Why is blue whiting useful?

The consumption of cod fish has recently been gaining in popularity due to its dietary properties. Considering that cod has recently become a scarce product, a substitute was found for it, the meat of which has similar beneficial properties - blue whiting fish. The benefits and harms of blue whiting are contained in the composition of the fish and its physiology.

What does the blue whiting look like and where is found

Blue whiting is a medium-sized fish (30-50 cm) weighing no more than a kilogram. Her body is narrow and elongated. She lives in the temperate climatic zone of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. A characteristic feature is the long pelvic fin.

The chemical composition of blue whiting

The fish contains the following vitamins:

  • vitamin PP - 5.6 mg;
  • vitamin A - 40 mcg;
  • vitamin B1 - 40 mcg;
  • vitamin B2 - 100 mcg.

The amount of vitamins is indicated per 100 g of weight.

Blue whiting also contains niacin (up to 2 mg) and ascorbic acid (1.4 mg).

For every 100 g of the product, there is the following amount of trace elements:

  • potassium - 335 mg;
  • calcium - 40 mg;
  • phosphorus - 210 mg;
  • magnesium - 40 mg;
  • iodine - 135 mcg.
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The ratio of trace elements is typical for many cod fish, but the vitamin composition is relatively poor.

Calorie content of blue whiting

The fish has a ratio of the main food components characteristic of all cod fish:

  • proteins - 18%;
  • fats - 0.9%.

Water makes up 79% of the product.

Calorie content depends on the cooking method. The calorie content of blue whiting per 100 grams is:

Cooking method

Calorie content, kcal / 100 g

Without processing








Useful properties of blue whiting fish

The benefits of blue whiting for the body are based on a combination of the effects of various components that make up its composition. This is primarily due to the unsaturated omega-3 fats.

These substances, along with vitamins, have the property of ensuring the normalization of fat and cholesterol metabolism. In addition, they tidy up the skin and hair on the body.

Vitamin A improves visual function and together with vitamin C helps to increase the body's resistance to colds. Potassium is good for the heart, and calcium with vitamin D is good for the skeletal system.

Fish oil (Omega-3) in combination with phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the performance of the nervous system.

In addition, the beneficial properties of fish meat improve digestion and help keep the body in good shape.

Is blue whiting good for pregnant and lactating women

The health benefits of blue whiting for pregnant and lactating women have been confirmed by clinical experiments. Like all codfish, it is recommended for use by women during pregnancy. The main beneficial components are polyunsaturated fats and iodine. All codfish, and blue whiting in particular, are the simplest and most affordable way to enrich the body of mother and child with these elements.Low calorie content and almost complete absence of contraindications make it the most optimal for this function.

The same can be said for breastfeeding women. Adding blue whiting to their diet will help in maintaining the child's immune system (thanks to iodine), as well as in the formation of his skeleton (calcium and polyunsaturated fats).

Is it possible to give blue whiting to a child

Blue whiting is recommended for the nutrition of children, since the substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the formation of the child's body. In particular, potassium strengthens the heart muscle, phosphorus is good for the brain, and iodine is an essential element for the thyroid gland. It is recommended for use by children from the age of three.

If the child's body is in dire need of any elements, the source of which are codfish, and there is a desire to introduce the product into the diet before this age, then this should be done after consulting a pediatrician or doctor.

Important! Blue whiting among all cod is the most vulnerable to attack by parasites. Therefore, when giving blue whiting to children, you need to be especially careful about its quality.

In addition, it has a lot of small seeds and care should be taken when consuming it. It is best to monitor your child's food intake.

And, of course, don't forget about allergic reactions to seafood. In case of their manifestation, the intake of fish by children should be discontinued, resuming it at a later age.

Benefits of blue whiting fish for the elderly

First of all, the beneficial properties of blue whiting will help the elderly in solving problems with the motor apparatus in general, and in particular, joints. The polyunsaturated fats found in meat help to remove water from the joints and relieve the pain of rheumatoid arthritis.

