Vitamins for pregnant dogs of small, medium and large breeds

Breeders should pay special attention to the issue of feeding females in position. Veterinarians recommend including vitamins for pregnant dogs in the diet. They must provide the brooding female with all the necessary supplements and minerals. Their use reduces the risk of complications and improves the immunity of puppies.

What vitamins to give a pregnant dog

Puppies get the nutrients they need for growth and development from the mother's body. Therefore, owners of pregnant dogs need to not only monitor the pet's diet, but also add vitamin complexes to the menu.

For the full development of puppies and maintaining the health of the female, her body should receive:

  • vitamins E, A, C, group B, PP;
  • calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper.

Vitamin E is necessary to prevent the development of dystrophy. With its deficiency, irreversible changes begin in the tissues of the body. Tocopherol is involved in the formation of new cells and an increase in the lifespan of old cells. Pregnant dogs need tocopherol in order for the hormonal system to function correctly, the pregnancy proceeded without complications, and the offspring were healthy.

Vitamin D3 affects the calcium-phosphorus metabolism in dogs. Its deficiency can lead to a deterioration in the exterior qualities of a pet, a disruption in the absorption of calcium.

Vitamin A is required to maintain good vision in a pregnant dog and proper formation in puppies. It is needed to provide the ability to quickly adapt to darkness. Retinol participates in the processes of protein synthesis, the production of reproductive hormones, and the regulation of the growth of skin cells.

B vitamins are important for the proper functioning of the nervous system in pregnant dogs, the formation of blood and nerve cells in puppies. They are responsible for the condition of the coat, skin, the formation of cellular energy.

Best Vitamins for Pregnant and Lactating Dogs

It is better to select multivitamins for dogs with a veterinarian. He will advise on what complexes you need to pay attention to, focusing on the breed, weight and general condition of the puppy bitch. When choosing drugs, the doctor takes into account what kind of food the dog is on. Premium commercial food is enriched with substances necessary for the proper growth and development of the animal. Therefore, with the additional selection of vitamin complexes, it is necessary to take into account what kind of supplements are not enough for a puppy bitch.

Important! The need for nutrients during pregnancy increases 2.5 times.

Experienced breeders recommend adding only B vitamins to the diet on their own, without consulting a veterinarian. It is better to buy special veterinary supplements.

Many of the vitamins needed for a dog's pregnancy are sold under the brand names:

  • Beaphar;
  • Wolmar;
  • Hokamix;
  • 8 in 1;
  • Canvit.

Some preparations are intended for certain breeds (large, medium or small), others are suitable for everyone, the dosage is selected individually, depending on the weight of the animal.

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Vitamins for pregnant small breed dogs

The main vitamin that pregnant women need is folic acid - vitamin B9. For small dogs, it is enough to provide 50 μg of this element. When selecting vitamin complexes, it is necessary to check the composition. It is undesirable for the body to receive more than 1 μg of vitamin A.

The following multivitamin complexes are suitable for small dogs:

  • Wolmar Pro Bio Booster Mini Ca;
    Booster Vitamin Complex for Small Breeds
  • Junior Cal with calcium;
    Vitamin Supplements to Replenish Calcium Deficiency
  • 8 in1 Excel Calcium small bread;
    Supplements for the correct formation of the skeleton and teeth in puppies from 8 in 1
  • Farmavit Neo from Astrafarm;
    Special vitamin complexes help to prevent hypovitaminosis, deficiency of essential minerals
  • Polivit-Ca Plus;
    Multivitamins for pregnant and lactating women
  • Akti-Dog.
    Preparation for the normalization of intestinal function in small breeds

The multicomplex Wolmar Pro Bio Booster Mini Ca is needed for the formation of healthy fetuses and the maintenance of calcium balance in the body of a pregnant female.

To saturate the puppy's body with calcium and minerals, the veterinarian may recommend Junior Cal with calcium. The dose is calculated based on weight. Small dogs need 2 tsp. in a day.

8 in1 Excel Calcium small bread can be used as an additional source of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. The drug is essential for the proper development of teeth and bones. Representatives of small breeds are given ½-1 pieces. per day, starting at 5 weeks of pregnancy.

For pregnant small dogs, Farmavit Neo from Astrafarm is suitable. It can be started at any stage of pregnancy. They are necessary to prevent hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders and reduce the likelihood of developing pathologies in puppies, and increase the viability of newborns.

Polivit-Ca Plus is given to dogs from the start of mating until the end of lactation. This complex prevents the development of metabolic disorders, deficiency of basic vitamins and minerals, increases the vitality of puppies, improves the appearance of pregnant bitches.

To normalize the intestines, you can give the puppy female Akti-Dog. It is a combination of lacto- and bifidobacteria, brewer's yeast and other supplements necessary for the body.

