Berocca vitamins: instructions for use, reviews

Reviews of Berocca's vitamins have practically no negative. However, like any drug, the vitamin complex has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before use, you should carefully study the indications for use and possible side effects. The product contains not only certain vitamins, but also minerals necessary for the human body.

Features of vitamins Berocca Plus

Two forms of the drug Berocca

The Berocca remedy is a vitamin and mineral complex containing the most important components for maintaining the immune system and the correct balance of nutrients in the body. The drug is available in two forms: tablets and an effervescent form.

They have a similar composition, but the effervescent form is aimed at rapid replenishment of active substances in the body, and the tablet form has a longer effect and does not give a quick effect.

The Berocca vitamin and mineral complex is aimed at strengthening all the basic functions of the body, but it is believed that the remedy is able to eliminate depressive disorders, significantly improve memory and attention, and is an anti-anxiety drug. Many people note that after taking Berocca vitamins, the body recovers much faster after physical overload, improves sleep, and chronic fatigue passes.

Attention! It is not recommended to increase the dosage of Berocca, as one tablet contains the maximum daily dose of vitamin B6.

Composition of Berocca vitamins

The composition of the vitamin-mineral complex Berocca includes the following substances:

  • B vitamins - thiamine, cyanocobalamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, biotin, folic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • some auxiliary components.

The pharmacological action of Berocchi is determined by the beneficial substances included in its composition. The content of vitamins and minerals in the complex is selected for use in conditions that require increased doses of active substances. They are often used for stress, excessive physical exertion, diets, alcoholism and nicotine addiction, after a course of chemotherapy.

The B vitamins contained in the Berocca complex are involved in many important body processes:

  • stimulate hematopoiesis, the formation of bone and connective tissue;
  • speed up metabolism;
  • participate in the supply of oxygen to the brain tissue;
  • regulate cholesterol levels;
  • synthesize hormones, enzymes;
  • are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, the work of neurotransmitters;
  • take part in metabolic processes, the growth of new cells;
  • help maintain a normal psycho-emotional state;
  • provide capillary permeability.

The preparation contains ascorbic acid

Ascorbic acid, which is part of Berocchi, is a biological antioxidant, inactivates free radicals, increases the absorption of iron in the small intestine, and affects metabolism.

Calcium takes part in many important body processes, the work of enzymes, the transmission of nerve impulses.

Magnesium is responsible for the synthesis of protein, fatty acids, and the oxidation of sugars.

Zinc is involved in the synthesis of many enzymes and hormones. It is a component of proteins, neuropeptides.

Warning! Since the vitamins of Berocca contain riboflavin, which stains urine bright yellow, the intake should be discontinued a few days before the urine test.

Indications for the use of Berocca vitamins

Berocca vitamins, based on the instructions, are used to strengthen the immune system and replenish nutrients in the body. However, specialists often prescribe it to restore psychological health and the nervous system. Many doctors recognize its high effectiveness in this area. Similar conclusions were made as a result of long-term follow-up of patients taking Berocca vitamins. After several weeks of application, many of them had an increase in the level of physical energy, fatigue, nervous tension disappeared, and sleep was restored. This is due to the fact that such conditions are associated with a lack of magnesium in the body, and with the help of Berocca's vitamins, it can be quickly replenished by taking the effervescent form of the drug.

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Thus, Berocca is recommended to be taken in the following cases:

  • avitaminosis;
  • alcoholic, nicotine addiction;
  • elderly age;
  • excessive physical activity, mental stress;
  • malnutrition (long diets);
  • constant nervous stress;
  • antibiotic treatment, chemotherapy.

Berocca is also necessary for women who use oral contraceptives.

Attention! The Berocca complex cannot be taken as an independent drug, because it does not contain components with a pronounced therapeutic effect.

As a rule, doctors prescribe Berocca vitamins as an aid to replenish the deficiency of nutrients. Also, the drug is prescribed as a prophylactic agent for possible vitamin deficiencies.

As part of the drug, almost all B vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system

The instructions for use of the drug do not indicate the specific effect on the human nervous system and the prevention of various diseases. However, individual B vitamins that make up the complex are often prescribed by specialists for the treatment of neuropathies, inflammation of individual nerves, and paresis. Hence, many were convinced that Berocca could act as a medicine. In fact, this is not the case.

The drug can contribute to a speedy recovery if it is prescribed to the patient along with other narrowly targeted therapeutic agents. It can be concluded that the drug is not a medicine, but it is useful for maintaining the health of the nervous system. In addition, many disorders, psycho-emotional overload, sleep disturbances are often not associated with a lack of any vitamins in the body. That is why, in the presence of obvious pathologies, you first need to consult a doctor.

