Vitamins Aleran: reviews, composition, instructions

As evidenced by reviews of vitamins for hair growth Aleran, a dietary supplement to food can effectively cope with hair loss and restore their health.

For the beauty of hair, the body needs vitamins and minerals

Dry brittle hair, excessive hair loss, baldness are just the main reasons to seek professional help. Cosmetics will help mask the problem, but Aleran's vitamin and mineral complex is able to cope with it from the inside.

Features of vitamins for hair Aleran

Alerana multivitamin complex was developed by the Russian company "Vertex". The drug has passed clinical trials, proving the effectiveness of admission in the vast majority of cases.

Alerana is not a drug, it belongs to the group of dietary supplements. Available in tablets, divided for reception on a day / night basis.

This division made it possible to take into account the compatibility of the components with each other and thus have the most qualitative effect on the health of the hair.

The human body independently synthesizes only some vitamins: A, PP, D, and in small quantities some elements of group B. The intake of other substances important for health should be entrusted to multivitamin dietary supplements.

Tablets recommended for administration in the morning are in a white shell, evening tablets are in maroon color. This solution helps to avoid confusion when taking the product.

One package of a multivitamin preparation contains 60 tablets, designed for a course of one month. Usually this time is sufficient to improve the condition of the hair and accelerate its growth.

Vitamin and mineral complex includes 18 active ingredients

Composition of Aleran vitamins

The composition of the tablets is different. The product contains vitamins and microelements necessary to restore hair health. Not all substances are synthesized in the human body. By introducing vitamin-containing products into the diet, it is far from always possible to solve the problem of a lack of one or another element.

Therefore, taking multivitamins is the right decision in a number of cases, including in case of malnutrition of the scalp and alopecia (baldness).

Aleran's vitamins for hair have a complex composition. White tablets (day) include different components.

Components of tablets VMK Alerana day

Effects on the body

Beta carotene (precursor to vitamin A)

Provides health of skin, vision, mucous membranes. Nourishes and restores the hair structure along its entire length. It is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamin B1 (thiamin)

Responsible for the biochemical processes of the body, normalizes lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. An important link in intercellular processes.


Responsible for protein nutrition of cells, maintains the health of the hair structure, and normalizes redox processes.


Promotes the absorption of vitamins, participates in the construction of protein molecules and their transportation, removes decay products, minimizes the causes of alopecia due to nervous disorders.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid)

Participates in the synthesis of protein and amino acids, due to the production of melanin, prevents the appearance of early gray hair.

Vitamin E (as alpha-tocopherol)

Participates in intercellular metabolism, has a pronounced antioxidant property. Irritates dormant follicles, thereby activating hair growth, nourishes them from root to tip.


Provides nutrients to cells, has a powerful antioxidant effect. Enhances the action of folic acid.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Responsible for the redox balance in the body, produces enzymes, serotonin, collagen, interferon. Provides microcirculation in the layers of the epidermis.

Due to the balanced composition of nutrients in "day" tablets, microcirculation and nutrition of the scalp improve, which leads to the activation of hair growth and restoration of their structure.

Aleran vitamins are divided by color into two groups - day and night

Composition of burgundy tablets (night):

Components of tablets VMK Alerana night

Effects on the body


Cystine (sulfur-containing amino acid)

It improves the absorption of nutrients inside the cell, reduces the harmful effects of tobacco and alcohol on the body, and is a powerful antioxidant. It removes toxins, slows down the aging process, stimulates the growth of nails and hair, prevents adverse external factors from affecting the hair.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Promotes the synthesis of folic acid, activates vitamin B6, is responsible for redox reactions, improves the condition of the mucous membranes, nourishes the follicles, maintains the health of hair and nails.


Regulates metabolism, normalizes the thyroid gland, breaks down excess fats, promotes the elimination of salts of heavy metals and isotopes. Provides the hair follicle with nutrients.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Promotes assimilation magnesium, activates metabolic processes between lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and amino acids. Prevents dryness of the bulb, provides its nutrition.

Vitamin B5 (as D-pantothenate)

Participates in fat metabolism, in oxidation-reduction processes. Strengthens hair, restoring its trophism and structure.


Improves the absorption of iron, calcium and other trace elements by the body. It helps to improve the condition of blood vessels, accelerates metabolism. It is responsible for the synthesis of collagen, improves the condition of the hair, gives it shine and shine.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Provides the body with meteonine, participates in metabolic processes, restores hair along its entire length.


