Eye drops with hyaluronic acid: a review of inexpensive drugs, application, reviews

Hyaluronic acid is successfully used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. This is due to the moisturizing properties of the substance. Ophthalmologists often prescribe eye drops with hyaluronic acid, which can eliminate discomfort in various pathologies.

The drugs are prescribed for prophylactic purposes, for example, when wearing contact lenses

Benefits of hyaluronic acid moisturizing eye drops

The use of hyaluronate is due to its ability not only to attract, but also to hold water molecules. Medications intended for eye instillation do not contain pure hyaluronate due to drug interactions.

The following useful properties of drops containing hyaluronic acid are called:

  • moisturizing and softening the cornea;
  • healing of superficial microcracks and injuries;
  • elimination of redness, dryness and discomfort;
  • protection of the eyeball due to the formation of a thin film;
  • getting rid of fatigue due to prolonged visual stress;
  • increasing the bioavailability of the substances that make up medicines.
Important! Despite the synthetic origin of hyaluronate, the substance is considered safe for the eyes.

Drops based on hyaluronic acid are prescribed for people with allergic reactions and using contact lenses.

Drops containing hyaluronate are ideal for moisturizing mucous membranes in the following cases:

  • the development of the so-called "dry eye" syndrome;
  • long-term work at the computer;
  • constant use of optical products;
  • the recovery period after eye surgery for tissue regeneration.
Attention! Dry eye symptoms include redness, burning, and vascularity. Drops based on hyaluronic acid are recommended for people who work in hazardous environments.

Hyaluronic acid eye drop names

Hyaluronate is found in some medications for the eyes. Their use is prescribed by a specialist.


Inexpensive Russian drops contain hyaluronic acid and D-panthenol. The drug can be used while wearing contact lenses. In this case, before using them, it is necessary to apply 1 drop of the solution to the surface of the product.

Inexpensive drops with hyaluronic acid are good for the eyes


The medication is produced in Italy. It contains hyaluronic acid in the form of sodium salt and boric acid. Drops are used to relieve discomfort and dry eyes by providing the necessary moisture. The drug is suitable for use at any age. Eye drops with hyaluronic acid without preservatives are prescribed for both adults and children.

Prescription in childhood is carried out exclusively after visual examination and consultation with an ophthalmologist

Hilo dresser

German drops contain sodium hyaluronate as an active ingredient. The solution is suitable for use with contact lenses.To protect the medicine from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms and air, the bottle is equipped with silver-coated reservoirs and valves.

The solution is highly effective


The drug is produced in Germany and includes an active ingredient - sodium hyaluronate. The advantage of the drug lies in the possibility of choosing different forms for ease of use.

The bottle contains 10 ml of solution


Hyaluronic acid drops were developed in Ireland. The solution effectively moisturizes the eyes due to its prolonged action. The tool can be used from 3 years of age.

Eye drops are contraindicated when diagnosing closed glaucoma, corneal dystrophy


The Russian drug includes not only hyaluronic, but also succinic acid. This combination increases the effectiveness of the drops, which helps to eliminate discomfort and dry eyes.

Moisturizing solution promotes oxygenation

How to use hyaluronic acid eye drops

The list of hyaluronic acid eye drops includes various preparations. The effectiveness of their use depends on compliance with the rules for the use of medicines containing hyaluronate. 1-2 drops of the drug are injected into the so-called conjunctival sac. The number of sessions is 2 to 3 times.

Attention! A bottle of eye drops should be opened with thoroughly washed hands.

Instillation is performed from a lying, standing or sitting position. The head needs to be tilted back, while looking up. The lower eyelid should be gently pulled back and the upper fold of the eye raised. The bubble is held with 2 fingers, keeping a distance of 4 cm from the eyes. To release the required amount of solution, the bottle must be squeezed. Instillation is performed in the resulting pocket.

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The eyes should be closed and the inner corners should be pressed with the index finger for 20 seconds. This action prevents drops of hyaluronic acid from flowing out and contributes to an even distribution of the solution. After the session, the remnants of the drug are removed with a clean napkin.

Important! When performing the procedure, it is necessary to avoid touching the dropper bottle and the mucous membrane of the eyes. The drug vial is intended for individual use.


Compliance with certain rules will avoid unpleasant consequences and increase the efficiency of procedures. It is forbidden to use one bottle by several patients at the same time.

The drug is stored in a dark place at a temperature that does not exceed 25 ° C. Attention should be paid to the shelf life of individual medicinal products, which may not exceed 1 to 6 months after opening the bottle.

Drops with hyaluronic acid are sold from pharmacies without a prescription from an ophthalmologist. However, their use is recommended only after consulting a specialist.

Contraindications and side effects

Ophthalmologists emphasize that eye products with hyaluronic acid differ in the minimum number of contraindications:

  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity reactions to drug components.

It is noteworthy that side effects are quite rare and include:

  • burning in the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids and face;
  • swelling.
Important! Usually, undesirable effects are associated with the use of solutions with a tendency to allergic reactions.


Eye drops with hyaluronic acid are prescribed to eliminate the discomfort caused by dryness of the eyes. The use of medications is possible when wearing contact lenses, which is their advantage.

Reviews about drops for eyes with hyaluronic acid

Reviews contain information about cheap and expensive eye drops with hyaluronic acid.

Ksenia Vitalievna Babitskaya, 27 years old, Stavropol
I started using Stillavit 2 months ago as directed by a doctor. Prior to that, she was constantly tormented by redness and fatigue of the eyes, which are visible externally. The drug is absolutely safe. It should be used three times a day as needed. The advantage lies in the absence of addiction and elimination of discomfort.
Valentina Iosifovna Todorevich, 45 years old, Minsk
I wear lenses all the time because of poor vision. To eliminate discomfort, I purchased various drugs that differed in price category. I have been using Proactive for a long time. The solution is budgetary and copes well with dry, redness of the eyes.
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