Vitamins for old dogs: rating of the best, reviews

Vitamins for older dogs are necessary for the general strengthening of the body and the prevention of age-related pathologies. They begin to give them to pets from about 6-7 years old. When selecting drugs, the breed and existing diseases of the dog are taken into account. In order not to be mistaken with the choice, you should contact your veterinarian.

What vitamins do older dogs need?

The dog's diet should be balanced at any age. But it is not always possible to ensure the supply of nutrients in the required volume. In old age, the need for the use of vitamin complexes increases. During this period, the destruction of joints and bones occurs, the work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. Older dogs often develop serious medical conditions that affect their mobility and well-being. To normalize the functioning of vital organs, it is necessary to take vitamins of groups A, B, E and D.

You should also ensure the intake of amino acids, minerals and fatty acids into the body of an elderly pet. Most dietary supplements for dogs contain garlic extract and nutritional yeast. The substances that make up these components have a positive effect on the condition of the coat and strengthen the immune system.

Comment! So that older dogs do not give up vitamin supplements, flavor enhancers and flavorings are introduced into them.

Types of vitamins for older dogs

Vitamins for senior dogs have several classifications. First of all, they are divided into:

  • corrective;
  • fortifying;
  • enhanced action.

Corrective vitamins are designed to address a specific problem. They affect a specific organ system. Fortifying vitamins are used when no visible disturbances are observed. This type of vitamin supplement helps to strengthen the immune system by increasing the body's resistance to age-related diseases. Vitamins of enhanced action are intended for dogs with an active lifestyle and fighting breeds. Sometimes they are used during the recovery period after suffering infectious diseases.

Corrective vitamin supplements are divided into several types, depending on the purpose. They are for:

  • hearts;
  • teeth and bones;
  • wool and leather.
Important! Vitamins for older dogs are available in the form of a drink, tablets and powder.

Ranking of the best vitamins for senior dogs

For older dogs, specialized vitamins with a balanced composition are produced. They are aimed at promoting health and preventing dangerous diseases. Such drugs focus on the work of the cardiovascular, digestive and skeletal systems. When choosing vitamin supplements for senior dogs, the natural composition should be a priority.

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"Viyo Reinforces Dog Senior"

Viyo Reinforces Dog Senior is available as a drink. Due to its liquid texture, it is perfectly absorbed by the digestive system. The drug is a prebiotic intended for dogs over the age of seven.With regular use, the supplement normalizes digestion and stimulates the immune system. Among the active components of the drug are inulin and fructooligosaccharides. The daily dosage of the supplement is 30 ml. It can be changed depending on the weight of the pet. The result from taking vitamins is observed already in the second week of the therapeutic course. It is recommended to use the drink no more than four times a year.

Anivital CaniAge

Anivital CaniAge vitamins for elderly dogs are produced in Germany. They are distinguished by the aroma of beef. The active ingredients include marigold extract and grape flour. It also contains omega-3s and antioxidants. The vitamin complex has a targeted effect on the cardiovascular system. Since the composition of the drug is completely natural, it rarely causes side effects. The average price of a package of vitamins of 60 tablets is 1,500 rubles.


"Fitomins" are made on the basis of meat flour and brewer's yeast. They are rich in calcium, zinc, taurine and iron, essential for the health of older dogs. The drug has a democratic price, not exceeding 100 rubles per pack of 50 g. The vitamin supplement does not contain chemical components and is easily absorbed by the animal's body. It helps to quickly recover from illness and prevent the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

"Canina Canhydrox GAG Forte"

Vitamin supplement "Canina Canhydrox GAG Forte" consists of hawthorn extract and yeast. It is available as a liquid in 250 ml packs. It is rich in potassium, L-carnitine, magnesium and sodium. Due to this composition, vitamins have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of older dogs. Regular intake of the drug ensures the prevention of shortness of breath and heart cough. In the second week of admission, the biological supplement normalizes the pet's breathing and improves its well-being.


Vitamins "ArtroMax" are produced in Poland. Their action is due to the presence of chondroitin, fragrant martinia extract and manganese in the composition. In addition to these components, the drug contains many minerals and vitamins. The balanced composition slows down the aging process and increases the activity of the pet. With the correct intake of vitamins, the condition of nails and hair is noticeably improved. Stabilization of the cardiovascular system is observed. The cost of packaging is 1,500 rubles.

Attention! The average duration of a therapeutic course is 2-4 weeks. After it, you need to take a break.

Vitamin Guidelines for Aging Dogs

It is advisable to check the vitamin supplement regimen with a specialist. She is selected individually, focusing on the weight and breed of an elderly dog. Also take into account the medical indicators of her health. The duration of therapeutic and prophylactic therapy ranges from ten days to a month. Veterinarians advise repeating the vitamin course no more than three times a year. Vitamins are placed directly into the pet's mouth or mixed with food.

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Contraindications and precautions

Most vitamins for older dogs are tolerated without complications. Among the contraindications are the following factors:

  • allergic reaction;
  • poor absorption of vitamins;
  • severe diseases of the digestive tract.

To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to use supplements in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions. Required to focus on the behavior of an elderly dog. If there is no improvement, you need to contact the professionals. Exceeding the dosage and using the drug for too long can provoke a surplus of nutrients. This condition is as dangerous as vitamin deficiency.


Vitamins for older dogs can only strengthen the body and reduce the likelihood of developing various pathologies.They cannot cope with serious violations. To get the maximum benefit from a vitamin supplement, you should pay special attention to their selection.

Reviews of vitamins for older dogs

Kolesnikova Elena Aleksandrovna, 24 years old, Kaliningrad
The veterinarian said that our elderly lapdog was in dire need of biotin. To replenish his supply, the vitamin complex "Canina" was prescribed. Pleased with the price, only 113 rubles per pack. Our four-legged companion eats the treat with pleasure, as it contains flavoring additives.
Goncharov Vitaly Petrovich, 56 years old, Yekaterinburg
I gave my Charlie several types of vitamins. But in the end I stopped at the ArtroMax complex. Vitamins are not cheap, but very high quality, produced in Poland. After 2-3 weeks, the elderly dog ​​became more mobile. Molting began to show itself not as clearly as before. Now I will use these vitamins on an ongoing basis.
Artemieva Irina Nikolaevna, 34 years old, Kazan
My dog ​​has been very active and cheerful all his life, but the years have taken their toll. After consulting a veterinarian, I began to look for a suitable vitamin complex. For the third week I have been giving my pet "Anivital CaniAge". I noticed that he became more cheerful, the condition of the coat also improved. The natural balanced composition pleases. The price of the drug is high, but this is understandable.
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