What is the use of dried figs, properties, how to eat it right

Figs have been known since ancient times under the names "fig", "fig", "wine berry". There is a mention of the fruit of the fig tree in the Bible. They were valued in Ancient Greece on a par with bread, their smuggling threatened with imprisonment, and the famous Avicenna used the beneficial properties of fig berries as a medicine. In the dried fruit of the fig tree, the concentration of substances valuable for health increases at least twice. The benefits and harms of dried figs depend primarily on its composition.

Composition and calorie content of dried figs

The benefits of dried figs for the human body are determined by their nutritional value and vitamin and mineral composition.

One hundred grams of the product in terms of the average recommended daily allowance contains:

  • proteins - 3.1 g, or 3.78%;
  • fat - 0.8 g, or 1.23%;
  • carbohydrates - 57.9 g, or 45.23%;
  • dietary fiber - 18.2 g, or 91%;
  • water - 16 g, or 0.63%.

The calorie content of 100 g of dried figs is 257 kcal, or 18.05% of the average daily human requirement.

The greatest benefits in dried figs are:

  • vitamin K - 13% of the daily value: participates in the regulation of blood clotting; with its lack, the content of prothrombin in the blood decreases;
  • potassium - 28.4%: as the main intracellular ion that regulates water, acid and electrolyte balance, helps to conduct nerve impulses, regulates pressure;
  • calcium - 14.4%: this is the main component of bone tissue, which regulates the functioning of the nervous system, muscle contractions; the harm of its deficiency is manifested by demineralization of the musculoskeletal system and an increased risk of osteoporosis;
  • silicon - 276.7%: it is a structural component in the composition of glycosoaminoglycans, participates in the synthesis of collagen.
  • magnesium - 14.8%: provides energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, stabilizing effect for membranes, homeostasis of calcium, sodium and potassium; with a deficiency of the element, hypomagnesemia develops, the risk of hypertension and heart disease increases;
  • cobalt - 22%: in the composition of vitamin B12 it works as an activator of enzymes of metabolism of fatty acids and folic acid;
  • manganese - 25.5%: bone and connective tissue depend on the full intake of the element into the body, it also participates in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; in the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotide chains; the harm of insufficient consumption is seen in slowing growth, disorders of the reproductive system, increased fragility of bones;
  • copper - 28.7%: affects the redox activity and metabolism of iron, helps the assimilation of proteins, carbohydrates, oxygen supply of tissues; the deficiency threatens cardiovascular problems, connective tissue dysplasia;
  • molybdenum - 19%: its benefits are expressed in ensuring the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids and purines;
  • chromium - 138%: regulates glucose levels, enhances insulin function.

Health Benefits of Dried Figs

In terms of health benefits, dried figs are at the top of the list of dried fruits.

  1. A third of the daily value of potassium in one hundred grams of the product has the ability to regulate the work of the cardiovascular system, lower blood pressure, and serves as a prophylactic agent against strokes and heart attacks; in combination with calcium helps to strengthen bone tissue and ligaments.
  2. The benefits of the high content of dietary fiber in dried figs - pectin - is manifested in cleansing the intestines and improving motility. Together with pectin, fiber helps to normalize the digestive tract, eliminate toxins and reduce excess weight.
  3. The beneficial properties of pectin are also expressed in removing cholesterol from the body: with the constant use of figs, you can forget about the dangers of cholesterol.
  4. Thanks to vitamins A and group B, the berry will be useful in slowing down age-related degeneration of the retina.
  5. Benzaldehyde in combination with calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, catechins and epicatechins in dried figs is able to reduce the formation of malignant cells, demonstrate antitumor activity and serve as cancer prevention.
  6. The amount of polyphenols in dried fruit is on average 50 times higher than most fruits. Their antioxidant properties, together with flavonoids, they play an important role in cleansing blood vessels, protecting cells from free radicals, accelerating their recovery and preventing premature aging.
  7. Due to the iron content, taking figs will be beneficial for increasing hemoglobin in the blood.

The properties of dried figs for the human body will also help:

  • restoration of strength;
  • thinning blood;
  • lowering body temperature and reducing pain in colds;
  • normalization of the processes of the nervous system.

