Guava: benefits and harms to the body

The beneficial properties of the guava fruit deserve detailed consideration. You can not meet it in every store, but if possible it is worth trying - the fetus has a very beneficial effect on the body.

The value and composition of guava

Guava, or psidium, is a healthy tropical fruit made up of predominantly carbohydrates, which takes up 8.9 g per serving per 100 g of product. In the second place in the composition are proteins, they occupy 2.6 g, and the third place belongs to fats, the share of which is 1 g.

The chemical composition of the product is very diverse. The fruits of the plant contain:

  • copper, manganese and selenium;
  • potassium and phosphorus;
  • saponins;
  • iron and zinc;
  • pectins and fiber.

Other parts of the guava - roots, bark and leaves - deserve attention. In addition to the listed substances, they contain essential oils, tannins and quercetin, saponins and ellagic acid.

The psidium fruit is especially prized for its high vitamin content

Vitamin content in guava

The product has a high medicinal value due to the numerous vitamins in the fruit. The fruit contains:

  • vitamin C - 254% of the daily value;
  • vitamins B5, B6 and B9 - from 5 to 12%;
  • vitamins B1 and B2 - 4.5 and 2.2%, respectively;
  • tocopherol - 4.9%;
  • vitamin PP - 5.4%;
  • vitamin A and beta-carotene - 3.4 and 7.5%, respectively.

It also contains 1.5% of the daily value of choline and 2.2% of the daily value of the rare vitamin K.

Calorie content of guava

The nutritional value of the product is rather small - only 68 kcal is present in 100 g. If you do not abuse guava, then it will not lead to weight gain, but it will help to lose extra pounds.

Benefits of guava

Due to its rich vitamin composition, the product brings invaluable benefits to the body. In particular, tropical fruit:

  • relieves inflammation and fights bacteria and viruses;
  • accelerates blood circulation and improves the condition of blood vessels and the heart system;
  • prevents the development of vitamin deficiency and has a strong tonic effect;
  • returns good mood and cheerfulness, strengthens the nervous system;
  • increases immune resistance;
  • relieves fever in case of colds and promotes rapid cure for coughs and runny nose;
  • improves metabolic processes and skin condition.
Important! Guava fruit has strong antioxidant properties and is a good cancer prevention agent. Their use reduces the risk of developing cancer.
Delicious fruit has many health benefits

Benefits of guava leaves

The leaves of the plant also have valuable medicinal properties; decoctions and teas are prepared on their basis. First of all, leaf drinks saturate the body with vitamins and help fight fatigue and loss of strength. In addition, they are used for colds and severe coughs.With angina, you can gargle with a decoction of the leaves of the plant, the drink will quickly remove the inflammatory process and soothe the pain.

Benefits of guava juice

The maximum amount of vitamins is contained in fresh psidium juice. When consumed in small doses, guava juice helps:

  • cope with bacterial and viral infections;
  • remove toxic substances and toxins from the body;
  • get rid of extra pounds - juice breaks down fats and increases energy reserves;
  • prevent the development of oncological tumors;
  • quickly eliminate the symptoms of colds and flu.

Since psidium juice has a very high concentration, it is diluted with clean water before use.

The benefits and harms of guava syrup

One of the most common product-based dishes is sweet syrup with a pleasant aroma and flavor. Most people perceive it only as an unusual treat, but in fact, syrup has many beneficial properties.

Despite the fact that during the preparation of the syrup, psidium is subjected to heat treatment, most of the nutrients in its composition are preserved. Therefore, the syrup can also be used to treat coughs, colds, sore throats, and any inflammatory process. The delicacy has disinfecting, expectorant and strengthening properties, therefore it brings a very good effect.

The fruit is useful not only fresh, but also in the form of syrup and oil

It should be borne in mind that the syrup contains sugar. Do not eat the treat in large quantities - this can lead to weight gain and digestive problems. Also, it is undesirable for diabetics to take syrup - the level of glucose in the blood can rise sharply.

Benefits of guava seed oil

Guava seeds, or small hard seeds, are not commonly eaten. But they also find useful applications - they make oil with valuable cosmetic properties.

