eaten with garlic.

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Garlic, in turn, also contains a variety of nutrients. These are phytoncides that have the ability to kill bacteria or inhibit their growth. Garlic is also called a natural antibiotic, and it is effective both in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and in cancer. It is also rich in vitamins C and PP, as well as quercetin, a bioflavonoid that thins blood and prevents blood clots. In addition, it lowers blood cholesterol levels. All this suggests that the benefits of salted lard with garlic are obvious for the prevention of colds and flu.

Daily rate of lard consumption

The use of lard does not threaten fullness, unless it is abused. Foods cooked with this type of fat are healthier than those cooked with refined oil. Salted or pickled bacon is the most valuable. The daily serving for an adult is 9 to 12 grams, but no more so that it is beneficial.

Interesting! The energy value of the product is 770 kcal per 100 grams, which corresponds to a kilogram of boiled potatoes or more than half a kilogram of chicken meat.

When and with what is better to eat lard

The best time to eat lard is in the morning, because, in addition to vitamins, it will give a huge boost of energy. It stimulates the release of free radicals accumulated during the night in the body and facilitates its cleansing.

Interestingly, it normalizes cholesterol levels, is well digested and does not affect the liver. A small bite before a meal covers the walls of the stomach with a thin film of fat, slowing down the absorption of alcohol and reducing intoxication. It is often eaten with alcohol, as alcohol helps to quickly digest fat and break it down into its constituents.

Lard is one of the most popular snacks. In restaurants, it is often served along with rye bread. It is stored in the freezer before being placed on the table. The idea itself is that a person drinks a glass of vodka and quickly eats a piece of frozen bacon, and it melts softly in the mouth.

Common forms of product use are also cracklings and forshmak. In the first case, lard with skin is cut into squares and fried over high heat until crispy. In the second case, the salted product is ground in a meat grinder and mixed with garlic and herbs.

Many people love lard for its magical ability to make any food juicy. To achieve this effect, it is enough to put a few thin slices on any food before cooking.

Is it possible to eat the skin from bacon

In some countries, pork skin is even considered a separate product. With proper salting, it turns out to be tender and soft, and can even complement the taste of bacon. It contains all the same vitamins and minerals as pork and lard. Therefore, it can be safely eaten. The benefits of the skins from lard are the high content of B vitamins, as well as phosphorus.

Interesting! The well-known cracklings are nothing more than pork skins, fried to a crispy consistency.

Which lard is healthier: boiled or salted

The benefits of boiled lard for the body are much less than salted lard. This can be explained simply: during cooking, many nutrients and vitamins are destroyed in the product.The correct version is that the less food is subjected to any processing, the more useful it is.

Is smoked and fried bacon healthy

What are the benefits and harms for the body of fried foods cooked in lard? As already noted, heat treatment destroys all the nutrients in the product. In addition, when heated, it can form carcinogens that can cause harm. The same applies to the properties of smoked lard and its effects on the human body. An exception can only be a home-smoked product prepared without the addition of any preservatives and especially liquid smoke.

How tasty to salt lard

Many countries have their own national types of smoked and salted lard - lardo, bacon, pancetta and many others. It seems that almost every culture has its own way to cook pork fat.

Salo is one of those national dishes, the recipe of which is slightly different in every family. The key to making a delicious product is a very good and fresh piece of pork fat from a trusted source. It is best to buy farmed, unfrozen pork for this. For one of the classic recipes you will need:

  • 1 kg of raw pork belly;
  • 2 cups sea salt
  • some bay leaves and pepper;
  • a handful of cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. red pepper (powder).

How is this done?

  1. First of all, you need to place the pork belly on a cutting board and let it sit for at least an hour at room temperature.
  2. After that, a thick layer of salt (2 - 3 cm) should be poured into the glassware on the bottom.
  3. The brisket is laid out on top of it in one layer.
  4. Put bay leaves, black pepper, red pepper flakes and garlic on top, and completely cover everything with salt.
  5. The product should be left in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, and the fat is ready!
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The harm of fat and contraindications to use

The above is what the benefits and harms of salted lard (fat) are. However, some risks are not specified. These include:

  1. Listeriosis: This is one of the most common bacteria that can lead to serious illness. To avoid it, you should use only a proven product, or process it thermally.
  2. Saturated fat: Cholesterol levels in the body increase if fat intake is too high. Despite all the beneficial properties of lard, it contains fats that are dangerous for the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Preservatives: some types of smoked and salted lard contain not only a lot of salt, but also sodium nitrite. This can significantly reduce the benefits of lard and increase the harm.
  4. High sodium content: Salted lard is a food high in this mineral. About three slices contain about 700 mg sodium. Excessive sodium intake increases the risk of high blood pressure and edema.
Attention! It is advisable to use lard in a slightly salted form for several days, since the shelf life is short.

How to choose and store lard

How to choose the best fat? It is worth looking for a piece six fingers thick. A properly salted product should be soft. If it is difficult to cut slices from a piece, this is a low-quality bacon. The presence of skin and the method of salting (dry or wet) in this case does not matter. Smoked bacon should be even softer and more flavorful.

The finished product can be kept in the refrigerator for several months or even longer in the freezer.


As you can see, the benefits and harms of lard can serve as an object for lengthy discussions. The conclusion is that when consumed in moderation, it can be beneficial due to its healthy fats and vitamins.

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