Due to its unique multifaceted characteristics, dried berries can become a favorite family product.

For women

There is research data, according to which dried figs in the menu of women are beneficial due to its property to reduce the risk of developing malignant breast tumors.

Fig fruits are indicated for physical and nervous strain to relax and restore performance.

Dried berries in moderation are used with benefit in the diet menu for weight loss - this provides the properties of fiber to quickly saturate the body. However, if the norm is exceeded, the calorie content of the product can play the opposite role: contribute to weight gain.

Dried figs will also be useful for female inflammatory processes, as well as for alleviating the symptoms of PMS.

Since ancient times, we have received recipes for cosmetic masks with a cleansing and rejuvenating effect. Calcium in the composition of the fetus will have a positive effect on strengthening the nail plate, hair strength, and silicon works well with skin tone.

The constant wearing of heels by women also requires help: for the health of the legs, reducing their swelling, preventing cramps and varicose veins, the inclusion of dried figs in the daily menu will benefit. This will be invaluable support both during pregnancy and lactation.

Dried figs will also be useful for PMS, in reducing the emotional outbursts characteristic of this state.

For men

It is known that men are more likely to be at risk of strokes and heart attacks, and dried figs also work well with these problems due to their medicinal properties.

In addition, dried figs soaked in boiling water will be beneficial for increasing potency, treating prostatitis, preventing premature ejaculation, and generally improving men's health.

For children

Dried figs can and even should be included in the children's diet from the ninth month in the absence of an allergy to the product. The beneficial properties of the berry improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulate appetite. In addition, the properties of folic acid in dried figs are manifested in strengthening the baby's immunity, helping the development of the heart and nervous systems. To this end, from 1.5 to 2 years old, it will be useful for a child to give gruel from the fetus, starting with half a teaspoon and bringing to two.

And in the form of a compote, dried fig berries can be usefully given even to babies - with the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Is it possible to use dried figs for pregnant and lactating women

The benefits of dried figs during pregnancy lie primarily in the laxative effect and can be an ideal solution for constipation - a frequent occurrence in this special period for a woman. An increase in immunity and support for colds will also be important in this state.

Moreover, it will be useful to start eating dried figs in advance, even while planning a future pregnancy.

If a woman takes up to 4 berries a day 4 - 5 days a week, she receives a sufficient dose of folic acid and B vitamins, the properties of which will help improve blood composition, reduce the harm of viruses and the accumulation of excess weight, and the risk of anemia.

Dried figs will also help to improve lactation, while monitoring the baby's condition, as the fruits give the likelihood of flatulence, colic and an allergic reaction.

Important! The inclusion of dried berries in regular intake during pregnancy and lactation should be started after consultation with a healthcare professional.

Indications for the use of dried figs

Due to the unique vitamin and mineral composition, dried figs are used with benefit for the following diseases:

  • respiratory nature: whooping cough, asthma, cough, bronchitis, tracheitis, sore throat;
  • pain in the ears, sexually transmitted diseases, boils;
  • coronary heart disease - thanks to Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  • age-related problems with macular degeneration;
  • hypertension (due to the high content of potassium and low - sodium, which is necessary to stabilize blood pressure), as well as anemia, tachycardia; thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system (figs are beneficial in neutralizing the harm of bacteria and other infections), diuretic properties will be useful in case of gout;
  • malignant tumors, in particular, help in the prevention of breast cancer in postmenopausal women - due to the property of dried fig fiber to absorb substances that cause tumors;
  • diabetes - in a strictly limited amount, help will be provided by the beneficial properties of fiber and potassium in the composition for regulating blood sugar;
  • depression; stress;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • dry mouth, nausea, and hangover;
  • prostatitis, low libido: berries are valued as an aphrodisiac;
  • wounds and burns, stomatitis and toothache.

Traditional medicine recipes based on dried figs

Due to the unique broad therapeutic effect, the properties of dried figs have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. The fruits are used for the manufacture of almost all types of products: decoctions, tinctures, compresses, lotions, etc.

Milk with dried figs for cough

A useful antispasmodic agent is milk infused with dried figs: the effect of the drink will help against coughing attacks, bronchitis, tracheitis, colds, as well as to eliminate fever and increase resistance to infections. The course of treatment must be carried out within 2 weeks.

