What is kefir useful, composition, calorie content, how to take

The benefits and harms of kefir are very relevant, since this light drink is in special demand among people of all ages. It is worth figuring out when a product is valuable and when it can cause significant harm.

Composition, nutritional value and calorie content of kefir

The fermented milk drink has a fairly wide vitamin composition. The product contains:

  • calcium, sulfur and potassium;
  • vitamins C and A;
  • sodium, magnesium, fluorine and phosphorus;
  • vitamins B2, B5 and B12;
  • lactose and glucose;
  • galactose;
  • lactic bacteria in huge numbers;
  • lactic acid;
  • a small amount of alcohol compounds.

The distribution of nutrients in the composition depends on the fat content. If we consider kefir with 3.2% fat content as the most popular, then it will contain 4 g of carbohydrates, about 2.8 g of proteins and 3.2 g of fat. The calorie content of such a healthy drink is 56 kcal per 100 ml - the product is not capable of harming the figure.

The benefits of kefir for the body

The most famous are the dietary properties of the product, it satisfies hunger well, but it does not contribute to weight gain. However, the drink also brings other benefits, namely:

  • helps with dysbiosis and repopulates the intestines with the necessary microorganisms;
  • eliminates bloating and a feeling of heaviness;
  • saturates the body with easily digestible protein;
  • due to the significant amount of calcium, it strengthens the joints - there will be benefits from kefir for gout;
  • protects the stomach and intestines from inflammation and infections;
  • regulates metabolic processes and promotes faster disposal of toxins;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system, the properties of the drink are beneficial for insomnia and anxiety, stress and chronic fatigue;
  • strengthens vision, this is facilitated by the high content of vitamin A in the product;
  • has a good effect on the condition of the skin and prevents hair loss;
  • helps to strengthen nails and teeth, the product contains a lot of calcium;
  • has a beneficial effect on the body with diabetes and helps to reduce glucose.

Kefir is of great benefit in old age, it helps the aging body to maintain normal digestive functions.

Interesting fact!

No less useful for the human body is Tibetan kefir (milk mushroom), you can cook it yourself. And we recommend reading all the subtleties and proportions of cooking in our article: milk mushroom benefits and harms doctors reviews

For women

The use of kefir for a woman's body is, first of all, that the properties of the product help to quickly get rid of extra pounds.Kefir diets are among the most effective. Their pluses include the fact that while losing weight, women do not have to feel hungry. In addition, the intestines and metabolism do not suffer, the drink maintains the balance of beneficial bacteria at the desired level.

The benefit of kefir for girls lies in the fact that it helps in the treatment of fungal gynecological diseases. The properties of the product in cosmetology make it possible to maintain attractiveness and youth longer.

For men

The benefits of kefir for a man's body lies primarily in the fact that the drink helps to regulate sexual functions. The product improves blood circulation and rejuvenates the body, which has a positive effect on potency. Drinking a drink for men is also useful for the reason that it helps to get rid of excess fat accumulations during sports.

For athletes

The product contains quite a lot of protein compounds, therefore it has a noticeable anabolic effect. The properties of the drink contribute to the growth of muscle tissue - kefir will be of particular benefit after training. The drink does not allow muscles to atrophy due to excessive load, allows you to maintain tone and increases endurance.

Is it possible to give kefir to a child

For babies' digestion, the properties of the drink will definitely be beneficial. Regular use of the product will protect the child from constipation, in addition, it will help strengthen the skeletal system and teeth.

But at the same time, the product can be introduced into the children's diet only after 8 months of life and in an amount of no more than 1 glass per day. Excessive consumption of the product may cause diarrhea and bloating in a child.

Attention! For some diseases, a healthy drink may be completely contraindicated. Before offering it to a child for the first time, you must definitely consult a pediatrician.

Is kefir possible for pregnant and lactating women

The benefits of kefir for pregnant women are unconditional, the drink helps to remove excess fluid from the tissues, prevents constipation and facilitates kidney function. In addition, the benefit of kefir during pregnancy lies in the fact that the product contributes to the correct formation of the baby in the womb - the minerals and vitamins in the composition are very useful for the fetus.

