Hyaluronic acid in Vitamir tablets: instructions and reviews

Youthfulness and beauty of the skin largely depend on a sufficient amount of hyaluronic acid. The substance is responsible for the hydration of the skin, the flexibility of the joints. Its entry into the body is carried out using various methods. The drugs are intended for both oral and external use. Reviews of Vitamir hyaluronic acid indicate the effectiveness of a dietary supplement.

Pros and cons of hyaluronic acid Vitamir

The peculiarity of the substance is the retention of a significant amount of water, which is many times the own weight of the molecule. It allows you to maintain skin tone and smoothness. Hyaluronate is an adhesive, framework and mesh for the epidermis. He is responsible for the correct arrangement and structure of cells. The component helps to stimulate cell division, which leads to skin regeneration. With an increase in their number, the intercellular space is filled and the loss of moisture through the skin decreases.

The substance has unique viscoelastic properties, provides lubrication of the articular surfaces, reduces friction and facilitates sliding

Hyaluronic acid is the main component of the intercellular structures in cartilage tissue. It is produced by the synovial membrane of the joints as the main constituent of the fluid.

Attention! As we age, the amount of hyaluronate in the body decreases. The reduction occurs under the influence of bad habits, ultraviolet rays.

The benefits of Vitamir are the following effects:

  • improving the tone of the skin;
  • relieving joint pain;
  • maintaining visual acuity, reducing eye fatigue;
  • wound healing;
  • excretion of waste products of the body;
  • prevention of climacteric disorders.
Important! The effectiveness of hyaluronate is increased by the simultaneous intake of collagen.

The composition of hyaluronic acid Vitamir

Vitamir contains 150 mg of hyaluronate. Each pack contains 30 tablets. The active substance is hyaluronic acid in the form of sodium hyaluronate.

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The composition also differs in the presence of the following components:

  • MCC or microcrystalline cellulose;
  • stabilizer (stearic acid);
  • hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, or HPMC, which is a thickening agent;
  • polyethylene glycol 6000, or glazing;
  • titanium dioxide - dye.

Why is hyaluronic acid Vitamir useful?

Each Vitamir tablet contains 150 mg of hyaluronic acid. The drug provides an anti-aging effect, helps to moisturize joints and skin. Regular use of the product increases the flexibility of the musculoskeletal system, maintains water balance in the body. A significant amount of the substance is contained in the skin (up to 50%), articular fluid, vitreous body of the eye.

Important! Sodium hyaluronate is an additional source of hyaluronic acid.

Indications for the use of hyaluronic acid Vitamir

The dietary supplement is recommended for taking courses to replenish the substance in the body. Its use is prescribed after 25-30 years in connection with physiological aging. With dry skin, impaired flexibility of the joints, Vitamir can be taken at a younger age. Sodium hyaluronate, which is an analogue of hyaluronic acid, helps to restore adequate hydration of the skin, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Instructions for hyaluronic acid Vitamir

Tablets (150 mg) have a round biconvex shape. They are coated in white and have a neutral taste and odor.

One tablet meets the daily requirement for hyaluronic acid. The therapeutic course is up to 2 months.


The product should not be used if there are contraindications. The treatment course does not exceed 3 months.

Contraindications and side effects

Hyaluronic acid Vitamir maintains water balance. With a lack of substance, the appearance of wrinkles and dullness of the skin is observed. It is known that the elasticity of the skin and their smoothness depend on elastin as well as collagen. Vitamir helps to keep fibers in an adequate condition. The protective function is manifested in the prevention of the development of arthritis.

Contraindications include:

  • children up to age 18;
  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • exacerbation of herpesvirus infection;
  • malignant tumors;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • hypersensitivity reactions;
  • the use of drugs affecting blood clotting;
  • diabetes;
  • HIV or AIDS.
Important! Undesirable effects include possible addiction to the intake of a substance, which can adversely affect its natural synthesis in the body.


Reviews of Vitamir hyaluronic acid are mostly positive. The biologically active additive has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the musculoskeletal system.

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Reviews of hyaluronic acid tablets Vitamir

The reviews contain information about the benefits of using Vitamir hyaluronic acid for the skin and joints.

Tatyana Vladimirovna Pochikovskaya, 30 years old, Moscow
Recently, I noticed the appearance of skin flabbiness, a decrease in its tone and dryness. I heard about the effectiveness of using drugs with hyaluronic acid. Stopped on Vitamir dietary supplement. At the moment I have been taking pills for a month and a half. The result is noticeable: dryness disappeared, the skin became denser.
Victoria Sergeevna Trofimova, 37 years old, Brest
From time to time I drink Vitamir to saturate the skin with the necessary moisture. The course of treatment should be at least 3 months. To increase efficiency, I follow the drinking regimen. I take hyaluron strictly on an empty stomach.
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