Cooking method:

  1. 300 ml of homemade cow's milk is heated over a fire.
  2. Place 4 small dried figs in milk and bring to a boil.
  3. Cover with a lid and simmer the milk for half an hour over low heat, until the volume decreases 3 times.
  4. Wrap up and insist up to 4 hours.

You need to drink before meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner for ½ tbsp.

A fresh broth is prepared daily, stored in a refrigerator in a sealed container during the day.

For colds and runny nose

Another variation of milk infusion with figs for fighting colds is a cocktail. After the milk boils, the composition is removed from the stove, infused for 30 minutes, and then whipped with a blender.

From prostatitis

  1. In the evening, 2 - 3 dried berries are soaked in warm milk, eaten, and the infusion is drunk.
  2. Another cooking option: pour 5 fruits with hot water (1 tbsp.), Cover and insist for 12 hours. After kneading and eat them two times a day, before meals.

For kidney stones

  1. Five dried figs are poured over 1 tbsp. boiling water, boil on low heat for 5 minutes, insist, and then grind until smooth. Take 1 or 2 tablespoons 2 hours later three times a day after meals. A useful effect will be the crushing of stones and their output in the form of sand.
  2. In case of inflammatory processes, a decoction of fig fruit is prepared in milk: 3 - 4 fruits are taken for 1 glass of milk. Drink in 2 - 4 doses per day.
Attention! The procedure for cleansing the kidneys should be carried out under the supervision of your doctor!

Loss of voice

In this case, fig milk is also useful. A little figs in boiling milk - and cook for up to 3 minutes. Drink in small sips, but not in one gulp.

For liver problems

The beneficial hematopoietic properties of figs have been successfully used for liver problems.

  1. Fig milk prepared in this way will bring benefits: 100 g of fruits are boiled for 5 hours in 2 tbsp. milk, when cooling, grind with a blender.
  2. Dyskinesia of the bile ducts, as well as stone formation in them, cholecystitis is treated by preparing a mixture: half a kilogram of lemons are peeled and passed through a meat grinder with the peel, then 1 kg of soaked dry figs are ground in it, combined with half a kilogram of sugar and 7 tbsp. l. honey. Take before meals for 3-4 tbsp. l.

For constipation

As a remedy for constipation, to improve intestinal function, prevent indigestion and abdominal pain, a decoction is prepared:

  1. Half a kilogram of dried figs and prunes are poured with 3 liters of water and boiled until 2.5 liters of the composition remain. They drink 100 g before meals and eat several boiled fruits.
  2. Another cooking option gives not only a laxative, but also an anthelmintic effect: 8 fruits of dried figs are poured over 2 tbsp. water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. The berries are removed, topped up with boiled water to the initial volume of 1 tbsp. sugar, heated over low heat until dissolved. Add the juice of half a lemon, 1 tsp. dried ground ginger and stir with removed boiled figs. Stir, cool and put in a glass container, which, sealed, is stored in the refrigerator. Take 2 - 3 tbsp for two weeks. l., then take a break and repeat after 2 weeks. The broth also contains useful anthelmintic enzymes.
Recommended reading:  Why prunes are useful, properties and contraindications

For erectile dysfunction

The properties of dried figs are used with benefit to improve quality

seminal fluid and enhance the sex drive of men. With male impotence, a mixture of berries with nuts and dried fruits will be useful in increasing the level of libido and erection, activating the production of testosterone, the possibility of prolonging sexual intercourse - due to the complex of vitamins and minerals.

Walnut kernels (150 g) are crushed and dried figs, dried apricots and raisins chopped with a knife are added - each dried fruit, 100 g each. The mixture is poured into a glass container. Take twice a day for 2 tbsp. l., mixing with kefir or natural unsweetened yogurt at lunchtime before meals, and for dinner after.

Recommended reading:  Why dried apricots are useful, properties and contraindications, reviews

100 g of chopped dried figs, walnuts, dried apricots and prunes are mixed with up to 2 tbsp. l. honey. Reception - twice a day.

