What fruits increase blood pressure in humans: a list for hypotonic patients

A significant number of people have high or low blood pressure readings. It is known that hypertension is dangerous with the risk of strokes and heart attacks. However, low blood pressure, called hypotension, significantly impairs quality of life. With this pathology, headaches, weakness, and apathy often appear. It is not only drugs that can normalize the condition. Diet is essential. Experts recommend including fruits that raise blood pressure in the diet.

Plant sources saturate the body with useful substances, which has a beneficial effect on well-being

Effects of fruits on blood pressure

Hypotension can lead to poor blood supply to the brain. That is why an acute decrease in blood pressure is referred to as a life-threatening condition.

The variant of the norm has the following indicators:

  • men - 100/60 mm Hg. Art .;
  • women - 95/60 mm Hg. Art.

In the absence of pathological symptoms, lower values ​​may be the norm. Physiological arterial hypotension often occurs in professional athletes, as well as people living in mountainous areas.

Chronic low blood pressure is often seen in young people. Sometimes hypotension appears against the background of diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Maintaining wellness depends on adequate physical activity and a balanced diet. To increase blood pressure, doctors recommend including fruit in the diet.

Plant sources have the following effects:

  • increased pressure due to the presence of vitamins C, E, A, PP and group B, as well as potassium, zinc, selenium and iron;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving their tone;
  • relieving discomfort, which usually includes headaches, darkening of the eyes and nausea.
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Fruits help improve the immune system. Their use is necessary for leaps in indicators, which are the result of fatigue, nervous exhaustion.

Important! Fruits that increase blood pressure are good for pregnancy. The inclusion of various names in the menu can normalize the general condition, when most drugs cannot be taken.

Signs and causes of hypotension

In pathology, blood pressure is reduced by 20%. The main symptoms include:

  • darkening in the eyes with a sharp change in body position;
  • slight dizziness;
  • general weakness.

Against the background of low blood pressure, the following manifestations may be present:

  • drowsiness and apathy;
  • pallor;
  • headaches;
  • noise in ears;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • distraction;
  • increased sweating of the feet and palms;
  • memory impairment;
  • a tendency to motion sickness;
  • frequent nausea;
  • frequent yawning, which is due to oxygen deficiency.

With hypotension, a violation of blood circulation, oxygen starvation of internal organs, in particular the brain, are noted.With age, low blood pressure can progress to high. Hypertension has more serious consequences. To prevent the development of arterial hypertension, it is important to pay attention to pressure in a timely manner and, if necessary, visit a doctor.

The reasons for hypotension include:

  • psychoemotional stress (stress, neuroses);
  • arrhythmia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • osteochondrosis (cervical spine);
  • circulatory disorders;
  • Taking certain medications, such as antidepressants
  • diabetes;
  • lack of B vitamins, ascorbic acid;
  • peculiarities of living conditions (high humidity or cold);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • pregnancy;
  • intense physical activity.
Attention! A balanced diet that includes a sufficient amount of fresh fruit is essential in normalizing blood circulation.

What fruits increase human blood pressure

With hypotension, you should eat fractionally. It is important to include in your diet foods rich in B vitamins and antioxidants. These nutrients contain orange, red and yellow fruits.


The fruit resembles apricot and cherry plum. Useful properties include elimination of hypotension, improvement of tissue regeneration. The use of medlar has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. A fruit that increases blood pressure with hypotension contains:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • iron;
  • retinol;
  • phosphorus;
  • tocopherol;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine.
Before use, the medlar is peeled from the skin


The fruit contains the following nutrients:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • fiber;
  • calcium;
  • PP.

These beneficial substances improve heart function and blood composition. The fruit can be consumed both independently and as part of salads with the addition of nectarine, strawberries, currants and cherries. The dish is seasoned with sour cream and sugar.

Apricot improves performance and improves tone, which is especially important at low pressure


The fruit has the following effects:

  • diuretic;
  • disinfectant;
  • anticarcinogenic;
  • antioxidant.
Eating a pear is the prevention of strokes

The inclusion of fruit in the diet allows you to normalize blood pressure due to the content of the following substances:

  • organic acids;
  • glutathione;
  • tannins;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper.

The pear must be ripe. Otherwise, the fruit is recommended to be consumed in the form of a salad, which includes:

  • feta cheese (100 g);
  • dill or watercress;
  • walnut (0.5 cups);
  • red onion (1 piece);
  • lemon juice and mustard (1 teaspoon each).

The specified ingredients are cut into cubes. The dish is seasoned with olive oil.


The fruit contains the amino acid tryptophan, which improves the overall emotional background. This is important for hypertension, which often provokes depressive conditions. Bananas are hypoallergenic. The fruit raises blood pressure during pregnancy without the risk of adverse reactions.

Nutritionists recommend eating 1-2 fruits per day


Eating food helps to eliminate hypotension and the risk of blood clots by normalizing cholesterol levels. Dates help prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

You need to eat a handful of healthy fruits per day


It is the strongest antioxidant that protects the body. The fruit is used to raise blood pressure. With regular consumption of grains, vascular tone increases and hemoglobin level increases.

The inclusion of pomegranate in the diet is the prevention of anemia.


The fruit has a significant glucose content. This substance helps both to restore strength and increase pressure.

Hypotension is often accompanied by anemia. Grapes improve blood composition, which normalizes overall well-being.

It is good to include fruit regularly in your diet to increase blood pressure.

Nutritionists also recommend using soaked grapes. To prepare the brine, 3 teaspoons of sugar are dissolved in 1 glass of hot water. Then add salt and mustard (2 and 1 tsp, respectively). Peeled grapes are poured with this composition, which must first be put in a saucepan. Press down on top with a load and place the container in a dark and cool place. The soaked fruit, which helps with low blood pressure, can be consumed after 4 weeks.

Other fruits to increase blood pressure

Herbal sources help to eliminate hypotension and improve general condition. The following fruits are known to increase blood pressure:

  • grapefruit, eliminating dizziness, drowsiness due to the content of ascorbic acid and B vitamins;
  • lemon, which strengthens the immune system and vascular walls;
  • orange, which increases performance and improves blood composition.

What dried fruits can be done under reduced pressure

To eliminate hypotension, you need to follow a diet that includes a sufficient amount of plant sources. With low blood pressure, you can eat more than fruits. Benefit:

Recommended reading:  Why dried apricots are useful, properties and contraindications, reviews
  1. Dried apricots... Dried apricots are characterized by a high concentration of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
    Cardiologists advise using a mixture of dried apricots and honey to support heart function
  2. Raisins... Dried fruit contains organic acids that have antioxidant and antibacterial effects.
    Raisins should not be used for peptic ulcer disease
  3. Fig... The composition contains fruit acids and essential oils, which normalize the blood circulation process.
    Indicators are increased due to the beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system

What fruits cannot be eaten under reduced pressure


Some fruits contribute to the increase in tonometer values. With low blood pressure, the following fruits are not recommended:

Recommended reading:  Kiwi: useful properties and contraindications
  • tangerines;
  • kiwi;
  • persimmon;
  • watermelon;
  • plums;
  • green apples.

These names have a hypotensive effect. If you have low blood pressure monitor readings, you should eat fruits, which increase blood pressure and give strength. This will eliminate drowsiness and improve performance.


Fruits that raise blood pressure should be present in the menu for hypotensive patients. The use of plant sources, both fresh and dried, significantly alleviates the condition and improves the quality of life. Fruits that increase blood pressure can be combined with drug therapy.

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