Why honey with mummy is useful, application and recipes

The beneficial properties of honey with mummy are in great demand in home medicine. The combination of two natural products has a powerful healing effect.

What is a mummy

Shilajit is a unique substance, which is a kind of crust, or drip, on rock massifs. The product consists of plant remains, animal bones and rocks. Has a mixed organic and inorganic origin. It is most often formed at an altitude of 200 to 3500 m in a warm climate, in areas of accumulation of medicinal herbs and some birds and animals, squirrels, bats, pikas, wild pigeons. For the appearance of a substance, the presence of voids in rocks is necessary, therefore it is usually found in limestones and granite massifs.

In a purified form, the mummy resembles frozen tar

After extraction, the substance is thoroughly purified. According to its results, the mummy, which is also called mountain balm, begins to look like a black homogeneous shiny mass. The product quickly loses moisture and thickens, acquiring a very viscous structure.

Important! A unique feature of mountain balsam is the absence of any expiration dates. The product can be stored indefinitely in almost any conditions.

Chemical composition

It is not possible to designate a clear composition for mummy, since very different components can form a substance. Most often, the product contains:

  • potassium, magnesium and calcium;
  • chrome and aluminum;
  • rare strontium, barium and rubidium;
  • humic bases, or decomposition products of organic residues;
  • cesium;
  • bee venom;
  • resins and amino acids;
  • essential oils;
  • nitrogen and carbon;
  • vitamins of all major groups;
  • hydrogen and oxygen.

It is interesting that inorganic components in mountain balsam are usually at least twice as many as organic ones.

What is useful and what heals honey with mummy

In folk medicine, the product is often used together with honey - useful products mutually reinforce each other's action. In particular, the healing mixture:

Recommended reading:  Honey: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications
  • promotes the regeneration of cells and tissues;
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • relieves inflammation and fights bacteria;
  • has antiviral effect;
  • strengthens the body's immune forces.

The mixture is used for a wide variety of ailments. Honey with mummy is beneficial when:

  • cardiovascular disease;
  • inflammation and dislocation of the joints;
  • gastritis and ulcers;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • sore throat and ARVI;
  • hernia of the spine;
  • arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis;
  • skin diseases - from acne to psoriasis;
  • high cholesterol and atherosclerosis;
  • anemia.

The use of honey and mountain balm, internally and externally, has a beneficial effect on almost all body systems. The healing agent improves vitality, improves mood and performance.

Cooking recipes and how to properly take honey with mummy

Traditional medicine offers many diy schemes for making honey with a mummy. Among themselves, the recipes differ mainly in the proportions and dosages of use.

How to dissolve and mix mummy with honey

Refined Mountain Balsam is a very dense and viscous product. Before creating a medicine, it must be properly chopped so that it is evenly mixed in the nectar.

A video on how to cook honey with a mummy is also advised to use a short heating of the components. In this case, they acquire a semi-liquid consistency and turn into a completely homogeneous mass. The procedure looks like this:

  • both products are placed in an enamel container in the volumes recommended by the recipe;
  • put the pan in a water bath;
  • at a temperature of about 40 C, they are heated until the components melt and dissolve in each other.

The remedy should not boil at the same time. Intense heat treatment will significantly reduce the benefits of natural products.

If desired, you can melt the honey and mummy separately, and then mix

In what proportion to breed honey with mummy

The proportions used in the preparation of medicinal mixtures are different, depending on the disease and the selected recipe. Usually, mountain balsam is taken in very small quantities - from 0.1 to 5 g. Even the smallest portions of the substance contain many healthy components.

There should always be more bee products in the mix. The most popular options for the percentage of mummy with honey are 1:20 (5%), 1:10 (10%) and 1: 5 (20%). As a rule, more mountain balm is added to preparations for external application, and in medicines for oral administration they adhere to scanty concentrations.

How to make a mummy with honey for joints yourself

For joint diseases, inflammation and swelling, the external treatment of the affected areas with a medicinal mixture helps. For cooking you need:

  • mix 2 g of mummy with 20 g of bee product;
  • heat the components until dissolved, not allowing them to boil;
  • cool until warm.

Within a week, sore joints are lubricated with a remedy at night, and covered with a bandage or cloth on top.

Application of mummy with honey for men

Honey and mummy are a good natural remedy to restore male potency. Treatment is carried out in stages.

