Vitamins for joints and cartilage for athletes: rating of the best

When playing sports, injuries and painful sensations often occur. They are associated with increased physical activity, which negatively affects the articular ligaments and cartilage. Often, athletes are faced with degenerative diseases due to a deficiency of substances necessary for tissues. That is why experts recommend using vitamins for joints and ligaments of athletes. Useful components nourish the joint capsule, which helps prevent injury.

What vitamins are good for joints and ligaments

Increased physical activity can negatively affect the joints. With a lack of nutrients, mechanical wear of the cartilage is noted, which practically cannot be restored. Ligaments are also stressed. Abrupt movements can provoke a violation of their integrity.

The use of vitamins strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Regular intake of necessary nutrients in the body is the prevention of injury to the articular ligaments and cartilage.

Attention! Minor damage to the cartilage can lead to the development of arthrosis at a young age. A balanced diet and regular intake of vitamin supplements can prevent pathology.

In athletes, the ligaments and cartilage in the knee joints are most often affected. This is due to increased physical exertion. The following joints are also subject to frequent trauma:

  • elbow;
  • radiocarpal;
  • ankle.
Attention! Ligament sprains are considered the most common injury.

Vitamins can be used to strengthen the cartilage in the joints. The following nutrients are essential for the health of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Calcium... The mineral takes part in the formation of bone tissue. Calcium contributes to the strength of joints, ligaments and cartilage.
  2. Selenium... The component helps to restore damaged tissues and reduce pain in the joints. The intake of selenium in the body allows the absorption of other useful components.
  3. Omega-3... PUFAs improve joint mobility and provide ligament strength.
  4. Manganese, boron... Minerals normalize metabolic processes and stimulate collagen production.
  5. Copper, phosphorus... The substances help to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus.
  6. Hyaluronic acid... The component is able to improve joint mobility.
  7. Retinol (vitamin A)... The element takes part in the correct formation of cartilage. Retinol has an antioxidant effect that protects ligaments and joints from microdamage. With hypovitaminosis, there is a risk of developing inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system.
  8. Tocopherol (Vitamin E)... The nutrient slows down the aging process in the body, and also accelerates the regeneration of the ligaments.
  9. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)... The component is used as a prophylaxis for diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature.Ascorbic acid is involved in collagen production. Adequate intake of vitamin C improves the absorption of tocopherol and retinol.
  10. Vitamin D... The element strengthens the cartilage in the joints.
  11. Vitamins belonging to group B... The components produce an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, enhancing the regeneration of the ligaments. The constant supply of nutrients accelerates collagen production.
  12. Vitamin K... The substance is necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin and the formation of bones.
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For athletes, complexes have been specially developed containing:

  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • glucosamine sulfate;
  • collagen (as gelatin);
  • vitamins C, A, E, D;
  • calcium (in bioavailable form);
  • methylsulfamylmethane.

Indications for the use of sports vitamins for joints

Adequate intake of vitamins and minerals in the body prevents the destruction of cartilage in the joints and muscle stretching. A balanced diet is not always able to provide saturation with useful components. In this connection, experts recommend using vitamin complexes developed for athletes.

Supplements are important for the musculoskeletal system during high physical activity. A deficiency of useful components inhibits collagen synthesis. This substance allows the restoration of muscle and bone tissue after multiple injuries.

The best sports vitamins for joints and ligaments

Certain medications are prescribed to maintain the ligaments and cartilage in the joints. The choice of dietary supplements and the method of administration should be carried out by a doctor.

Orthomol Artro Plus

The complex supplement includes the components necessary for the nutrition of the joints. The use of the drug prevents ligament injuries and the development of arthrosis.

Collagen Ultra

The drug is produced in the form of a powder to restore ligaments, cartilage in the joints with increased physical exertion. The tool activates the production of intra-articular fluid and relieves inflammation. The action of the dietary supplement is aimed at improving the functions of the joints.


The remedy is indicated for joint diseases or bodybuilding, shaping.

Animal Flex (Universal Nutrition)

The dietary supplement includes glucosamine and chondroitin. The components help build muscle mass, relieve inflammation and swelling. Against the background of regular use, there is an improvement in joint mobility due to the nutrition of the cartilage. The use of the remedy is considered to prevent sprains.

Bon Bost

Vitamins contain calcium, phosphorus, chondroitin and glucosamine in an accessible form. The combination of active substances has a positive effect on the condition of the ligaments and cartilage of the joints.

Geleng Forte (Maximum Power)

The dietary supplement is a collagen hydrolyzate enriched with minerals and vitamins (iron, magnesium, calcium). The course of admission allows you to improve the nutrition of the cartilage in the joints and restore the ligaments. The product is available in powder form, which can be diluted with water or milk.

Joint Repair (Dymatize)

The drug includes methylsulfonylmethane, chondroitin and glucosamine. Vitamins are intended for the restoration of joints and ligaments after injuries. The dietary supplement has a dosage form of tablets.

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Joint Support (Performance)

The product contains glucosamine, which protects the cartilage of the joints from degenerative processes. Chondroitin, which is part of the capsules, activates collagen production, improves the exchange of calcium and phosphorus.

Elastic Joint

The dietary supplement includes vitamin C, collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin. The product is recommended for protecting joints and ligaments during intense physical exertion.

Glucosamine + CSA Super Strength (Optimum Nutrition)

The manufacturer included glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. Strengthening of the articular elements occurs by stimulating the production of hyaluronic acid.

Glucosamine Chondroitin & MSM (ULN)

BAA improves the quality of intra-articular fluid, reduces muscle fatigue. The mobility and elasticity of the articular surfaces is increased due to the inclusion of keratin and collagen.

How to take vitamins for the tendons and ligaments of athletes

Muscle and joint vitamins are important for athletes. Before buying funds, you should carefully study the reviews or use the recommendation of a trainer or doctor. It is undesirable to purchase biologically active additives that include many elements.

The composition of the preparation should be as natural as possible in order to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions. The effectiveness of the product depends on the concentration of active substances.

Supplements are produced in the following forms:

  • capsules;
  • tablets;
  • powders;
  • injections.
Attention! Before taking dietary supplements, you should read the instructions.

Vitamins to maintain the functions of the musculoskeletal system must be taken in courses, the duration of which is 1-2 months. To prevent mechanical wear of cartilage and the development of arthrosis, prophylactic courses are repeated 2-3 times during the year.

Attention! The presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is a reason for contacting a specialist who will select the necessary complex of vitamins and its dosage.

Contraindications and side effects

The list of contraindications and side effects depends on the composition of the sports vitamins for the ligaments. Medicines containing vitamins E, C, A, D should not be taken with hypervitaminosis.

Important! An excess of vitamins and minerals is just as dangerous as a deficiency.

To reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions, you should consult a doctor before using sports nutrition and vitamins for joints. The specialist will select the drug adequate to physical activity and the required dosage.

Medicines are not recommended to be taken in case of exacerbation of pathologies of the digestive system, hypersensitivity to the components of biologically active additives. During the use of the drug, side effects from the gastrointestinal tract may occur:

  • epigastric pain;
  • stool disturbance;
  • flatulence.

In case of intolerance to certain substances, allergic reactions may occur.


Vitamins for the joints and ligaments of athletes are essential. Dietary supplements provide the body with the components necessary for the musculoskeletal system. The substances included in the preparations improve mobility by improving the quality of the articular fluid, activating collagen synthesis. The use of medicines has a beneficial effect on the ligamentous apparatus, and also increases the body's endurance.

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