Vitamin B17: which foods contain, table, reviews

Reviews of oncologists about Amygdalin are ambiguous. In theory, vitamin B17 can be used to treat malignant neoplasms. But due to the high level of toxicity in medical practice, it is not used. Despite this, it does not lose its popularity in alternative medicine.

The composition of "Amygdalin" (vitamin B17)

"Amygdalin" is a drug containing vitamin B17. It is also known in pharmaceutical circles as Laetrile. According to its chemical structure, it is referred to as cyanogenic glycosides. When it enters the human body, the substance decomposes into compounds of glucose, cyanide and benzaldehyde.

Vitamin B17 was originally derived from the almond seed. Later they learned to produce it artificially. By its effect, the synthetic analogue turned out to be stronger than the prototype. It is highly soluble in alcohol and water. It is also characterized by good volatility. The distinctive features of vitamin B17 include the characteristic bitter smell of almonds.

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Why does the body need vitamin B17?

The history of vitamin B17 dates back to ancient Egypt. It was extracted from apricot pits, which are considered one of the richest sources of the substance. Traditional healers of Egypt argued that its components replenish energy and prevent dangerous diseases.

Vitamin B17 is not produced by the human body. It can only get into it as part of medicines and some food products. Traditional medicine does not recognize the positive effects of Amygdalin on the body. Today it is considered the most powerful poison. But hypothetically, vitamin B17 is able to cope with a host of serious diseases. It is used in cases where the potential harm does not exceed the positive properties. Studies have shown that Amygdalin has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and has an analgesic effect. Correct use strengthens the immune system and reduces susceptibility to bacterial and inflammatory diseases.

Important! When heat treated below 300 ° C, vitamin B17 retains its beneficial properties.

The benefits and harms of "Amygdalin"

Vitamins of group B17 can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. Therefore, before using them, it is necessary to study in detail the principle of their effect on the human body. Amygdalin has a significant effect on the immune system. When used traditionally, it activates the responses of humoral and cellular immunity. Vitamin B17 makes B-lymphocytes interact with T-lymphocytes. This leads to the release of specific immunoglobulins. For this reason, the body quickly copes with various diseases.

Other useful properties of "Amygdalin" include:

  • analgesic effect;
  • slowing down the processes of natural aging;
  • destruction of malignant cells;
  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • elimination of oxidation products from the body;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • elimination of anxiety states;
  • improvement of visual function.

A pronounced therapeutic effect of "Amygdalin" is noted in relation to joints and the cardiovascular system. In addition, it is capable of killing malignant cells. This is due to cyanide, which occurs during the breakdown of the vitamin. The drug effectively blocks painful sensations provoked by metastases. It should be noted that in the initial stages of the disease, it is most effective.

Another advantage of "Amygdalin" is its hypotensive effect and the ability to accelerate the regeneration of epithelial tissues. "Amygdalin" helps to quickly and smoothly cope with skin diseases. In addition, it prevents rheumatoid arthritis and keeps bones healthy. An additional bonus of the medicine is the improvement of visual function.

Lack of vitamin B17 in the body can provoke the development of cancer. But this happens very rarely. The main provoking factor in this condition is a poor diet. In most cases, the disease is caused by other causes. Therefore, the degree of effectiveness of therapeutic therapy in each individual case will differ. If a person develops a vitamin deficiency, they may notice the following symptoms:

  • frequent headaches;
  • depressed state;
  • mental disorders;
  • decreased performance;
  • pain in certain parts of the body.

People who lead a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy foods are very unlikely to encounter a B17 deficiency. This is due to the fact that it enters the body in sufficient quantities with food.

The main disadvantage of the remedy is its toxicity. When the vitamin "Amygdalin" breaks down, hydrocyanic acid is formed. Once in the body, it interferes with the respiration of cells, provoking their destruction. A high concentration of the substance can cause suffocation. The danger of "Amygdalin" lies in the content of cyanide. It is called the most powerful poison that has a detrimental effect on all life support systems.

Attention! Hydrocyanic acid, formed as a result of the breakdown of "Amygdalin", can provoke a coma or death.

What foods contain vitamin B17

A certain amount of vitamin B17 enters the human body through food. Therefore, with a varied diet, the likelihood of developing a deficiency is negligible. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have exotic dishes in the diet.

Products containing "Amygdalin" include:

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  • bean pods;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • apricot kernel;
  • bitter almonds;
  • seeds of pears and apples;
  • flax-seed;
  • dark chocolate;
  • caraway;
  • celery;
  • chilli;
  • mushrooms.
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A small amount of vitamin B17 is found in cereals and dried fruits. With a deficiency of the substance, it is recommended to include buckwheat porridge, brown rice and millet in the diet. But the leading amount of the useful element is presented in the seeds and seeds of various fruits.

Advice! Before using vitamin B17 for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body.

Vitamin B17 against cancer - myth or reality

In oncology, there is a lot of controversy about vitamin B17. It is believed that it is capable of destroying tumor cells. The peoples of India and Asia, who eat a lot of foods with a vitamin content, practically do not get sick with oncological diseases. The antitumor effect is achieved due to the cyanide content. It penetrates deeply into cancer cells, destroying them from the inside.