Promotes the absorption of vitamins, provides immune protection, is responsible for the health of the skin, participates in the production of hormones.

Vitamin B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid)

The element is assigned a leading role in the synthesis of amino acids, the breakdown and absorption of protein, contributes to the normal course of metabolic processes with the participation of folic acid. Heals the scalp, increasing its tone.

Vitamin B7 (biotin)

Promotes collagen production, enhances the role of B vitamins (B - B5, B12), acts as a source of sulfur, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the skin, nails and hair. Delivers nutrients to the scalp.

Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)

Promotes the absorption of salts, ions. Participates in the synthesis of calcitriol, which regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. Strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of skin diseases.

In addition to vitamins, it is important to consume foods rich in valuable substances to improve hair health.

Separating vitamins and minerals in this way allows you to get the most out of each element.

Important! If in one of the groups (day or night) there is an element that causes an allergic reaction, it is allowed to take only day or night tablets for hair growth and protection against hair loss.

Indications for use

The Aleran vitamin-mineral complex is recommended in cases where the body has a lack of elements that help maintain healthy hair. Indications for the use of dietary supplements Aleran:

  • excessive hair loss, decreased density;
  • lack of shine, brittle hair, split ends, difficulty in combing;
  • all types of seborrhea (dandruff);
  • early appearance of gray hair;
  • slow or lack of hair growth;
  • alopecia in men and women (baldness) and prevention of a phenomenon caused by hereditary factors;
  • violation of microcirculation of the scalp.

In addition, vitamins from Aleran's hair loss are used to restore hair in alopecia against the background of diseases of the internal organs and the endocrine system.

VMC experts advise taking not only women. Alerana is an effective remedy for the prevention of hair loss in men, which occurs at the gene level.

Contraindications for use

Aleran's IUD is not prescribed for women during pregnancy and lactation. The agent is not recommended for use in those patients who react negatively to zinc. This usually manifests itself in dyspeptic symptoms, intestinal disorders.

Recommended reading:  Why does the body need zinc, where it is contained, the daily rate

Contraindications to taking dietary supplements are:

  • age up to 14 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the complex;
  • a history of hormone-dependent tumors;
  • pulmonary hypertension of the second type.

You can not take the drug if a person has an excess of one of the elements.

How to take vitamins for Aleran's hair growth

The rules of admission and precautions are described in detail in the package insert accompanying the packaging of the product.

Reception of Aleran's IUD has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the hair, but also on the entire body.

The drug should be taken as described in the instructions, twice a day. The white tablet should be taken in the morning with breakfast or after it, washed down with water. Alerana is a fairly large tablet. You can facilitate the reception by grinding them.

The second reception is designed for the evening. The burgundy pill is taken after dinner or before bedtime.

The course of admission is 1 month. If during this period there are no visible changes, the course is increased to 3 months. After the vitamin therapy, you should take a break.

Experts recommend using Aleran's IUD for no more than 3 courses per year. Before and after taking dietary supplements, it is necessary to control the content of vitamins in order to avoid an excess of any of the elements.

Lack of vitamins and minerals negatively affects the health of the body as a whole. But the excess of these substances also becomes a problem for the body.


Despite the fact that Aleran's IUD is not a drug and is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription, you should consult your doctor before taking vitamins.

A trichologist will help to assess the condition of the hair, to determine the cause of the problem. If there is no possibility of visiting a narrow-profile specialist, you can contact a therapist, and in some cases you will need an endocrinologist's consultation.

Before using Aleran's vitamins for hair growth, it is necessary to conduct clinical blood tests, which will help identify a lack or excess of vitamins. With an increased content of any of the components, the agent is not recommended.

In some cases, it is permissible to take pills only day or night. The patient's desire to restore lost hair health must be approved by the physician.

Important! In some cases, after taking the dietary supplement Aleran, withdrawal cider may occur.At the same time, after the completion of the course, the condition of the hairline quickly returns to that which was noted before the start of treatment.

To avoid such regression, shortly before the end of the course intake, foods rich in vitamins and microelements that make up the drug should be introduced into the diet.

A rash that appears on the face indicates intolerance to one or more components of the multivitamin

It should also be noted that potato starch, silicon dioxide, cellulose, potassium stearate are used as auxiliary substances in the dietary supplement. These substances can also cause allergic reactions in patients.