To strengthen the cardiovascular system

Thanks to magnesium and potassium, the cardiovascular system is able to maintain work and avoid the development of many pathologies. The content of ficin in dried figs helps to thin the blood, lower the level of bad cholesterol, and reduce the risk of blood clots.

The beneficial properties of berry infusion will help to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Pour 50 g of dried figs 1 tbsp. heated water, insist 6 hours. Drink a quarter of a glass before meals for two weeks. Soaked fruits are eaten.

The benefits of the drug will manifest itself in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, preventing thrombosis, tachycardia.

Equal parts of figs, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, walnuts and honey are mixed, chopped with a blender and taken three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, 2 teaspoons.

Recommended reading:  Why raisins are useful: properties and contraindications

When diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, a delicious mix of equal parts of figs, raisins, honey and walnut kernels will benefit. The nuts are crushed with a coffee grinder and mixed with raisins and figs passed through a meat grinder, seasoned with honey. Take between meals for 1 tbsp. l.

For the spine

The restoration of intervertebral soft discs will be helped by a nightly intake for 6 weeks of dried apricots (5 pcs.), Figs (1 pc.) And prunes (1 pc.) - in a convenient form. The beneficial vitamin and mineral composition of these dried fruits, in combination with each other while saturating the body, helps to restore tissues in such a way that the vertebrae will be able to take a natural position even without manual procedures.

With skin lesions

Fig gruel is used as a wound-healing agent. You can even apply the pulp of dried berries to the wound. A compress from a half of steamed dried figs will help to cope with abscess and flux: by applying on suppuration, as well as boils, etc.

The beneficial antiseptic properties of fig decoction will help in the form of a poultice that is used on the affected areas. Soaked dried berries also help the boil ripen.

Infusion of dry figs is used with benefit for fungal skin problems.

With menopause

Hormonal changes in menopause appear outwardly unpleasant in the form of sweating, alternating sensations of heat and chills. The harm of the consequences of such hot flashes, manifested in weakness, decreased performance, increased irritability and a general deterioration in well-being, will help eliminate with its beneficial properties a tea of ​​four figs, certified in a glass of boiling water and seasoned with 1 teaspoon of honey and 5 drops of lemon balm essential oil. Insist and take a tablespoon 4 times a day.

How to properly consume dried figs

The adult norm for consuming dried figs for health benefits is 30 to 50 g per day, which is about 3 to 5 berries.

A combination of figs with vegetable dishes and poultry would be ideal. Dried fruits will add spicy notes to fresh salads.

Purchased figs are soaked in warm water before use. Thanks to this, chemical processing products will pass into the water, the soaked berry will become less sweet, but more useful.

Which figs are healthier: dried or fresh

The choice depends on individual tastes and preferences. Consider the difference in chemical composition between dried and fresh figs.

Due to a decrease in moisture and volume, dried fruits contain a concentrate of minerals, however, the amount of B vitamins decreases slightly when the fruits are dried, therefore, their indicators in the dry form of the product for the most part remain the same:

Vitamin B1

0.06 mg

0.07 mg

Vitamin B2

0.05 mg

0.09 mg

Vitamin B5

0,4 mg

Vitamin B9

10 mcg

20 mcg

Vitamin PP

0.6 mg

1.2 mg


200 mg

700 mg


35 mg

145 mg


18 mg

60 mg


15 mg

65 mg


3.2 mg

0.3 mg

With shrinkage, the calorie content of the fig increases from 60 to 257 kcal per 100 g of weight.

In addition, the concentration of sugars in dried figs also increases.

Given this difference in nutritional value, the average rate of fresh figs is twice that of dried ones: 50 to 100 grams per day, or 5 to 10 berries.

It should also be borne in mind that figs for transportation to regions remote from the zone of its cultivation are plucked unripe, and this significantly reduces its useful properties.

The white bloom formed on the surface of dried berries, in addition to fructose and glucose, contains lysine, an essential amino acid that is involved in building cells, and also helps in the fight against herpes and cancer.

Dried figs also have an undeniable advantage in terms of simplicity and the ability to retain their properties for a long time.

Is it possible to lose weight on dried figs

Benefits in the diet for weight loss are provided, first of all, by the ballast substances of dried figs, the property of which to reduce hunger is complemented by the cleansing effect on the digestive tract of berry grains.

