Veronica officinalis: medicinal properties, contraindications, application, photo

When planning to harvest medicinal plants, you need to know how they look. If you need herbs that have analgesic, antitussive, anti-inflammatory effects, then you should look for a photo and description of Veronica officinalis. Outwardly, it differs from other plants of this species.

What does Veronica officinalis look like and where does it grow?

Veronica officinalis belongs to the Plantain family. She is a herbaceous perennial plant

You can meet grass on the territory of almost all of Europe, in Turkey, Iran. In Russia, it grows in the European part, and the northern regions also fall into the range. Also veronica officinalis is found in the Azores, Madeira archipelago.

The main habitats include meadows, forest glades, forest edges, mountains up to the subalpine belt. The plant is found among shrubs. It prefers unshaded areas.

Veronica officinalis grows up to 15-30 cm in height, occasionally there are specimens up to 50 cm long. Her stem is rounded, creeping, branched. It is evenly pubescent. Ascending branches extend from it. The creeping stem can take root at the nodes.

Leaves of medicinal Veronica are rough, opposite, elliptical or obovate. They can be from 1.5 to 4 cm in length, 1.5-2 cm in width. At the base, the leaves taper and turn into a hard, short stalk. Their edges are serrated-serrated or serrated. The top of the leaves can be either pointed or blunt. The surface is covered with hairs on both sides. The leaves are green in color.

The rhizome of Veronica officinalis is creeping, sinuous, and the roots are small.

The plant blooms from late May to early October. A thick peduncle emerges from the axils of the upper leaves. It is completely covered with blond hairs. The color of Veronica flowers varies from lavender to blue with dark veins. But there are white and pale pink flowers. They are collected in loose multi-flowered brushes.

In humid places, Veronica officinalis forms thickets, covering areas with a solid carpet

The chemical composition of Veronica officinalis

The beneficial properties of the herb are due to its composition. Medicinal Veronica contains:

  • carbohydrates;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • iridoids;
  • sterols;
  • saponins;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamin C;
  • tannins;
  • coumarins;
  • choline.

Trace doses of cardiac glycosides and alkaloids were identified in the composition. Beneficial substances are found in all parts of the plant.

Comment! Veronica officinalis belongs to little-studied plants. But scientists managed to find out how it affects a person.

Medicinal properties of Veronica officinalis

The substances that are in the composition of medicinal veronica have the following types of effects when ingested:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antitoxic;
  • antitussive;
  • bronchodilator;
  • analgesic;
  • hemostatic;
  • fungicidal;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • antitussive.

This is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of Veronica officinalis. It has anticonvulsant and anthelmintic effects. In case of problems with the digestive organs, the herb is used as an astringent, helps to reduce acidity, and improve the absorption of nutrients.

The plant also has an effect on carbohydrate metabolism. When infusions, decoctions from this herb are included in the diet, metabolism improves, appetite increases, and the secretion of gastric juice is stimulated.

Use infusions, decoctions from a plant for treatment:

  • respiratory tract diseases, incl. chronic;
  • dermatitis;
  • headache;
  • gastritis;
  • the initial stage of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rheumatism;
  • fungal skin infections.
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Medicinal Veronica is recommended for problems with the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder. As an external agent, it is used to treat boils, burns, festering wounds.

The herb has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. It is recommended for patients with anxiety disorders of the psyche, insomnia, problems with memory and concentration.

The use of the herb Veronica officinalis in folk medicine

Fans of non-traditional methods of treatment use medicinal herbs in the form of aqueous and alcoholic infusions, decoctions, juice, powder. In Russia, official medicine does not use Veronica medicinal, and in the countries of Western Europe, you can find funds produced on its basis.

For the preparation of infusions, oils, decoctions, powder, pre-dried Veronica officinalis is used


To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. dried Veronica officinalis, the plant is poured with 200 ml of cold water. Bring the liquid to a boil and let it brew for 30 minutes in a thermos or a saucepan wrapped in a towel.

It is recommended to use the remedy for patients who have:

  • indigestion caused by a malfunction of the small intestine;
  • acidity gastritis;
  • dry, prolonged cough;
  • headaches caused by nervous strain;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • neurological disorders;
  • prolonged insomnia;
  • anorexia.