However, the drink during pregnancy is not recommended to be taken in too large quantities. Due to the laxative properties of the product, this can be harmful as it will lead to diarrhea.

During the period of breastfeeding, the product improves the composition of breast milk, promotes proper absorption of fiber and proteins, and benefits both the mother and the baby. However, when using it, it is still recommended to be careful so that the product does not harm the baby and does not lead to colic and upset in the baby.

Kefir for weight loss

The drink is a recognized dietary product, with its help you can lose weight quickly and without unnecessary pain. It contains not only important vitamins and minerals, it is rich in proteins and amino acids. Therefore, when used on a dietary basis, it allows you to get rid of body fat while retaining useful muscle mass.

Kefir is beneficial for losing weight at night - it muffles the feeling of hunger, but it is not stored in extra pounds. You can also replace breakfast with a drink, it will help the intestines to start working quickly and have a tonic effect.

If you need to lose weight quickly, then there will be a benefit from a fasting day on kefir. During the day, you can consume 1 liter of a fermented milk drink with a reduced fat content, fruits are also allowed. While maintaining good health, the body will be able to cleanse itself of toxins and toxins, and will also begin to intensively consume fat reserves in order to obtain energy.

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When is it better to drink kefir

The benefits of kefir for the human body at different times of the day are not the same. In order for the drink to have a positive effect, you need to know the features of the product's action in the morning and evening.

Kefir at night

The benefits of kefir before bedtime is primarily that it allows you to fall asleep on a full stomach. The low-calorie drink regulates the feeling of hunger, while excess calories are not supplied. Accordingly, the benefits of kefir in the evening are undeniable, thanks to it, you can stick to a diet, but at the same time not experience physical discomfort.

Another reason to consume the product in the evenings is that a glass of kefir at night supplies half the daily dose of calcium. This mineral is absorbed best at night.

Kefir in the morning on an empty stomach

The benefits of kefir in the morning on an empty stomach is that the drink awakens the stomach and intestines to active work. Good bacteria enter the body, during the day food is absorbed better, and after taking it there is no feeling of heaviness and bloating.

An additional benefit of kefir for breakfast is that the product supplies the body with high-quality protein and increases energy reserves. It becomes easier to wake up, from the very morning you can feel a surge of strength and vivacity.

Which kefir is better: fat-free or fat

Contrary to popular belief, the benefits of fatty kefir are much higher than fat-free ones. The fact is that some of the beneficial substances present in the drink can be absorbed exclusively in combination with fats. Although the calorie content of a fatty drink is higher, with moderate consumption, a product of 2.5% or 3.2% fat content will not harm the figure, but will help take care of your health.

As for the benefits of low-fat kefir, it certainly exists, but remains reduced. In addition to the fact that vitamins and minerals are present in smaller volumes and are less digestible, such a drink is most often made using thickeners. Even with high naturalness, they do not bring health benefits, and sometimes they can cause harm.

The use of kefir in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of kefir are used not only for weight loss. The drink is able to relieve the symptoms of some ailments and is highly regarded in home medicine.

Kefir for constipation

The high content of beneficial bacteria in a quality product makes it an excellent remedy for constipation. If you drink a fermented milk drink regularly, then you can forget about problems with emptying - the benefit of kefir for the intestines lies precisely in the fact that the product regulates its work and improves peristalsis.

To get rid of pre-existing constipation, it is enough to drink up to 6 glasses of the drink during the day - with an interval of 2-3 hours. The drink will have a relaxing effect and help to gently cleanse the intestines. Kefir with vegetable oil will also benefit - a large spoonful of oil and a glass of fermented milk drink should be consumed shortly before bedtime, and in the morning the result will come.

Kefir from parasites

Kefir will benefit the intestines at night and in case of infection with parasites. To get rid of helminths, you will need to cook rice porridge with raisins and sweeten it with sugar, as well as make a remedy from kefir, cognac and castor oil. All components are mixed in an equal volume of 80 ml and the product is removed in the refrigerator for several hours.

For dinner, they eat sweet rice porridge, and an anthelmintic healthy drink is taken in the middle of the night, specially getting up 3 hours after going to bed. Then they go to bed again until morning. After 1 procedure, the desired result should come.