Side effects of Aleran vitamins

According to reviews of those who took a course of vitamins for Aleran's hair, the remedy is well tolerated, and side effects are quite rare. The negative effect of dietary supplements can manifest itself in the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the face;
  • cough;
  • rhinitis;
  • rash and skin irritation.

All these symptoms indicate an individual intolerance. If there are signs of allergy, it is recommended to immediately stop taking the dietary supplement.

In rare cases, dyspeptic disorders are possible: nausea, stool disorder.

In isolated cases, side effects appear in the form of the following symptoms:

  • palpitations;
  • dizziness;
  • visual impairment;
  • increased hair growth on other parts of the body (in women - the nasolabial triangle, in men - in the back area), which indicates an imbalance of hormones in the body.

If one of all these signs appears, the drug should be discontinued.

Vitamin analogs Aleran

Aleran's IUD is a rather expensive drug. In addition, the multivitamin complex has a complex composition, including a maximum of trace elements and vitamins. If, for a number of reasons, the hair growth complex cannot be used to solve problems, you can alternatively choose products with a similar effect.

Analogues of various price categories are widely represented in the pharmacy chain:

  1. Revalid... Balanced complex of amino acids and vitamins, effective against hair loss. Fights various types of seborrhea, eliminates dandruff, irritation and itching of the scalp.
  2. Silettum... Multivitamin capsule preparation. The production uses natural ingredients. Improves hair structure, gives shine and elasticity. Nourishes and strengthens the hair follicle, thereby reducing hair loss.
  3. Zincteral... Recommended for zinc deficiency in the body. By strengthening the immune system, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin, nails. Actively combats hair loss.
  4. Burr oil... Known for a long time, the remedy activates hair follicles, promotes the strengthening and growth of hair. Gives shine and elasticity. It is applied externally.
  5. Castor oil... It is known as an oral laxative. Available in capsules and vials. When applied externally, it strengthens hair, fights hair loss, and activates growth.

In addition to multivitamin complexes, vegetable oils, a wide range of sprays, shampoos, masks and balms for external use are presented.


Numerous reviews of vitamins for Aleran's hair growth indicate that the product is well tolerated and demonstrates high efficiency. After just one course of treatment, the hair becomes thick, strong, and acquires a healthy appearance. An important advantage of Aleran's IUD is that with its help the problem is solved from the inside. The balanced vitamin composition has a beneficial effect not only on the scalp and scalp, but also on the entire body as a whole.

Reviews of trichologists about vitamins for hair growth Aleran

The condition of the hairline before (left) and after (right) taking vitamins for Aleran's hair
Kravtsova Marina Konstantinovna, 42 years old, Moscow.
Vitamin-mineral complex Aleran has repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness in the fight against androgenic and alopecia areata. The use of dietary supplements acts as an alternative solution to the problem of baldness, avoids the operative method, which is especially important for men. The drug is well tolerated by patients.
Kolpakova Irina Gennadevna, 38 years old, Krasnodar.
I recommend Aleran's multivitamins to those who care about the beauty and health of their hair. Increasingly, men and women come to our clinic with the problem of loss and focal baldness. The problem is often caused by stressful situations, poor ecology, and poor quality food. All these factors lead to hypovitaminosis, deterioration of hair health. The use of Aleran vitamins against hair loss can help restore luxurious hair.

Reviews of women about vitamins for hair Aleran

Sukhovaya Lyudmila Sergeevna, 59 years old, Kazan.
With age, she began to notice that her hair is thinning. The structure and appearance have changed. I thought that these are inevitable age-related changes. The daughter insisted on consulting a doctor. The trichologist said that a lack of nutrients was the cause of the health disorder. She began to take Aleran's vitamins on the advice of a doctor. A month later, the hairstyle became completely different, as if it had dropped 10 years. I am very pleased with the result, I will re-take the product in six months.
Popova Oksana Viktorovna, 32 years old, Surgut.
I noticed that every year the hairstyle was getting worse. The hair was thinning, a whole shock of hair remained on the comb. Shampoos and sprays didn’t work. I had to see a doctor. I was prescribed vitamins for Aleran's hair. After a month of admission, the situation changed radically. I'm happy, the hair looks just gorgeous!

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