Vitamins for nursing mothers: what to take, reviews

Vitamins for nursing mothers often become a necessity after childbirth. The body of a woman who has given birth requires additional nutrition with useful substances. However, it is also necessary to take into account the interests of the child, vitamins should not harm the baby.

Is it possible to drink vitamins with HB

After pregnancy and childbirth, the female body especially needs nutrients. Young mothers often suffer from a lack of vitamins, and this can affect, among other things, the quality of breast milk and the health of the baby. Therefore, drinking vitamins for a nursing mother after childbirth is not only possible, but to some extent necessary. Both the woman and the baby need them.

At the same time, the use of supplements must be approached competently and carefully. Doctors do not recommend drinking vitamin complexes uncontrollably for a long time. In this case, hypervitaminosis may occur, and it is just as dangerous as the lack of valuable substances. It is best to take additional supplements on the advice of a doctor, if there is a real indication, or in the case of a poor diet.

With proper use, vitamins for HS are capable of:

  • improve immunity and protect a woman from colds;
  • normalize the metabolic system and digestion in a young mother;
  • eliminate stress and nervous tension in a woman, normalize sleep;
  • improve the quality of breast milk;
  • to strengthen the woman's skeletal system, her nails and teeth.

It is necessary to select supplements for breastfeeding in accordance with what nutrients the body lacks.

Indications for taking vitamins with hepatitis B for mom

Some women eat varied enough to get all the elements they need from their normal diet. But more often vitamins are still not enough for a young mother when breastfeeding. It is recommended to pay special attention to taking multivitamin complexes in several situations:

  1. With a meager and limited diet... If a woman consumes a total of no more than 2,000 calories per day, she may have vitamin deficiency. This amount of nutrients may be enough for one person, but a woman during lactation feeds not only herself, but also the child. With a forced or deliberate calorie deficit, the bulk of nutrients enter the child's body, but the young mother begins to suffer from anemia.
  2. In autumn and winter... It is easiest to get nutrients from food in the summer, but in the cold season, the amount of fruits, vegetables and herbs on the table is traditionally reduced. In addition, there is much less sunlight, and accordingly, the production of vitamin D decreases.
  3. With a vegetarian mother's diet... Many women try to stick to their dietary guidelines even after childbirth and do not consume animal protein. During lactation, this often leads to a deterioration in well-being, since the body begins to experience an acute shortage of certain elements.
Important! An indication for supplementation is often an allergic reaction in an infant. If the baby suffers from intolerance to a number of foods, then the diet has to be significantly revised and some fruits and vegetables removed from it. This reduces the intake of vitamins.

It is recommended to pay special attention to vitamins after childbirth while breastfeeding for symptoms such as:

  • tooth decay and hair loss;
  • increased dryness of the epidermis and brittle nails;
  • increased fatigue and weakness;
  • apathy and tendency to depression.

All of these signs indicate an acute lack of nutrients in a woman's body.

What vitamins can you drink while breastfeeding

During the period of breastfeeding, the body of a nursing mother needs all the main vitamins of different groups. But special attention should be paid to some of them:

  • vitamins of subgroup B, they are responsible for the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as for digestion and the nervous system;
  • vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system and helps fight inflammatory processes;
  • vitamins A and E, they are important for the healthy functioning of the hormonal system and for the protection of vision;
  • vitamin D, as well as calcium and phosphorus, these elements are responsible for the skeletal system.
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Also, it is necessary to add a sufficient amount of zinc, iodine and iron to the diet. Minerals are needed to prevent anemia in the mother, as well as for the good development of the baby's nervous system and his mental abilities.

What vitamins are better for nursing mothers

Several effective vitamins for nursing mothers can be purchased at pharmacies. Vitamins and minerals in them are ideally balanced and are suitable for taking according to indications during lactation. The dosages of nutrients in such complexes are small and safe, but quite sufficient for the healthy functioning of the body.


Femibion ​​capsules and tablets contain the most important vitamins C, E and B, as well as iodine and folic acid. The use of the vitamin complex helps nursing mothers avoid anemia and chronic fatigue, and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Also, while taking the drug, the condition of the skin and hair improves.

Femibion ​​is taken 1 time per day on a full stomach, and among the contraindications there is only an individual allergy.

Vitrum Prenatal Forte

The drug contains a large amount of valuable vitamin components - A and C, B, E and D3. The preparation also contains minerals iron and zinc, magnesium and calcium, elements of selenium and manganese. The use of the drug improves the appearance and emotional state of a nursing mother, prevents the development of anemia and protects the skeletal system from weakening.

You also need to take Vitrum Prenatal Forte 1 tablet per day in the morning. The complex cannot be used only for kidney stones and hypervitaminosis.

Alphabet - Mom's Health

The vitamin complex is suitable for use both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Capsules and tablets contain vitamins A, B, C and E, vitamin D and iron, copper and beta-carotene. Taking a vitamin complex helps protect against anemia and improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems in nursing mothers.