For those who want to naturally remove extra pounds, the recommendation is simple: three times a week, replace dinner with three dried figs soaked in water for half an hour - for better digestibility.

Important! Figs dinner cannot be combined with other products; only pure use will bring benefits.

This option of unloading on dried figs will be an excellent help in a complex of weight loss products.

Dried fig face masks

Both fresh and dried, figs are used with benefit in the cosmetic industry as part of face and body care products.

The properties of figs are also used in home cosmetology:

  • for moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating the skin;
  • strengthening hair and accelerating their growth.

A rejuvenating mask for all skin types.

Beat one soaked fig in a blender with one egg yolk, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. honey. The composition is applied to cleansed, damp face skin, kept for 15 minutes, washed off with water at room temperature.

Moisturizing and nourishing mask

1 dried fig berry is boiled in 1/2 tbsp. milk, add 1/2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 egg, a quarter of a glass of flour and beat everything. Withstand 40 minutes. The mask supports the skin especially well in the autumn-winter period. The recommended course is 2 procedures per week for 2 months.

How to dry figs at home

Fruit preparation includes washing, removing lesions. Fans of a sweeter option pre-boil the figs for up to 10 minutes. in sugar syrup in a ratio of 1: 3 sugar and water, respectively, and spread in a colander to remove excess moisture. To speed up the drying time, the figs are cut in half.

The drying process is carried out in several ways.

  1. In the sun... Dried berries are laid out on a wire rack and wrapped with gauze to prevent possible harm due to dust and insects, as well as to ensure air circulation. After 5 - 6 days, the fruits are strung on a stern thread and hung in a shady place for subsequent drying.
  2. In the oven... The berries are laid out on the oven rack, turned on to the minimum temperature and the door is left ajar. Turn the figs periodically after 2 hours. It will take up to 3 days to get the result.
    Attention! Drying should not be carried out on a baking sheet, as free air access is required.
  3. In an electric dryer... The fruits are cut in half and spread on a towel to remove excess moisture if blanching has been done. Distribute evenly in the dryer. For small berries, the time will be up to 10 hours.
Important! The fruit is properly dried if it does not exude juice after cutting.

The harm of dried figs and contraindications

  • The high content of glucose and fructose does not allow overweight people to consume dry berries without restrictions;
  • for patients with diabetes mellitus, fig is contraindicated;
  • it is not recommended for patients with pancreatitis;
  • harm is also possible with a tendency to stone formation.

How to choose and store dried figs

It is better to buy dried figs as needed from a trusted seller.

When choosing dried figs, you should remember that all dried fruits are treated with chemistry to give a presentation and increase the shelf life:

  • first of all, it is sulfur dioxide (E 220), which allows you to protect dried fruits from insects and increase the shelf life;
  • for an attractive shine, smoke is used in a sulfuric fumes;
  • the third processing option is with the help of petroleum products.

Based on this, it is better to choose matte dried fruits.

Dried figs that have not been processed will be gray, beige, or light brown.

You can determine the presence of oil processing by smell - the threatening fruit will have a specific smell of oil.

Dried figs will retain their beneficial properties in linen or paper bags that allow air to circulate and prevent mold. The storage location must be dry.

Important! Do not confuse mold on the surface of fig berries with white bloom from deposits of glucose crystals: in the latter case, there will be no specific smell and signs of mold.


The benefits and harms of dried figs depend on its competent use. Fig fruits can become a real first-aid kit in the kitchen, however, given their calorie content and high glucose levels, it is important to control the amount of berries eaten per day.


Antonina Koval, 35 years old, Simferopol
I like dried figs primarily for their hunger-satisfying properties. And when I found out about its additional health benefits, I only became stronger in the fact that my intuitive choice of snacks with these healthy fruits turned out to be absolutely correct.
Vladislava Prokhorova, 28 years old, St. Petersburg
I tried injecting dried figs for weight loss - this is a very pleasant way to lose those extra pounds for those who love dried fruits. Kilograms do not go away quickly, but this is even good, since this is more natural for the body. Chasing kilograms threatens health, and the inclusion of dried or dried figs in the diet along with physical activity and control over your menu brings undoubted benefits to the body.
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