Why rice porridge is useful, how to cook it, reviews

The benefits and harms of rice porridge are of great importance - this dish appears in the diet very often. To understand who needs to eat porridge more often, and who should limit its amount, you should study the properties of the product.

The chemical composition and calorie content of rice porridge

The beneficial properties of rice porridge are so great that for many people it is the basis of the diet. The product contains the following substances valuable to the body:

  • subgroup B vitamins - from B1 to B3, as well as B6 and B9;
  • vitamin E;
  • mineral components - calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc;
  • important chemical elements potassium and magnesium;
  • complex carbohydrates - they occupy about 80% of the product volume;
  • amino acids and vegetable proteins.

But there is no gluten in the product. Thanks to this, even those people who avoid cereals due to the presence of individual gluten intolerance can fearlessly consume the dish.

Recommended reading:  Gluten: what is it and why is it harmful, where it is contained, symptoms of intolerance

The calorie content of rice groats is low, but it largely depends on the method of processing a useful product. So, raw grains contain about 320 kcal, porridge cooked in water contains only 89 kcal. And, finally, milk rice cereal contains a little more than 100 kcal - provided that the milk is low-fat.

The benefits of rice porridge for the body

The health benefits and harms of rice porridge affect most body systems. Namely, the product:

  • guarantees a long-term feeling of fullness after consumption and provides the body with large reserves of energy;
  • strengthens blood vessels and the heart system due to the high content of potassium, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis and ischemia;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps regulate sleep;
  • improves digestion, stops diarrhea, and also lowers the acidity of the stomach;
  • cleanses the body of toxic substances and accumulated toxins, thereby having a beneficial effect on metabolism;
  • promotes weight loss, there are few calories in rice porridge, and the product is not deposited in adipose tissue;
  • prevents the development of anemia and helps to restore strength after serious illnesses and operations;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and bone tissue, providing a slight anti-aging effect.

For children

In the diet of babies, rice porridge appears one of the first, babies begin to offer it from 6 months of age, simultaneously with buckwheat and corn porridge. The main benefit of rice porridge for babies is that the product rarely causes allergies and is not harmful. It is especially recommended to give rice to babies who have gluten intolerance.

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However, it must be remembered that healthy porridge for babies is cooked in a completely different way than for adults. First, the rice grains need to be crushed into a smooth flour. A teaspoon of the resulting powder is diluted in a glass of boiling water, then boiled for another 20 minutes over low heat, and then cooled and offered to the child.

The first portions should be small - you need to give the baby only half a teaspoon of the product and see if there is a negative reaction. If the child accepts the new product favorably, then gradually the volumes can be increased to 100 or 150 g per day.

From whole grains, baby porridge can be boiled after 8 months of a child's life, then it is allowed to use not only water, but also goat or cow milk.

Attention! Since even healthy rice can be very harmful if contraindicated, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician before introducing the product into a children's diet.

For the elderly

The benefits of rice porridge for the elderly is that the properties of the product have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. When consumed in moderation, the dish saves both constipation and diarrhea, since it contributes to the normal functioning of metabolism.

The properties of rice have a positive effect on the heart and vascular system, therefore in old age they protect against heart attacks, Alzheimer's disease and strokes. The product lowers harmful cholesterol in the blood, and it is also useful for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease - a viscous porridge envelops sensitive mucous membranes and soothes irritations.


Rice porridge for breakfast will benefit during weight loss, despite the average calorie content, the product contributes to weight loss. There are several reasons for this.

  1. Rice contains a lot of carbohydrates - but not fast ones, but complex ones, which are slowly absorbed by the body and are not stored in excess fat. The product perfectly saturates and removes the feeling of hunger for a long time, so the diet is easily tolerated - the craving for “forbidden” high-calorie delicacies decreases.
  2. Rice acts as a natural absorbent, absorbing all harmful substances and removing toxins. Since excess weight is largely due to an excess of toxins in the intestines and tissues, a complete cleansing of the body has a positive effect on body weight.

