
Vitamins Aleran: reviews, composition, instructions
As evidenced by reviews of vitamins for hair growth Aleran, a dietary supplement to food can effectively cope with hair loss ...
Vitamins for pregnant women Solgar: reviews, instructions
Since 1947, vitamins for pregnant women Solgar have been on sale. This dietary supplement is the source of most of the ...
Thyroid vitamins for women: for prevention, with hypothyroidism, after removal
Dysfunction of the thyroid gland is associated with a lack of nutrients. With the weakening of the endocrine system, there is a rapid deterioration in general well-being, a decrease in performance. Person...
Undevit: instructions, composition, side effects, reviews of doctors
Among the many vitamin complexes, Undevit is popular. The remedy tones and strengthens the body, helps to normalize metabolic processes, the work of the glands. Instructions for ...
The best vitamins for facial skin beauty: what reviews are needed
Vitamins for youthful skin may be required at any age - many factors affect the condition of the epidermis. For vitamins to be beneficial, ...
Thiamin (vitamin B1): which foods contain, daily intake
Well-being and adequate functioning of organs and systems of the body ensures the supply of a sufficient amount of useful substances, one of which is thiamine ...
Vitamins for pregnant dogs of small, medium and large breeds
Breeders should pay special attention to the issue of feeding females in position. Veterinarians recommend including vitamins for pregnant dogs in the diet. They...
Gendevit: instructions for use, reviews of doctors
Gendevit is produced by a domestic pharmaceutical company. The drug belongs to multivitamins. It is prescribed as a prophylaxis for women at the stage of gestation and ...
Vitamins after binge or long-term alcohol intake
Alcohol causes serious harm to the body when consumed in significant quantities. Under the influence of toxins, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted due to poisoning ...
Hexavit: instructions for use, analogues, reviews
Hexavit is considered a multivitamin complex, the use of which allows to eliminate the symptoms of deficiency of certain trace elements in a short period of time. The drug was created under the guidance of ...


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