Pressure Relief

Kefir is able to lower blood pressure, so drinking kefir every day is recommended for hypertensive patients. There will be no harm if you add a pinch of cinnamon to the drink, it will allow you to achieve an early effect.

Is kefir good for a hangover

The benefits and harms of kefir with a hangover are controversial.On the one hand, the drink relieves the condition after alcohol poisoning, since it lowers blood pressure and restores the intestinal microflora. But with a hangover, the product can also bring harm - the acid-base balance after excessive libations changes, and often after drinking a fermented milk drink, nausea and vomiting occur. After a large feast with a strong hangover, it is better to refuse the product - it is highly likely that it will go to harm.

Advice! In case of a moderate hangover, it is recommended to use a useful product slightly warmed up - this way it will be absorbed faster.

Kefir for pancreatitis and gastritis

Kefir benefits the pancreas - it is one of the few drinks allowed for use even with an exacerbation of pancreatitis, 10 days after the onset of an attack. The product relieves pain and is quickly absorbed, does not irritate the diseased organ. True, with pancreatitis, you should give preference to a low-fat drink and drink no more than a quarter of a glass at a time.

With gastritis, the benefits of the product depend on the characteristics of the disease. If the acidity of the stomach is increased, then during an exacerbation it is better to refuse the drink. But with a reduced production of gastric juice, the drink will have a beneficial effect and will stimulate the digestive process.

What can you drink kefir with

The benefits of the product increase when combined with certain cereals, spices and fruits. There are several recipes for making extremely healthy treats.

With bran

Kefir benefits the liver and intestines in combination with bran - the properties of such a mixture are effectively cleansed of toxins. Add a small spoonful of bran to a glass of drink, mix thoroughly and wait for about half an hour, until the bran softens. It is best to use the remedy in the morning to stimulate the intestines to healthy work for the whole day.


There will be benefits in diabetes mellitus from kefir with cinnamon - a drink in combination with a spicy spice will slow down the production of insulin, accelerate metabolism and the absorption of nutrients. You can add just a pinch of cinnamon to a glass of kefir - the properties of a pleasant-tasting cocktail will improve your well-being and will not harm your figure.

With prunes

Kefir with prunes is a mild homemade laxative. Wash a few dried fruits and remove the seeds from them, and then pour cold water over the pulp for 3 hours. When the prunes have softened, the pulp will need to be finely chopped and added to a glass of drink.

It is best to take such a remedy in the morning, kefir will be especially beneficial on an empty stomach. Additionally, you can drink the water in which the prunes were infused, it also has laxative properties.

With garlic

Kefir with garlic benefits from parasites, dysbiosis and weakened immunity. It is simple to prepare a drink - several small garlic cloves need to be passed through a garlic press, then stir the gruel in a glass of kefir and refrigerate for several hours. You can drink the remedy in the evening, shortly before bedtime.

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With honey

When losing weight, there will be benefits from kefir with honey - a delicious drink will help reduce cravings for forbidden sweet foods, but by itself will not harm the figure. To prepare a sweet cocktail, it is recommended to take low-calorie kefir with 1% fat content, and honey should be added in the amount of only 1 small spoon per glass of product.

You can drink kefir with honey instead of dinner, it is also allowed to replace an afternoon snack with a delicacy - in both cases, the drink will be beneficial.

With apple

The healing properties of kefir are perfectly manifested in combination with fresh apples - the vitamin cocktail has a laxative effect, cleanses the body, tones and strengthens the immune system.To prepare the product, a juicy apple must be peeled, remove all seeds, and then grate the pulp and stir it in a glass of kefir.

You can drink a useful remedy both in the morning and shortly before bedtime - a cocktail will eliminate the feeling of hunger and bring great health benefits.

With olive oil

For constipation, a drink mixed with olive oil has a good effect. It is very simple to prepare it - 200 ml of a fermented milk product needs to be slightly warmed up to a warm state, and then add a small spoonful of oil to it.

You can drink the remedy before bedtime, then the effect of taking the drink will appear in the morning.

With sugar

To strengthen the immune system and in order to lose weight, you can drink a drink in combination with sugar. If you add only a spoonful of granulated sugar to a glass of 1% of the product, the properties of a sweet cocktail will not harm the figure and will not contribute to a set of extra pounds. But the energy after drinking the drink will only increase - it is recommended to use the agent in the first half of the day to get a boost of vivacity.

