Vitamin E for conceiving a child: how to take, when to drink, dosage, reviews

Vitamin E is of great importance in planning pregnancy, as it increases the chances of successful conception and improves the health of men and women. It must be taken according to all the rules and in moderate dosages.

How does vitamin E affect the conception of a child

It is necessary to start preparing for the birth of a child even before conception. According to the doctors' recommendations, parents should think closely about their own health at the moment of making a decision about childbirth. Both the woman and the man need to sensibly assess the quality of their daily menu, change their lifestyle if necessary, and also start drinking vitamin supplements for the full functioning of the body.

When planning pregnancy, any nutrients play an important role and should be present in the diet. But special attention is paid to vitamin E, or tocopherol. The effect of vitamin E on conception is expressed in the fact that this substance:

  • helps to avoid inflammatory processes in the body;
  • promotes rapid cell rejuvenation;
  • regulates the level of progesterone - reduces the activity of the uterus and prepares the mammary glands for lactation;
  • promotes the formation of healthy eggs in women and active sperm in men;
  • prevents ovarian dysfunction or helps treat it;
  • stimulates the proper development of the uterus and prevents the occurrence of ailments;
  • improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs in men and women - this contributes to successful conception when planning pregnancy.
Tocopherol Plays a Critical Role for Conception
Important! The normal level of a nutrient in a woman's body is also important in the actual onset of pregnancy. Tocopherol contributes to the healthy development of the embryo and also participates in the formation of the placenta.

Vitamin E norm during pregnancy planning

Vitamin E should be taken in accordance with the recommended dosages, which may change when planning conception and pregnancy.

On average, the usual daily dosage is 10-20 mg of the substance. When planning pregnancy, it is allowed to increase the daily rate up to 100 mg. However, the decision on the exact dosage should be made by the doctor - before starting to use vitamin E, a woman and a man in any case need to be tested and listen to the recommendations of a specialist.

The norms for planning pregnancy depend on the state of health, on the needs of a particular organism, on the susceptibility of a woman or man to this substance.

Vitamin E deficiency during pregnancy

If you do not consume vitamin E during planning, then already in the early stages of bearing a child, a deficiency of this component may occur.The body of a woman is very actively consuming nutrients during pregnancy, so vitamin deficiency develops even with good nutrition.

A deficiency of a valuable compound leads to very serious disorders in the body

Symptoms of a lack of tocopherol in the body are:

  • deterioration of hair and dry skin;
  • muscle weakness and feeling of apathy;
  • violation of skin sensitivity, frequent goosebumps, deterioration of limb obedience;
  • age spots and freckles that suddenly appear on the face and body;
  • decreased memory and deterioration in mental activity, visual and hearing impairment.

A significant lack of a useful substance negatively affects the reproductive system. During the planning period of pregnancy and during the carrying of a child, this is especially dangerous, since it prevents conception, and after that it increases the threat of miscarriage and provokes the development of intrauterine disorders in the child.

How to take vitamin E when planning a pregnancy

It is necessary to use the substance during the planning of conception in accordance with the rules. Then the substance will be beneficial and increase the likelihood of a quick and trouble-free pregnancy.

Dosage and rules of admission for women

The average daily dosage for women is up to 20 mg of the beneficial substance and not less than 10 mg. First of all, during the planning period for the baby and before the start of pregnancy, you need to take tests and consult a doctor to find out how great the body's need for tocopherol is. Depending on the test indications, the dosage of vitamin E during conception may remain normal or increase, no more than up to 100 mg.

As a rule, when planning a pregnancy, doctors prescribe complex multivitamins to patients, where tocopherol is only one of the components. But with a pronounced deficiency, tocopherol can be prescribed in a separate order. In any case, it is recommended to take it twice a day, halving the daily rate.

It is recommended for women to consume the substance with food. Because tocopherol is a fat-soluble compound, it is best absorbed when taken with fatty foods, such as salads containing vegetable oil.

Tocopherol is not absorbed simultaneously with iron, and must be consumed separately
Attention! Vitamin E should be taken separately from preparations with a high iron content. The mineral compound destroys tocopherol, so you need to take a break of at least 4 hours between taking useful drugs.

Dosage and rules of admission for men

During the planning period, tocopherol plays an invaluable role for the male body. With a deficiency of tocopherol, the reproductive system of men suffers, the quality of the genetic material decreases and the activity of spermatozoa worsens. Accordingly, when planning a child, the expectant father should pay attention to vitamin E in the same way as the mother before pregnancy.

The dosage of vitamin E for men when planning pregnancy is slightly higher - the maximum daily allowance is 300 mg. However, the exact volumes during the planning of the child should also be determined by the doctor; it is undesirable to prescribe them yourself. In what quantities a man should use the supplement depends on the state of his body, on the variety of the diet. The presence or absence of bad habits matters, for example, smokers often have low vitamin E levels.

Men should take the supplement as directed by a doctor in the same way as women - with meals and preferably at the same time as fatty foods.

How much vitamin E to take when planning pregnancy

When planning a child, you need to start taking vitamin E in advance - six months before the likely conception, and in any case no later than 90 days.