You need to consume vitamins for breastfeeding three times a day. Tablets in packages of different colors - in the morning they take an orange pill, in the afternoon, yellow, and in the evening, white. Contraindicated Alphabet - Mom's health only in the presence of allergies and an excess of vitamins in the body, in other situations you can take the drug.

Complivit Mom

The vitamin complex is specially designed for nursing mothers. The tablets contain B vitamins, vitamins A and E, C and D2. Also in the tablets are iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and chromium, calcium and manganese, phosphorus.The multivitamin complex helps to improve overall well-being after childbirth, prevent anemia and hormonal disruptions.

You need to take the drug 1 tablet a day, it is allowed for almost everyone. It is necessary to refuse the drug only in case of urolithiasis, hypersensitivity to the components and in the presence of allergies.

Multi Tabs Perinatal

The product contains vitamins A, C, E and D, as well as group B, folic acid, iron and iodine, biotin and magnesium. Multi Tabs Perinatal strengthens the immune system of nursing mothers and the skeletal system, maintains healthy hair and skin, improves metabolism, and stabilizes hormones.

Take the drug 1 tablet per day, but you cannot use the drug only if you have allergies and hypervitaminosis.

Rules for taking vitamins while breastfeeding

The specific rules for the use of vitamins during breastfeeding are detailed in the instructions for each of the drugs. But we can also note the general norms for the use of vitamin complexes:

  1. Some supplements for nursing mothers need to be drunk once a day, while others are taken twice or thrice a day. Usually, you need to drink the drugs on a full stomach or immediately before eating, drinking the tablets with plenty of water.
  2. Vitamin complexes for nursing mothers are designed to be consumed within 1 month. It is impossible to drink supplements constantly, even with a pronounced deficiency of nutrients, if too many valuable elements accumulate in the body, hypervitaminosis will occur.
  3. Nursing mothers need to drink supplements only if they have special indications - if they feel unwell, have a poor diet and in other situations. If nutrients in full come from food, then they should not be taken additionally, this will lead to an overdose.
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You need to drink only one vitamin complex at a time, without mixing the drugs with each other. Usually vitamin products are designed to fully cover the daily need for a particular substance.

Attention! If you use several vitamin complexes at once, then an excess of nutrients is formed in the body, and this will harm the health of a nursing mother.

Contraindications and side effects

Since the best vitamins for nursing mothers contain only the most valuable and necessary substances for the body, they have few contraindications. In some situations, supplementation should be avoided. In particular:

  • if you are allergic to one of the components of the vitamin complex;
  • with an excess of one or another vitamin in the body of a nursing mother;
  • with serious problems with the kidneys, gallbladder and liver.

With an excess of certain vitamins in the body, taking pharmaceutical preparations can cause negative effects. For instance:

  • excess vitamin D leads to the accumulation of excess calcium salts and to a deterioration in the state of blood vessels;
  • an increased amount of vitamin A provokes skin rashes, nausea, visual impairment and seizures;
  • excess vitamin C results in indigestion and increased nervous anxiety.

It is not recommended to consume vitamins A, E and D in too large quantities also because they can accumulate in the body and cause symptoms of intoxication.

Supplements with iodine content are most often necessary for women living in the middle lane and cold regions. If a nursing mother lives by the sea or consumes a lot of products containing iodine, then her body does not need additional supplements.

Advice! Before using the vitamin complex, you must also make sure that the baby is not allergic to one of the vitamins.

The opinion of doctors

Doctors have different opinions about whether a pregnant woman needs vitamins, or whether it is possible to get useful substances without additional supplements. Some doctors believe that a nursing mother needs to consume vitamin complexes only when there are clearly not enough nutrients in the diet.

Others argue that breastfeeding mothers in any case experience a lack of certain elements, for example, iron, the level of which decreases due to blood loss during childbirth. Also, doctors note that in order to maintain immunity and joint health, a woman needs vitamins C and A, and citrus fruits, in which these substances are contained in large volumes, are mostly contraindicated during breastfeeding.

In general, professional reviews of vitamins for nursing are positive. Doctors do not prohibit the use of multivitamin complexes, but they advise you to take them only when necessary and after consulting your doctor.


Vitamins for nursing mothers are presented in a wide variety of pharmacies. They should not be consumed unnecessarily, as this can lead to hypervitaminosis. But with a lack of valuable elements in the diet, vitamins become an irreplaceable supplement to food.

Reviews of vitamins for nursing mothers

Arsenyeva Polina Igorevna, 29 years old, Moscow
Pregnancy was pretty hard for me - my hair was falling out a lot, there was a breakdown. After giving birth, I started taking Mom's Health Alphabet and tried to diversify my diet as much as possible. In combination with a healthy diet, vitamins helped, a month later, the condition of the hair improved, vigor and good mood returned.
Stepanova Tatyana Vladimirovna, 26 years old, Yekaterinburg
After childbirth, tests showed a strong lack of hemoglobin, hair also faded, and the skin deteriorated. I tried to take Complivit Mama, although the vitamins did not give a miraculous effect, over time my condition improved. I believe that in Russian conditions, and especially in winter, vitamins for nursing mothers are simply necessary as an addition to the diet.

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