The use of kefir in cosmetology

The valuable properties of the product are actively used in home care recipes. The benefits of kefir for the skin of the face are widely known, dozens of masks are based on it, kefir benefits for hair.

Face masks

The benefit of kefir for the face is that it cleanses, rejuvenates, tightens and whitens the skin. The fermented milk drink goes well with most other products used in cosmetology, therefore it is used together with fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices, and honey.

A kefir face mask benefits without adding other ingredients, it can be considered universal:

  • after washing yourself thoroughly, you need to steam your face over the herbal decoction for a few minutes;
  • then distribute fresh kefir over the skin of the face and hold it longer - up to 6 hours after the mixture hardens;
  • wash off with plain water.

Washing with kefir in the morning will help tone the skin. Honey and kefir masks will have a pronounced rejuvenating and firming effect, and the product in combination with egg yolk will help moisturize and soften the skin.

Hair masks

The use of kefir hair masks is that they nourish and moisturize the scalp, eliminate dandruff and itching, stop hair loss and regulate the oily strands.

For example, the following mask can help dry oily hair or moisturize overly dry hair:

  • a glass of fresh fermented milk product is mixed with lemon juice;
  • applied to the hair along the entire length and wrapped in a foil and a towel for warmth;
  • wash off after an hour using a natural gentle shampoo.
Important! In order for the properties of the mask to have the desired effect, for dry hair you need to take kefir with a fat content of 3.2%, and for oily hair - a light 1% product.

Recipe for making kefir at home

Although the product is not in short supply at all, many people choose not to buy it, but to cook it themselves. The use of homemade kefir for the body is that there is no doubt about the naturalness, quality and freshness of the product.

A minimum of ingredients is required to prepare the drink - just milk and a little fresh ready-made kefir.

  • a liter of milk is poured into a saucepan and put on fire;
  • immediately after boiling, remove from the stove and cool to a warm state - up to about 40 ° C;
  • add 2 large tablespoons of kefir to milk and mix properly.

After that, the drink must be poured into glass jars, closed with lids and put in a warm place for 12 hours. A homemade product is in no way inferior to a purchased one in terms of taste, and the benefits will be even higher.

The harm of kefir and contraindications

For all the benefits, the properties of the drink can cause serious harm if taken with contraindications. To refuse the drink should be:

  • with individual intolerance to this product;
  • with an ulcer in a state of exacerbation;
  • with chronically increased acidity of the stomach.

It is not recommended to use the product cold - it can irritate the stomach and pancreas. It is also worth controlling the dosage - an overabundance of the product often leads to indigestion.

How to choose and store kefir

Kefir in stores can vary greatly in quality. To choose the most natural and healthy product and not get harm, you need to pay attention to a number of key points.

  • Composition - in real kefir, kefir fungal sourdough must be present. But the product should not contain dyes, flavors and thickeners.
  • Shelf life. A good drink does not last long - it remains useful for 7 days and no more.
  • The mark on the content of lactic acid bacteria on the day of the expiration date - in a good drink, this figure is at least 1 * 107 CFU / g.

Store the product only in the refrigerator. At the same time, an open product loses its freshness and properties after a couple of days - you cannot drink a sour drink, it can be harmful.


The benefits and harms of kefir are determined by the naturalness and freshness of the drink. If there are no contraindications for use, the product will support the health of the body and improve bowel function.


Alexandrova Irina Nikolaevna, 32 years old, Murmansk
I really like losing weight on kefir - it always brings results in a few days, and at the same time I feel good. Usually I drink kefir at night so as not to go to bed with a feeling of hunger. Sometimes I use kefir with cinnamon in the morning, it turns out very tasty, and the drink invigorates perfectly.
Krivitskaya Anna Sergeevna, 28 years old, Rostov-on-Don
I never liked hearty breakfasts, so kefir in the morning was the perfect start to the day for me. The drink eliminates the feeling of hunger, but no heaviness in the stomach appears. I regularly use kefir for my hair - the product helps to keep the curls strong, shiny and manageable.

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