Vitamins Femibion ​​2: composition, how to take for pregnant women, reviews

The composition of Femibion ​​2 vitamins is specially selected for pregnant women who are more than 13 weeks old. It contains the substances that a baby needs for full development. Recently, the complex began to be prescribed during lactation.

What are the vitamins in Femibion ​​2

Vitamins are not always supplied to the body in full. During pregnancy, the need for them increases markedly. Femibion ​​2 helps to replenish the supply of the necessary elements, thereby facilitating the course of pregnancy. It reduces the likelihood of miscarriage and ensures the correct development of the baby's vital organs.

Femibion ​​2 contains the following vitamins:

  • vitamin C;
  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamin PP;
  • thiamine;
  • vitamin E;
  • biotin;
  • cyanocobalamin;
  • folic acid.
The price of Femibion ​​2 vitamins is 940-1100 rubles

The composition also contains minerals. Among them, iodine is distinguished. It is needed for the correct formation of the child's endocrine system.

Additional components that improve the absorption of the main ones include:

  • corn starch;
  • salts of magnesium fatty acids;
  • glycerol;
  • maltodextrin;
  • titanium dioxide.
Comment! It is imperative not to exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions.

What is DHA in Femibion ​​2 vitamins

DHA is docosahexaenoic acid, which is a prominent representative of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. It has a targeted effect on the functioning of the brain and cardiovascular system. Docosahexaenoic acid is involved in the formation of synaptic connections and the development of nerve fibers. During pregnancy, it is necessary for the formation of the visual organs and cerebral hemispheres. It is believed that children in utero receiving a sufficient amount of DHA in the composition of dietary supplements have high visual acuity, good memory and increased concentration of attention. 1 capsule Femibion ​​2 contains 200 mg of DHA.

Release form

Femibion ​​2 is available in the form of tablets and soft capsules. The package contains 5 blisters, each containing 6 capsules and 6 tablets. This amount is calculated for 1 month of admission. The production of the vitamin complex is carried out in Germany by the pharmaceutical company Merck KGaA, Darmstadt.


Femibion ​​2 contains 1 trace element and 9 essential vitamins. This composition provides a positive impact on the development of the child. B vitamins are involved in energy metabolism. Cyanocobalamin is involved in the formation of the circulatory system. And vitamin E has protective functions. All this together helps to reduce the risk of developing pathologies and ensure the correct functioning of the baby's organs.

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The most important properties of the vitamin complex include:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • regulation of thyroid functions;
  • normalization of blood glucose levels;
  • reducing the risk of developmental disabilities;
  • antioxidant properties;
  • replenishment of the energy reserve;
  • participation in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • regulation of cell and tissue growth.

How does

Femibion ​​2 is considered an easily digestible food supplement. When ingested, nutrients are absorbed through the small intestine. The bioavailability of the constituent components of the drug is quite high. When taken together with food, vitamins are absorbed better. They enter the bloodstream after about 10-16 hours.

It is strictly forbidden to take Femibion ​​2 together with other multivitamins

How to take vitamins Femibion ​​2

Before taking a food supplement, you should familiarize yourself not only with the composition, but also with the recommended dosages. In case of an overdose of nutrients, the well-being of a pregnant woman may worsen.

When planning

Taking Femibion ​​2 when planning pregnancy is not prohibited, but not entirely advisable. The composition of the preparation is selected in such a way as to support pregnancy after 13 weeks. During planning, there is a need for far from all the components indicated in the composition. During this period, it is enough to drink folic acid, iodine and B vitamins.

Instruction of vitamins for pregnant women Femibion ​​2

Femibion ​​2 vitamins are taken once a day in the morning. You need to take both the omega-3 capsule and the vitamin pill. It is important to wash them down with plenty of water. Reception is carried out until childbirth, and in some cases, continue further.

Attention! Before taking any vitamin complex, a woman needs to consult with a gynecologist who monitors pregnancy.

Side effects

The substances present in Femibion ​​2 are well absorbed by the body. But under certain circumstances, you can encounter side symptoms. In this case, the selection of an alternative replacement is shown. The most common side effects of Femibion ​​2 include:

  • increased symptoms of toxicosis;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • headache and dizziness.


According to reviews, with the correct use of the vitamin complex, the probability of an overdose is extremely small. But if it happened, then hypervitaminosis develops. It is accompanied by symptoms similar to food poisoning. To stop them, absorbent drugs are taken.


In response to taking Femibion ​​2, individual intolerance may occur. In this case, the gynecologist selects a more suitable analogue. When choosing, take into account the nature of the course of pregnancy and the state of health of the woman. Femibion ​​2 does not have full analogs in composition. But there are vitamin complexes that have a similar effect.

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Alphabet Biorhythm

The basis of the vitamin complex is represented by 9 minerals and 13 vitamins. In addition to them, the composition contains succinic acid, plant extracts and rutin. The package contains tablets of different colors. They are taken separately from each other - 3 times a day. The drug not only replenishes the supply of nutrients, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

A distinctive feature of the Biorhythm Alphabet is an affordable price



The action of Oksilik is due to the content of 5 essential amino acids, which increase the effectiveness of each other. In addition, the composition contains selenium and lycopene, which provide reliable protection for the body. The dietary supplement is taken 1 capsule daily. The duration of admission is 1 month.

The shelf life of the complex does not exceed 2 years


Multifort is produced in the form of effervescent tablets. It includes a vitamin-mineral complex and echinacea extract, which is considered a powerful natural immunomodulator. Vitamins are taken in 1 tablet, after diluting it in a glass of water.

Contains orange flavor
Important! The vitamin complex should be stored out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C


The composition of Femibion ​​2 vitamins is conducive to the correct growth and development of the baby in the womb. They reduce the likelihood of developing pathological processes and abortion. But, despite the many useful properties, the possibility of using a food additive is determined by a doctor.

Reviews of vitamins for pregnant women Femibion ​​2

Korotkova Evgeniya Sergeevna, 30 years old, Magnitogorsk
My doctor insisted that I take Femibion ​​1 and 2 during pregnancy. She was guided by the excellent reputation of this dietary supplement. My body transferred vitamins positively, there were no manifestations of toxicosis. The child was born completely healthy. In my next pregnancy, I plan to drink this complex again.
Guseva Elena Vladimirovna, 22 years old, Arkhangelsk
The main advantage of Femibion ​​2 is the presence of docosahexaenoic acid in the composition. I had an acute shortage of this element, so I chose vitamins meticulously. In my environment, everyone advised this particular complex. During the reception, there was mild nausea, but against the background of the course of pregnancy, this was not critical. The child was developing normally.
Kupriyanova Larisa Nikolaevna, 34 years old, Novosibirsk
Vitamins Femibion ​​2 did not suit me in composition. On the background of their intake, skin rashes appeared. Most likely, there was an intolerance to one of the components. The doctor quickly found a replacement for me, which my body endured without side effects.
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