Vitamin B12 in the blood of women: the norm, lack and excess

Vitamin B12 is a component with cobalt content. The compound takes part in the synthesis of blood cells, helps to normalize metabolism, and has a positive effect on the restoration of cells of the nervous system. An alternative name is cyanocobalamin. Vitamin B12 is needed by the female body to reduce the risk of anemia progression, improve the condition of the hair and nails. Doctors prescribe a component for neuralgia, pancreatitis and many other diseases.

What is vitamin B12 for a woman's body?

There is no vitamin in nature that, when ingested, does not affect humans. B12 is required by every woman. The body can synthesize this component on its own, but only in small quantities. For the full functioning of all organs, an additive in the form of food or drugs is required.

Important! The daily intake of B12 for a woman increases during pregnancy.

This is explained by the fact that this component is required for the correct course of various chemical reactions. The benefits of vitamin B12 for women are as follows:

  1. Creation of DNA links. With an insufficient concentration of this compound, the process of transferring information between chromosomes suffers.
  2. The component is involved in brain development. Without B12, cells will not be able to divide, which will provoke a violation of all body systems.
  3. To stimulate the synthesis of red blood cells, which are involved in the transport of oxygen. With impaired blood circulation, the tissues do not receive enough energy.
  4. B12 protects liver cells from toxic substances. This includes drug components, alcoholic beverages, drugs and viruses. It also reduces the risk of gallstone formation.
  5. To protect the walls of vascular tissues, to reduce the likelihood of blockages.
  6. B12 helps to normalize the rhythm of the heart, and also strengthens muscle tissue.
  7. The component stimulates the regeneration of bone marrow cells. The compound helps to form osteoblasts. For women during menopause, B12 reduces the risk of fractures. This is explained by the fact that an insufficient number of osteoblasts provokes the formation of cavities in the bones.
  8. For women, the vitamin helps fight diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  9. To eliminate allergy symptoms.
  10. The component enhances the protection of mucous membranes.
  11. Helps fight wrinkles, pallor and dry skin. Prevents the appearance of age spots.
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Vitamin B12 norms in women

The daily norm of vitamin b12 for women is determined by age, as well as the individual characteristics of the body. In the period up to 13 years, the recommended dosage is no more than 2.2 mcg. From the age of 15, the need for B12 increases to 2.4 mcg daily.The daily dosage after reaching the age of twenty-five reaches 2.6 mcg.

In the process of carrying a child, the daily dose of vitamin B12 for women increases to 2.8 μg.

Vitamin B12 deficiency in women

An insufficient concentration of this component is the most common deficiency. It develops more often in old age or in vegetarians who do not consume animal products.

Causes of vitamin B12 deficiency in women

The main reasons for the deficiency of the component are insufficient concentration of the vitamin in foods or problems with absorption. The following categories of people are at risk:

  • patients after surgical treatment of the intestinal tract, during which part of the intestine had to be removed;
  • the elderly;
  • vegetarians;
  • taking medications, for example, metamorphine with an excessive concentration of sugar in the body, antacid medications.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in women

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in women may take several years to appear. Also, the problem of diagnosis is that there is no universal sign by which it will be possible to determine the lack of B12. The analysis of blood cells also does not guarantee an accurate diagnosis.

Doctors identify the following signs of a lack of vitamin B12 in a woman's body.

  1. Pale skin with a yellowish tinge... Yellowness is also present on the cornea of ​​the visual organs. This is explained by a decrease in the synthesis of erythrocytes. An insufficient concentration of the vitamin in a woman's body leads to the formation of unnaturally large blood cells that cannot enter the circulatory system. As a result, the skin loses its pink tint.
  2. Fast fatiguability... It develops due to anemia. With a decrease in the number of erythrocytes, the functionality of most body systems suffers. When playing sports, the effectiveness of training decreases. Lack of oxygen in muscle tissues does not allow them to realize their full potential. Oxygen is required to obtain energy from food. In the event of a lack of it, the woman's body is not able to obtain a sufficient amount of resources from food.
  3. Tingling sensation... It occurs as a result of damage to bone marrow cells. B12 takes part in the protection of nerve cells.
  4. Impaired coordination of movement... It is explained by damage to the nervous system, which leads to motor dysfunction. This symptom is more often manifested in old age or in vegetarians.
  5. Inflammatory process in the area of ​​the tongue... The affected organ changes color, there is discomfort when moving. The tongue becomes swollen and redder. Small bumps with taste buds disappear, the surface of the organ becomes smooth. One of the earliest symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency in women.
  6. Dizziness attacks, more often occur during exercise. It is explained by the insufficient amount of oxygen in the tissues. For a similar reason, shortness of breath occurs periodically. However, not in all cases these symptoms are indicative of vitamin B12 problems. Dizziness and shortness of breath are a concomitant symptom of many diseases.
  7. Deterioration of visual acuity... It is explained by damage to the optic nerve tissues. This symptom can be completely eliminated if treatment is started in a timely manner.
  8. Depression, depressive syndrome... It is characterized by an increase in homocysteine ​​in the body, which damages the brain, negatively affects the propagation of nerve impulses. Depressive syndrome occurs in many other diseases. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is strongly recommended to visit a doctor.
  9. Rare symptom - increased body temperature. Doctors cannot explain how this is related to the low concentration of vitamin B12.

The consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency for the female body

Component deficiency is a serious illness that requires early detection and treatment.Ignoring the disease or the wrong course of therapy can provoke complex consequences:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • development of hepatitis and cirrhosis, which cannot be completely eliminated:
  • in childhood, with a low concentration of B12, the risk of cerebral paralysis increases;
  • dermatitis;
  • progression of bone and joint tissue diseases;
  • radiculitis.

How to Replenish Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Women

This component is found in foods of animal origin. These are, for example, red fish, chicken, duck, eggs, as well as dairy products. Women are prescribed sports nutrition, various protein shakes, breakfast cereals.

Replenishment of the deficit primarily implies a balanced diet. It is required to add the following food products to the standard menu:

  1. Beef kidneys up to 80 g daily.
  2. Mackerel.
  3. Two eggs.
  4. Trout.
  5. 200 ml whole milk.
Important! For vegetarian women, high-vitamin-rich breakfast cereals and plant-based milk are suitable.

Also, the patient is prescribed intramuscular injections. This technique allows you to eliminate symptoms in a short period of time and fill the lack of B12 in the body. There is a low risk of an allergic reaction.

Women are prescribed vitamins with a high content of this component. For vegetarians, doctors prescribe up to 2000 mcg every 7 days. When using vitamins, it is additionally required to take probiotics, which support the microflora in the intestinal tract. If you follow the diet in combination with injections, you can make up for the lack of B12 in a short time.

Excess vitamin B12 in the blood in women

An increased concentration is no less dangerous than a lack of a component in a woman's body. In the absence of timely treatment, ignoring the symptoms, serious consequences are possible. It occurs mainly with the wrong course of treatment.

Why is vitamin B12 elevated in women

Vitamin B12 levels are not accidentally elevated. If found, the woman is sent for a comprehensive examination of the body. With a large excess of the norm, the probable cause is the progression of liver cancer.

Doctors identify several possible reasons for the increased content of B12 in the body in women:

  • hepatitis of various origins;
  • increased concentration of sugar in the body;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • leukemia;
  • the chronic nature of myeloid leukemia;
  • failure of the digestive system;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.
Important! It is impossible to ignore the increased concentration of B12 in a woman's body. It is required to determine the cause of the syndrome.

Symptoms of excess vitamin B12 in women

With a slight excess of this component, symptoms rarely appear. Most often, the disease is diagnosed randomly during a preventive examination. Doctors with an overdose of vitamin B12 in women distinguish the following symptoms:

  • frequent attacks of dizziness;
  • high blood pressure;
  • frequent insomnia;
  • rapid physical fatigue;
  • high heart rate;
  • convulsive contractions of muscle tissue in the legs;
  • attacks of nausea, in severe cases, vomiting is possible;
  • symptoms of an allergic reaction, for example, itching, redness of the skin.

With the wrong dosage of the drug, symptoms appear quite quickly. In this case, the woman develops the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations in the region of the heart;
  • nervousness;
  • irascibility;
  • hives;
  • itching of the skin;
  • disruption of the heart system;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • toxic shock.
Important! If symptoms are found, it is required to seek medical help in a short period of time.

The consequences of excess vitamin B12 in the blood in women

The increased concentration of this component increases the risk of disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the respiratory system.The likelihood of blood clots and stroke also increases. An excess of vitamin B12 in the body in women indicates serious illnesses, for this reason, the symptoms cannot be ignored.

What to do if a woman has high vitamin B12

An effective course of treatment involves eliminating the cause of a high concentration of a component in the body. They also adjust the diet, exclude all foods rich in B12 from the menu. If it is impossible to remove some of them, they are subjected to heat treatment. Under the influence of high temperatures, the vitamin compound is destroyed. Treatment is carried out in stationary conditions under the supervision of a physician.

Recommendations of doctors

To reduce the risk of increased vitamin concentration, doctors recommend following these tips.

  1. Take medication strictly according to the instructions and prescription of the doctor. Violation of dosages is unacceptable.
  2. Keep medicines out of the reach of children.
  3. Before using vitamin supplements, carefully study their composition. This will avoid taking multiple B12 supplements.
  4. If this component is deficient, replenish it by adjusting the diet.

The consequences, if left untreated, of an excess or deficiency of vitamins can seriously damage the body. In some cases, even fatal. For this reason, it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor, as well as to try to eliminate the disease on your own.


Undoubtedly, the female body needs vitamin B12, but excess or insufficient concentration is unacceptable, this has its own reasons. Before starting treatment, it is required to establish a provoking factor and only after that start therapy. If you find symptoms of an impaired level of B12 in the body, you should consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. This will allow you to start treatment in a timely manner and prevent serious consequences for the body.

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