No less important is the maintenance of the normal functioning of the brain of the elderly, which is also ensured by the complex interaction of omega-3 fats and phosphorus.

And, of course, the beneficial properties of fish lie in maintaining the functioning of the heart, carried out by the potassium contained in the meat.

Blue whiting for weight loss

Boiled or steamed blue whiting is recommended for dietary use as a very low fat protein product.

In addition, polyunsaturated acids help dissolve atherosclerotic plaques in the body and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

In addition to low calorie content and high protein content, 100 g of the product can satisfy the body's need for the following minerals:

  • phosphorus - by 35%;
  • iodine - 90%;
  • chrome - completely;
  • cobalt - completely.

This should be taken into account when forming diet menus for weight loss.

Is it true that blue whiting causes cancer?

There is no clinical evidence that the use of blue whiting causes cancer or provokes their appearance. The chemical composition, as well as the proportional ratio of the components in it, are characteristic of codfish, and blue whiting does not contain any special pathogenic substances.

How to deliciously cook blue whiting

Blue whiting is included in many recipes for preparing fish dishes. Culinary experts note the excellent combination of her meat with almost all products:

  • vegetables;
  • greens;
  • olives;
  • citrus fruits;
  • cheese;
  • other seafood.
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But it practically does not combine with dairy products, fruits and legumes.

Blue whiting is versatile and very easy to prepare. Basically (except for dietary meals) fish is baked or fried. Her meat is quite dense, but contains a lot of bones, which damages her popularity. Although the taste of the meat is very good: a combination of the taste of pollock and cod.

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Important! Despite the fact that the meat of the fish is dense, with too long heat treatment it begins to creep, therefore, when preparing blue whiting, you should pay attention to the cooking time.

Harm to blue whiting and contraindications

Harm to blue whiting may be the result of violation of contraindications to its use. These include allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the product. However, both cases are extremely rare, since it ranks last in the content of allergens among cod fish - the concentration of substances that cause allergies is minimal.

Separately, we should talk about the danger of eating this fish, from the point of view of parasitology. Among cod fish and marine fish in general, in blue whiting, cases of detection of parasites (mainly helminths) are most often recorded. This is most likely due to the small size of the fish itself and the difficulties in selecting high-quality specimens for sale. In any case, you should be careful when preparing fish while cooking. Carcasses containing parasites should be discarded immediately.

How to choose and store blue whiting

The choice of fish should be made according to very simple criteria: there should be no dents or large spots on the carcasses. The eyes of the fish should be clear, the fins and tail should not be dried. The absence of an unpleasant smell is also important.

Fish can be stored frozen for up to two months, while thawed fish can be stored for no more than 12 hours.


The benefits and harms of blue whiting depend on the composition of the fish and its lifestyle. Except for cases of individual intolerance, fish has practically no contraindications for consumption. Healthy dietary meat, rich in phosphorus and calcium, has a beneficial effect on brain function and maintenance of the skeletal system.

Fish reviews

Marina Tuchkina, 36 years old, Vyborg
Blue whiting is one of the easiest fish to cook. At the same time, its meat has excellent gastronomic characteristics and is one of the cheapest. Many have a prejudice about this: due to its low price, it is believed that this fish is suitable only for animal feed. But why push yourself into the box of prejudice? I like her taste more than cod. When properly cooked, fish of all cod fish is the most delicious.
Sergey Muarushev, 43 years old, Yaroslavl
Blue whiting is the best fish option for those who want to get a wonderful healthy dish and at the same time not spend much money. In addition to its taste, fish has dietary properties, and its use supplies the body with all the substances that seafood gives us. In addition, the prevalence of this fish allows you to buy it literally anywhere. It is always available in the assortment of fish stores. If you wanted a fish, and there is no desire to either look for it for a long time, or pay a lot for it, I recommend purchasing it.
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