The oil is produced by cold pressing - this allows you to preserve a maximum of useful substances. The unrefined product contains linoleic, palmitic and oleic acids, as well as stearic, linolenic, myristic and other acids. The oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin, helps to get rid of acne and keep the epidermis youthful.

Why guava is good for you

The beneficial properties of the fruit are very diverse. When consumed on a regular basis, the exotic fruit:

  • has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • regulates blood pressure and strengthens the heart system;
  • protects vision and prevents the development of cataracts;
  • helps with constipation and slow digestion;
  • increases brain activity and improves memory;

It is recommended to eat the fruit in case of stress and a tendency to depression, in the season of lack of vitamins.

Psidium has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps to cope with anxiety

For men

The cardiovascular system of men is especially vulnerable, it is the representatives of the stronger sex who often suffer from strokes and heart attacks at a young age. Guava fruits cleanse blood vessels and lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the heart.

The properties of the fruit are beneficial for the reproductive system as well - improving blood circulation has a beneficial effect on potency. The anti-inflammatory properties of guava help with infectious and bacterial processes in the genitourinary system, and the antioxidants in the fruit protect men from the development of prostatitis.

Benefits of guava for women

The beneficial properties of the fruit are highly valued by women. It is recommended to use fruit fruits, as well as decoctions and teas based on psidium, for menstrual irregularities and painful periods.

Guava for women is beneficial for inflammatory processes in the urogenital area.Eating the fruit increases the effectiveness of any diet aimed at losing weight, and guava can be used for cosmetic purposes to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin.

Important! The fruit has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps to reduce stress, which is very important for women with increased emotional sensitivity.

Can guava during pregnancy and hepatitis B

During pregnancy, psidium is very beneficial for the woman and the fetus. The product contains a large amount of folic acid, which not only supports the health of the expectant mother, but is also responsible for the development of the baby's nervous system in the womb. Also, guava can strengthen a woman's immunity and prevent the onset of vitamin deficiency.

It is allowed to eat guava during the period of gestation

It should be borne in mind that guava is a tropical fruit and can cause allergies. Before adding fruit to your diet during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.

When breastfeeding, it is better to refuse the use of guava, despite all the benefits of the product. The fruit is highly likely to cause a negative reaction in the infant.

Is it possible for children to have guava

The beneficial properties of the fruit may be in demand for a child. In the absence of allergies, psidium will strengthen the baby's immunity, promote mental development and help prevent constipation.

But you can offer guava to a child no earlier than 2 years old, like any other exotic fruit. Tropical psidium can trigger allergies. In addition, large quantities of organic acids present in the fruit are simply not absorbed by the baby's body.

Attention! Since guava has strict contraindications, you should consult a pediatrician before offering it even to an older child.

Application of guava

The beneficial properties of tropical psidium are used in several areas. The fruit is most popular in cooking and home medicine, but you can often find it in cosmetology.

Asthma is treated with exotic fruit

Asthma is treated with exotic fruit

In folk medicine

Home medicine offers several ways to use psidium. If you follow the recipes and dosages, guava-based medicines are of great benefit.

Guava juice for asthma

A drink based on guava is good for bronchopulmonary diseases and asthma. The drug is made as follows - fresh lime and guava juices are mixed in equal amounts, and then diluted with water to reduce the concentration.

Before use, add a spoonful of honey to the drink and drink the product immediately after eating 1 time a day.

Attention! Fresh citrus juices do not last long, so each time you need to prepare the product again.

Guava leaves for toothache

For toothache and gum disease, it is useful to rinse your mouth with an infusion on the leaves of the plant. It is very simple to make a remedy - 2 large tablespoons of leaves need to be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted under the lid until it cools completely. Rinse up to 5 times a day.

Also, if you have a toothache, you can chew fresh leaves for several minutes without swallowing.

Guava leaf tea for menstrual irregularities

Tea on psidium leaves is of great benefit to women. Fresh or dried leaves should be placed in a teapot in the amount of 2 small spoons, and then pour hot water and leave for 15 minutes. If desired, raw materials are allowed to be mixed with regular or green tea leaves.