The duration of admission is determined individually.As a rule, women and men need to drink vitamin E for 1-2 months, since the substance accumulates in the body, taking too long without interruptions can lead to hypervitaminosis. But according to individual indications, the periods of use of the drug can be extended - the doctor must make a decision about this.

Use healthy supplements for a limited time before conception

Women are recommended to start taking vitamin E before conception from the first day of the monthly cycle. This allows you to maximize the possible deficiency of tocopherol in the body.

Can I continue taking it during pregnancy

As a rule, after conception, already during pregnancy, women continue to take the supplement in the dosages indicated by the doctor. At the same time, daily norms can be increased up to 200-300 mg, the body consumes nutrients more actively, therefore, they should be supplied in larger quantities than during the planning period.

Advice! As for men, they are allowed to stop taking vitamin E after conception. However, when taking care of your health, you should not completely abandon tocopherol - it is better to still regularly drink it in short courses.

Vitamin E preparations

There are a lot of multivitamin preparations containing tocopherol in pharmacies. But when planning conception, doctors often prescribe the simplest and most budgetary funds for men and women.


The vitamin preparation contains only 2 active ingredients - vitamins E and A. It is usually used to improve the health of skin and hair. However, with a deficiency of E, the drug Aevit can be used in the same way during the planning period of a child.

You need to drink the supplement strictly according to the instructions and in accordance with the instructions of the doctor. At the same time, there is one feature - when pregnancy occurs, the drug must be stopped immediately and, if necessary, switch to other drugs containing tocopherol. The fact is that vitamin A, which is present in Aevit, in excess quantities during pregnancy can be harmful.

Vitamin E from Zentiva

A very simple supplement with a single active ingredient is sold under the name Vitamin E. The drug from the Zentiva brand is available in the form of capsules with an oil solution.

Take the drug in accordance with the instructions, 1-2 capsules per day immediately after meals. Monovitamin is convenient because it allows you to increase the level of tocopherol in the body without increasing the volume of other vitamin substances.

Foods containing vitamin E

During the period of planning a child and after the actual onset of pregnancy, doctors recommend getting useful substances primarily from products. Vitamin supplements should only become an auxiliary source of a valuable substance.

The required compound is present in large quantities in the following products:

  • oils of natural plant origin - in cottonseed, corn, soybeans, from wheat germ;
  • in legumes and nuts;
  • in fresh greens;
  • in salmon and pike perch;
  • in eels and squids;
  • in dried apricots and prunes;
  • in oatmeal.
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Also, a useful substance is present in butter and margarine, hard cheese, cottage cheese and milk. A certain amount of tocopherol when planning a child can be obtained from pork meat, chicken and quail eggs, calf liver, beef and chicken.

The bulk of the valuable substance should be obtained from the daily diet.

Symptoms of an excess of vitamin E

Tocopherol, when consumed in excess, is able to accumulate in the body and provoke the onset of hypervitaminosis. Vitamin E should be used with caution when planning pregnancy. Overdose symptoms do not appear immediately, since at first the vitamin is deposited in adipose tissue and simply leads to weight gain.

But if the excess of tocopherol turns out to be too strong, then the following negative signs may appear:

  • increased uterine tone;
  • bleeding tendency and deterioration of blood clotting;
  • disorders of the nervous system - insomnia, irritability and frequent emotional swings;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • headaches and indigestion.

Also, long-term overdose can negatively affect the liver and kidneys and impair the excretory capacity of the body.

If alarming symptoms appear, tocopherol intake should be stopped immediately. If the hypervitaminosis has not had time to develop properly, then the side effects go away quickly enough, as the vitamin is removed from the body.


Tocopherol is a compound strictly necessary for human health. Therefore, in certain quantities, it is needed by all women when planning conception and during pregnancy.

But in some conditions, additional intake of tocopherol may be contraindicated. It is not recommended to consume a useful substance:

  • with hypersensitivity to vitamin compounds;
  • with cardiosclerosis;
  • in the presence of myocardial infarction in the past.

Consulting a doctor when planning a child will help to establish whether a woman has contraindications, and whether she can take pharmaceuticals containing tocopherol.

Even the most valuable substances have certain contraindications.


Vitamin E is one of the most important when planning pregnancy, as it affects reproductive functions. Competent use of drugs with tocopherol increases the chances of quick and successful conception.

Reviews on taking vitamin E when planning pregnancy

Ilyina Maria Viktorovna, 28 years old, Moscow
When planning conception, after the tests, it turned out that tocopherol is in short supply both in me and in my husband. For 2 months, they took vitamin E in capsules, then took a break, and a month later the test showed the onset of pregnancy. I think that taking a vitamin helped speed up conception.
Serova Irina Nikolaevna, 25 years old, Stavropol
We are at the planning stage right now, the doctor prescribed vitamin E for both me and my husband. Although our diet is quite varied, I think that the supplement will be beneficial. For myself, I already feel an improvement in well-being - vigor has increased, the condition of the skin has become better.

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