  1. In the first ten days, it is necessary to use a simple solution of mountain balm. For its preparation, 2 g of the substance is diluted in 50 ml of water, the agent should be taken in a large spoonful before breakfast.
  2. Then they take a break for five days.
  3. For another ten days, they consume an aqueous solution of mountain balm in the morning according to the same scheme. In the evenings, they drink honey infusion - 15 g of bee product should be diluted in 100 ml of water.
  4. For the next five days, they continue to take mummy in the morning and a sweet solution in the evening, but in double dosages.

In total, the treatment takes a month. Honey with mountain balm helps well not only with a weakening of libido, but also with inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary sphere.

Honey with mummy for adenoma

Natural blend soothes unpleasant symptoms and eliminates inflammation in prostate adenoma. The drug is prepared as follows:

  • 0.2 g of mummy is measured - two lumps about the size of a match head;
  • mixed with egg yolk;
  • add 15 g of honey;
  • mix the ingredients well.

You need to take the medicine on an empty stomach, 5 g about half an hour before bedtime.

It is not accepted to take mountain balm on a full stomach, as its effectiveness decreases

Treatment of the stomach and liver with honey with mummy

Shilajit in combination with a bee product is beneficial for gastritis, peptic ulcer and hepatitis. The following remedy is prepared for treatment:

  • 7 g of mountain balsam is crushed to a crumb state;
  • in a glass container combined with 500 g of honey;
  • stir the product with a wooden spoon;
  • leave for a day, and then interfere again.

You need to consume a useful composition three times a day, a large spoonful on an empty stomach. Honey and mummy can be absorbed or diluted in a little warm water and drunk. The total treatment should take two weeks, and four courses of therapy are recommended per year.

Shilajit and honey from a hernia of the spine

The combination of healthy natural products has a positive effect even with a spinal hernia. Honey and mummy are used externally, there are two treatment options:

  1. Massage... Mountain balm is diluted in warm water in a ratio of one to five, and then mixed with 15 g of warmed honey. The area of ​​the back is preliminarily rubbed with warming fir oil, and then the therapeutic mixture is applied with patting movements. The massage with honey and mummy is continued for about seven minutes. Then the remnants of the product are removed with a damp towel or napkins and the back is wrapped warmly. In total, treatment should be carried out within a month.
  2. Compresses... For severe pain, four large tablespoons of crushed mummy are diluted in a small amount of water and mixed with 5 g of honey. The composition is used to lubricate the back in the projection of the intervertebral hernia and wrap the area with warm tissue. It is necessary to renew the treatment mixture regularly as it is absorbed into the skin.

Reviews of honey and mummy for intervertebral hernia are recommended to be treated with the help of an experienced massage therapist. It will not be possible to treat your back with high quality alone, and there is a risk of causing yourself additional injuries.

Compresses with honey mummy for a hernia of the spine are placed for up to a day

Shilajit and honey for hemorrhoids

The anti-inflammatory and restorative properties of mummy are beneficial in the treatment of hemorrhoids, especially when combined with honey.

  1. A natural product should be taken twice a day on an empty stomach, 2-5 mg - morning and evening. Mountain balm can be diluted in a little water.
  2. At the same time, you need to daily lubricate the anus of the mummy with honey, mixed in a ratio of one to eight.

Internal intake of mountain balm continues for 25 days, and then they take a break for ten days. External treatment is carried out for 3-4 months in a row, followed by a pause per month. If you follow the proven scheme, then even if the hemorrhoids are running, a cure should come six months later.

Shilajit with honey for eczema

The antibacterial and healing properties of the two products work well for eczema, dermatitis and any damage to the epidermis. For medicinal purposes, the affected areas are lubricated with a natural mixture. You can make honey and mummy like this:

  • 2 g of mountain balm are melted with 20 g of bee nectar;
  • add three drops of fir oil;
  • Apply lightly to the skin and distribute evenly, being careful not to rub in too hard.

It is necessary to carry out procedures before the restoration of the epidermis. Mumiyo and honey not only fight inflammatory processes, but also relieve itching.

Honey and mummy for migraines

The most common cause of migraine attacks is poor vascular function and pressure surges. Both mummy and honey help to get rid of unpleasant conditions. The drug is prepared as follows:

  • 2 g of mountain balm are mixed with three large spoons of honey;
  • slightly heat the components in a water bath until melted.

You need to consume honey and mummy 5 g each morning and evening on an empty stomach. The therapy is carried out for three weeks, and if migraines are visited very often, then the course is repeated again after a break of ten days.