A useful product is often included in diets designed for quick weight loss, many mono-diets are based on it.

In case of poisoning

The absorbent properties of porridge make it an extremely useful product for any poisoning - bacterial or infectious. Porridge helps to quickly restore strength after acute intoxication, but it should be consumed without sugar and salt.

The benefits and harms of rice porridge on water after poisoning depend on how well the dish is prepared. In particular, doctors and nutritionists do not recommend draining the water left in the pan - the broth should also be eaten. If the rice grains effectively absorb all harmful substances and remove them from the body, then the viscous broth will have an enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach and help to quickly relieve inflammation.

With gastritis and pancreatitis

With an exacerbation of gastritis, rice porridge is highly recommended for regular use. The fact is that its properties do not irritate the inflamed gastric mucosa. A useful product is absorbed gently and without problems, does not cause nausea or pain. In addition, the dish saturates for a long time, and with gastritis, it is very important not to experience a feeling of acute hunger, since the increased production of digestive enzymes only harms the stomach.

The product is also shown for pancreatitis, and you can return rice porridge to the diet in a couple of days after the pain subsides and the medical fasting ends. But with this disease, the porridge must be cooked very thin and soft, from polished grains.Better yet, grind the cereal in a blender beforehand so that it does not definitely harm the diseased organ.

Important! When treating pancreatitis, neither salt, nor sugar, nor oil can be added to the porridge - you need to cook cereals exclusively in water.

Only a couple of weeks after the exacerbation is it allowed to add a little milk to the dish.

With diarrhea

Rice grits have anchoring properties and are therefore of great benefit for indigestion. If you need to eliminate an acute attack of diarrhea, you can use rice water - 100 g of cereals are boiled in a liter of water, boiled for about half an hour, and then the sticky liquid is drained and drunk in a third of a glass four times a day.

Regular rice porridge will help regulate bowel movements in general and get rid of the tendency to diarrhea. It is better to use it without salt and sugar - then the beneficial properties will be maximized. The product is suitable for the treatment of diarrhea in both adults and young children.

Can rice porridge be used during pregnancy

Rice groats contain many essential trace elements and vitamins, so it is very welcome in the diet of a pregnant woman. Porridge, boiled in water or with the addition of milk, helps the expectant mother to get the necessary amount of valuable substances. Also, the properties of the product normalize blood pressure and relieve swelling, help with toxicosis and have a calming effect on the nervous system. Rice porridge contains vitamin B4, it is very valuable for the fetus, but the woman's body does not produce it on its own, so eating porridge will be of definite benefit.

However, for all its valuable properties, rice porridge can provoke constipation and flatulence. If a pregnant woman has difficulty emptying the intestines, it is better to replace rice with other healthy foods.

Is rice porridge good for lactating women

Since the product is gluten-free, rarely causes allergies and also increases lactation, it will be of great benefit during breastfeeding. At the same time, nursing mothers need to remember that rice porridge has anchoring properties.

In order for the benefits and harms of rice porridge to remain balanced for the body, it is best to consume it in small amounts 2-3 times a week. In the first months, you need to boil cereals only in water and only then, not forgetting to watch the baby's reaction, gradually switch to dairy dishes.

The benefits and harms of rice porridge with milk

Healthy cereals, boiled with the addition of milk, have a richer and more pleasant taste than simple porridge on water. Unsurprisingly, dairy rice is on the rise. However, it must be borne in mind that such a product can bring both benefits and harm to the body - much depends on the state of health.

The use of rice porridge with milk is that the properties of the product:

  • have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body - milk additionally accelerates the digestion of food, saturates with valuable vitamins and minerals;
  • stabilize blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and heart;
  • improve the condition of hair and skin;
  • help to strengthen teeth, nails and the entire skeletal system as a whole.

At the same time, the benefits and harms of rice porridge with milk are inextricably linked with each other. Such a product has a high nutritional value and can be harmful if you are prone to obesity. If you are lactose intolerant, you will have to give up dairy dishes - milk, and with it rice, simply will not be absorbed by the body.