Instructions for the use of Berocca vitamins

The duration of the course of treatment must be agreed with the doctor. According to the instructions, the duration of admission is 1 month, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe an additional course of treatment.

The recommended daily dose of the drug for adults and children over 15 years old is 1 tablet. The effervescent form of the product is previously dissolved in a glass of water.


Berocca's vitamins are completely safe. Some of the side effects that can occur with the drug are not harmful to your health. However, Berocca is not intended for use by pregnant or lactating women. The components contained in the drug are harmless, not toxic to the fetus and child, but the drug should be prescribed to pregnant women only by a doctor for medical reasons. At the moment, there have been no studies on the effect of doses of nutrients on children under one year old.Vitamins and minerals are supplied to the baby through the mother's breast milk, however, how much of them the baby eventually receives is not known. Therefore, there is no certainty how harmless they are. The best solution in this case would be to choose a special complex of vitamins for the period of pregnancy and lactation.

Before using the drug, pregnant and lactating women need a specialist consultation

Also, the drug Berokka is prescribed with caution to patients with a history of disorders in the excretory system (nephrolithiasis, urolithiasis) and diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, with a syndrome of insufficient absorption of vitamin B12.

There have been no cases of overdose of the drug Berocca, but it is assumed that long-term intake of these vitamins can cause neuropathy. In this case, it is recommended to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. In this case, treatment is prescribed symptomatic.

Contraindications and side effects

There were no pronounced side effects while taking Berocca vitamins and minerals, but sometimes it can be observed:

  • upset from the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
  • allergic reaction;
  • nervous irritability;
  • headache.
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Such reactions can appear as a result of individual intolerance to any component. They are mild and go away on their own.

Attention! You should not take the drug together with other vitamin complexes in order to prevent overdose.

As for contraindications, they include:

  • excessive content of calcium and magnesium in the body;
  • some kidney diseases, including urolithiasis;
  • intolerance to fructose;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • hyperoxaluria;
  • hemolytic anemia.

Also contraindications include children under 15 years of age.

Analogues of vitamins Berocca Plus

As such, Berocca has no analogues, however, there are a number of complexes that are similar in composition. These vitamins include:

  1. Supradin... In addition to ascorbic acid and group B, the drug contains vitamins A, E, D2, as well as phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese. Prescribe the drug for vitamin deficiency, malnutrition, after a long illness. Vitamins are good for women with problems with skin, nails and hair.
  2. Duovit - a complex of vitamins of group B, D3, E, C, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, calcium and phosphorus. The drug is indicated for use in physical and emotional stress, unbalanced nutrition, long-term loss of vitamins and minerals. Often prescribed to the elderly, patients with alcohol and nicotine addiction.
  3. Menopace It is also similar in composition to the Berocca vitamin complex, but it will more help women with problems with menopause, as it contains minerals useful for the female body, as well as vitamins A and E. The drug allows you to cope with sleep disorders, anxiety, headaches, prolonged emotional overload ...
  4. Another drug from a Serbian manufacturer - Oligovite, which some consider to be an analogue of Berocchi. It contains about 10 vitamins and the same amount of minerals. Created to replenish valuable components in the body. It has a positive effect on important metabolic processes. Indications include physical and mental stress, unbalanced nutrition, condition after a long illness. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation.
Advice! Choosing a complex, you need to rely on the doctor's prescription and the individual needs of the body.


Reviews of Berocca's vitamins are mostly positive - both from doctors and from patients. The drug has long been popular in Russia and abroad. Berocca vitamins in a short time make up for the lack of nutrients in the body thanks to their effervescent form.It is a means to maintain the work of brain activity, increase the general tone of the body and normalize the emotional state. Berocca is prescribed as part of complex therapy for the treatment and prevention of certain conditions of the nervous system.

Reviews of doctors about vitamins Berocca Plus

Vorontsov F. Yu., Belgorod.
I work as a neurologist, and quite often I prescribe Berocca to my patients. There were no complaints about this drug. In my opinion, this is one of the few complexes that really works. B vitamins and zinc are perfectly selected. I prescribe the drug as a prophylactic agent during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, with neuroses, to maintain immunity. I recommend it to elderly patients.
L. V. Kovaleva, Chelyabinsk.
I prescribe to patients in combination with other drugs. Of course, you shouldn't expect a quick effect. But it works well for chronic fatigue syndrome, irritation. The effect of the effervescent form of the drug is especially pleasing. It actively helps to get rid of the lack of vitamins in the autumn-winter period. Although I note that the complex is not designed for long-term use and can irritate the gastric mucosa. It is better to take the complex after meals.
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