Eating mummy and honey is useful for hypertension

Honey with mummy for intestinal dyspepsia

The remedy has a good effect on frequent intestinal disorders.For indigestion, diarrhea and abdominal pain, honey and mountain balm are used as follows:

  • the mummy is crushed and 0.2 g of the substance is measured;
  • mixed with 5 g of natural bee product;
  • dilute the ingredients in 150 ml of warm milk.

It is necessary to drink the remedy twice a day on an empty stomach, the therapy is continued until the condition improves. The product restores intestinal microflora and helps to improve digestion.

Advice! Drinking the healing mixture with milk should be provided that there is no lactose intolerance. Otherwise, the treatment will backfire.

Honey and mummy for tonsillitis

The pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties of mountain balm and honey help relieve irritation in the throat and eliminate bacterial processes in sore throat. The remedy is prepared as follows:

  • measure 0.2 g of the crushed mummy;
  • mixed with a small spoonful of bee products;
  • slightly heated with steam so that the components become semi-liquid and dissolve in each other.

You need to consume honey with a mummy in a small spoon three times a day, dissolving in the mouth, you do not need to quickly swallow and drink the medicine. You can eat at the earliest in half an hour after taking the mixture.

Honey and mountain balm also have a positive effect on ARVI, cough and weakened immunity. The mixture strengthens the body and helps to cope with cold symptoms faster.

Honey and mummy can replace pharmacy vitamin complexes

Application in cosmetology

A mixture of healthy natural products is used for skin and hair care. Masks based on bee nectar and mummy help to eliminate acne, blackheads and age spots, tighten the epidermis when fine wrinkles appear and even out the complexion. When applied to hair, mountain balm with honey nourishes the subcutaneous follicles, stimulates the growth of curls and prevents them from falling out.

Rejuvenating face mask with honey and mummy

When the first signs of aging and wilting of the skin appear, you can prepare the following face mask from mummy and honey:

  • 20 g of flower nectar is slightly warmed up in a water bath until melted;
  • add 5 g of crushed mountain balsam to the product;
  • add four drops of rose essential oil;
  • mix the components well.

The mass is applied to the face in an even layer and left for half an hour, and then washed off without using soap. If you repeat the procedure at least twice a week, the skin will quickly become softer and more elastic, acquire a healthy shade, and the first wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Mask for damaged hair with mummy and honey

Mountain balm with honey well enhances blood circulation under the scalp, nourishes the hair follicles and improves the access to them of nutrients. It can be used in combination to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, to restore strands and strengthen split ends.

The following mask has a good healing effect:

  • 30 g of the bee product is melted in a water bath;
  • introduce raw egg yolk and mix;
  • 1 g of mummy is diluted in 15 ml of warm water;
  • add the solution to the egg-honey mixture.

The mask is stirred well for good distribution of the ingredients, and then applied to the curls along the entire length. Particular attention should be paid to the root zone. The hair is wrapped with cling film, wrapped on top with a towel to create a greenhouse effect and left for an hour. Rinse off the rest of the mixture with a mild shampoo.

A honey mummy mask allows you not only to strengthen your hair, but also to eliminate dandruff

Contraindications to the use of honey with mummy

A mixture of honey and mummy does not always benefit the body. In some conditions, a natural remedy can be harmful. Contraindications include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • low blood clotting;
  • individual allergy to one of the components of the mixture;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For the first time, a mountain balsam with a bee product is tried in a minimal dosage and with great care.After drinking, you need to wait a few hours and make sure that there is no negative reaction of the body.

Attention! Children are offered mummy with honey upon reaching three years of age, or better still later, both means can cause severe allergies. Before use, you must consult a pediatrician.


The beneficial properties of honey with mummy deserve attention, the mixture contains a huge amount of valuable elements. But it is necessary to use medicinal products based on it with caution, avoiding an overdose of vitamins and microelements.

Reviews of doctors about the beneficial properties of Altai honey with mummy

Filippenko Andrey Borisovich, 42 years old, St. Petersburg
For chronic diseases, I often advise my patients to use traditional medicine, including honey and mummy. Of course, the mixture does not cope with all ailments and cannot serve as a universal medicine. But it effectively strengthens the body's strength with a weakened immunity, gastritis, ulcers in remission - the condition of people is improving.
Tomina Tamara Alekseevna, 56 years old, Rostov-on-Don
From my own experience I know that compresses with mummy and honey are great for arthritis and rheumatism. Patients, as a therapist, also recommend this mixture. Acute pain should be stopped with medication, but chronic negative processes can be soothed with natural remedies. There is no harm to the body, and inflammation and stiffness really go away.

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