Women are advised to take the infusion to eliminate premenstrual syndrome and climacteric disorders. It has a positive effect on the condition in inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Important! Most often, Veronica drug is recommended for respiratory diseases. The herb has antispasmodic, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The prepared infusion should be drunk in 100-120 ml three times a day.


For external use, traditional healers advise using an alcoholic tincture from Veronica officinalis; for its preparation, the grass is preliminarily ground. For 1 glass of fresh raw materials, the same amount of alcohol is required. The tincture is prepared for 10 days in a dark place. After passing the specified period, the liquid is filtered. Before use, add the same amount of alcohol to it and filter it.

Use a tincture of Veronica officinalis to treat the skin for dermatological diseases. Shake it before use.

You can also make a juice-based tincture. For this, 100 ml of squeezed juice is mixed with the same volume of alcohol. The liquid should be infused for 10 days. After passing the specified period, it should be filtered through cotton wool. After that, add another 100 ml of alcohol and strain again. It is advisable to pour 10 ml of Peruvian balsam into the prepared mixture.

Use the tincture to treat the skin, including the scalp. It is recommended for cuts, bruises, itching, minor injuries. Apply it in the form of washes and compresses. The product is pre-diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio.


For diseases of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, you can use a decoction of Veronica officinalis. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes.

Take the broth should be 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. It is also added to the baths. It has a positive effect on the skin condition of patients with diathesis, fungal infections, eczema, rash, purulent ulcers.

Dried and crushed herb of medicinal Veronica is used to prepare decoctions, before use, the liquid must be filtered


Not only infusions and decoctions, but also oil can be made from Veronica officinalis. To prepare it, 50 g of herbs are poured into 50 ml of olive oil. The product should be infused for at least 2 weeks in a warm place. Shake it periodically. The filtered oil should be applied to leather.

Attention! The remedy is recommended for sunburn. The affected areas should be lubricated with oil extract.


If the dried grass is crushed, then a powder can be made. It is used as a remedy for diaper rash. The powder is used for excessive sweating of the legs. To do this, it is poured into socks and put on them at night. A course of 10 days is enough to get rid of the problem.

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The use of Veronica officinalis in cosmetology

The plant is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Thanks to its astringent and antifungal properties, the herb helps to get rid of dandruff. For medicinal purposes, alcohol tincture is used. It is rubbed into the skin after each shampooing until the dandruff disappears.

But this is not the only benefit of Veronica officinalis. Cosmetologists advise people with oily skin to use the herb. You can improve her condition if you wash your face with the prepared infusion twice a day.

To get rid of acne, acne, it is recommended to make a mask from the following components:

  • 2 tbsp. l. decoction of Veronica officinalis;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • crushed oatmeal.

The mixture should turn out to be viscous, creamy. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes.


Despite all the medicinal properties of Veronica, it is forbidden to use the herb with contraindications. It is not recommended to take preparations based on the plant:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • hypotonic;
  • patients with severe heart disease;
  • people with individual intolerance.

You can use herbs during pregnancy and lactation only on the advice of a doctor. Self-treatment with folk methods during these periods is prohibited.

In case of allergy to various medicinal plants, food products, use infusions, decoctions with caution. If any undesirable reactions appear, their use should be discarded immediately.

Collection and preparation of grass

You can collect medicinal Veronica throughout the entire flowering period, but it is best to do this in June. During this period, the inflorescences are already formed, but there are no dry leaves yet. The morning hours are considered the optimal period for collecting raw materials. It is better to choose the time when the dew has already disappeared, the temperature outside is 16-20 ° C, and the humidity is 60-80%.

Herbalists recommend harvesting all ground parts of the plant without separating into components.

The collected raw materials must be dried in a shaded, cool place. The plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Important! If the leaves have turned black, then they cannot be used. They should turn pale green.

In special dryers, the raw materials are kept for several hours at a temperature of 35-40 ° C. Readiness is evidenced by the appearance of a pleasant smell, not characteristic of fresh grass. When dry, the plant loses about 80% of its mass.

You can store properly dried Veronica officinalis for 2 years. It is better to keep it in linen bags or glass containers.


A photo and description of Veronica officinalis will help novice herbalists find this plant and collect it on their own.Harvested and dried raw materials can be used to treat diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory system, kidneys, and liver. Many people use it to improve skin condition, get rid of dandruff.

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