The first studies of the antitumor properties of "Amygdalin" were carried out in 1845. Californian scientist Ernst T.Krebs used the drug to treat cancer. In the process of studying the substance, he revealed that it is very toxic. In 1952, an artificial analogue was developed, which was named "Laetrile". It began to be used not only for the treatment of cancer, but also for prophylactic purposes.

Scientists have found that malignant cells do not receive the required amount of oxygen. For this reason, they are resistant to most anticancer drugs. "Amygdalin" contributes to their oxygenation, thereby facilitating the healing process. Long-term studies of specialists have shown that the drug is ineffective in relation to breast and lung cancer.

Today "Laetrile" or "Amygdalin" is no longer used for the treatment of cancer patients. The FDA has imposed an official ban on the use of the drug due to its toxicity and low effectiveness. The National Cancer Institute conducted an independent study that refuted the benefits of vitamin B17.

Alternative medicine representatives responded by accusing pharmaceutical companies of wanting to hide an effective drug. They continue to believe that vitamin B17 is cancer-fighting. In the US, the drug is banned. But in Australia and Mexico, it continues to be sold in pharmacies. It is impossible to buy a medicine on the territory of Russia.

Application of "Amygdalin"

The dosage of vitamin B17 is determined on an individual basis. It depends on whether "Amygdalin" enters the body from natural sources. The maximum single dose of the substance is 1000 mg. It is allowed to consume no more than 3000 mg per day. Overdose can provoke side symptoms. In childhood, the use of vitamin B17 is excluded. It can greatly harm an immature child's body.

The tablet form "Amygdalin" is taken three times a day, one piece. They contain 500 mg of active ingredient. Reception is carried out 30 minutes before meals. It is also possible to inject the drug. Each ampoule with a solution contains 3 mg of vitamin. In some cases, injection of "Amygdalin" is practiced in conjunction with chemotherapy. Apricot seeds can be an alternative option for taking vitamin B17.

Comment! To increase the effectiveness of Amygdalin, they additionally take selenium, zinc and vitamin C.

Contraindications and side effects

Since the representatives of traditional medicine are ambiguous about the drug, it should be used with extreme caution. There are a number of conditions in the presence of which it is better to refuse taking a vitamin.

These include the following:

  • a vitamin surplus in the body;
  • age under 18;
  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

If used incorrectly, "Amygdalin" can provoke side effects. At risk are people with liver dysfunction and genetic defects. The most common adverse drug reactions include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • heaviness in the abdomen;
  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • migraine;
  • muscle weakness;
  • dizziness.

With pronounced toxic poisoning, yellowing of the mucous surfaces of the eyes and oral cavity is noted. The skin takes on an earthy tone. Along with this, a person's efficiency decreases, and nervousness increases. There may be heaviness in the right hypochondrium.


"Amygdalin" is considered toxic, so it can accumulate in the liver cells, destroying them from the inside. During treatment, it is necessary to periodically take a biochemical blood test to determine the AST and ALT indicators. This will allow tracking the nature of the negative effects of the drug on the body.

Experts advise giving preference to natural sources of the vitamin."Amygdalin" is contained in them in a limited amount, which reduces the risk of side effects. In addition, glucose weakens the effect of the poison. Therefore, foods containing vitamin B17 are best consumed with sugar.

Under certain circumstances, even a minimal intake of vitamin B17 in the body can be fatal. It is almost impossible to completely protect yourself from this. It is difficult to imagine how the body will react to taking the drug. If he is in a weakened state, special vigilance is necessary. It is advisable to control the situation by regularly passing laboratory tests.


Reviews of oncologists about "Amygdalin" will help you choose the right decision regarding the possibility of its use. It is necessary to take into account the potential harm of the drug and carefully study the contraindications. If the treatment turns out to be too risky, then it is better to refrain from it.

Reviews of oncologists about "Amygdalin"

Krasnov Ivan Nikolaevich, oncologist, Moscow
There is an opinion that vitamin B17 is a panacea for cancer. It is fundamentally wrong, since the disease provokes a whole complex of various factors. Vitamin therapy can only slightly reduce the risk of developing the disease and dull its manifestations. During the treatment of such a serious ailment, the recommendations of the doctors should be followed, without showing initiative.
Orlova Inna Aleksandrovna, oncologist, St. Petersburg
You should not rely on alternative medicine to treat cancer. If you read the reviews of my colleagues about vitamin B17, you can understand that its effectiveness is greatly exaggerated. In addition, clinical studies have not fully confirmed how harmful the substance is. I am inclined to believe that the amount of vitamin that enters the body with food is enough.
Goryanova Alexandra Mikhailovna, oncologist, Kazan
I do not exclude the possibility of a positive effect of the drug on the work of vital organs. But you should remember that there are many contraindications. Vitamin B17 contains too many toxins. Therefore, special care must be taken with it.
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