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Fruit tea helps with reproductive problems

They drink a useful remedy no more than 3 times a day, 200 ml, it is advisable to take tea on a full stomach.

In cosmetology

The valuable properties of guava are beneficial for the epidermis - the fruit is often used in cosmetology:

  1. Whitening scrub.To prepare a scrub, grind 2 small spoons of guava pulp together with seeds and mix with 1 egg white. Then the product is distributed over clean skin and left for 20 minutes, and before washing off, lightly massage the face. If you apply the scrub three times a week, the skin will not only become lighter, but also younger.
  2. Moisturizing mask. To refresh the face and get rid of the first wrinkles, you can make a very simple guava mask - chop 2 large tablespoons of pulp to a puree state and distribute evenly over the face. You need to keep the product for 30 minutes, apply the mask, preferably three times a week. After about 7 procedures, the face will become noticeably softer, the skin will be cleared of rashes, and fine wrinkles will disappear.
Advice! When using a guava pulp mask for oily skin, you can add a pinch of salt to the product for a drying effect.

In cooking

Guava is an exotic fruit and is not often found in recipes. Usually, the fruit is eaten fresh as a refreshing citrus dessert. If desired, psidium can be combined with sugar, salt or pepper for a more original flavor.

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Also, guava is used in the preparation of fruit salads, added to sweet desserts and ice cream. Guava juice is very tasty and healthy, but you need to use it diluted, otherwise the drink will turn out to be too concentrated.

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In cooking, the product is used in salads and desserts.

How to eat guava

It is not difficult to prepare a tropical fruit for consumption - they do it according to the following algorithm:

  • the guava is washed under the tap, and then peel it off with a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife;
  • the fruit is cut into several parts, large or smaller, at your discretion;
  • the bones are removed from the pulp with a toothpick or the tip of a knife.

If you don't want to waste time on removing the seeds, then you can immediately start eating the pulp, and spit out the bones later. But more often the seeds are nevertheless removed in advance so as not to accidentally swallow them and choke.

Important! There are guava varieties that do not contain seeds inside; these are the most convenient fruits.

Can you eat guava seeds?

If you accidentally swallow a few guava seeds, then there will be no harm to the body. However, the bones are not useful for internal use, therefore it is undesirable to eat them. In addition, psidium seeds are small and very hard - chewing the pulp on them can damage the tooth enamel.

The benefits of guava for weight loss

Guava is often found on the diet menu. Despite the low calorie content, the fruit satisfies the appetite well and helps the body to better absorb food, promotes the removal of toxins and excess fluids. In addition, the fruit is very tasty, so eating it is not only healthy, but also pleasant.

Limitations and contraindications

There are relatively few prohibitions on the use of fruit, but he also has contraindications. You cannot eat the fruit:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with chronic kidney disease and calculi in the kidneys and gallbladder;
  • with exacerbation of peptic ulcer, pancreatitis or gastritis.
Psidium is useful for a weight loss diet

Use the fruit with caution in case of diabetes mellitus. Even healthy people should observe small dosages, psidium contains a lot of organic acids, and in excessive quantities it can provoke diarrhea.

Selection and storage rules

It is very easy to choose a high-quality exotic fruit even in the absence of experience:

  1. Fresh guava should be covered with smooth, uniform yellowish skin without spots or dents.
  2. The fruit should be firm to the touch, but not firm.
  3. Fresh guava should have a pleasant strawberry-musky aroma.

Do not buy too soft, brownish, spotted fruit.It is also better to give up the odorless guava, most likely, the fruit is overripe.

Store psidium in the refrigerator on a vegetable shelf, in a dry plastic container or plastic bag. The temperature should not exceed 8 ° C, in which case the fruit will be able to retain its beneficial properties and taste for up to 3 weeks.

The fruit is stored long enough under the right conditions.


The beneficial properties of the guava fruit are in great demand for colds and inflammatory ailments. But psidium should be used strictly according to recipes and in moderation so as not to provoke allergies or indigestion.

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