Vitamins for men in sports

Vitamins for men for sports are most often needed during intense physical activity. The body needs more nutrients, and it is almost impossible to get them from regular food in the right amount. Pharmaceutical complexes that include the most important substances come to the rescue.

What vitamins a man should drink when playing sports

Exactly which vitamins are needed by male athletes depends on the specific goals in the sport. Some compounds promote muscle growth and volume, others improve endurance, and still others are especially beneficial in post-injury periods.

To strengthen muscle mass

If you need to quickly strengthen your muscles and move on to more serious training, the following vitamins will come to the rescue:

  • AND - this compound accelerates cell growth, including the growth of muscle tissue;
  • IN 1 - the substance contributes to the good absorption of protein, which is responsible for muscle growth;
  • B13 - the connection helps to recover from workouts and prevents the breakdown of muscle fibers after intense exertion.

Many sports complexes for men include all these vitamins and other compounds that accelerate absorption. Taking these vitamins is beneficial at the beginning of your workouts and after long breaks.

To increase muscle tone

If during training in the muscles you feel weakness, and you can't get them to work at full strength, the following substances will help:

  • vitamin C - it speeds up metabolic processes;
  • vitamin E - it prevents damage to weakened muscle fibers;
  • folic acid - she is responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis and increases endurance;
  • niacin - it expands capillaries, improves blood circulation and enhances coordination.

It is also useful to include biotin in the diet, like ascorbic acid, it is responsible for metabolism.

To improve athletic performance

If you need to increase strength and endurance before a competition in order to achieve better results, you should take:

  • AT 12 - it improves metabolism and hematopoiesis processes;
  • AT 6 - it promotes the proper metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and is especially useful in combination with steroids;
  • riboflavin - it also improves energy metabolism and promotes better breakdown of carbohydrates.

D-carnitine will bring benefits in the diet for sports, it helps to break down fats, speeds up the metabolism in cells and works to increase endurance.

For injury prevention

Intense sports often lead to injuries in men, and exercise also becomes dangerous during the rehabilitation period after injuries. For early recovery and prevention of new injuries, it is recommended to take:

  • vitamin C, it improves metabolic processes and helps to strengthen tissues;
  • vitamin K - it increases blood clotting and prevents damage to small capillaries;
  • vitamin D, is responsible for the condition of the joints and improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body;
  • vitamin E, the substance protects against destruction of the cell membrane.

During the rehabilitation period, it is also useful to take choline, which improves the conduction of nerve signals in the tissue and contributes to good coordination of movements.

Rating of the best sports vitamins for men

On the sports market, you can find dozens of vitamin complexes for men. However, some sports vitamins are in special demand due to their perfectly balanced composition.

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men

The first place in the ranking of vitamins for male athletes is occupied by a vitamin complex, which includes all the essential vitamins A, C, B, E and K, as well as vitamin D, folic and pantothenic acids. Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men includes calcium and selenium, iodine and zinc, magnesium, a phyto-mixture from berries and fruits, and amino acids - glutamine, arginine, cystine and others.

Taking vitamins is useful both during the recovery period after injuries and before preparing for the competition. Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men improves endurance and speeds up metabolic processes, contributes to the growth of muscle mass and strength indicators.

Multivitamin for men

Another popular men's sports complex is Multivitamin for men. Includes:

  • more than 10 essential vitamins - group B, vitamins A and C, E and D;
  • the most important minerals - magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium, calcium and manganese;
  • antioxidants;
  • amino acids - carnitine, arginine, glutamine, methionine.

Vitamins are recommended for professional athletes interested in building muscle mass and increasing endurance.

Ultra-Premium Vitamin

Ultra-Premium Vitamin Complex is designed to increase muscle endurance and maintain normal testosterone levels. The vitamin complex for sports contains:

  • vitamins E, C and A;
  • vitamin D;
  • niacin, thiamine and riboflavin;
  • vitamins B12, B6 and folic acid;
  • amino acids and organic acids;
  • magnesium, zinc, selenium, potassium, manganese and copper;

The composition also contains Omega-3 and Co-Palmetto extract, which maintains the correct hormonal balance in men. Taking a complex for sports is useful for improving the quality of training and for protecting health from disruptions against the background of intense physical activity.

Important! The complex is useful not only for sports, but also for increasing male strength - taking vitamins helps maintain the health of the reproductive system in men.

VP Laboratory Ultra Men’s Sport

The multivitamin formula for sports preparation consists of several biological complexes and includes the most important compounds for men. Namely, the preparation contains:

  • a set of basic vitamins - group B, A, D and E, ascorbic acid;
  • minerals - calcium and chromium, manganese and selenium, zinc and iodine, other mineral components;
  • fruit and berry mixture - extracts of cranberries, acai, blueberries, as well as pomegranate, broccoli, orange peel and tomato powders;
  • amino acids - taurine, glutamine, carnitine and methionine;
  • alpha lipoic acid, lutein and zeaxanthin.

You can use a multivitamin complex at any stage of your workout. The drug compensates for the lack of nutrients, activates muscle growth and prevents injuries from excessive exertion.