Vitamins for pregnant dogs of medium breeds

The following vitamins are suitable for medium-sized dogs:

  • Polivit-Ca Plus;
    Calcium preparations for puppy bitches
  • Polivit-Ca Complete Pet Care;
    Calcium Supplements
  • Unitabs MamaCare from Ecoprom;
    Multivitamin complexes for lactating and pregnant dogs
  • Excel Calcium from 8 in 1;
    A remedy for improving the general condition of pregnant dogs of different breeds
  • Junior Cal by Beaphar;
  • Top 10 with L-Carnitine by Beaphar;
    General tonic with L-picture
  • Akti-Dog for medium-sized dogs from Veda.
    A remedy for the proper functioning of the intestines during pregnancy
Attention! Vitamins are designed to normalize the metabolism in the body of a pregnant female. They contribute to the correct intrauterine development of puppies, to improve the composition of milk and stimulate its secretion after childbirth.

They should be given to pregnant bitches in 1 piece. for 5 or 10 kg of the dog's weight (depending on the drug). Each tablet of multivitamin complexes Top 10 with L-Carnitine, Polivit-Ca Plus is designed for 5 kg of body weight per day. If a pregnant female weighs 15 kg, then she needs 3 tablets per day.

Excel Calcium for medium sized breeds is given 2 tablets daily. Junior Cal can meet the daily requirement for vitamins and minerals if given in 3 tsp. daily.

Tablets Mam aCare, Polivit-Ca Complete Pet Care are given on the basis that 1 pc. goes for 10 kg of weight.

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Vitamins for pregnant dogs of large breeds

The need for vitamins, elements that large dogs experience, can be provided by adding such multivitamin complexes to their diet:

  • Wolmar Pro Bio Booster Ca;
    Mineral-amino acid complex
  • Top 10 with L-Carnitine by Beaphar;
    Vitamins for strengthening the general condition
  • Junior Cal by Beaphar;
    Mineral feed for puppies and lactating bitches
  • Excel Calcium from 8 in 1;
    Saturation of the body of puppy bitches with calcium
  • Akti-Dog from the Veda for medium and large breeds;
    Preparations for the normalization of bowel function
  • Unitabs Mama Care from Ecoprom.
    Vitamin complex for the proper formation and development of fruits

The list of vitamins for pregnant dogs of large breeds is almost the same as the list of supplements for medium-sized pregnant dogs.

Comment! The required amount of each type of fortified supplements is determined individually, depending on the weight of the animal.

How to give vitamins to a dog during pregnancy

The rules for taking vitamins depend on the type of drug and the manufacturer's recommendations. Some remedies recommend starting to give on the eve of the planned mating. But there are drugs that are best given no earlier than 5 weeks of pregnancy. Most complexes must be given before the end of the lactation period.

They are added to food or placed on the root of the dog's tongue so that it cannot spit out the tablet. Some breeders crush the tablets and put the powder in the dog's mouth.

Contraindications and side effects

Almost all multivitamin complexes have no contraindications for taking. But it is forbidden to combine them with each other, this can lead to hypervitaminosis. It is advisable to choose the most suitable remedy with a veterinarian and give it in accordance with the instructions.

The list of contraindications for taking vitamins includes only intolerance to one or more of the substances that make up them.

With individual intolerance, there is a likelihood of side effects:

  • itching of the skin, manifested by increased anxiety of the animal;
  • swelling of the nasopharynx;
  • hair loss;
  • the appearance of weeping eczema.

The greatest danger is an overdose of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, they must be given strictly according to the instructions. For example, an excess of calcium inhibits the production of parathyroid hormone and, as a result, leads to a deficiency of this element in the body, the development of eclampsia.


Vitamins for pregnant dogs are designed so that the animal can bear viable offspring and maintain its own health. It is advisable to pick them up with a veterinarian after a comprehensive check of the dog and an assessment of its condition.

Reviews of vitamins for pregnant dogs

Potapova Inessa, Moscow, 31 years old
Immediately after mating, she began to give the dog (Russian spaniel) Polivit-Ca Plus. Throughout the entire period of pregnancy and lactation, there were no problems with the animal. The girl was active and tolerated pregnancy easily.
Natalia Marmodarova, Pumice, 45 years old
I have been breeding dachshunds for over 10 years. Farmavit Neo helps to prevent complications during the gestation of puppies. One package is enough for the entire period of pregnancy.
Pastushenko Vladimir, Kursk, 37 years old
Immediately after mating, I start giving my husky vitamins Unitabs Mama Care, produced by Ecoprom. For my dog's weight, it is enough to give 2 tablets every day. She eats them with pleasure, eating them with food.
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