How much rice porridge can you eat per day

Like any product, healthy rice porridge requires adherence to safe dosages. It is recommended to eat no more than a plate of rice per day - the portion should be about 150 g. If abused, the beneficial properties of the dish will turn into harm, since they will lead to constipation and increased gas formation.

Advice! To avoid problems with bowel movements, rice porridge should not be eaten daily, but only twice or three times a week.

How to cook rice porridge deliciously

There are several of the most popular cereal-based recipes. All of them are quite simple to prepare and take little time, and ready meals bring maximum benefit.

Milk Rice Porridge Recipe

Contrary to popular belief, milk in this recipe is only an auxiliary ingredient. The cooking process is as follows:

  • a glass of high-quality cereal is washed under cold water and soaked for about half an hour;
  • after that, the grains are poured with 500 ml of fresh water and put on medium heat;
  • when the cereal boils, with continuous stirring, boil it almost until the water evaporates completely;
  • at this stage, you need to add 3 cups of warmed milk to the grains and wait again until the porridge boils.

Ready soft rice in milk is flavored with salt and sugar to taste and served on the table. You can add a small piece of butter to the plate if you like.

The benefits and harms of milk rice porridge are balanced - in the absence of milk allergy, the properties of such a dish will be very valuable for the body.

Rice porridge with pumpkin

Porridge with the addition of pumpkin pulp has useful properties. The dish turns out to be very tasty and, moreover, is less likely to provoke constipation. Prepare a treat like this:

  • 400 g of chopped pumpkin pulp is poured into 500 ml of water and brought to a boil;
  • then cover the pan with a lid and keep the pumpkin on low heat for another 10 minutes;
  • after this time, half a glass of washed rice is poured into the pan and the ingredients are cooked over low heat for about a quarter of an hour.

The finished porridge can be salted, but it is not necessary to add sugar to rice with pumpkin.

Rice porridge with apples

A very healthy vitamin delicacy is ordinary rice porridge with the addition of apple and spicy spices. The recipe looks like this:

  • white rice in the amount of 1 cup is washed in cold water and poured over with 2 cups of water;
  • after boiling, boil the cereal for another 12 minutes, stirring constantly;
  • in the intervals between stirring, peel the cereals and cut a small apple into small slices;
  • the slices are added to the rice and boiled for a few more minutes.

When the porridge is completely ready, it is removed from the stove and sprinkled with a couple of pinches of cinnamon or vanilla on top. The porridge is mixed well and served on the table.

Harm of rice porridge and contraindications

The properties of rice porridge are practically not capable of causing harm - with moderate use, it is allowed for the diet of most people. However, this cereal also has several contraindications. It is forbidden to eat rice:

  • with an individual allergy to this cereal;
  • with diabetes - at least brown rice should be preferred;
  • with sluggish intestines and chronic constipation;
  • with hemorrhoids;
  • with a tendency to obesity.

Which rice is best for porridge

There are many different types of rice in stores. Not everyone is suitable for preparing a healthy meal. To boil cereals in water or milk, it is best to buy white polished rice with round grains.

In terms of properties and calorie content, a round-grain product is no different from cereals with long grains. However, this variety is boiled better, and porridge based on it turns out to be much softer and tastier.


The benefits and harms of rice porridge are determined by the individual state of the body. In general, the product has positive properties, but with sluggish digestion and with a tendency to constipation, you should refrain from rice.


Petrova Anastasia Igorevna, 31 years old, Omsk
I really like to eat rice porridge in the morning for breakfast - it is well absorbed by the stomach and at the same time satiates for a long time. I usually cook it without milk, but add sugar and pieces of fruit. This makes the dish even tastier and healthier, and does not harm the figure.
Elena Yurievna Medvedeva, 27 years old, Volgograd
I suffer from frequent intestinal upsets against the background of chronic gastritis, so rice porridge in my diet is simply irreplaceable. I cook it in the morning 3-4 times a week and do not feel hungry until lunchtime. And most importantly, digestion is working normally - the strengthening effect of the dish is very useful.

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