Universal Nutrition Animal Pak

Universal Vitamin Complex for Men Going in for Sports is considered the best product for increasing strength and muscle growth. The drug is recommended for use by professional bodybuilders because it contains:

  • balanced combinations of protein compounds and amino acids;
  • all essential vitamins responsible for metabolism and the rapid construction of muscle tissue;
  • an energy complex of essential minerals, lipotropics and digestive enzymes.

All components of the drug mutually reinforce each other's action and are well absorbed when used simultaneously.

Myprotein alpha men

To increase endurance, concentration and performance in training, the Myprotein Alpha Men vitamin supplement is recommended for use. It contains:

  • vitamins and minerals;
  • amino acids;
  • extract of ginseng root, nettle, grape seed and green tea;
  • ginkgo biloba extract;
  • alpha lipoic acid and royal jelly;
  • citrus bioflavonoids.
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For sports, the complex is useful in that it increases the strength of bone tissue and accelerates recovery processes, prevents fatigue and improves the protective functions of the body.

Orthomol Sport

The preparation for sports is intended for men who are professionally involved in bodybuilding and who participate in competitions. The composition contains iron, calcium and magnesium, vitamins and amino acids, taurine and fish oil.

When taken as directed, Orthomol Sport strengthens the immune system, promotes muscle growth and maintains a healthy energy metabolism in the body, thereby increasing endurance during exercise. The drug for sports for men has a cumulative effect, so they start taking it before the competition in advance.

VPLab Ultra Men’s Sport Multivitamin Formula

The VPLab Ultra Men’s Sport Multivitamin Formula vitamin complex for male athletes includes several specialized mixtures composed of minerals, vitamins, amino acids and natural natural extracts.

The complex is intended for use during intensive training and during the recovery period, the effectiveness of the product for sports has been tested by many men. According to men, taking VPLab Ultra Men’s Sport Multivitamin Formula vitamins helps reduce the feeling of fatigue after workouts, since muscle tone returns faster.

How to choose the right vitamin complex

Given the wide range of available vitamins, it can be difficult to determine which sports vitamins are best for men. It is recommended to consider several points when choosing:

  1. The needs of your own body... Before purchasing a vitamin complex, it is worth consulting with a trainer and with doctors and find out which substances the body has a special need for, and which useful compounds will help improve the result of training.
  2. Compatibility of individual nutrients... As a rule, vitamins for sports have a balanced composition, and all the substances in such preparations only enhance the action of each other. But if a man additionally takes other vitamin supplements, you need to make sure that different complexes do not come into conflict with each other.
  3. The composition of vitamin complexes and dosage of valuable substances... Some sports preparations contain vitamins and minerals in very high concentrations and can satisfy the body's needs for beneficial compounds by almost 100%. Before buying a specific supplement, you need to evaluate the characteristics of your diet and understand whether taking a vitamin complex will lead to hypervitaminosis.
Advice! It should be borne in mind that vitamins for sports for men should contain a minimum of iron. For the male body, a high level of this element is rather harmful - an excess of iron leads to problems with the cardiovascular system.

Admission rules and dosage

It is necessary to take male vitamins for sports strictly according to the instructions - in order to avoid negative consequences. It is best to additionally consult with a trainer regarding dosages and get tested by a doctor.

The dosage of vitamins for sports depends on the physical and psychological state of the body, on individual characteristics, on the diet and the intensity of the loads in the gym. Even the climate affects the rules of admission, for example, at temperatures above 40 ° C, the need for vitamins in men increases, since useful compounds are consumed faster and are actively excreted from the body.

Taking the best vitamins for male athletes usually needs to be taken with breakfast in the morning and at lunchtime in the afternoon. On workout days, take a healthy supplement just before or immediately after your workout.

Attention! You cannot refuse taking vitamins for sports on recovery days - the body especially needs additional nutrients at this time.

An overdose of vitamins for sports in men is most often expressed in the form of allergies and intestinal disorders. In such situations, supplementation should be reduced. You also need to remember that vitamin complexes are drunk in courses according to instructions with mandatory breaks - on average, supplements are allowed to be consumed no longer than 1 month in a row.


Men need vitamins for sports very often - with increased loads, the body experiences a lack of nutrients. Pharmaceutical complexes for sports have a balanced composition, but before taking such supplements, you need to weigh your own needs for specific vitamins and consult a trainer.

Reviews of men about the effectiveness of vitamins for sports

Savelyev Dmitry Igorevich, 32 years old, Moscow
It is impossible to achieve good results in the gym solely from the right diet. The body does not receive vitamins in the required amounts, and this is a fact. Therefore, I take courses of Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men - the supplement is ideal for the formation of beautiful muscles and achieving good strength indicators.
Ivanov Andrey Sergeevich, 25 years old, Ryazan
In the gym, I train not only for the sake of results, but also for the sake of a beautiful body. Muscle grows very slowly without special additives. A year ago I started taking the Multivitamin for men complex and quickly noticed the result. Not only did the musculature increase in volume, but also the indicators became higher - I was able to move to more serious weights.

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